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en i opinion, the Furuse wil Se el George, 19. ‘1 don't care’ about the future. Tm farue. The superpower Orr anes 40 —_youngeand I just want to go out with my fiends to are becoming more ser a km There # ako great PrORress Pedance with gels and have a Ragen ie nay etsy ca th tea ae meds SR ook Gay toon, {lowever, time: “You amet work hal snd pars Yous Ge Saoeet a, AIDS Spores whic bencit ftom _otherste you won't be abl © graduate 250 6 4 eunce and scientific . food job.” they say. Probably they ase sight, but Be Tie fant seems Ak wm me thar reall imporaat 19 me is tty ont Pai oe is changing, 30 qucky: bombs, poly. tomorow 2 wnat con we expect in our modem word in the near future? How will they affect our way technological vofiving? List five things atleast and cornpare your ideas with a partner A. The Thinking Car Task 1. Scanning. Read the text below very quickly to find this information. faved each year if there were less traffic jams in Emrope. 1, The amount of money which could b 2, The number of people who die in roa 3. The percentage of accidents that could be prevented 4. The term that desceibes the new technology applied to this type of cars. IMAGINE a computerised car which could - © plan your journey © show you the quickest route on.a video-screen © give you information about where to find hotels, restaurants Of phone cidents each year. if people had ‘thinking, cars. boxes. © tell you about traffic jams on the road ahead © automatically slow down if you are too close to the car in front i} © warn you about engine problems before they cause a breakdown ‘Science fiction? No — it is already science fact. Engineers have developed an. ‘ow-board intelligent system’ for cars. What happens is this: the car picks up electronic information from other computers which are beside the road, eatin sTin loots ce spas ons all > ‘Scientists believe that the benefits of thinking cars will be enormous in the future. For example, if there were j 10% fewer traffic jams in Eucope, £10 million in fuel could be saved “al ris ci board computers could save people's lives, t00. At the moment, 50,000 people per year die on European roads, ‘divers reacted half a second earlier (which they could do with computer information), 80% of those accidents k 1. Skimming. Read these short summaries, then quickly skim read the article below and : ‘which does not correspond to its content. a. The houses of the future will be environmentally-friendly and technologically implemented to provide security, comfort and entertainment under a glass cover. The smart house of the future will be elegant, big enough for ‘many people to live in, with televisions and computers in each zoom and servants to make life easier. Future houses will be designed to make good use of space making rooms smaller or bigger according to the needs; it will have interior gardens, clean air and controlled temperature. CAN YOU IMAGINE A HOUSE which cleans itself, where meals are prepared by robots, and where cleaning, cooking and washing are things of the past? Imagine @ ‘weather-proof, solar-powered house which is heated by the energy equivalent to just one ‘gas cooker ring, a house in which you could actually go skiing... Science fiction? No, it’s science fact! ‘To begin with, the Home of the Future will be built indoors under a gigantic glass dome surrounded by trees and plants where tropical birds will be flying around. It wall be any style or size you want and it will need only a tiny amount of energy to heat or cool Because it will be well insulated The power will be generated by solar panels in the dome — the round roof. Door keys will not be needed anywore. Your door will be opened automatically as Soon as electronic sensors recognise your voice. Your space-age, clectronic servant —the ultimate home computer— will control everything: from security, temperature, humidity and lightning to household gadgets and cleaning, tasks. He will pay bills, order food, reserve your holidays tickets, order library books, even play chess with you! ‘The future houses will be designed by imaginative engineers who will consider the of puss act penn te rot The) a ek of Seite ‘ can be expanded or contracted depending on what you use them for. For you have a party, you will just push om otra “er Levey sew BRS CAE yan AB He RM. ‘iuminacion (Para. 3) sno ms (Para. 3) concetados (Para. 4) escasez (Para. 4) ates y adelante (Para. 4) espacio (Para. 4) sun aparatos (Para. 4) C. Space Stations Task 1. _ What do you know about the Earth's nearest neighbour, the Moon?. Read these statements and tick the ones you think are true, Check your answers with the class. ‘American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the Moon in July, 190) ihe thers 0 ran or wind on the Moon, human footprints will not disappear for milhons of years (Qn average, Earth's nearest neighbour, the Moon, i 364,000 kilometees away. A.texin travelling, at 161 Idlometres per hour would take just 100 days to travel that distance So far, astronauts have brought back 382 kilos of rock and dust fro |. The funar surface arca is 25% larger than Africa ‘The first man-made object to hit the Moon was a Russian spacecraft, Lama 2, 1m the Moon. 1 2 “ 4 5 6 in 1959 7. Ik takes the Moon 27.3 days to travel around the Earth. fask 2. Read the article below and find the answers to the following questions.

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