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T. Y. B. Tech.

(E&TC) : 2021–22 Principles of Communication Systems : PCS

Expt. No. 4 Date :

Amplitude Shift Keying


1. To generate amplitude shift keying modulated signal.

2. To analyze a digital modulation technique.


Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is a form of amplitude modulation that represents

digital data as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave. In an ASK system, a
symbol, representing one or more bits, is sent by transmitting a fixed-amplitude
carrier wave at a fixed frequency for a specific time duration. For example, if each
symbol represents a single bit, then the carrier signal could be transmitted at
nominal amplitude when the input value is 1, but transmitted at reduced amplitude
or not at all when the input value is 0.

Any digital modulation scheme uses a finite number of distinct signals to represent
digital data. ASK uses a finite number of amplitudes, each assigned a unique pattern
of binary digits. Usually, each amplitude encodes an equal number of bits. Each
pattern of bits forms the symbol that is represented by the particular amplitude. The
demodulator, which is designed specifically for the symbol-set used by the
modulator, determines the amplitude of the received signal and maps it back to the
symbol it represents, thus recovering the original data. Frequency and phase of the
carrier are kept constant.

Amplitude shift keying applications are mentioned below.

1. Low-frequency RF applications

2. Home automation devices and industrial networks devices

3. Wireless base stations

4. Tire pressuring monitoring systems

T. Y. B. Tech. (E&TC) : 2021–22 Principles of Communication Systems : PCS

Problem Statement
Write a MATLAB code to display ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying) modulated waveform
using following characteristics. You need to upload only single pdf which consists
code with output. Rename the pdf properly.

1. Digital modulating signal = binary representation of last two digits of yourroll

number but the length of data should be six.

2. Bit interval : user defined

3. number of samples/bits in one bit interval : user defined

For example, if in case of roll number 14, its binary representation is 1110. Thus
digital input data must be 001110 (total bits are 6)


Experiment 4 : Amplitude Shift Keying

Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is a form of amplitude modulation that represents digital data
as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave.

Name: Pratik Parekh

Roll No.: TETA20

Div: A

Batch: A2


clear all;

close all;

x =[0 1 0 1 0 0]; % Binary representation of roll number 20

N = length(x); % How many digits are present

Tb = 0.01; % Interval time.

nb = 100; % Number of samples in bits.

digits = zeros(1,N*nb); % Creating zero matrix

for k=1:N

if x(k)==1

digits(((k-1)*nb + 1):k*nb) = 1;


end % End of for loop

t = Tb/nb:Tb/nb:N*Tb;

subplot(211); % Plotting


axis([0 N*Tb -0.5 1.5]);

xlabel("Time"); % Title for x axis

ylabel("Amplitude"); % Title for y axis

title("Digital modulating Signal"); % Title for graph

Ac = 5;
Rb = 1/Tb;

fc = 10*Rb;

tc = Tb/nb:Tb/nb:Tb;

mod_sig = zeros(size(t)); % Creating zero matrix.

for l=1:N % Start of for loop

if x(l)==1

mod_sig(((l-1)*nb + 1):l*nb) = Ac*sin(2*pi*fc*tc);


end % end of for loop

subplot(212); % Plotting


grid on; % grid on

xlabel("Time"); % Title for x axis

ylabel("Amplitude"); % Title for y axis

title("ASK Modulated Signal"); %Title for graph

Matlab Implementation:

In this graph at 0 there is no carrier signal but at 1 there is carrier signal. Amplitude Shift
key (ASK) is used for transmitting the data over optical fiber. In this way, implementation
of ASK practical successful on MATLAB.

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