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It is very vital to have a sender in order to start the communication process. Sender is the one
who construct the message needed to be sent. Then, the message will go through encoding to
make the message clear and precise so that the other party can understood the said message
and can be decoded. To convey the message, it must be transmitted over the channel (face to
face conversation, telephone or video call etc.) through which the message will be delivered to
the receiver. At some instance, message may delay because of barriers, and noise is one of this
factor. This might cause delayed and hinder the process of communication between the two
parties. Next is decoding, in this stage receiver must take time to read and comprehend, or
listen actively in order to interpret the message correctly. In response, receiver may also have a
feedback to conclude that the communication is successful.

The communication process will start at the source or the sender. Source is responsible to
create information or message which is the data needed to transmit or sent to the receiver.
After that, sender will encode the message in a manner where other party can thoroughly
understand. Encoding is a process of taking the message and convert into a format wherein the
other party has the ability to decode or else the message will not be delivered. To convey the
message, it must be transmitted over the channel through which the message will sent to the
receiver. Channel includes face to face conversation, video or telephone calls, and written
communication. The choice of a channel depends on the communication situation. Message
will also be decoded. In order to decode the said message receiver must be ready all the time.
Receiver have to possess the ability to read and comprehend, listen actively, or ask clarifying
questions when needed. Decoding means translating data encoded by sender into ideas that
can be understood. Then, message will successfully transmit to the receiver. In response,
receiver may also have a feedback to the original message sent by the source. Through
feedback, this will help determine if the communication is successful.
Ethics in Communication

Your best friend confided to you that he/she is already in a relationship but wanted you to
keep this as a secret since his/her parents do not allow him/her yet to get involved in a
romantic relationship. One day your best friend's mother called you up to confirm a rumor
about your best friend having a boyfriend/girlfriend. What answer will you give to your best
friend's mom? What do you think is the best thing to do?

I know that my best friend has a fault for not obeying her parents rules but as a best friend it is
my responsibility to respect and keep the confidentiality shared by my friend. To answer the
said question, I will tell her mom honestly and reasonably the thought I had with me. I will tell
her that I had a friendship needed to protect and I have no right to tell my best friend secrets
or if she really had a boyfriend but instead she needs to confront her daughter what is the truth
and talk to her privately. With this decision, I think things will be easy to solve and as a friend I
did my part, I didn't even lied to her mom but instead I shared the right thought I needed to
tell. With this situation you really need to think deeper so that no one will get hurt and things
will work accordingly.
Hindrances to Communication
Noise can greatly affect communication in fact it is one of the main factors of barriers that
hinder the clarity of the message in communication. The poster I drawn portrays how noise give
impact to the communication. Due to noise in surroundings including rain, vehicles, etc. the
receiver may lost in thoughts, misinterpret the message and bombarded with a lot of thoughts
that made the receiver wonder what is truly meant by the speaker.

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