Module 1, Lesson 1 Assessment: (Worksheets)

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Module 1, Lesson 1

Assessment: (worksheets)
Course/Yr./Sec: BSCE 1-A
Date submitted: JANUARY 6, 2022
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe in not less than 3 sentences the different Postural deviation. (5
points each correct answer)
The following are the three different Postural deviation and the most

 Forward Head Posture (FHP)- is a curve in the neck which causes

the head to thrust forward to the shoulder, rather than the vertical
ideal. The "plumb line posture," in which the head is aligned with the
shoulder, is the ideal posture. A minor, moderate, or severe forward
head posture is possible. Also, some studies question whether this is
a pathological disease or a natural variation in the population. It can
be remedied with supervised stretching and strengthening exercises.
However, because of the fragile nature of the neck, which is prone to
injury and muscle spasm, extreme caution should be exercised.
 Protracted Shoulder Girdle- is a condition that causes
inflammation, nerve compression, and nutrient deficiency, and if left
untreated can lead to serious complications. Compression of nerves
and vessels in the shoulder joint is an example of this example and
has been documented to produce Brachial Amyotrophic Diplegia,
which can lead to respiratory failure. Despite its rarity, it is an
example of how a simple posture issue can extend to other body
systems. Inflammation, node compression, and immunological
dysfunction can all result from an internally rotated humerus.
 Pelvic Tilt- is commonly indicated when the butt is arched high,
causing a misalignment at the pelvis. A pelvic tilt will cause the
muscles of the lower limb to compensate and the knee starts to turn
inward during standing, walking and squatting. Excessive anterior
pelvic tilt can be caused by seated jobs, faulty abdominal training or
poor muscle balance. It can cause dysfunction in the lower
extremities, lower back pain, incontinence, and abdominal distention.
It is caused by weak glutes, hamstrings and abs along with tight hip
flexors and quads.

2. Identify and describe in not less than 3 sentences the different Posture
faults. (5 points each correct answer)
Following are the different Posture faults:
 Over-Pronated Feet- over-pronation stresses the foot, tightens
the calf muscles, and can cause the knees to internally rotate. Plantar
Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Metatarsalgia, Post-tib Tendonitis, and/or
Bunions are all common symptoms of over-pronation. Obesity,
pregnancy, improper footwear, or repeated pounding on a hard
surface can weaken the arch, tend to result in over-pronation and, in
some cases, flat feet. If the arch has already fallen, orthotics are the
best option. Barefoot running/walking may help strengthen the
arches if they are in the process of falling or are weak, but consult
your doctor first (orthotics may be the best bet in this case as well).
 Forward Hip Tilt- is also known as anterior pelvic tilt. It is
associated with tight hip flexors, which are a group of muscles on the
front of your hips that pull the knee upward. As you walk, tight hip
flexors prevent the glutes (butt muscles) from firing/activating, which
forces the hamstring muscles to become overworked and excessively
tight. It is commonly caused by too much sitting and not stretching,
which causes the hip flexors to shorten. Stretch your hip flexors with
static lunges, such as the Crescent Lunge, to avoid this.
 Hunchback- sitting hunched over a computer screen forces chest
muscles to tighten, which can cause excessive curvature (kyphosis)
of the upper back (thoracic spine). Postural muscles in the upper
back weaken and loosen. Sitting with bad posture especially at an
office doing computer work is the typical cause. To avoid this, relieve
chest tightness with self-myofascial release (use a massage ball) and
stretching, while strengthening the upper back postural muscles. The
best exercise for hunchback posture is upper back foam rolling.
 Rounded Shoulder- are caused by sitting with poor posture
particularly while typing in an office or by engaging in an unbalanced
exercise plan that includes extensive chest pressing. Sitting hunched
over a computer screen causes the chest muscle to tighten which can
cause the shoulders to internally rotate forward and upper back
postural muscles weaken and loosen. The solution for this is similar
to hunchback posture; relieve chest tightness with self myo-facial
release (use a massage ball) and stretching, while strengthening the
upper back postural muscles. 
3. In not less than 100 words, write an essay on how Correct Body
Mechanics contribute to the efficiency of the body functions?

Your essay is 50 points and shall be evaluated using these criteria:

Content 25 pts.
Organization of ideas 15 pts.
Language facility 10 pts.
Correct Body Mechanics contribute to the efficiency of the body
functions especially having a correct and good body posture. Correct Body
Mechanics helps the way we move our body during our day to day
activities. Correct body mechanics may be able to prevent problems with
postures (Posture deviation and Posture faults), just like the way we stand,
sit or lay down. It may also protect our body parts, especially our back,
from pain and injury. A proper body posture keeps bones and joints in the
correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly. It decreases the
stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together, prevents
the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions. Also, it prevents
fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body
to use less energy and helps prevents strain or overuse problems.
In addition, a good posture reflects yourself image, sometimes good
posture can lead to feeling more positive about life. A proper posture of the
body contributes good appearance that boosting confidence and may
symbolizes being a strong person. Practicing Correct Body Mechanics is the
easiest and healthy living ways.
4. Submit picture of yours that describe and identify good posture on any
daily routine you done at home.
(3 pictures with 10 points each)


Correct position while Correct position while

sleeping Correct position while standing
TO DO: (Enrichment)
Sketch and identify the “WELLNESS TRIAD” that influence Individual’s
Correct Body Mechanics



Energy- measuring the body's energy and understanding how it relates to

proper function provides a leading-edge perspective.
Function- as the word function implies, this has to do with how the body
works. But it's more than the function of each part; it's how the parts are
related and how they work together.
Emotions- are so deeply embedded in our physical bodies, they are
important clues when solving a health puzzle and are often the lynching to
Module 1, Lesson 2

Assessment: (worksheets)
Course/Yr./Sec: BSCE 1-A
Date submitted: JANUARY 6, 2022

Answer the following questions:

1.)Describe the WELLNESS TRIAD. Compare each relationship that

influences the Total Fitness of an Individual. (20 points).
The wellness triad is composed of heredity, behavior and
environments these are the factors that affects social, physiological,
and psychological wellness. These are necessary for influencing
personal health it maybe mental, physical and emotional well being
of individuals. When it comes to heredity it engaged our strength and
weaknesses that we know our potential to specific limitations. On the
other hand, behavior is the one that make us who we are; the body
language the attitude that we possess and dealing with others define
what/who we are. Lastly, environment this affect on how we see
things around us, how we interpret things, and come up with a
conclusion that we can surely in dealing life.

2.)Identify the different skill components both the Health –related and the
Skill- related and give an example of the best Sport or Activity that
implies the task. (10 points)


Cardiovascular Endurance Water Aerobics
Flexibility Gymnastics
Muscular Strength Weightlifting
Muscular Endurance Running
Body Composition Diving
Coordination Table Tennis
Agility Football
Balance Surfing
Reaction Time Badminton
Speed Ice Hockey
Power Shot put

3.)Perform and notify the results of the different Parameters of Fitness

based on the described directions. Also attach picture while doing the
tasks. (10 p0ints each task) (50 points total)

Parameters (Tasks) Result Picture

Standing Long Jump 161 cm

Bend- knee Curl 67

Sit and Reach inches

Table Push- ups 7

VO2 = 6.5
15 – Minute Run + 12.5 x 3


4.)How do these tests assess your fitness endowment? (20 points)

The fitness assessment can help provide fitness goals, measures
the progress of those goals and also help your body improve in a
healthier and stronger. This may also assist in gaining a better
understanding of our physical strengths and weaknesses. By using
various measures of physical fitness, we can obtain the information
needed to develop an individualized physical improvement program.

TO DO: (Enrichment)

Flexibility Work Out


a. To give you an opportunity to experience an exercise program

specifically designed to developed flexibility.
b. To acquaint you with an exercise program which you might want to
consider as a part of your daily activities.


Following the correct execution, perform the flexibility exercises

with Eight (8) seconds duration of each exercise.

i. The Frog
ii. Forward Hurdle Stretch (right & left)
iii. Saddle Stretch (right and left)
iv. Upper leg and Back Stretch (right & left)
v. Cobra

Conclusions and Implications:

1. Were the exercises difficult for you? If so, which?

 The most difficult for me, among all the exercises above is the
forward hurdle stretch cause my body is not flexible and I am not
used to stretch my legs more, it really hurts.
2. Which exercises were the easiest?
 Saddle stretch is the easiest for me.
3. What are your plans in regards to a regular flexibility exercise
 I think I need to practice or focus more in flexibility activities such as
yoga, stretching, etc. for me to do better or perform correctly
(without pain or injury) some specific flexibility exercises in a high
Module 1, Lesson 3

Assessment: (worksheets)
Course/Yr./Sec: BSCE 1-A
Date submitted: JANUARY 6, 2022

Please answer the following questions:

1. What determines whether an activity is Aerobic? (20 points)

The activity is Aerobic when it's relating to, involving, or requiring free
oxygen, it uses oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during
exercise via aerobic metabolism. Generally, light-to-moderate intensity
activities that are sufficiently supported by aerobic metabolism can be
performed for extended periods of time. The intensity should be between
60 and 85% of maximum heart rate.
2. How important “Warm- up” and “Cooling – down” in a training program?
Explain. (20 points)
Warm up and Cooling Down is important because Warm up and Cooling
Down helps to ready and rest our body muscles and joints before and after
the activity. Warm up and Cooling Down helps to prevent accident while
performing different activities.

3. How does “Repetitions” takes part as to the overloading principle is

being observed? (20 points)
The Overload Principle is a basic sports fitness training concept. It
means that in order to improve, athletes must continually work harder as
their bodies adjust to existing workouts. If the training load was not
increased to push him into higher levels of strength, he would show little
improvement. When you increase the repetitions amount of weight and
length of time in an exercise you’re accustomed to, you’re applying

1. Make your own Training Design that constitute to the principles of

A Four- Week Exercise Training Design (50 points)


Week 1 Jogging 1 hour 4x a week
Week 2 Push up 3 to 5 minutes 3x a week
Week 3 Aerobic Dancing 1 hour and 30 minutes 5x a week
Week 4 Zumba 1 hour 6x a week

TO DO: (Enrichment)

Conduct/perform and Document your Own-Made Training Program for the

first 2- weeks of training.
This will be justified through pictures and videos while doing the
(Please send it through e-mail)
(With poor connectivity, just print in detailed pictures with captions)
Module 1, Lesson 4

Assessment: (worksheets)
Course/Yr./Sec: BSCE 1-A
Date submitted: JANUARY 6, 2022

Please answer the following questions:

1. Why “food” considered our body’s medicine? Explain. (25 points)
Food is considered as our body's medicine it's because many nutrients in
food promote health and protect our body from disease. Eating whole,
nutritious foods is important because their unique substances work
synergistically to create an effect that can't be replicated by taking a
supplement. The food we eat gives our bodies the "information" and
materials they need to function properly. If we don't get the right
information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines. The
nutrients in food enable the cells in our bodies to perform their necessary

2. What is the relationship between Diet and Cancer? Explain. (25 points)
The relationship between Diet and Cancer is just as mysterious as the
disease itself. Much research has pointed toward certain foods and
nutrients that may help prevent or, conversely, contribute to certain types
of cancer. Diet is just one of the lifestyle factors that influence the risk of
developing several types of cancer. Although some foods can affect cancer
risk, there is no evidence that specific foods can cause or cure cancer. The
strongest evidence for cancer prevention is in a diet rich in fruits and
vegetables. Your dietary habits can promote cancer or protect against it.
1. Can Microwave cooking help retain the nutritional value of foods? Justify
your answer. (20 points)
According to researcher, “there's nothing about microwaves that
damages food more than other cooking methods. In fact, microwaving can
actually preserve nutrients”. However, microwave cooking is actually one of
the least likely forms of cooking to damage nutrients. That's because the
longer food cooks, the more nutrients tend to break down, and microwave
cooking takes less time.
In conclusion, there is no report on the effects of microwaves on
nutrients fraction in foods, there is no significant nutritional differences
exist between foods prepared by conventional and microwave methods.
The truth is that if you do it right, cooking food in the microwave is one of
the best ways to retain your food's vitamins and minerals.
2. Differentiate Vegetarian diet to Meat diet. Compare their advantages and
disadvantages. (25 points)
Vegetarian Diet does not include any meat, poultry, or seafood. It is a
meal plan made up of foods that come mostly from plants. These include:
Vegetables and Fruits. While Meat Diet is the Carnivore Diet consists
entirely of meat and animal products, excluding all other foods.
 Vegetarian diet is can offer a range of health benefits. Studies show
that a vegetarian diet may good for heart health, reduces cancer risk,
prevents type 2 diabetes, lowers blood pressure, decreases asthma
symptoms, and promotes bone health.
 Meat diet is that it contains proteins, vitamin B6, B12 and several
other growth factors which are essential for the cell growth and
 A vegetarian diet will result in a quicker weight loss because it tends
to be low in calories. You may loose weight but you also may lack
energy. You’ll get more vitamins, minerals and nutrients but you
probably won’t get enough calcium (from diary) or essential fatty
acids (from fish) or folic acid (from grains).
 A meat diet is risky. Meats have high levels of saturated fat and can
raise cholesterol, because of it’s high-fat content, red meat has been
linked to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Furthermore, animals
are injected with antibodies and several hormones such as estrogen,
testosterone to boost their growth.

TO DO: (Enrichment)
TRAINING ATHLETES for 7 days (1 week). (50 points)
Notify its food preparation, time schedule of meals, nutritive value,
menu, etc.
Day 1 Pizza, Yogurt, and Vitamins, Potassium Monday Snacks
Fruits and Sodium
Day 2 Milk, cheese, and Calcium, Vitamin B6, Tuesday Breakfast
bread Carbohydrates
Day 3 Rice, Sea foods, Carbohydrates, Wednesday Lunch
Fruits, and juice Protein, Sodium and
Fiber, Vitamin D
Day 4 Rice, Meat, Carbohydrates, Thursdays Dinner
vegetables, ice cream Calcium, Protein, and
Day 5 Rice, Salmon, Carbohydrates, Friday Lunch
Vegetables and Protein, Vitamins,
Pineapple Juice Fiber
Day 6 Yogurt and vegetable Calcium, Vitamin A Saturday Breakfast
salad with half slice and C, Protein and
of bread Carbohydrates
Day 7 Egg and Cereal Protein, Iron, Sunday Breakfast
Calories, Potassium
and Vitamins

MODULE 1, Lesson 5
Assessment: (worksheets)
Course/Yr./Sec: BSCE 1-A
Date submitted: JANUARY 6, 2022
Answer the following questions and execute the required performance

1. Give at least five (5) basic stunts and tumbling and describe the
functional mobility of the body parts that are affected in the execution. (10
points each)


a.) Handstand- are the gateway for tumbling. They are great for learning
balance, and practicing them even helps build your core strength and
perfect your form.
b.) Cartwheel- is an extension of the handstand. The entry is switched
from front to side, and you use your momentum to follow through after
reaching a vertical position.

c.) Back bend- is fundamental if you are hoping to do advanced tumbling

like back handsprings and back tucks. Don't rush your body when you are
learning this move; you need to make sure you are doing it right. Keep
stretching and practicing and you'll get it.

d.) Forward Roll - is started from a standing position and then the
gymnast crouches down, places their hands wide apart and hands facing
forward. The gymnast then presses their feet onto the floor and whips the
arms forward to stand.

e.) Backward Roll- a gymnastic roll that is performed with the feet going
first and the rest of the body and the head following.
2. How does Basic Stunts and Tumbling affect one’s Self- esteem and Confidence? (20

3.Execute at least 6 samples of Basic Stunts and Tumbling with picture evidences, that
showed proper execution.
(Be reminded to have companion in doing the Stunts with proper support equipment.)
20 points each skill performance.
1 2

3 4

5 6

4.Describe your learning experience while doing the practical demonstrations?

Is there any injury occurred?
Is your spotter aware of your safeness?
Is it challenging?
How many trials you made before it becomes perfect? Etc.
(20 points)


TO DO: (Enrichment)

Visit the “You Tube” website and watch the UAAP CHEERLEADING COMPETITION
Season 82. Identify the highlighted Stunts/Tumbling/Pyramid and other required
Elements of the Presentation and consolidate/assess the performances of the Winners.

Assessment: (worksheets)

Name:_________________ Course/Yr./Sec:_____________ Date submitted:_______

Answer the following questions and perform the required execution being asked:

1.) What determines whether an activity is aerobic? Explain. (20 points)

2.) What are the different Dance aerobics and differentiate each other. (20 points)

3.) Is Belly Dancing considered as a Low- Impact Aerobics? Why? Justify your
answer. (20 points)

4.) Which type of Dance Aerobics do you like most? Why?

Do you like to adopt your preferred Dance Aerobics and be part of your
daily exercise at home? (20 points)

. Come- up with a video presentation comprising the different Dance Aerobics.

Each Dance Aerobic must have a maximum duration of 5 minutes
presentation. (25 points each video)



TO DO: (Enrichment)

1 . Visit some You tube website and learn some steps and figures
for the different Dance Aerobics
2 . Manage to Choreographed your own routine of your chosen
Dance Aerobic.

Assessment: (worksheets)

Name:___________________ Course/Yr./Sec:_____________ Date submitted:______

Answer the following questions and perform the required execution being asked.

1 . Why music accompaniment is important in the performance of Aerobic gymnastics?

Explain. (25 points)


1 .Do you believed that Choreography is important and being scrutinized in

the movement pattern that will suit to the music? Justify your answer? (25
2 Set pictures of yourself, executing proper aerobic gymnastic moves.
(6 PICTURES at 5 points each)
TO DO: (Enrichment)
Mount your own Choreography in Aerobic Gymnastics and set in video,
with a duration of 3 minutes. Submit it in my e-mail, slated above.
(50 points)

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