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imagine e - zine

JUNE 2011

The “Partners” statue

located in the Magic
K i n g d o m o f Wa l t
ADVENTURE D i s n ey Wo r l d . A
COMMUNITY plaque located beneath
the figures reads, "I
think most of all what I
want Disneyland to be
is a happy
place...Where parents
and children can have
fun, together.”
-Walt Disney

THE ADVENTURE: A church of EPIC proportions

Tah dah!! You are reading the very first churches. Yet, I wasn’t sure I was even called You see, I had this vision of taking the
issue of our community e-zine (electronic to start a church. I come from an entertainment Gospel of Jesus Christ and use communication
magazine), IMAGINE. We are in the process background. I was (I guess I still am) a methods similar to those developed by Walt
of creating a fresh approach to communicating musician. But even more than a musician, I Disney. Now, let me say from the start that I
with our team-members, guests, and those all guess I have always been a dreamer. Not the am a student of Walt Disney, the man. Though
over the world who simply enjoy our way of kind who sits and wishes upon a star, but one he was far from perfect, and his company has
doing ministry. To all of you, we say: who actually pursues his dreams. strayed VERY far from his core beliefs, I still find
Welcome aboard!” him to have understood some things from which
I was very content to serve as a worship the church can learn.
When the words “church” pastor. After all, I was playing music, working
with musicians, leading people week in and (continued on page 2)
and “Disney” are used in the week out to a clearer understanding of who
same sentence, you WILL get God is. But something inside me kept nagging
at me. I kept thinking of a church that frankly,
some kind of reaction. didn’t exist.

When THE ADVENTURE first began to I would share my idea with friends and
take form in the recesses of my mind, I knew they would respond with a smile that said
that it was going to be different from other “That’s nice,” or I would hear a lecture as to
how wrong my thinking was.

Inspiring each person... to thrive... in the unique purpose... for which God has formed them.
THEMES SET FOR EPCOT, Mexico Pavilion, Walt Disney World.


Archeologists, Secret
Agents, and Sci-Fi
geeks all part of the

WONDER-FULL Recapturing a child-like

faith. (Sept. 4-Oct. 2)

A group of cynical adults are sent

back to repeat Kindergarten to re-
learn the basics of life and find EPIC proportions (continued from page 1)
themselves in awkward and hilarious
predicaments that teach them why Walt Disney was fond of saying, "I think most of all what I want Disneyland to be, is a
God wants all of us to come to him as happy place... where parents and children can have fun, together.” Well, to be honest that is
children. how I want church to be. Don’t we all? Isn’t it our desire to see people of all ages actually
looking forward to coming together to learn about God in an environment that is exciting and
HIStory Discovering your part in the engaging? I would think so. Then I think the church could learn something from Disney.
greatest story ever told. (Oct. 9-Oct.
30) When the words “church” and “Disney” are used in the same sentence, you WILL get some
kind of reaction. I have received three basic responses:
Archeologists have made an incredible
discovery and have brought their 1. Many of my church friends saw my idea as an assault on the traditional form of church.
treasures back to their museum to I’m not talking about hymns, pews, and potlucks but on the methodology of proclaiming the
study and wrestle with clues they have Truth of Jesus Christ in a non-compromising way.
found. Over time, they begin to
discover more about themselves than 2. Many of my non-churched friends saw my idea as a very interesting way of introducing
they expected. the Truth of Jesus Christ in forms which are entertaining... and yes, even fun.

3. My pastoral peers have been the most encouraging. In our denomination we say, “it
MISSION:POSSIBLE Uncovering the takes ALL KINDS of churches to reach ALL KINDS of people.” I know that it will take a
one-of-a-kind calling placed upon your different kind of church to reach this culture.
life. (Nov. 6-Dec. 4))
Notice I didn’t say “a different kind of truth.” I am 100% totally committed to the Biblical
Each GUEST is invited to participate in proclamation of the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH. The challenge before
a special agent-training course. They THE ADVENTURE is communicating it in ways that will touch people who have yet to encounter
are surrounded by other agents and the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ.
training “personalities” who lead them
through their mission development and WHEW! Okay, I had to get that out of the way. So let me introduce to you the Disney
preparation. “methodology” (that’s just a fancy word for “how things are done”) that I believe we can use.

Church futurist, Leonard Sweet has said that for a church to reach this generation and
INVASION: WE ARE NOT ALONE! The beyond, it will take four characteristics for a church to embrace and implement. The first letter of
Christmas Stor y from a slightly each characteristic come together to form the acronym, EPIC.
different perspective (Dec. 11-Dec.

A group of sci-fi geeks have heard Let’s take a brief look at each word.
rumors of an alien landing. They set
out on a search to find this amazing 1. EXPERIENTIAL: Immersing the GUEST in an environment which communicates a theme or
phenomena and end up walking into story causing them to suspend their current reality giving them permission to believe they are
the story of an invasion of another actually IN the story.
kind: The Creator of the universe
coming to us in the form of a baby. 2. PARTICIPATORY: Inviting the GUEST to become part of the theme or story so that they
are not learning from a passive position but of one which is ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the
storytelling process.
The Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida


Time to put
EPIC (continued) Sundays, you are either a guest or you are
serving.” on your
3. IMAGERY DRIVEN: Communicating with
visual literacy - Making good use of all the non-
We want our GUESTS to participate, not just
sit there and listen half-heartedly to a message.
thinking caps
verbal forms of communication - color, shape, We STRIVE to get them involved in the story. It
form, and texture. may seem silly, but it works.

4. CONNECTED: Providing GUESTS with a We want our GUESTS to not just hear the
memory trigger such as a token of some sort, Truth, but to see it all around them in a language Have you ever found yourself
emphasizing the theme or story which they can they understand. That language is VISUAL. We in a situation where you
take with them as a future reminder of the want our environment to be intentional and easily
weren’t sure what to say when
experience or as a tool they can share with grasped by all ages. Every color, shape, and
someone else regarding their experience. design in our environment, is speaking whether someone challenged your
we realize it or not. belief in God? Ever y
It goes without saying, that Disney has
Wednesday, throughout the
already figured out these EPIC filters and has We want our GUESTS to feel connected to
become a master of all four of them. If you have the Gospel long after they have left one of our summer, THE ADVENTURE will
been to any of the Disney parks, I’m sure you gatherings. We can make those connections by be offering a learning
know what I’m talking about. intentionally creating physical reminders of the experience entitled GOD FOR
experience a GUEST has just had. It takes time,
Let us consider Jesus’ way of teaching. He talent, and treasure, but it is worth it. THINKERS. Every week will
used the environment around him. He used coins, be full of surprises and
birds, flowers, children, and wonderful stories to Yes, we have much we can learn from intriguing conversation. Rest
present his message of hope and salvation. He Disney. BUT, we also have something Disney
assured, you will learn ways to
used the environment around him and tangible does not: We have the Holy Spirit to lead us in all
examples to reveal the Truth about himself. creativity. Without him, our efforts are in vain. not only defend the Truth, but
First and foremost, he is our source and our your confidence in the Truth
He also said that his mission was to “seek strength. With that knowledge, THE
will also become stronger than
and save that which was lost,” This is also our ADVENTURE can be a church far beyond any
mission. That is why we consider our Sunday imagination. ever!
Gatherings exclusively for our GUESTS. We see
it as the role of every ADVENTURE team member ... and one day, Disney will be learning from
to serve those who yet do not know the saving us. I’m sure of that.
grace of Jesus Christ. As I like to say, “On -Steven WEDNESDAY EVENINGS
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
St. Paul’s Evangelical Church
Fellowship Hall
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask
or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us... 108 S. Main Street
Ephesians 3:20 Cibolo, Texas
What motivates our community to
be so passionate about leading others
to Christ? It’s our four founding values
(which are represented by the four
stripes on the front of our logo):



God is telling his story all around us.

Every heart has God’s story being
written within. Most people aren’t
even aware. It’s our passion to help
release those stories so that countless
more will declare the glory of the
HIDDEN IN EVERY HEART. Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s a tear-jerker, one about someone triumphing
against all odds, a comedy of errors, a mystery, or an edge of your seat thriller, we all are
Every person has a dream whether captured by a good narrative.
they know it or not. It’s been planted
their by God. We want to inspire An adventure is a collection of stories. Each exciting chapter contributes to an over-arching
those dreams and come along side of story that keeps the reader riveted with each turn of the page.
each person and help them recognize
and move toward their God-given That’s why we named our church, THE ADVENTURE. Each one of us is a story that God is
purpose. writing everyday. Your story is an invaluable chapter written by the hand of God. It is a story of
rescue and ransom. It is a love story of passion and price. It is a story of warfare where an
3. WE LOVE THE UNCHARTED enemy will try to thwart the plans of the hero at every turn. It is a story of rebellion and

God is passionate for those who are It is your story. It is my story. It is God’s story. A story is meant to be told. It is not
willing to step out in faith and follow something that one writes and then hides away in a closet.
him where others have never gone.
We embrace the innovator. We want Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do
to walk along side them, encouraging people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to
and equipping for their journey. everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your
Someday, others will follow the trail good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5: 15,16
they once blazed.
As a part of THE ADVENTURE, you will hear over and over, “there’s power in a story,”
4. WE LOVE THE ETERNAL TRUTH because we believe that your story can and will change the lives of the people you encounter

Our foundation is the Word of God Have you ever heard someone say “I’d like to share my testimony.” There’s a vibe that
and all the treasures for the soul comes over the hearer of those words that causes them to run for the door. There’s nothing
within. We want to communicate wrong with a testimony, it just sounds... well, religious.
those transforming truths in ways
which will connect with every age and Now imagine someone asking you, “May I tell you my story?” It opens the door to an
every background. We want to incredible opportunity to be drawn into someone’s life or... story. Maybe it IS just an exchange
present the Biblical Truths through of words, story for testimony, but it does make a difference.
vehicles that bring them to life and
opens the door to closed hearts and If you see your life as a story God is writing, and you tell it as such, others will inevitably
caresses the wounded soul. want to hear what you have to say. After all, there’s power in a story.


THE FINISH LINE ... THE ADVENTURE is committed to making these six areas the priority
What does the Christian life look like played out day after day? in every team member’s life. We are currently in the process of
What does it take to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ? When a designing ways to help you identify where in the six areas you need the
believer or church can answer those questions, it’s amazing how life can most encouragement and equipping. When we understand the areas
change. where most of our team members are struggling, the leadership is able to
respond quickly and effectively to those needs.
For years, churches have lamented over the difficulty of measuring
the success of a ministry or the overall progress of a church. They spend We are not yet there ... but everyday brings us closer to making THE
incredible amounts of time (and money) to try and find a way to get an ADVENTURE as successful as possible in the areas of discipleship and
objective view of a disciple. While one cannot look inside a person’s maturity.
heart (only God can do that), churches are now finding ways to evaluate
their effectiveness. We realize that for one to cross the finish line is to leave this world
and be present with Jesus. As long as we have breath, we are in the
THE ADVENTURE has identified six characteristics of a maturing state of maturing. Sometimes it may feel like two steps forward and two
follower of Christ: steps back. It might even be more difficult than that.

What is important is that you know the team members of THE

ADVENTURE are walking along side of you through thick and thin. What
Romans 12:1 an encouragement to know that you are never alone and that there is
 Making God the 24/7 priority by passionately expressing our love always someone there to help carry the load AND you have the
opportunity to help carry someone else’s load. That’s what the Kingdom
for Him in every aspect of life. of God is all about. That is what THE ADVENTURE is all about.

REMEMBER, an adventure is a journey. It takes a lifetime to

fulfill it. Enjoy each day, each step, each breath. It is God’s
INVESTED IN RELATIONSHIP gift to you. Live it to the fullest.
John 13:34,35
 Committed to healthy friendships within the church and with those
outside the church so that Christ may be shared.

1 Thessalonians 5:17
 Walking in relationship with God by
speaking with and listening to Him daily,
praying with and for others.

Hebrews 13:13-14
 Seeking out meeting the needs of others beyond
our comfort zone so that Christ would be demonstrated.

Ephesians 4:12
 Serving the church and the community using our
spiritual giftedness, passions, and talents with joy and humility.

Proverbs 15:32,33
 Open to encouragement, instruction, and correction through Bible
study, spiritual formation, and mentoring relationships.
DISCOVERY GROUP. Not unlike GUESTS, team members have
similar desires but with a more personal touch. Their thought
process is more like:



The central value is our team members want to have a sense

of belonging.


atmosphere where a team member can belong to a “family”
where he or she is free to be themselves. They have the freedom
to admit their challenges and struggles in life while at the same
time are encouraged by fellow members, through care and
support, to become the person God has created them to be.

It’s as easy as W - D - I. I - Inspire. Every member of THE ADVENTURE TEAM has a

unique calling. We lead each one through a process that
Okay it’s not the abc’s, but it is just as easy to remember. It is our way of identifies, equips, and empowers them to use their particular gift
moving our GUESTS from mere attenders to fully-blown team members. In and talent mix to serve JESUS CHRIST within THE ADVENTURE
the coming issues of IMAGINE, you will be learning about this exciting and beyond.
innovative process. IMAGINE will be divided into three sections:

The guiding value is ALL BELIEVERS want to be used and

W- Wonder. All members of THE ADVENTURE are focused on serving and make a difference for JESUS CHRIST.
providing the most wonder-FULL experience for our guests. What do our
guests want? According to “permission marketing” analyst, Seth Godin, It is our passion to see our team members become all that
people are wanting the following: God has created them to be and to use their God-given purpose
to make a difference in the lives of those whom they touch. THE
NOTICE ME LIKE ME TOUCH ME DO WHAT I SAY ADVENTURE is an ever-increasing collective of people who labor
MISS ME WHEN I’M GONE joyfully together, with unique gifts and talents that complement
our mission:
In essence, people want to be valued and made to feel valued.
THE ADVENTURE puts every effort towards making the GUEST feel FOR WHICH GOD HAS FORMED THEM.
valued. There is nothing false in what we offer. We bring a sincere attitude
of acceptance and value to any person who comes as our GUEST to THE Each month you will receive encouragement through God-stories,
ADVENTURE. teachings, interesting insights, and a whole lot more. Feel free to
share IMAGINE with anyone you like. It is our prayer that God

D - Discovery. Each team member of THE ADVENTURE is focused on the will use this e-zine to impact the lives of anyone who might read
it. So, invite them to be a part of THE ADVENTURE as well.
care and spiritual growth of his or her fellow team members in a particular

THE ADVENTURE meets on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Evangelical Church in downtown Cibolo.
(108 South Main Street, Cibolo, Texas)

You can contact us at: P.O. 1066 Cibolo, TX 78108 Phone: 210.326.9975

Vision Pastor: Pastoral Advisory Team

Steven L. Barr James Mendoza, Chairman
Mike Pratt, Secretary
Greg Christensen
Dr. Bob Rowley, District Superintendent

THE ADVENTURE is a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America.

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