Improving Vendor-Managed Inventory Strategy Based On Internet of Things (Iot) Applications and Blockchain Technology

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Improving Vendor-managed Inventory Strategy Based on Internet of Things

(IoT) Applications and Blockchain Technology

Conference Paper · May 2019

DOI: 10.1109/BLOC.2019.8751478


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2 authors:

Thomas K. Dasaklis Fran Casino

University of Piraeus University of Piraeus


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Improving Vendor-managed Inventory Strategy
Based on Internet of Things (IoT) Applications and
Blockchain Technology
Tom Dasaklis∗ and Fran Casino Member, IEEE,
Department of Informatics. University of Piraeus. Piraeus, Greece
Corresponding author e-mail:

Abstract—Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a widely used

Table I: Key-success factor for VMI implementation
collaborative inventory management policy in which manufactur-
ers/vendors manage the inventory of retailers and take respon-
sibility for making decisions related to the timing and extent of VMI success factors
inventory replenishment. There exist several prerequisites for a Strategic Operational
successful VMI strategy implementation like information sharing, Information sharing Automated data transfer systems (EDI)
trust, systems integration and long-term collaboration. However, Management commitment Identification and tracking
in nowadays logistics flows, complex processes, high number Quality of information No complex logistics flows and distribution channels
of participants and complex distribution channels impede the Relationship quality Data accuracy (orders fulfillment)
successful adoption of VMI strategies. In this paper, we propose Trust Products are standardized (low customization)
a new interaction framework based on smart contracts and Systems integration Demand is easily forecasted and has low variation
blockchain for governing the relationship between the vendor
and the buyer. A use-case VMI scenario is presented along with
a functional smart contract. Tests performed using a local private level regarding critical success factors for implementing a
blockchain illustrate the applicability of the proposed architecture benefiting VMI approach [4]–[7]. Of particular interest are
along with the significant benefits for each participant. supply chain complexity and the difficulty in information
Keywords—Vendor Management Inventory, Supply Chain man- sharing and opportunistic behavior among key SC participants
agement, Blockchain, Smart Contracts (which participant will reap the most benefits from VMI imple-
mentation). Other important barriers for VMI implementation
may relate to security issues attributed to systems integration
I. I NTRODUCTION (lack of effective data management with increased level of
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by the protection of sensitive customer’s information) and inherent
convergence of various disruptive technologies such as the cost involved in managing SC intermediaries and relevant VMI
Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and blockchain. processes.
Similar to many other industry sectors, logistics is in the The paper addresses this gap in the literature by providing
midst of a major technological shift. Global SC networks a distributed trustless and secure architecture for VMI imple-
are being re-shaped to an unprecedented degree and at an mentation based on blockchain technology. In particular, an
unprecedented pace, and they are being transformed into autonomous and effective back-end data sharing architecture
almost complete digitized ecosystems [1], [2]. SC digitization based on smart contracts and blockchain technology for gov-
offers unprecedented business velocity and agility as well as erning the relationship between a vendor and a buyer is used.
the creation of SC networks that are interconnected, inclusive, A use-case VMI scenario is presented illustrating the applica-
trustworthy and secure. Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a bility of the proposed architecture along with the significant
supply chain (SC) management approach for improving multi- benefits for each participant. Finally, some limitations of the
firm SC performance while establishing a mutually beneficial developed architecture are discussed, and several fruitful areas
relationship between a vendor and a retailer. The key concept for future research are proposed.
of VMI is that the vendor is authorized to oversee product
inventory for the retailer. The adoption of VMI approaches II. BACKGROUND
may have significant benefits for retailers, vendors and the
supply chain as a whole [3]. For retailers, VMI provides a In the sequence, two disruptive technologies currently
more efficient framework for order processing while reducing transforming the way SC operate, namely blockchain and IoT,
operating and administrative costs. For vendors, VMI offers are presented.
the necessary visibility for better demand forecasting and,
therefore, more accurate inventory management. Despite the A. Blockchain technology
fact that VMI has become a widely used tool for supply
chain performance improvement, not all VMI implementations In principle, a blockchain should be considered as a dis-
are successful. In fact, there exist several prerequisites for tributed append-only time-stamped data structure where non-
successfully implementing a VMI model. In Table I a com- trusting members can interact with each other in a verifiable
parative analysis is provided at both strategic and operational
978-1-7281-1328-9/19/$31.00 ©2019

manner without the need of a trusted authority [8]. A relatively approaches [51], [52]. In addition, several frameworks include
recent aspect of blockchain is the notion of smart contracts disruptive technologies like IoT applications in VMI applica-
[9] (with a full Turing complete Language) which provide the tion [53], [54].
ability to perform computations within the blockchain, thus
operating as a decentralized virtual machine. Smart contracts IV. I NFORMATION SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE FOR VMI
can be considered agreements between mutually distrusting BASED ON I OT AND BLOCKCHAIN
participants, which are automatically enforced by the consen-
In the context of a participatory VMI [19], blockchain
sus mechanism of the blockchain without relying on a trusted
enables a full set of features and configurations to enhance
third party. The aforementioned features of blockchain and
VMI where agreed upon terms between a vendor and a retailer
smart contracts could be extensively used for solving several
are equally respected. In addition, thanks to smart contracts and
problems in SC management [10]. For instance, blockchain-
IoT technologies, a secure and verifiable replenishment policy
enabled applications will enhance traceability in SC operations,
can be established, which helps to avoid typical problems
particularly in safety-sensitive sectors like pharmaceuticals and
of VMI such as the bullwhip effect [55], delays, traceabil-
food supply [11], [12].
ity and quality assurance issues etc. Moreover, transparent
communication between vendor and retailer enhances client
B. Internet of Things (IoT) satisfaction, quality of service and the overall efficiency in
IoT-enabled architectures can connect any item through SC operations. In addition, the information stored in the
the Internet, thus facilitating the exchange of information blockchain may be analyzed utilizing machine learning and
among numerous devices [13]. From a technical standpoint, data analytics, thus offering additional benefits to the various
IoT is based on key technologies like RFID (Radio Frequency SC stakeholders. In light of the above prerequisites, we propose
Identification), WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), cloud com- a novel blockchain-based VMI architecture.
puting, IPv6, nanotechnology, GPS, laser scanners and other Figure 1 shows the overview of the VMI-based blockchain
information sensing devices and intelligent embedded tech- architecture. The main system’s actors are:
nologies [14]. The revolution of IoT is reshaping modern SC
networks with far-reaching implications and promising busi- Vendor: Manages inventory by proposing replacement orders
ness prospects. During the last decade, IoT applications have or deploying smart contracts in the blockchain.
been extensively used for locating, identifying, monitoring and Retailer: Interacts with the vendor via blockchain and smart
tracking products and/or services across the entire SC [15]. contracts, places orders or lets the vendor manage his re-
IoT is considered a possible disruptive technology in the field sources.
of logistics and SC management because it bridges the gap Delivery companies: Their main role is to provide quality
among miscellaneous features of modern SC networks such as delivery according to some parameters (established in the smart
the complexity of big data, massive amounts of information, contract or defined by quality policies). In addition, they can
the concurrency of operation and application, and real-time interact with blockchain to update information about products.
services [16]. We assume that each actor/company has their pair of keys
and access to the corresponding transactions, depending on
III. L ITERATURE REVIEW their role. Therefore, each function/operation in the smart
contract will be accessed by the required actor verifiably and
VMI has been extensively studied within the SC literature securely.
[17]–[22]. Several authors have also tried to determine the im-
portance of critical success factors for actually implementing
VMI strategies [4]–[7] along with the value of information Figure 1: Blockchain-based VMI overview.
[23] and information exchange [24] in VMI implementation.
In particular, VMI has been used for optimizing market
strategies within SC networks [25], reducing the bullwhip
effect [26], measuring performance [27], establishing better
pricing strategies [28], [29], managing backorders [30], better
retailer service [31] and, finally, for improving environmental
performance [32]. Some authors have also used VMI as a
driver for suppliers’ selection [33] and better SC coordination
[34]. An important aspect of VMI strategy relates to deter-
mining the significant benefits the various SC members enjoy
for actually implementing VMI strategies [35], particularly in
terms of cost [36], [37] and inventory reduction [38]. Various
decision support systems have also been developed related to
VMI implementation [39], [40].
VMI-related frameworks have been developed across a Therefore, a standard procedure in the case of direct
wide variety of sectors, like automotive industry [41], groceries vendor-retailer connection is described as follows:
industry [42], healthcare [43] and e-commerce [44]. Regarding
the methodologies applied, several authors use optimization 1) The retailer keeps an updated track of its inventory. In
techniques [45]–[48], simulation [49], [50] and fuzzy systems this sense, there are two main options: (i) The retailer

sends its inventory status to the blockchain periodically check in real time the information about the contents of the
(e.g. daily) using well-known off-chain storage such as the order using the get/retrieve functions implemented in the smart
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) [56] to enable scalability, contract for verification purposes. An overview of some of the
or (ii) it stores the inventory info in a local database (DB). functions/tasks performed by each actor in the smart contract
2) The vendor checks the inventory of the retailer via is depicted in Figure 2.
blockchain or directly accessing the local retailer DB (if
The transactions tested in our private blockchain (e.g.
they have the permission to do so, depending on the VMI
update the location of a product or use the functions to retrieve
model). These options are compatible with the retailer
information about the order) are performed in the order of
requesting an order to the vendor, like in more traditional
milliseconds, so that our approach enables real-time VMI
VMI scenarios.
interactions. The code implementation is available on GitHub
3) The vendor detects a series of needs and deploys a smart
contract with a new order to refill the retailer, according
to specific conditions, periods and additional information.
Other participants (declared in the smart contract) such as Figure 2: Example of tasks managed by each actor. The vendor
delivery companies may participate and have permissions is able to deploy the smart contract using constructor(), which
to update and change the status of products. is accepted/confirmed by the retailer using the triggercontract()
4) The retailer checks the smart contract’s contents and ac- function. Thereafter, the vendor executes deliverOrder(), which
cepts it, confirming the transaction. starts the delivery process, updated and managed by the
5) The vendor delivers the products to the retailer. The status distributor. The retailer can check the status of his each product
of the products (e.g. location, transportation conditions, individually in any moment using getProduct().
delivery times, temperatures) will be updated throughout
all the SC to keep track of events.
When the products reach their final destination and are veri-
fied by the retailer, the transaction is completed. The structures,
descriptions and available information can be adapted to be
compliant with some directives, and thus, efficient auditability
may be provided. For example, in the case of food supply,
risk management systems that identify, evaluate, and control
hazards related to food safety could be easily embedded within
the smart contract as described above.

A. Integration Details
We provide experiments using a local private blockchain
to show the feasibility of the proposed architecture. More con-
cretely, we created an ethereum-based blockchain using node Blockchain enables a set of SC stakeholders to main-
[57] and ganache-cli [58], and we used truffle [59] to tain a safe, permanent, and tamper-proof digital record of
deploy a functional smart contract. Contents can be retrieved transactions, without the interference of a central trusted
and/or modified only by participants with specific roles (each authority. This makes blockchain a candidate building block
function is implemented with concrete permissions, e.g. using for a distributed SC management system, which will ensure
the require clause of solidity and variables such as msg:sender the integrity of the SC itself. Due to its distributed nature,
to check account authenticity). For example, public users will blockchain may simultaneously assure the availability and
be able to check the hash of the information committed in the resilience of the SC management system efficiently.
smart contract to publicly check their integrity but they will not
be able to retrieve specific information about products, orders, The VMI architecture presented in this paper, based on
prices and so on. We also included a set of private functions blockchain, presents several benefits for all SC participants
to retrieve traceability information (e.g. the set of locations of and has far-reaching managerial implications. As seen in
a concrete product) in the case of an audit or to perform data Table II, an important feature is the auditability it offers in
analytics, improving the efficacy of the system. terms of scrutiny by external stakeholders etc. In addition, the
blockchain-enabled VMI offers significant benefits in terms of
In our scheme, the vendor will deploy a smart contract with cost reduction by automating the overall VMI process. This is
an order by using the constructor function, containing a set translated not only to less overhead for handling transactions
of products with different characteristics. The smart contract but also to improved order fulfillment since human errors are
stores a set of information structures that contain the details minimized. Two important feature brought by the proposed
of each product as well as traceability information such as blockchain-enabled VMI architecture relate to security and
temperatures and locations over time. This information will visibility. In particular, the proposed architecture in safe not
be updated by the vendor or the distributor accordingly, using only because it has its roots in cryptography but also because
the proper update function (e.g. distributors can update the of its decentralized nature. With respect to visibility, the
list of locations of a product at any time using the addTrace() proposed architecture improves and strengthens the overall SC
function). Moreover, every time the information of the smart by making data readily available to all stakeholders. Moreover,
contract is updated a trigger() function is called, which can the proposed blockchain-enabled architecture presents other
be used as an alert. Therefore, the retailer will be able to benefits, such as efficient storage management, verifiability

Table II: A benefits’ typology of the proposed blockchain-enabled VMI architecture.

Blockchain-based VMI Features

Feature Description
• Auditable records that can be inspected and used by key participants
Auditability • Records that may be subject to scrutiny by external stakeholders (regulators, policy makers etc) or even
• Reduced paperload for the overall VMI process
Cost-efficient • Errors minimization during the fulfillment process
• Software and relevant infrastructure
Real-time • A fast and highly accessible sign-up means quick deployment
• The openness of the platform enables innovation and bottom-up transparency in supply chains instead of
Public burdensome
• Top-down audits
• The elimination of any central operator ensures inclusiveness, longevity and ability to deliver.
Business continuity
• The overall approach is highly automated.
• A smart contract then keeps tabs of “possession” all the way along the line, solidifying the trust of exactly
Trust where to find the package.
• Enhanced sharing of sensitive information between vendor and retailer
Security • Reduced network vulnerabilities and security risks attributed to sensitive information breaches.
• Blockchain provides a generic ecosystem for information management systems to be securely integrated
(Enterprise Resource Planning, Warehouse Management Systems).
• Vendor and retailer are able to easily share information to accurately determine forecasts for demand
in both the long and the short term and to perform traceability operations.
• Smart contracts provide a highly automated and cognitive framework in which the overall VMI process
takes place (real-time data driven optimization.)
• Orders and shipments must fulfill the conditions embedded in the smart contract thus impeding opportunistic
behavior from both sides.

and reduced interaction and communication between vendor than one-to-all (one vendor, many retailers) or more complex
and retailer, features that are translated into a notable cost re- approaches, which could end up in high monetary losses and
duction. Other important features of the proposed blockchain- data disclosure [61]. Nevertheless, some limitations of the
enabled VMI architecture may relate to safeguarding business blockchain technology itself should also be mentioned. Despite
continuity and also to offering better integration among the the improvements such technology and its heterogeneous appli-
various SC stakeholders. A summary of the main benefits and cations [10], it is still not currently suitable (albeit appropriate)
their detailed description is provided in Table II. for storage of vast amounts of data, and many recognize that
scalability is one of the main challenges to solve. Scalability
Although the proposed methodological framework presents issues mainly stem from the time required to confirm/verify
several benefits to VMI implementation, some limitations transactions which may take several minutes for popular
should be kept in mind. For example, the proposed architecture cryptocurrencies. As mentioned earlier, the implementation of
addresses a relatively simple SC relationship (one buyer and a multiple-participants VMI approach would necessitate the
one retailer). Therefore, it would be very interesting to create processing of a large number of transactions in a relatively
some use case VMI scenarios in which multiple vendors short period, therefore, scalability issues may arise in this case.
interact at the same time with multiple retailers. In this case, it In general, alerts, reports and eligible data are usually recorded
is expected that features of trust and visibility would be further in the blockchain in form of transactions along with the hashes,
exemplified by the use of smart contracts and blockchain. pointing to the data which will be stored (encrypted) in the off-
However, multiple participants will ultimately generate an chain storage, e.g. using a hash pointer, such as in the case of
increased number of transactions which will eventually give IPFS, which is the prevalent off-chain methodology.
rise to the well-known “hall of mirrors” effect. This is partic- Apart from the implementation of a multi-participants VMI
ularly true, for example, if a vendor serves multiple retailers approach, another fruitful area for further research is the
and all transactions are stored in the same smart contract utilization of the proposed blockchain-enabled architecture
and data structures. In this case, all transactions related to in conjunction with some SC optimization approaches. An
orders, orders confirmation, schedules for delivery, shipping interesting topic for future research also relates to the usage of
notification, billing details, payment confirmations and issuing blockchain and smart contracts for establishing better pricing
of invoices are shared in the same smart contract. Thus, a agreements between the vendor and the retailer.
proper smart contract design is mandatory to avoid further
issues in the SC network related to not only which are the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
original versions but also to which participant controls the
veracity of the information stored (i.e. the use of IPFS or off- This work has been supported by the European Commis-
chain storage is preferred in such cases). In this sense, a one- sion under the Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020), as part of
to-one design yields less privacy and management challenges the project YAKSHA (Grant Agreement no. 780498).

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