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Lesson Week Assessments

Topic: Social Studies

Standard: Kindergarten History Strand (Heritage (4) = Symbols and practices of the
United States include the flag, Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. Other
nations are represented by symbols and practices too.
Objectives: By having the TC read a story about the American Flag, students will get a
better understanding of what the American flag is and some of the history behind it.
Students will be given some time to color the flag.

Description: Students were assessed on their ability to use the knowledge from
previous lessons to identify various American symbols, and matching them to their
corresponding words, which served as the preassessment. Once they were read about
a story focusing on one of the most common American symbols (the American Flag),
students were given a formative assessment worksheet entitled “Saluting the Symbols”,
where students had to draw their favorite American symbol that was discussed in the
story. After a few moments, students participated in a “turn and talk”, where they
discussed with their neighbors at their table something new that they learned about the
American Flag that they didn’t know before. After a few moments of discussing their
explanations with their groups, students came back together as a class, and I called on
volunteers to share what their group discussed.

Rationale: The “Saluting the Symbols” formative assessment is aligned with the
learning objective because the students got the opportunity to identify what symbol they
felt was the most important based off of the story. For example, students learned that
the “red” on the American flag represents courage, and the white represents
purity/innocence. The assessment allowed the students to focus on various aspects of
American symbols that they learned through an interactive read aloud. The focus
throughout the book was explaining the significance behind each symbol and how they
all play a factor into what makes America such a great country to live in.

Differentiation: My assessment could’ve been differentiated because some of my

students are on academic IEP’s. Instead of them focusing on what the significance is
behind the symbols, an alternative could’ve been asking the students to describe some
of the American characteristics that they remember (ex: the Statue of Liberty is blue,
and holds a torch & a book…one in each hand). This differentiation would have been
very simple for the students since they are in Kindergarten, and are limited with some
skills since they are the youngest learners in this experience. A “turn and talk” was a
beneficial formative assessment, but changing the topic of discussion may have been
easier for the students with learning needs.
Name: _______________________________

Saluting the american symbols:

In the story, there were lots of American

symbols discussed that represent where we live,
the united states of america! Draw your
favorite symbol here!

1. My favorite American symbol we discussed today is


2. I picked this symbol because

Name: _______________________________

Saluting the american symbols:

In the story, there were lots of American

symbols discussed that represent where we live,
the united states of america! Draw your favorite
symbol here!

1. I think the American flag/Statue of liberty is the most important symbol since

2. I picked this symbol because


Tool Box:
● Freedom
● Purity
● Hope
● 13 Original states
● Courage
Name: ________________________

Checklist ✔
task achieved
I drew my favorite american symbol in
the box.
I talked about my symbol through
I wrote what my favorite American
symbol is that we discussed.
The sentence I wrote to explain my
reasoning of the selected symbol made
My sentence was related to the theme.
Name: _______________________

Checklist ✔
task achieved
I circled “American flag” or “Statue of
I used color in my drawing.

I explained why the symbol i picked is

I used the tool box with vocabulary
I worked hard!
Topic: ELA
Standard: RI.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a

Objectives: By analyzing informative worksheets, students will underline key details in a text.
TC will then ask questions based on the text.

Description: Students were assessed on how well they can understand key details in a given text.
This helps students understand that by looking back in the text, they can find the correct answers
by looking back in the text. By doing so, this ensures students that they will get more questions
correct. This formative assessment teaches students how to use their resources (in this case, the
short) to look back in the story for the correct answers instead of just “guessing”, which risks the
chance of incorrect answers, and decreases students’ success. After a few moments to work on
this assignment, the class came back together, and I asked students who were raising a quiet hand
to share their responses with the rest of the class. I also asked the students to share with the rest
of the class where they found their answer for each question. This was to ensure that all of the
students knew where to find the answer in case they were stuck on it.

Rationale: The “Statue of Liberty” text formative assessment is aligned with the learning
objective because the students are learning how to utilize the text to answer provided questions.
Looking back in the text is very beneficial because it greatly increases students’ chances of being
successful on the given assignment. This skill is something students will use beyond the
Kindergarten classroom, as they advance in their education and have to take standardized testing
in future years. The assessment introduced the students to a commonly used method to help them
continue to be successful in assessments similar to this one. This assessment would be
technology-based because I would read the short passage to the students, and by looking back at
the text on the screen, they would answer the provided questions by looking back in the text on
the screen. As they give me the correct responses, I would write it on the Smartboard with the
pen provided.

Differentiation: There is no differentiation in this assessment because the assessment is

relatively short for the students. It notes that the students need to look in the text for the answer,
and since this text isn’t very long, the students will learn to look back in the passage for the
answers to the questions provided. I would encourage all of the students to take their time and
look really close for the answers. The purpose of this assessment is for the students to look back
in the text for the correct answers, and reassure the students that they are allo there; they just
have to reread parts of the text!
Name: _________________________

Scoring with Scoops

● Underlining all of the
● Coloring the whole penny.
● Coloring the whole Statue
of Liberty.
● Writing all of the answers
on the lines.
● Underlining some of the
● Coloring some of the penny.
● Coloring some of the Statue
of Liberty.
● Writing some of the
answers on the lines.

● Underlining none of the
● Coloring none of the penny.
● Coloring none of the Statue
of Liberty.
● Writing none of the answers
on the lines.
Topic: Math

Standard: K.CC.3 Write numerals from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written
numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

Objectives: Given a number sheet, students will be able to properly write numbers by using the
dotted lines as a guide to make sure their numbers are written correctly.

Description: Students were assessed on how well they can write the numbers 1-20 in numerical
order, making sure to focus on details they made each number. By utilizing the mentor teacher’s
whiteboard and dry erase marker, I demonstrated to the students how to write each number, and
little tips/tricks to ensure they were writing them the correct way. To make this engaging, I asked
students who were raising a quiet hand what the next number was after the one we were working
on at the time. The dotted lines on this assignment served as guidelines for the students to trace
over to ensure they were writing their numbers the correct way, avoiding making them

Rationale: The “Trace the Number” formative assessment sheet is aligned with the standards
because it helps students focus on their handwriting of each individual number. By having the
numbers broken up into their own boxes, this also helps the students make sure they aren’t
making the letters too big/go outside of the box, but at the same time, aren’t making them too
small & hard to read. This assessment allowed students to be guided in making numbers the
correct way, and to avoid confusion with how numbers are made the correct way (ex: making
sure not to confuse the number “5” with “6”).

Differentiation: I decided not to include differentiation for this assessment because this
assessment was done as a class with my guidance. By showing the students the proper way to
write each number, giving tips as I wrote them, this allowed all of my students to make the
numbers the correct way. I waited a few moments after each number to make sure that each
student was ready to move onto the next number, and to avoid anyone falling behind. The
purpose of this assessment is for all of the students to learn how to take their time to allow
themselves to make letters properly, and not rush through it “to be done sooner”. Focusing on
detail goes a long way, especially when the students are just learning how to write various
numbers the correct way.
Name: _________________________________________

Terrific Number Tracing


Neatness My numbers were

sloppy, and I
My numbers were
kind of neat, and I
My numbers were very
neat, and I used the
didn’t use the sometimes used the lines the whole
lines to trace. lines given. time!

On-task I didn’t listen

to the teacher
I sort of listened
to the teacher, and
I listened to the
teacher the whole
and got sometimes was time and stayed on
distracted/worked distracted/worked track!
ahead. ahead

Participating I did not

I participated
sometimes/raised my
I always
my hand in class. hand. my hand during the
Topic: Science

Standard: K.ESS.2 The moon, sun and stars can be observed at different times of the day or

Objectives: After being taught some of the main differences between night and day, students
will create a hands-on craft to demonstrate how the Earth, Moon, and Sun are constantly moving.

Description: In this lesson, students were taught the difference between nighttime and daytime.
To begin, students participated in an interactive read aloud that focused on some of the animals
seen during the day vs. at night. As I read the story, I asked students questions about the text who
were raising a quiet hand to reinforce that in order to be called on, they must demonstrate good
behavior. Afterwards, I showed the students a self-made Powerpoint to get them familiar with
some of the terms associated with nighttime and daytime, so that they can recognize the
difference between the two. An educational/interactive brain break about constellations was
implemented to show the students that they can see many images in the sky, and “connect the
dots”. Some of the main constellations were incorporated into this educational video, such as
“Orion’s Belt”. The formative assessment given for this content was a worksheet with various
symbols on it and 2 separate columns: “Nighttime” and “Daytime”. Images were at the bottom of
the worksheet, and students had to cut and paste the images into their respective categories based
on the new information they learned about night and day.

Rationale: This formative assessment aligns with the learning standard because it shows
students that what they see during the daytime is very different compared to what they see at
nighttime. By sorting which images belong in each category, students are using their background
knowledge from the lesson they were taught and gluing each image in the respective box. For
example, a rooster can be seen during the daytime, while the moon and stars can only be seen
during nighttime. This assessment allowed the students to see in what ways night and day are
different from one another.

Differentiation: The differentiation for this assessment would be some of the assessments would
not have any images cut/pasted on the sheet, while others have 1 daytime and 1 nighttime picture
already glued down for the students. By cutting/pasting some of the images for the assessments
beforehand, this gives the students a better visual of what is required for this assessment. This
differentiation also gives students a better idea of how the assessment should be done to ensure
that they complete it properly with the 2 pre-cut/pasted images serving as an example.
Name: ______________________________________________

Scoring with Emojis

1 3 5

Correctnes My pictures Some of my All of my

were not all pictures were pictures were
cut/glued cut/glued cut/glued
down. down. down!

Listening I did not I sometimes I followed all

follow followed of the
directions my directions my directions my
teacher gave. teacher gave. teacher gave

Focus I was not I was kind of I was very

focused on focused on focused and
my work. my work. got my work
done in time!

Creativity I didn’t color I colored I colored all

my pictures. some of my of my
pictures. pictures!
Name: ______________________________________________

Scoring with Emojis

1 3 5

Working I did not try I kind of tried I tried my

my best. my best. very best!

On a 0 I was not I was kind of I was on a 0

quiet when I quiet when I the whole
was working. was working. time I worked!

Listening I did not use I sometimes I used my

my listening used my listening ears
ears. listening the whole
ears. time!

Creativity I used only 1 I used at I used 5 or

color. least 3 colors. more colors!

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