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Camryn Constance

Formative Assessment

Grade Level
Second Grade Science

2.PS.1: Forces change the motion of an object.

TSW be able to estimate the distance the tinfoil will go based on the amount of force applied to
the catapult.

Student Readiness:
The students have not yet learned about forces and motion in 2nd grade but did briefly touch on it
in first grade.

Name of Assessment:
Catapult Shot

TTW show a YouTube video to the class to introduce the meaning of force and motion to them
as well as create connections and reflect on times they have applied force to objects. (push or
pull) TTW introduce the experiment of building catapults and will pair up each student with a
partner. TTW show a YouTube video that describes how to make their catapults in detail. The
students will be asked to take out a piece of paper and make a prediction on how far their
catapult will throw the ball of tinfoil. TSW work with their partners to create their own catapults
following the directions. When all pairs are done, we will test each groups catapult and measure
the distance.

Scoring Guide
This scoring guide is a child friendly checklist that they will be able to do on their own after
completing the assessment. The students may struggle understanding what they are supposed to
write, so the checklist as well as the example will guide the students.

The students will benefit from having the pictures to determine if their work meets expectations
or not. The example provided gives students an understanding as to what their slip needs to look
like and allows them to easily self-check their work.


Tell about a time where you applied force to an object.

Student Checklist

Ex. Today I used force when

opening a door. I know I used
force because the door
opened up.

I share a time when I used

force today.
I explain how I know I used
force on an object.

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