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TOUR111 Assignment 1 FALL 2019: This Assignment is worth 10% of the course.

There are 10 questions based

on a Development Case Study that will be provided in ECentennial and another 12 questions that require
online research and your personal opinions. Together these 22 questions will be worth 40 points. The
assignment will be on ECentennial and must be submitted online on ECentennial Week 4. An online copy will
be available Week 3.


# Question Grade
Ready Case Study: UNESCO is the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is useful to know about this
organization since heritage sites are often popular tourism United Nations World Tourism
Organization -UNWTO
attractions. The UN also has an agency “responsible for the
promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible
Tourism”. What is it called?
Ready Case Study:: Angkor Wat is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2  Siem Reap Airport 1
What is the nearest International Airport?
Dinosaur Provincial Park in
Ready Case Study: Canada also has a number of UNESCO world Alberta because it is
interesting to get information
3 heritage sites. Please name another UNESCO world heritage site 2
about past, visit the museum,
that YOU would like to visit and explain why it interests you. valley of dinosaurs and see
their bones with my own eyes
Tourism for Angkor is the
biggest economic necessity
and it has enormous potential
Ready Case Study: What is recognized as both the biggest for the country. However, I
4 economic necessity & the biggest threat for Angkor? In your guess it may cause irreparable 2
opinion why do you think this is the case? levels of destruction for
tangible and intangible
components of cultural
On the positive side, tourism is
Ready Case Study: Plans like the “Angkor World Heritage Area reforming the leisure structure,
Tourism Management Plan, 2012–2020 (TMP)’” generally aim to which can be used by both
tourists and the local
5 improve the positive impacts of tourism and reduce the negative 2
population. on the negative
impacts. In general around the world, what is 1 other possible side, tourism can cause
positive impact of tourism and 1 other possible negative impact? environmental and social
There were six aims: tourism
product development, tourism
marketing and promotion,
Ready Case Study: How many broader aims did the TMP have? travel and transport facilitation,
6 1
What were they? tourism impact
governance, security,
regulation and human
resources development.
I think that all of these
strategies may apply to other
Ready Case Study: What are some of the common themes that heritage sites as all of it help
7 2
the strategies share that may apply to other heritage sites? minimise threats and improve
long-term viability for heritage
1.when developing a tourism
strategy for a World Heritage
Site, keep in mind that this
place can offer even beyond
its status.

2.the local community should

8 Ready Case Study: Name 2 key lessons learned? be the main review, which 2
means that the local
population, business owners
and everyone who can be
affected by the tourism
industry is attracted to this
World Heritage Site should
come first as well
9 Ready Case Study: Were Tourism stakeholders given opportunity There were a lot of involved 1
for feedback and input? stakeholders such as Royal
Government of Cambodia, the
ICC and wider conservation
community. A ‘Tourism
Industry Stakeholder
Workshop’ and a ‘Community,
Monks and NGO Workshop’
were held in Siem Reap in
March 2012. They gave
feedback, drafts, and changes
prior to the adoption of the
TMP to make the industry
more beneficial to save the
World Heritage site
I think there are many sites
that might have similar
changes. For instance, some
World Heritage sites in Russia.
One of them is
Ready Case Study: Name another site in the world that in your White Stone Monuments of
Suzdal. I believe that all six
opinion might have similar challenges as Angkor Wat? Why?
strategies may apply to this
site to save it for future
generation and persuade
people to understand how
important this site might be
According to the Tourism Toronto Market report Released
11 this month, 2018 results, Toronto saw 43.7 Million visitors: 11.Tourists spent about $8.8 1
What was the spending? What was it on? billion for recreation,
entertainment, food and
How can knowing who is coming and what they are beverages, transport and
spending money on help both Tourism Toronto and tourism retail.
12 2
businesses in Toronto develop and market tourism 12.
experiences? Please give an example.
This is an entertainment
design company who creates
13 What does the Toronto company Forrec do? 1
paces of escape and
destination of distinction.
14 How much does it cost to join Young Travel Professionals? It is free 1
"Canada's travel trade news source with travel news, jobs,
15 travel industry events, FAM trips and travel agent contests."  Travel week 1
is called:
 Provide funding up to 40% of
Destination Ontario TIPP program provides up to what % of the total cost to a maximum of
16 1
$ for promotional programs? $200,000 for approved
1. Canadian Tourism
Commission. Responsible for
strategic marketing of the
country. It works with industry
and government while
providing resources for small
and medium-sized businesses
Please list 4 organizations related to Tourism in Ontario, in the form of toolkits.
2. Global Business Travel
17 what they do and why that might be useful for a tourism 2
Association. Represents more
professional to know. than 7,000 business travel
agents and corporate travel
and meeting managers. The
Canada office, headquartered
in Ontario, holds annual events
and shares resources on its
Founded in 1930 to encourage the development of tourism
in Canada, TIAC serves today as the national private-sector
18   1
advocate for this $91.6 billion sector. What is the provincial
equivalent for Ontario?
19.For me, FlyOver opening in
Toronto in 2022 will be one of
the most interesting tourist
attractions as it is a kind of
opportunity for people to get
new memory lane, experience
Please identify one new tourist attraction or hotel opening at and a lot of emotions. Also this
invention is totally new for all
Toronto that you personally find interesting and explain why
19 people and this is the reason 2
you find it interesting and how in your opinion this why people will be interested
development supports the life cycle of the destination. in it. As for positive sides of
this attraction for the
destination, it might be a
reason to tourists to visit CN
tower, Ripley’s Aquarium and
see all places around this
20 Please identify two different "types of tourist and identify an 20.I guess, the most popular 2
types of tourists are lovers of
relaxation and outdoor
enthusiasts. The simples
example of getting different
experience from the same
attraction is visiting beach. The
first type of tourists will be
attraction/destination that both may experience but in
happy to lay on the beach,
different ways. How? Why? have a picnic and swim in the
water. The second type of
tourist will be happy to rent a
boat or water skiing, do
wakeboarding or play
volleyball on the beach instead
of sunbathing.

21. The growing demand for

tourism creates new jobs—
jobs that require workers to fill
them. Labor problems threaten
tourism growth, showing that
spending on tourism goods
and services in Canada could
rise from $167 billion in 2010
to more than $287 billion in
2035. These costs will
According to Tourism HR Canada. What is the situation for
21 increase labor demand by 41 2
the labour market for tourism in Canada. percent, from 1.6 million jobs
in 2010 to 2.29 million jobs in
2035. But with labor supply
expected to grow by only 25
percent over the same period,
240,000 jobs will remain
unfilled, holding back growth
and impacting services in a
globally competitive sector.
(Information from
Go to WBEY online training.
Do module 1 (Customer Service). Take a screenshot of
your completion certificate and paste it in this document.

22 8
Do module 2 (About Toronto). Take a screenshot of your
completion certificate and paste it in this document.

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