Wight Wedding

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About This Game

The Lizenby and Balrose families cordially invite you to a freeform LARP about the first mar-
riage between a human and a ghost in recorded history. Black tie preferred, but costuming not
necessary. Please, no jokes about “til death do us part”.

You will need:

• At least 12 players
• At least 1 facilitator
• At least 1 room to play in, with tables and chairs
• Optional: Music
• Optional: Snacks
• Optional: Costuming

Workshop: (about one hr)

1. Safety Techniques
Remind players that this is just a game and their comfort comes before everything else. If necessary, the
door is open for them to leave, temporarily or for the rest of the game. To check in with other players,
flash an “ok” signal. The player who is being checked in with should respond with a thumbs up, thumbs
down, or “meh” signal. Anything other than a thumbs up means that someone should check in with that
player -- preferably the player who flashed the OK signal or the facilitator.

2. Filling out character sheets

Each player should pick out one character sheet (see Appendix A). After doing so, they should choose
a first name based on the first initial given on the sheet, as well as circling one option for each question

3. Establishing relationships
The facilitator counts off players by twos. Each player designated a one has five minutes to find a two
and establish a relationship with that character. This can be a relationship mentioned in Appendix C, or
it can be a new one entirely. Repeat with players designated two.

4. Ten-second scenes to establish relationships

If time allows and if players are game, allow willing groups to perform a ten-second scene for the other
players to further establish their relationships. This should give a good idea of who wants what and give
other players an in to present drama and conflict.

NOTE: At this time, players can also choose a character to be the celebrant for the wedding.

white wedding
Three scenes (1hr)
Arrival (~10 minutes)
The human characters arrive via cars or public transit. The ghosts arrive via a train from the
underworld. This is a time for characters to establish their expectations, muse about possibili-
ties, and otherwise set up a normal. The wedding parties should already be in the room where
the wedding will take place, or just outside of it. If desired, the psychopomp can bring the ghost
guests into the “real world” through a door.

Wedding (~10 minutes)

This can be any sort of wedding -- a typical western Christian affair, an agnostic vow ceremony, a
pagan handfasting, whatever. The only stipulations are that the two intendeds should be spouses
by the end of it.

Reception (~40 minutes)

This is the fun part. After the ceremony, the Best Ghost and Chief of Humanity should decide
where everyone is sitting for the reception. They can work together or against each other, and
they have a maximum of one minute to decide. This should ensure a great deal of drama among
the guests. The reception should last a minimum of 30 minutes and include toasts, music, and
generally whatever drama the players are feeling up to. Play until the end of the hour or another
good stopping point.

NOTE: If this is a smaller game, players can choose to skip right to the reception.

jacqueline bryk
white wedding
jacqueline bryk
white wedding
jacqueline bryk
white wedding
jacqueline bryk
white wedding
jacqueline bryk
Being an Attempt at a Family Tree
W. Balrose and A. Lizenby are the intended spouses.
• K. Lizenby is A. Lizenby’s younger sibling.
• D. Balrose is W. Balrose’s older sibling.
• P. and J. Lizenby are A. Lizenby’s parents.
• M. Priestley is A. Lizenby’s maternal grandparent.
• H. and O. Lizenby are A. Lizenby’s paternal grandparents.
• N. Balrose is W. Balrose’s cousin.
• Q. Malatesta is possibly a cousin of either of the intended.

G. Balrose is the immortal of some kind who has many children and former spouses.
• B. Bittani-Balrose, E. James-Balrose, and J. Smokes are all former spouses.
• L. Rothman-Balrose is their current spouse.
• X. Bittani-Balrose is the child of B. Bittani-Balrose with G. Balrose.

O. Lizenby has a polycule.

• J. Smokes and C. Massey are their current partners.

The intendeds have many friends including:

• M. Zierou-Cooper and F. Drysdale are the Best Ghost and the Chief of Humanity, respectively.
They’re like the Best Man and the Maid of Honor.
• Z. Major, a friend of either intended.
• S. van der Meer, who helped introduce the two.
• L. Alessandrini, a friend of A. Lizenby.
• T. Childress, a friend of W. Balrose.
• J. Skala, a friend of W. Balrose.

white wedding
A. Lizenby
W. Balrose
K. Lizenby O. Lizenby
P. Lizenby Q. Malatesta
J. Lizenby G. Balrose
M. Priestley B. Bittani-Balrose
H. Lizenby E. James-Balrose
N. Balrose J. Smokes
D. Balrose C. Massey
G. Balrose M. Zierou-Cooper
X. Bittani-Balrose S. van der Meer
L. Rothman-Balrose T. Childress
F. Drysdale J. Skala
Z. Major
S. van der Meer
L. Alessandrini

jacqueline bryk
Being a List of the Many People to Whom I Owe Thanks
Metatopia 2017: Marshall Bradshaw, J. Dymphna Coy, David Leaman, Bronwyn Friesen, Liz
White, Julia Krystosek, Ben “Books” Schwartz, Eric Mersmann, Miranda Dawn Chadbourne,
and others.
Midwinter 2018: Frank Beres, Karen Beres, Tasha Robinson, David Dugan, Vivien Lasken,
Daniel O’Hanlon, Knitmeapony, Ryvre, Eli English, and Matt Hirth.

Morna Callahan, Blaine C. Rineer, David Leaman, Natalie Walschots, Marshall Bradshaw, Rose
Bailey, Laura Boylan, Hel McGee, Satyros Phil Brucato, Andrew Sirkin, Craig Eisenberger, Fish,
Devon Martinez, and Katriel Page.

Alex Herman and Lily Grosso.

Title Designer
Ian A. A. Watson

layout & cover design

Meredith Gerber

white wedding
jacqueline bryk

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