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MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation

Basic Concepts
Energy Method
Dr. Ahmed Asker
Production and Mechanical Design Engineering
Mansoura University

 The Figure show a simple single-degree-of-freedom model of a

wheel mounted on a spring. The friction in the system is such that
the wheel rolls without slipping.
 Calculate the natural frequency of oscillation using the energy
method. Assume that no energy is lost during the contact.


J is the mass moment of 𝐽 + 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜃 = −𝑘𝑟𝑥
inertia of the wheel
about its center 𝐽 + 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜃 + 𝑘𝑟 2 𝜃 = 0

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Translational System

 Principle of Conservation of Energy.

A system is said to be conservative if no energy is lost due to
friction or energy-dissipating nonelastic members.

 If no work is done on the conservative system by external forces,

the total energy of the system remains constant. Thus the
principle of conservation of energy can be expressed as:

T  U  constant
(T  U )  0 (2.6)
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation 3
Free Vibration of an Undamped Translational System

 The kinetic and potential energies are given by:

1 2
T  mx (2.7)

mx  kx  0 (2.3)
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 4

 The Figure show a simple single-degree-of-freedom model of a

wheel mounted on a spring. The friction in the system is such that
the wheel rolls without slipping.
 Calculate the natural frequency of oscillation using the energy
method. Assume that no energy is lost during the contact.

1 2 1
𝑇𝑟𝑜𝑡 = 𝐼𝜃 , 𝑇𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠 = 𝑚𝑔𝑥 2
2 2
1 2
𝑈 = 𝑘𝑥
𝐽 + 𝑚𝑟 2 𝜃 + 𝑘𝑟 2 𝜃 = 0

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 5

Harmonic Motion

 Definitions of Terminology:
◦ Natural frequency is the frequency which a system oscillates
without external forces
◦ Phase angle () is the angular difference between two
synchronous harmonic motions
x1  A1 sin t 1.61
x2  A2 sin t    1.62

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Harmonic Motion

 Periodic Motion: motion repeated after equal intervals of time

 Harmonic Motion: simplest type of periodic motion

 Displacement (x): x  A sin   A sin t 1.30

(On horizontal axis)

 Velocity: dx
  A cos t 1.31

 Acceleration: d 2 x
  2 A sin t   2 x 1.32

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 7

Harmonic Motion

 Scotch yoke mechanism:

The similarity between cyclic (harmonic) and
sinusoidal motion.

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Translational System

Harmonic Motion:
x(t )  A1 cos nt  A2 sin nt (2.16)
 Eqs.(2.15),(2.16) & (2.18) are harmonic functions of time. Eq.
(2.16) can also be expressed as:
x(t )  A0 sin(nt  0 ) (2.23)
where 𝐴0 and 𝜙0 are new constants, amplitude and phase angle
2 1/ 2
  x0  
A0  A   x0   
 (2.24)
  n   and

 x0n 
0  tan  1
 (2.25)
 x0 
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 9
Solution Free Undamped Vibration EoM

 The solution of translational equation of motion (𝑚𝑥 + 𝑘𝑥 = 0)

can be found by assuming
𝑥 𝑡 = 𝐶𝑒 𝑠𝑡 (2.11)

 Where C and s are constants to be determined. Substitution of Eq.

(2.11) into Eq. (2.3) gives
𝐶𝑒 𝑠𝑡 𝑚𝑠 2 + 𝑘 = 0 (2.12)

 Since C𝑒 𝑠𝑡 ≠ 0, we have

ms2  k  0 (2.13)

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Solution Free Undamped Vibration EoM

 And hence,
k 1/ 2
s  ( )  in (2.13)

 Roots of characteristic equation or known as eigenvalues of the

k 1/ 2
n  ( ) (2.14)

where 𝑖 = −1 and

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation 11

Solution Free Undamped Vibration EoM

Hence, the general solution of Eq. (2.3) can be expressed


x(t )  C1eint  C2eint (2.15)

where C1 and C2 are constants. By using the identities

eit  cos t  i sin t

x(t )  A1 cos nt  A2 sin nt (2.16)

where A1 and A2 are new constants.

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Translational System

x(t  0)  A1  x0
x (t  0)  n A2  x0 (2.17)
Hence, A1  x0 and A2  x0 / n. Thus the solution of Eq.
(2.3) subject to the initial conditions of Eq. (2.17) is given
x(t )  x0 cos nt  sin nt (2.18)

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Solution Free Undamped Vibration EoM

 Harmonic Motion:
Eqs.(2.15),(2.16) & (2.18) are harmonic functions of time. Eq.
(2.16) can also be expressed as:
x(t )  A0 sin(nt  0 ) (2.23)
where A0 and 𝜙0 are new constants, amplitude and phase
angle respectively:
2 1/ 2
  x0  
A0  A   x0   
 (2.24) and
  n  

 x0n 
0  tan 
 (2.25)
 x0 
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Free Vibration of an Undamped Translational System

2) Velocity 𝑥(𝑡) and the acceleration 𝑥(𝑡) of the mass m at time t

can be obtained as:
dx 
x (t )  (t )  n A sin(nt   )  n A cos(nt    )
dt 2
d 2x
x(t )  2 (t )  n2 A cos(nt   )   n2 A cos(nt     ) (2.31)
3) If initial displacement 𝑥0 is zero,

x0   x0
x(t )  cos nt    sin nt (2.32)
n  2  n

If initial velocity 𝑥0 is zero,

x(t )  x0 cos nt (2.33)
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 15
Example 2.5

Natural Frequency of Pulley System

Determine the natural frequency of the system shown in the figure.
Assume the pulleys to be frictionless and of negligible mass.

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Example 2.5 Solution

 The total movement of the mass m (point O) is:

2𝑊 2𝑊
2 +
𝑘1 𝑘2
 The equivalent spring constant of the system:

Weight of the mass

 Net displacement of the mass
Equivalent spring constant
W  1 1  4W (k1  k 2 )
 4W    
keq  k1 k 2  k1k 2
k1k 2
keq  (E.1)
4(k1  k 2 )

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Example 2.5 Solution

 By displacing mass m from the static equilibrium position by 𝑥,

the equation of motion of the mass can be written as

mx  keq x  0 (E.2)

 Hence, the natural frequency is given by:

1/ 2 1/ 2
 keq   k1k2 
n      rad/sec (E.3)
m  m(k1  k2 ) 
1/ 2
n 1  k1k2 
fn     cycles/sec (E.4)
2 4  m(k1  k2 ) 

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsinal System

 From the theory of torsion of circular shafts, we have the relation:

Mt  (2.37)
Mt is the torque that produces the twist θ,
G is the shear modulus,
𝑙 is the length of shaft,
I0 is the polar moment
of inertia of cross-section of the shaft

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsinal System

 Polar Moment of Inertia:

d 4
I0  (2.38)

 Torsional Spring Constant:

GI0 Gd 4
kt    (2.39)
 l 32l

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Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsinal System

Equation of Motion:
Applying Newton’s Second Law of Motion,
J 0  kt  0 (2.40)
Thus, the natural circular frequency:
1/ 2
 kt 
n    (2.41)
 J0 
The period and frequency of vibration in cycles per second are:
1/ 2
 J0 
 n  2   (2.42)
 kt 
1/ 2
1  kt 
fn    (2.43)
2  J0 
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 21
Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsinal System

 Note the following aspects of this system:

1) If the cross section of the shaft supporting the disc is not circular,
an appropriate torsional spring constant is to be used.
2) The polar mass moment of inertia of a disc is given by:
hD 4 WD 4
J0  
32 8g
where 𝜌 is the mass density
ℎ is the thickness
𝐷 is the diameter
𝑊 is the weight of the disc
3) An important application: in a mechanical clock
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 22
Free Vibration of an Undamped Torsinal System

 General solution of Eq. (2.40) can be obtained:

 (t )  A1 cos nt  A2 sin nt (2.44)

 where ωn is given by Eq. (2.41) and A1 and A2 can be determined

from the initial conditions. If
 d
 (t  0)   0 and  (t  0)  (t  0)  0 (2.45)
 The constants A1 and A2 can be found:
A1   0
A2  0 / n (2.46)
 Eq. (2.44) can also represent a simple harmonic motion.
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 23
Harmonic Motion

 Complex number representation of harmonic motion:

X  a  ib 1.35
where 𝑖 = −1 and a and b denote the real and imaginary x and y
components of X, respectively.

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Harmonic Motion

 Operations on Harmonic Functions:

 it
Rotating Vector, X  Ae 1.51
Displaceme nt  Re[ Aeit ]  A cos t 1.54
Velocity  Re[iAeit ]  A sin t
 A cost  90 1.55
Accelerati on  Re[ 2 Aeit ]
  2 A cos t
  2 A cost  180 1.56
where Re denotes the real part

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 25

Harmonic Motion

 Displacement, velocity, and accelerations as rotating vectors

 Vectorial addition of
harmonic functions

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 26

Harmonic Motion

Find the sum of the two harmonic motions

x (t )  10 cos t and x (t )  15 cos(t  2).
1 2

Method 1: By using trigonometric relations: Since the
circular frequency is the same for both x1(t) and x2(t),
we express the sum as
x(t )  A cos(t   )  x (t )  x (t )
1 2

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 27

Example 1.11 Solution

That is,
Acos t cos  sin t sin    10 cos t  15 cos(t  2)
 10 cos t  15(cos t cos 2  sin t sin 2) (E.2)
That is,
cos t ( A cos )  sin t ( A sin  )  cos t (10  15 cos 2)
 sin t (15 sin 2) (E.3)

By equating the corresponding coefficients of cosωt

and sinωt on both sides, we obtain
A cos  10  15 cos 2
A sin   15 sin 2
A 10  15 cos 2  (15 sin 2)
2 2

 14.1477 (E.4)

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Example 1.11 Solution

 15 sin 2 
  tan  1

 10  15 cos 2 
 74.5963 (E.5)

Method 2: By using vectors: For an arbitrary value of

ωt, the harmonic motions x1(t) and x2(t) can be denoted
graphically as shown in Fig. 1.43. By adding them
vectorially, the resultant vector x(t) can be found to be

x(t )  14.1477 cos(t  74.5963) (E.6)

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 29
Example 1.11 Solution

Method 3: By using complex number representation: the

two harmonic motions can be denoted in terms of
complex numbers:
x (t )  Re A e
1 1
  Re10e  it

x (t )  Re A e
2 2
  Re15e 
i ( t  2 ) i ( t  2 )

The sum of x1(t) and x2(t) can be expressed as

x(t )  Re Ae i ( t  )
 (E.8)
where A and α can be determined using Eqs. (1.47) and
(1.48) as A = 14.1477 and α = 74.5963º
MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 30
Harmonic Motion

 Definitions of Terminology:
◦ Amplitude (A) is the maximum displacement of a vibrating
body from its equilibrium position
◦ Period of oscillation (T) is time taken to complete one cycle of
T 1.59

◦ Frequency of oscillation (f) is the no. of cycles per unit time

1 
f   1.60
T 2

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 31

Harmonic Motion

 Definitions of Terminology:
◦ Beats are formed when two harmonic motions, with frequencies close to one
another, are added
 The phenomenon of beats is often observed in machines, structures, and
electric power houses.
 For example, in machines and structures, the beating phenomenon occurs when
the forcing frequency is close to the natural frequency of the system

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 32

Harmonic Analysis

 A periodic function:

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 33

Harmonic Analysis

 Fourier Series Expansion:

If 𝑥(𝑡) is a periodic function with period 𝜏, its Fourier Series
representation is given by

x(t )   a cos t  a cos 2t  ...
1 2
b sin t  b sin 2t  ... 1 2

   (a cos nt  b sin nt )

n n
2 n 1

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 34

Harmonic Analysis

 Frequency Spectrum:
 Harmonics plotted as vertical lines on a diagram of amplitude (an
and bn or dn and Φn) versus frequency (nω).

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Harmonic Analysis

 Representation of a function in time and frequency domain:

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Example 1.6

Equivalent Mass of a System

 Find the equivalent mass of the system shown in Fig. 1.31, where
the rigid link 1 is attached to the pulley and rotates with it.

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 37

Example 1.6 Solution

 Assuming small displacements, the equivalent mass (meq) can be

determined using the equivalence of the kinetic energies of the
two systems.
 When the mass m is displaced by a distance 𝑥, the pulley and the
rigid link 1 rotate by an angle 𝜃𝑝 = 𝜃1 = 𝑥 𝑟𝑝 .
 This causes the rigid link 2 and the cylinder to be displaced by a
distance 𝑥2 = 𝜃𝑝 𝑙1 = 𝑥𝑙1 𝑟𝑝 .
 Since the cylinder rolls without slippage, it rotates by an angle
𝜃𝑐 = 𝑥2 𝑟𝑐 = 𝑥𝑙1 𝑟𝑝 𝑟𝑐 . The kinetic energy of the system (T) can
be expressed (for small displacements) as:

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 38

Example 1.6 Solution

1 1  1  1 1  1
T  mx  J   J   m x  J   m x


p 1

1 2

2 c

c c

2 2 2 2 2 2

 where 𝐽𝑝 , 𝐽1 , and 𝐽𝑐 denote the mass moments of inertia of the

pulley, link 1 (about O), and cylinder, respectively, 𝜃𝑝 , 𝜃1 and 𝜃𝑐
indicate the angular velocities of the pulley, link 1 (about O), and
cylinder, respectively, and 𝑥 and 𝑥2 represent the linear velocities
𝑚𝑐 𝑟𝑐2
of the mass m and link 2, respectively. Noting that 𝐽𝑐 = and
𝑚1 𝑙1
𝐽1 = Equation (E.1) can be rewritten as

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 39

Example 1.6 Solution

 x  1  m l  x  1  xl 
2 2 2

1 1 2

T  mx  J 2
    1 1
   m 
 r  2 3  r  2  r
p 2
2 2 p p p 
 xl  1  xl 
2 2

1m r 2

  c c
 1
  m  1
 (E.2)
2 2  r r

p c  2 r p 

By equating Equation (E.2) to the kinetic energy of the

equivalent system
we obtain the equivalent mass of the system as
J 1ml m l 1 m l l 2 2 2 2

m m 
  mp 1 1 2 1 c 1
r 3 r r 2 r
r 2

p p
2 2

p p

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 40

Example 1.7

 Cam-Follower Mechanism
 A cam-follower mechanism is
used to convert the rotary motion
of a shaft into the oscillating or
reciprocating motion of a valve.
 The follower system consists of a
pushrod of mass mp, a rocker arm
of mass mr, and mass moment of
inertia Jr about its C.G., a valve of
mass mv, and a valve spring of
negligible mass.
 Find the equivalent mass (meq) of this cam-follower system by
assuming the location of meq as (i) pt A and (ii) pt C.

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 41

Example 1.7

The kinetic energy of the system (T) is:

1 2 1 2 1 2 1
T  m p x p  mv xv  J r r  mr xr
 2
2 2 2 2
If meq denotes equivalent mass placed at pt A, with 𝑥𝑒𝑞 = 𝑥, the
kinetic energy equivalent mass system Teq is:
Teq  meq xeq

MCT 456 Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Dr. Ahmed Asker 42

Example 1.7

By equating T and Teq, and note that

xl2 xl3 x
x p  x, xv  , xr  , and  r 

l1 l1 l1
Jr l22 l32
meq  m p  2  mv 2  mr 2 E.3
l1 l1 l1
Similarly, if equivalent mass is located at point C,
hence, 1 1
Teq  meq xeq
 meq xv2 E.4
2 2
Equating (E.4) and (E.1) gives
2 2
 l1 
Jr  l3 
meq  mv  2  m p    mr  2  E.5
l2  l2   l1 
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