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Department of Animal Science, Oregon State (Jniversity, Corvallis, Ore. 97331;
2Department of Plant Physiology,
University of Lund, Sweden; anct aUSDA-SEA,
Western Regional Research Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. Oregon Agricubural
Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 5491, received 2l Apr. 1980.
urrrptri 8 Dec. t980.
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 04/01/22

CHsrxE,, P. R., CenrssoN, R. eNo KoHr_En, G. O. 198 1. Nutritive value of leaf

protein concentrates prepared fromAmarantftas species. can. J. Animal Sci. 61:

Leaf protein concentrate (LPC) samples were prepared from several species of
Amaranthus . Their proximate composition and phenolic content were determined. In
vitro nitrogen digestibility was low (28-48Ea) and was negatively correlated with
phenolic content. The amino acid content ofone sample ofA. hypochondriacus LpC
was measured, and compared favorably with reported values for essential amino acids
for alfalfa LPC and soybean meal. The nutritibnal values of the Lpc samples were
assessed in a rat feeding trial. compared to a soybean meal control diet, the gains with
Amaranthus LPC were poor, ranging from l8 to72vo of the control value. The cause
of the poor growth remains to be determined. The high ash content of the samples, or
the presence of organic factors such as saponins, phenolics and oxalaies are
For personal use only.

possibilities to account for the poor growth rate of rats.

Des 6chantillons dp concentrat de prot6ine foliaire ont 6t6 pr6par6s ir partir de plusieurs
espbces d'Amaranthus et on a 6tabli leur composition imm6diate-et leur Gneur en
ph6nols. Leur digestibilit6 de N in vitro 6tait bass e \28-48vo) et n6gativemenr con6l6e
avec les concentrations ph6noliques. La teneur en acides amin6s d'un 6chantillon de
concentrat obten]u de Amaranthus hypochondriacus se comparait favorablement avec
les valeurs publi6es pour les acides aminds essentiels des Concentrats de prot6ine de
luzerne et du tourteau de soja. La valeur nutritive de divers isolits extrarts
d'Amaranthus a 6t6 mesur6e sur des rats. compar6 d un r6gime t6moin h base de
tourteau de soja, le gain de poids produit par les isolats de prot6ine d',4 maranthus 6tait
m6diocre, se situant entre 18 et78To des valeurs t6moins. La cause de cette oibtre
performance reste i 6lucider. Elle pourrait tenir d la concentration 6lev6e en cendres
ou encore d la pr6sence de facteurs organiques comme les saponines, les ph6nols et les

Green plants synthesize and contain largei not digest cellulose. One procedure for
amounts of protein. Forages are not utilized utilizing the protein in green plant tissue for
efficiently as protein sources for humans and nonruminants is the production of leaf
most nonruminant animals, because the protein concentrate (LPC), which is pre-
protein is poorly digested, the fibrous feeds pared by expressing the plant juice with a
are unpalatable, and they have a low press, and coagulating the soluble protein in
digestible energy content for animals that do the juice. LPC prepared from alfalfa has
given growth performance similar to that
3Present address (R.C.): CETEC-SDA, 30000 Belo obtained with soybean meal with swine
Horizonte. Brazil. (Myer et al. 1975; Cheeke et al. 1977b) and
with poultry (Kuzmicky and Kohler 1977).
Can. J. Anim. Sci. 6l: 199-204 (March 19tt) Amaranthus species contain large

amounts of extractable protein (Lexander et In vitro pepsin-trypsin digestibility of Amaran-

al. 1970). They grow in many parts of the thus LPC was determined by the Lexander et al.
( 1970) modification of the Akeson and Stahmann
world, including temperate and tropical (1965) method. Protein nitrogen soluble inO.5Vo
regions. Amaranthus species were important
trichloroacetic acid was expressed as a percen-
grain crops in South America prior to the tage of total protein in the LPC.
Spanish conquest. Efforts are being made to Phenolics in rhe Amaranthus LPC were
develop several Amaranthus species as crop estimated as ethanol-extractable phenolics and as
plants (Cole 1979). Forage types are grown pepsin-trypsin-released phenolics ln the first
in Africa and Asia as vegetable crops. case, the LPC was refluxed three times with 807o
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 04/01/22

Amaranthus has been identified by the U.S. ethanol (1 g LPC, 50 mL ethanol, for 2 h, l5 min
National Science Foundation as one of six and 15 min). Folin reagent was used to detect
plants with promising potential as new phenolics (Folin and Denis 1915). In the second
crops. The others are kenaf, crambe, pigeon case, LPC was digested with pepsin-trypsin
(Lexander et al. 1970). The digest was analyzed
pea, jojoba, and guayule. Amaranthus for chlorogenic acid using the method of
contains saponins, alkaloids, phenolics, and Hoepfner (1932) . In both cases, chlorogenic acid
oxalates (Feine et al. 1919) which might was used as the standard. Results are expressed as
have adverse effects on LPC quality. The milligrams of chlorogenic acid equivalents per
objective of this study was to evaluate the sram N in LPC.
quality of Amaranthr.rs LPS as a protein The LPC was included in rat diets to provide
source, using growing rats as the assay l0 Vo dietary protein. Corn and soybean meal were
animal. added to provide 67a protein, to give a total
dietary crude protein level of 16Vo. ln addition'
For personal use only.

the diets contained 47o mineral mix (Jones and

MATERIALS AND METHODS Foster 1942). l7o vitamin mix (Cheeke et al.
The plants were grown in piots at Davis, Calif. 1977a) and4Vo corn oil. The proportions of LPC'
Two replicated plots (15 m2) were used for each com and soybean meal were variable, and are
species or cultivar. Nitrogen fertilizer was listed in Table 3. Five male Long-Evans rats of
applied at 200 kg N per ha. The whole plants were about 75 g initial weight were assigned to each
harvested ll wk after planting, chopped, and treatment. They were fed ad libitum until all feed
ground together with a 2% sodium bisulfite was used; the number of days for each treatment is
solution of pH 8.5 (one part fresh weight plus indicated in Table 3. This procedure was used
0. 1 5 part solution) . The material was pressed in a because the quantities of the LPC samples
screw press; the expressed juice was readjusted to available were quite limited, so the maximum
pH 8.5 and quickly heated to 85'C. The amount of feed that could be made in each case
coagulated leaf proteins were collected with a was prepared. The gains were compared to those
delaval separator, and the wet LPC was of the control animals, over the appropriate time
freeze-dried. Unless otherwise indicated, the period. Means were compared by Least Signific-
LPC was washed twice with weak acid at pH 4, to ant Difference (Steel and Torrie 1960).
remove phenolic substances, and again freeze-
dried. Samples of LPC from low saponin andhigh RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
saponin alfalfa were included for comparative The LPC samples were much lower in
purposes. protein and higher in ash (Table l) than is
The proximate composition of Amaranthus usually the case for LPC, which typically has
LPC samples was determined, using Association values of aboil 50Vo crude protein and
of Official Agricultural Chemists ( 1970) 5-107o ash (Pirie 1978). The high ash
methods. Amino acids were estimated for one content of these samples, which con-
sample of A. hypochondriacus LPC, using a
sequently reduces the percentage protein,
Beckman Spinco column chromatography au-
may be attributable to a fine dust blowing in
toanalyzer after hydrolysis in 6 N HCI for 24 h.
Cysteine and cystine were determined as cysteic from surrounding fields. However, a high
acid and methionine as methionine sulfone, after ash content may be a characteristic of
oerformic acid oxidation. Amaranthus, since in previous studies

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Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 04/01/22

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For personal use only.

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(Cheeke and Carlsson 1978), Amaranthus However, there was no apparent relationship
whole-plant grown elsewhere was found to between phenolic content and growth rate;
have a high ash content. The amino acid the correlation coefficient for the regression
analysis (Table 2) of a sample of Amaran- between gain and phenolic content was low
thus hypochondriacus compared favorably (r +0.43). This might suggest that
in terms of essential amino acid composition phenolics did not influence the gains, or that
to that of soybean meal, particularly with the level in all cases was sufficient to
respect to lysine and sulfur-containing markedly impair protein utilization' The
amino acids, and was very similar in amino effect of phenolics on rat pedormance is not
totally clear; plants or plant meals with high
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 04/01/22

acid composition to alfalfa LPC (Table 2).

The growth rates of the rats fed phenolic content usually give poor animal
Amaranthus LPC were quite poor (Table 3) performance, but chlorogenic acid when fed
in most cases. The amino acid analysis to rats at l7o of the diet had no effect on
indicates that the A. hypochondriacus LPC Protein Efficiency Ratio or digestibility
should not be deficient in total essential (Eklund 1915). On the other hand,
amino acids, although their availability Horigome and Kandatsu ( 1968) showed that
might be low, as suggested by the low in phenolic substances allowed to react with
vitro nitrogen digestibility (Table I ). casein in the presence of o-diphenoloxidase
Amaranthus species contain phenolics reduced the biological value of the protein.
(Heagauer 1964) which bind proteins and This did not happen in the absenca of the
reduce their digestibility (Pirie 1978). The phenoloxidase.
content of ethanol-extractable phenolics was The Amaranthus LPC had considerably
For personal use only.

negatively correlated with pepsin-trypsin less phenolics than the original plant matter'
nitrogen digestibility (r : -0.83, n : ll). Per gram of dry matter, the ethanol-
extractable phenolic content of whole plant,
press residue and LPC ranged from l1-17,
Table 2. Amino acid composition of LPC prepared 1-9, and 2-8 mg, respectively' Per gram of
ftom Amaranlhus hypochondriacts (g amino acid/16 g
N) compared to that of soybean meal and alfalfa LP
N, the corresponding values were 900-
1100, 700-l100, and 60-140 mg. Thus the
g amino acid/16 g n phenolic level ofthe LPC was about 1O-fold
A. less than for the original plant material.
hypochondriacus Alfalfa SoYbean Either phenolics in the plant were not
Amino acid LPC LPCt meali completely bound to the LPC, or were
Lysine 6.6 5.9 6.5 removed by the acid washing.
Threonine 5.0 ).1 l.J Rats on the diet containing unwashed
Proline 4.6 4.9 6.3 mixed Amaranthus LPC had a very poor
Cysteine t.2 1.2 i.5
growth rate (Table 3), and exhibited a
Methionine 2.4 2.3 l3
Valine 6.9 6.3 5.3 bloated, swollen appearance. Gross exami-
Isoleucine 5.8 5.6 5.3 nation revealed no tissue lessions, but the
Leucine 9.3 9.3 8.2 intestines were distended with fine particu-
Phenylalanine 6.0 5.9 5.3
late matter, which may have been ash, or a
Tyrosine 4.2 4.8 3.3
Histidine 2.4 z.-t z. I poorly digested polysaccharide fraction. Its
Arginine 5.8 6.5 1.3 identity was not pursued.
Aspartic acid 9.9 r0.0 14.0 Saponins are another possibility to
Serine 5.3 4.3 5.6
account for the poor animal performance.
Glutamic acid 10.6 I1.4 20.0
Saponins, assessed by the Trichoderma
Glycine 5.4 \\ \ )
Alanine 6.0 6.3 5.3 bioassay of Pedersen and Wang (197 l), have
been detected inAmaranthus foliage at high
tKuzmicky and Kohler 1977.
tlntemational feed reference number 5 O4 604 levels (Cheeke, unpubl. observ.). Saponin
Table 3. Diet composition, and rat growth and feed intakes

Diet composition Rat performance

Vo Days Avg daily Gain as Avg daily
Vo Vo soybean on gain Vo of feed intake
Source of LPC LPC corn meal test (9, control (g)
Corn-soy control 69 22 6t 8.3+0.3 .] 100
8.2+0.4a 100
l6t 8.5 +0.3 d 100 22.0+0.6
A . anclancalius 4t.4
44.6 5 l3 5.9+O.3 bc 69 21 .6+ 1 .5
A. ascendens 44.4 60
Can. J. Anim. Sci. Downloaded from cdnsciencepub.com by on 04/01/22

41.6 5 lo 5.1+0.9 bc 18.0+2.1

A. flavus 54.3 58
29.'7 7 o 4.8+ 1.0 b 18.1 + 1.1
A. gangeticus 46.2 39.8 5 l5 4.8+0.3 b 56 19.5+ 1.8
A. mantegazzianus 41 .:t 5 12 4.1+0.9 b 55 18.0+2.8
A. Taiwan l2l 43.7 5 IJ 6.1+0.9 c 72 2l.l+1.5
A. cruentus HHI 60.2 21.8 9 l6 1.5+0.8 d 18 15.2+ | .2
A. cruentus HH2 55.2 27.8 8 8 5.4+0.9 bc 66 18.5+1.1
A. cruentus HH3 60.2 21.8 9 l6 )6+11nf 3t t6.l+1.'7
A. hypochondriacus 48.5 36.5 6 l3 4.9+0.9 bf 58 18.9+ 1.3
l. Taiwan 3t +/. I 44.1 ^ l3 6.0+O.6 bc 11 20.5+ | .4
A. cruentus HH3
(unwashed) 5 6.8 26.2 l3 3.8+0.5/ 45 17.6+2.2
Mixed Amaranthus
(unwashed) 68.5 l 1.5 ll t6 2.2+0.4d 26 15.9+ 1.0
High saponin alfalfa 20.6 70.4 16 5.9+O.7 bcg 69 11 .'7+1.2
Low saponin alfalfa 19.3 11.7 6.9+0.4I + I .0
For personal use only.

14 81 19.3
fAverage daily gain for the control group was computed after 6, 9 and l6 days on test.
tSeed obtained from Taiwan; speciei noi identified.
a-g Means followed by different letrers are different (p < 0.01).

content of the LPC samples was not with Amaranthus seeds (Cheeke and
measured. Carlsson, unpubl. observ.), rat performance
The high ash content of the samples may has been poor. The Amaranthus fractions,
have been another factor involved in the poor whether whole plant, seed, or LPC, seem to
rat gains. If the ash acted as a non-nutritive be unpalatable to rats, and have an
diluent, increased feed intake mieht have unpleasant, earthy taste to the human palate.
occurred. as rats adjust their feed Intake to Phenolics, saponins, and oxalates are
meet caloric needs. Because intake was not components of Amaranthas (Hegauer 1964;
increased (Table 3), factors other than the Feine et al. 1979), which mighr be
ash content may also be contributing to the responsible for the poor animal responses.
poor growth. It is also possible that the high While several Amaranthus sDecies are
mineral content may have caused low diet vigorously growing. high yielding plants.
palatability, or had some other detrimental the factor(s) responsible for the poor animal
effect. While the ash content of these acceptance need to be overcome before
samples is higher than generally reported for Amaranthus , or LPC prepared from it, can
LPC (Pirie 1978), these samples may be be successfully utilized as a feedstuff.
reflective of what might be observed under
commercial LPC production. AKESON, W. R. and STAHMANN, M. A.
In a previous study (Cheeke and Carlsson 1965. Nutritive value of leaf protein concentrate,
1978), whole plant Amaranthus meal gave an in vitro digestion study. Agric. Food Chem.
very poor results when fed to rats. Growth 13: 145-148.
was poor, and feed intake low. In studies
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protein concentrate evaluation with rats and in phosphorus. J. Nutr. 24:245-256
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COLE, J. N. 1979. Amaranth from the past, for 1970. Quantities and qualities of leaf protein
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EKLUND, A. 1975. Effect of chlorogenic acid in grown under controlled conditions. Ann' Appl.
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Pages 4l-63 in G. A. Ritchie, ed New 885-891.
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FOLIN. O. and DENIS, W. 1915. A colorimetric through selection. Crop Sci. ll: 833-835.
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