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Diversity of the Human Intestinal Microbial Flora

Paul B. Eckburg et al.

Science 308, 1635 (2005);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1110591

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minimum similarity as the threshold for any
Diversity of the Human Intestinal pair of sequences in a phylotype (or opera-
tional taxonomic unit) as calculated by
dissimilarity matrices and the DOTUR pro-
Microbial Flora gram (12), we identified a total of 395 bacte-
rial phylotypes (Fig. 1). In contrast, all 1524
Paul B. Eckburg,1* Elisabeth M. Bik,2 Charles N. Bernstein,3 archaeal sequences belonged to a single
Elizabeth Purdom,4 Les Dethlefsen,2 Michael Sargent,3 phylotype (Methanobrevibacter smithii); these
Steven R. Gill,5 Karen E. Nelson,5 David A. Relman1,2,6* archaeal sequences were excluded from fur-
ther analyses. This remarkable apparent dif-
The human endogenous intestinal microflora is an essential ‘‘organ’’ in pro- ference in diversity of the two prokaryotic
viding nourishment, regulating epithelial development, and instructing innate domains in the gut was reminiscent of results
immunity; yet, surprisingly, basic features remain poorly described. We exam- from soil and ocean (14).
ined 13,355 prokaryotic ribosomal RNA gene sequences from multiple colonic Of the 395 bacterial phylotypes, 244 (62%)
mucosal sites and feces of healthy subjects to improve our understanding of were novel (table S3), and 80% represented
gut microbial diversity. A majority of the bacterial sequences corresponded to sequences from species that have not been
uncultivated species and novel microorganisms. We discovered significant in- cultivated (12). Most of the inferred organisms
tersubject variability and differences between stool and mucosa community were members of the Firmicutes and Bacte-

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composition. Characterization of this immensely diverse ecosystem is the first roidetes phyla (Fig. 1 and fig. S1), which is
step in elucidating its role in health and disease. concordant with other molecular analyses of
the gut flora (6, 7, 9). The Firmicutes phylum
The endogenous gastrointestinal microbial mucosal microbiota, in close contact with the consisted of 301 phylotypes, 191 of which were
flora plays a fundamentally important role in underlying gut epithelium, facilitates benefi- novel; most (95%) of the Firmicutes sequences
health and disease, yet this ecosystem remains cial functions including nutrient exchange and were members of the Clostridia class. We de-
incompletely characterized and its diversity induction of host innate immunity (11). Fecal tected a substantial number of Firmicutes re-
poorly defined (1). Critical functions of the samples are often used to investigate the in- lated to known butyrate-producing bacteria
commensal flora include protection against testinal microflora because they are easily (2454 sequences, 42 phylotypes) (15, 16), all
epithelial cell injury (2), regulation of host fat collected. However, the degree to which com- of which are members of clostridial clusters
storage (3), and stimulation of intestinal an- position and function of the fecal microflora IV, XIVa, and XVI. We expected prominent
giogenesis (4). Because of the insensitivity of differ from mucosal microflora remains un- representation of this functional group among
cultivation, investigators have begun to ex- clear. We undertook a large-scale comparative our healthy control subjects, given its role in
plore this ecosystem using molecular finger- analysis of 16S rDNA sequences to charac- the maintenance and protection of the normal
printing methods (5) and sequence analysis of terize better the adherent mucosal and fecal colonic epithelium (16). Large variations
cloned microbial small-subunit ribosomal microbial communities and to examine how among the 65 Bacteroidetes phylotypes were
RNA genes E16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA)^ these microbial communities differed between noted between subjects (Fig. 1), as described
(6–9). However, such studies have been subjects and between mucosal sites. previously (6, 7). B. thetaiotaomicron was de-
limited by the relative paucity of sequenced Mucosal tissue and fecal samples were ob- tected in each subject and is known to be
gene fragments, the use of fecal biota as a tained from three healthy adult subjects (A, B, involved in beneficial functions, including nu-
surrogate for the entire gut microflora, and and C) who were part of a larger population- trient absorption and epithelial cell maturation
little attention given to potential differences based case-control study (table S1) (12). and maintenance (17). Relatively few sequences
between specific anatomical sites. In addition, Mucosal samples were obtained during colo- were associated with the Proteobacteria, Actino-
variation associated with time, diet, and health noscopy from healthy-appearing sites within bacteria, Fusobacteria, and Verrucomicro-
status have not been adequately described, nor the six major subdivisions of the human colon: bia phyla (fig. S1). The low abundance of
have the relative importance and contributions cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, de- Proteobacteria sequences (including Esche-
of each source (10). scending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum. richia coli) was not surprising, given that
Surface-adherent and luminal microbial Fecal samples were collected from each sub- facultative species may represent È0.1% of
populations may be distinct and may fulfill ject 1 month following colonoscopy (12). We the bacteria in the strict anaerobic environ-
different roles within the ecosystem. For ex- focused on 16S rDNA given its universal dis- ment of the colon; this is consistent with
ample, the biofilm-like architecture of the tribution among all prokaryotes, the presence previous findings (6, 8, 9). Three sequences
of diverse species-specific domains, and its from two subjects (represented by AY916143)
Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic reliability for inferring phylogenetic relation- clustered with unclassified sequences previ-
Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, ships (13). The 16S rDNA was amplified ously identified from mammalian gut samples.
Room S-169, 300 Pasteur Drive, Stanford CA 94305–
5107, USA. 2Department of Microbiology and Immu- from samples with polymerase chain reaction These sequences appear to represent a novel
nology, 299 Campus Drive, Room D300, Fairchild (PCR) and broad-range bacterial and archaeal lineage, deeply branching from the Cyano-
Science Building, Stanford CA 94305–5124, USA. primers (12). The 7 samples from subject B bacteria phylum and chloroplast sequences.
Section of Gastroenterology, Department of Medi- and the fecal sample from subject C yielded No complex microbial community in na-
cine, University of Manitoba, MS 779-820 Sherbrook
Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1R9, Canada. 4De- archaeal products; all 21 samples yielded ture has been sampled to completion. In ad-
partment of Statistics, Sequoia Hall, 390 Serra Mall, bacterial products. PCR products were cloned dition to its biases and inability to distinguish
Stanford University, Stanford CA 94305, USA. 5The and sequenced bidirectionally, and numerical live from dead organisms, the limited sensi-
Institute for Genomic Research, 9712 Medical Center ecology approaches were applied. tivity of broad-range PCR may hinder detec-
Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA. 6Veterans Affairs
Palo Alto Health Care System, 3801 Miranda Avenue,
Initially, a phylotype census was performed tion of rare phylotypes. We used several
Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. on each sample (table S2). A total of 11,831 nonparametric methods to explore the diversi-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
bacterial and 1524 archaeal near-full-length, ty and coverage of our clone libraries. Phylo-
E-mail: (P.B.E.); relman@ nonchimeric 16S rDNA sequences were sub- type richness estimations suggested that at (D.A.R.) jected to phylogenetic analysis. Using 99% least 500 phylotypes would be detected with SCIENCE VOL 308 10 JUNE 2005 1635

continued sequencing from our samples (Fig. 1). The Rao diversity coefficient (19), based on the relative abundance of sequences
(Q130, Q300, and Q200 phylotypes in subjects which accounts for both phylotype abundance within communities and the extent of genetic
A, B, and C) (Fig. 2 and figs. S2 and S3). and dissimilarity, was indeed higher for B divergence between sequences. We first com-
These estimates must be considered as lower than for the other subjects (fig. S7). This pared inter- and intrasubject variability using
bounds, because both the observed and the pattern was not found with traditional, that is, double principal coordinate analysis (DPCoA)
estimated richness have increased in parallel Shannon and Simpson, diversity indices, (19). The greatest amount of variability was
with additional sampling effort (Fig. 2 and fig. which assess only relative phylotype abun- explained by intersubject differences; stool-
S3). Coverage was 99.0% over all bacterial dance (20). Within each subject, the mucosal mucosa differences explained most of the
clone libraries combined, meaning that one samples demonstrated similar diversity pro- variability remaining in the data (Fig. 3).
new unique phylotype would be expected for files, regardless of the index used (fig. S7). The relative lack of variation among mucosal
every 100 additional sequenced clones (18). Previous investigations have not rigorously sites was further examined. The FST statistic
The microbial community appeared more addressed possible differences in the intestinal of population genetics (21) was used to com-
diverse in subject B than in A or C, based on microflora between subjects, between anatom- pare genetic diversity within each subject; this
inspection of the richness and evenness of the ical sites, or between stool and mucosal com- revealed that the mucosal populations of sub-
clone distribution across the phylogenetic tree munities. We applied techniques that are jects A and B were significantly distinct com-

Fig. 1. Number of sequences per phy-

lotype for each sample. The y axis is

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a neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree
containing one representative of
each of the 395 phylotypes from this
study; each row is a different phylo-
type. The phyla (Bacteroidetes, non-
Alphaproteobacteria, unclassified near
Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmi-
cutes, Fusobacteria, and Alphaproteino-
bacteria, ordered top to bottom) are
color coded as in Fig. 3 and fig. S1.
Each column is labeled by subject
(A, B, C) and anatomical site. For
each phylotype, the clone abundance
is indicated by a grayscale value.

1636 10 JUNE 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE

pared with the overall mucosal diversity (table mucosal libraries. We sought further anatomic subset of the stool library. We postulate that
S5). However, in both of these subjects, a precision in explaining library distinctions the fecal microbiota represents a combi-
single mucosal library had a deviant genetic using the X-LIBSHUFF program (22). We nation of shed mucosal bacteria and a sepa-
diversity index; exclusion of this library from found that mucosal clone libraries were similar rate nonadherent luminal population; however,
the analysis led to an insignificant FST statistic to the other mucosal libraries from the same these data must be interpreted with caution,
in each case (12). Taken as a whole, these re- subject, with two exceptions (fig. S6). The given the delay between stool and mucosa
sults confirmed little genetic variation among library from the ascending colon of subject sampling.
subject-specific mucosal libraries. A was a subset of every other mucosal pop- Bacterial diversity within the human co-
We then asked whether nonrandom dis- ulation from that subject (P values G 0.0017), lon and feces is greater than previously de-
tributions of phylogenetic lineages accounted and the descending colon library from sub- scribed, and most of it is novel. Differences
for any variation among all samples. Using a ject B was a subset of the ascending colon between individuals were significantly greater
modification of the phylogenetic (P) test library in that subject (P 0 0.0005). Such in- than intrasubject differences, with the ex-
(12, 21), we found that stool and pooled consistencies among mucosal subpopulations ception of variation between stool and ad-
mucosal libraries harbored distinct lineages suggested a pattern of patchiness in the dis- herent mucosal communities. Complicating
(P G 0.001) (table S5); however, distinct lin- tribution of mucosal bacteria rather than a this picture is our evidence for patchiness and
eages were not found among the individual homogenous gradient along the longitudi- heterogeneity. This patchiness did not display
nal axis of the colon. X-LIBSHUFF also re- an obvious pattern along the course of the
vealed that nearly all mucosal libraries from colon but may reflect microanatomic niches.

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subjects B and C were significantly distinct Given that each mucosal sample contained
from the corresponding stool library, whereas a similar distribution of organisms within
each mucosal library from subject A was a higher order taxa (Fig. 1), the variation we

Fig. 2. Collector’s curves of observed and

estimated phylotype richness of pooled muco-
sal samples per subject. Each curve reflects the
series of observed or estimated richness values
obtained as clones are added to the data set in
an arbitrary order. The curves rise less steeply
as an increasing proportion of phylotypes have
been encountered, but novel phylotypes con-
tinue to be identified to the end of sampling.
The relatively constant estimates of the num-
ber of unobserved phylotypes in each subject
as observed richness increases (the gap be- Fig. 3. DPCoA for (A) colonic mucosa (solid lines) and stool (dashed lines), (C) colonic mucosal
tween observed and estimated richness) indi- sites alone, and (D) mucosal sites excluding Bacteroidetes phylotypes. Phylotypes are represented
cate that estimated richness is likely to as open circles, colored according to phylum as in Fig. 1. Phylotype points are positioned in
increase further with additional sampling. The multidimensional space according to the square root of the distances between them. Ellipses
Chao1 estimator and the abundance-based indicate the distribution of phylotypes per sample site, except in (A), where all mucosal sites are
coverage estimator (ACE) are similar, but the represented by one ellipse. Percentages shown along the axes represent the proportion of total
ACE is less volatile because it uses more Rao dissimilarity captured by that axis. (A) is the best possible two-dimensional representation of
information from the abundance distribution the Rao dissimilarities between all samples (12). (B) is an enlarged view of (A), depicting the
of observed phylotypes. Individual-based rare- centroids of each site-specific ellipse. Subject ellipse distributions remain distinct after stool
faction curves are depicted in figs. S4 to S6. phylotypes (C) and Bacteroidetes phylotypes (D) are excluded from the analysis. SCIENCE VOL 308 10 JUNE 2005 1637

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architecture of complex microbial commu- 9. X. Wang, S. P. Heazlewood, D. O. Krause, T. H. Florin, Foundation (D.A.R.), Canadian Institutes of Health
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dition, the effects of host genetics and of Immunol. 5, 569 (2004). types (AY916135 to AY916390) and all other
perturbations such as immunosuppression, 12. Materials and methods are available as supporting sequences (AY974810 to AY986384) were deposited
material on Science Online. in GenBank.
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S. Edberg, R. Medzhitov, Cell 118, 229 (2004). Include this information when citing this paper.

by the odor of the occupant. Fungal entomo-

Fungal Pathogen Reduces pathogens infect through external contact, with
spores germinating and penetrating through
Potential for Malaria Transmission the cuticle before proliferating in the hemo-
coel. Natural mosquito-mosquito transmission
Simon Blanford,1 Brian H. K. Chan,1 Nina Jenkins,2 Derek Sim,1 is unlikely, because this would require contact
Ruth J. Turner,1 Andrew F. Read,1 Matt B. Thomas3* between an uninfected adult and a sporulat-
ing cadaver. In other pest-control contexts,
Using a rodent malaria model, we found that exposure to surfaces treated contact with fungal spores in a spray residue
with fungal entomopathogens following an infectious blood meal reduced has proved to be a highly efficient means of
the number of mosquitoes able to transmit malaria by a factor of about 80. infecting insects (13, 14) because it does not
Fungal infection, achieved through contact with both solid surfaces and netting rely on direct hit of the target and enables
for durations well within the typical post-feed resting periods, was sufficient accumulation of high doses of pathogen over
to cause 990% mortality. Daily mortality rates escalated dramatically around time through continued or repeat exposure.
the time of sporozoite maturation, and infected mosquitoes showed reduced Our experimental system comprised Anoph-
propensity to blood feed. Residual sprays of fungal biopesticides might replace eles stephensi and the rodent malaria Plas-
or supplement chemical insecticides for malaria control, particularly in areas modium chabaudi. Our first experiment was a
of high insecticide resistance. basic mortality screen of eight Hyphomycetes
fungal isolates from two common species, Beau-
The use of pyrethroid insecticides on bednets Several studies have investigated the use veria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae.
or on walls and ceilings is the mainstay of of microbial agents for biological control The specific isolates were selected based on
malaria vector control. However, some forms of mosquitoes (see 8–10 for reviews). The their known biological activity, that is, either
of resistance are a threat to the long-term most successful approach has been the use known generalists or those originally iso-
effectiveness of such measures (1, 2). With of microbial biopesticides, such as Bacillus lated from dipteran hosts (15). The basic
practical implementation of novel molecular thuringiensis, for control of the larval stages assay technique exposed blood-fed adult fe-
interventions still years off (3–6), there is a (8, 9). Here, we report the potential of fungal male mosquitoes to oil-based spray residues
pressing need for practical alternatives for entomopathogens for indoor use against adult inside replicated cardboard pots (16). Mosqui-
malaria control (7). mosquitoes to reduce malaria transmission. toes were introduced 24 hours after the pots
1 Oil-based formulations of fungal entomopath- were sprayed and, for this initial screen, re-
Institutes of Evolution, Immunology, and Infection
Research, School of Biological Sciences, Ashworth ogens are a relatively recent innovation that mained in the sprayed pots for 14 days. The
Laboratories, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 enables economically viable spore applica- eight fungal isolates varied in virulence to A.
3JT Scotland, UK. 2CABI Bioscience at Department of tion in ultralow-volume sprays under a wide stephensi (Fig. 1 and table S2), six of which
Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College London, Wye range of environmental conditions (11, 12). produced 980% mortality by day 14, with
Campus, Wye, Kent, TN25 5AH, UK. 3Division of
Biology and NERC Centre for Population Biology,
These formulations create an opportunity to 970% of the cadavers bearing sporulated
Imperial College London, Wye Campus, Wye, Kent, apply fungal pathogens for use on indoor sur- fungi. High mortality by day 14 is encour-
TN25 5AH, UK. faces of houses or curtains where some ma- aging because that is about the time taken
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. laria vector species rest after a blood meal or for Plasmodium to develop from ingested
E-mail: on bednets to which mosquitoes are attracted gametocytes to infective sporozoites.

1638 10 JUNE 2005 VOL 308 SCIENCE

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