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The African Jungle Tales

Nwoko Solomon Ikechukwu

Copyright ©️ 2022 Pastor Nwoko S. Ikechukwu

All right reserved
Apart from citations for research works and other official references, no part
of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieved system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission
from the author.

This book is dedicated to God, my beloved wife Nwoko Obusor Stella (My
Joy), and my three kids, to the glory of God.

I acknowledge all my readers, lovers of books, and all my friends and loved

Story One: The Reason the Vultures were Banished from Pride Land
A long time ago in the land of the animals; we all know that the land of
animals is called the "Jungle," there was a severe famine. The jungle was
in chaos, agony, and hullabaloo as a result. The king himself - the lion, who
is the king of the jungle was in turmoil and confusion. The death in the land
among his subjects left him shattered, battered, tattered, and tattooed (it is
okay, don't laugh much, in fact, hold the laughter and let's continue the
story, I don't have too much time). He does not know what to do because
no one knows what the problem or the cause of the famine is in the first
place. Will you blame the king? Can one solve a problem that no one
knows the root cause of?

Normally, there is famine in the jungle when there is no rainfall for a long
time. But this wasn't the case with this famine. There is rainfall in the jungle,
but this famine was a result that animals were afraid to go to the farmland
either to farm or harvest what was farmed. None was brave anymore to go
to the stream to fetch drinking water and as a result, there was no food and
drinking water in the jungle, resulting in a chronic famine in the land. The
animals were afraid to go to farms and streams because those who did
never return. Something or someone yet unknown to the animals attacked
and killed them, or they were taken captive, no one knows exactly what
happened to them. The entire jungle was confused and in the agony of
hunger and lack.

The animals have lost their patience, they, therefore, match angrily in their
gallanting, hopping, leaping, creeping and swinging, etc to the palace to
confront the king and know why he has been derelict, and doing nothing
about their current predicament. Soon, they cluster in the palace, as soldier
ants cluster around a dead snake or an unfortunate living snake. They were
all complaining, murmuring, and mumbling (why are you laughing, is it
funny?), like a child who received an undeserved discipline from an angry
parent (you remember back then when you were still small, didn't you?).
But Mr. Tortoise the Wise, who is the wisest animal in the jungle, sat quietly
and observed the whole scene and its drama without a single word. The
king of the jungle, the Lion, was dumbfounded and confused, he does not
know what to do about the whole matter, and cannot make out the meaning
of it all. Yes, the Lion may be the strongest and bravest of all the animals,
but he is certainly not the wisest in the jungle.

After he scarcely sends the animals back to their abode by promising what
he knew he could not grant, "Please, my good people of the animal
kingdom, be calm. I have everything under control. I promise you that I will
handle this problem in a few days. Just retire to your homes, leave this
matter to me, I am on it," he promised unsure of himself (king, why are you
lying?). The animals hailed the king and returned to their homes, not
knowing that the sound of bitter kola is not the same as the taste. However,
Mr. Tortoise the Wise stayed behind. As soon as everyone left, Mr. Tortoise
the Wise returned to the king and as he expected, he saw the king seated
on his throne confused and discombobulated (hold it! Don't laugh, I'm not
done yet). When the king saw Mr. Tortoise the Wise, he adjusted himself to
appear strong, confident, and brave before him.
"What are you still doing here Tortoise the Wise? I told all the animals to
return to their homes, I have this under control," the king said.
"I am here to see you, my king. I wanted to see you alone, that is why I
stayed behind when others left, my king," Mr. Tortoise the Wise said.
"Okay, Tortoise the Wise, now that you have seen me, what do you want?"
The king asked.
"My king, it is true that you are the strongest and bravest animal in the land,
that is why you are our king. But you may not be the wisest animal in the
kingdom. You cannot carry this burden alone, even though you are the king
of the jungle. Call for the animal kingdom, ask for ideas and suggestions,
and use the best ideas and suggestions to solve this problem, my king.
Uneasy they say, lies the head that wears the crown. There are good ideas
here in your kingdom among your subjects that can help you solve this
problem, once and for all," Mr. Tortoise the Wise said.
"Well said, my friend Tortoise the Wise. Indeed, two good heads are better
than one. Though I regret admitting it, I have been very worried. Thank you
so much, and you can go, I will send for all the animals at once," the king
"Thank you, my king," Mr. Tortoise the Wise said and took his leave.

A few hours later, the Lion summoned all the animals in his palace. Not
long, they were all in the palace as they did at first. The king of the jungle,
the Lion, addressed the crowd and said, "My good people of the animal
kingdom, I am the strongest and the bravest animal in this kingdom, and of
course your king. But I am certainly not the wisest in the land. This matter
has superseded my wisdom, and I will not be too proud to admit that I don't
know what to do. Hence, if any of you have a good suggestion, please say
it. If it pleases the people or even the majority, I, the king of the jungle shall
grant it approval," the lion said.

After the speech of the king, a few suggestions came forth, however, the
suggestions that the animal warriors should be sent to the farmland and the
stream respectively were taken. Again, Mr. Tortoise the Wise sat calmly
and speechless viewing the whole scene without uttering a word. The next
day, at midnight, the warriors stormed the farmlands and streams, but they
found nothing. They toured the jungle all night, but nothing confronted
them. In the morning they returned believing that all is well, that whatever it
was that was attacking animals on their way to the farmland and/or stream
is gone.

The warriors returned to the king and the entire animal kingdom and broke
the supposed good news to them. And they rejoiced in the euphoria of the
good news. And the lion, the king of the jungle declared in confidence,
"Thanks to my able warriors who have carried the task given to them
diligently. And now, the calamity facing us has been taken care of. Every
one of you is now free to go to his farmland, either to farm or harvest what
is farmed, and to the stream to fetch drinking water. Soon, the hunger
against our land will be a thing of the past. Retire to your homes, my good
subjects, farming starts tomorrow," the lion said.
"Hey…! Victory! Victory!! Victory!!! To the king and the people," the animals
shouted in joy and happiness as they retired to their homes. The next day,
almost all the animals went to their farms and streams and it appeared as
though nothing would happen to them. However, the few animals that left
back home a little bit late did not reach their homes, and that became
another reason for the king of the jungle- the Lion, and the tire animal
kingdom to be worried in dismay and confusion. All the animal kingdom
was quickly summoned and ideas were sought, but this time, no one
seems to have any idea to present, they were all confused and in a state of
discombobulation (I can hear you exclaim hmm! Calm down and continue
the read). The warriors felt disappointed and ashamed that all the hail and
praises given to them were in vain, knowing that they did not succeed in
their attempt to solve the problem facing the animal kingdom.

At this point, however, Mr. Tortoise the Wise who had been speechless
over the whole drama going on in the animal kingdom resolved to speak
"My king, and my fellow citizens of the animal kingdom, I think I have an
idea of what we can do to fish out whatever it is that has been attacking our
people." The king and the entire animal were very happy and at the same
time anxious to hear the idea of Mr. Tortoise the Wise. Hence, there came a
mighty silence like the peaceful calm in the sky after a cracking, rumbling,
and thunderous pluviosity or rainfall. Everyone sat quietly, including the
king, to hear from Mr. Tortoise the Wise.
"My king, I have taken time to observe all the things that have been going
on over this current predicament we all have been facing, and I realized
that whatever it is that attacks our people's lives on the ground. Our able
warriors have gone through the means of land, but could not find anything,
yet, each time one or a few powerless animals visit the farmland or stream
via land, they do not return. Therefore, this is my suggestion, my king. Let's
view the lands from above. Animals that can fly above the ground must be
selected to fly up there, and from up there survey the ground to see if they
could see whatever it is that has been attacking our people. A problem
seen is half solved. When we know the cause of our predicament, we will
know the best way to solve it," Mr. Tortoise the Wise concluded. The king
and the entire animal kingdom were happy and in total agreement with the
suggestion of Mr. Tortoise the Wise. Hence, animals that could fly were
called upon and some of them volunteered themselves, such as the Kits,
Doves, Hawks, and Vultures. The vultures insisted that one of them should
be sent arguing that they are the best in jobs like this. The king and animal
kingdom agreed and one vulture was sent to view the land from above.
They resolved not to send more than one bird at a time, so as not to attract
attention to themselves. The vulture flew very high above the ground and
surveyed the ground from up there, and after some time, the vulture saw a
strange being that zoomed out of one of the big trees there. The strange
being has the ability of a chameleon, the strength of a lion, and the fast
moves of a cheetah. It can blend with anything around it like a chameleon,
the pounce of its paws full of claws is like that of an angry and hungry lion.
It moves swiftly at its prey like a ferocious cheetah and shows no mercy on
their lives. However, it lacks the ability to fly. The vulture was terrified and
marveled at the creature and flew down, pitched on a nearby tree with a
height above the ground, and called the attention of the Strange being.
"Oh! So, you are the mystery behind the predicament facing the animal
kingdom? It is you that hides like a chameleon and attacks the poor
animals suddenly with the ferocious pounce of your paws like a lion and
runs faster than them with your swift move like a cheetah. Now, your
mystery is over, because I will expose your secret to the king of the jungle
and the entire animal kingdom, and in no distant time, you will be history
and a forgotten one. Finally, I have solved the puzzle that no one in the
entire kingdom could solve. Surely, the king will have a reward for me," the
vulture said.
"I could give you a better and bigger reward compared to whatever reward
your king could give you for snitching on me, my good man. What is your
name, my good man?" the strange being asked with its hairy mouth like
that of a lion and claws of his paws full of the blood of the pre he just killed
and ate in a jiffy.
"My name is the vulture, call me vulture, the swiftest in the race of the sky
in the animal kingdom," the vulture said, full of himself.
"Okay, my good friend vulture the swiftest. How about we strike a deal?
How about working together with me? So that both of us can enrich
ourselves with the flesh and blood of the animal kingdom. While they
wallow in the pain of hunger caused by famine, we get fattened with their
meat. What do you say about that, vulture?" The strange being asked with
its eyes on the vulture.
"Aha! This is one of your tricks to lure me closer so you can lay devour
claws on me. No, I am not that stupid," the vulture replied ready to take off.
"I make an honest deal, vulture. I do not eat or harm my allies, my good
man. I give you my word, as long as you are loyal to me, no harm will come
your way or the ones you care about," the strange being promised.
"What would you have me do, Mr…?" the vulture asked with interest.
"The Mystery of the Jungle, call me the Mystery of the Jungle, or the
Indescribable Beast (the strange being replied). You will do just two things
for me. Keep what you have seen today to yourself as a secret and be on
the lookout for me. Inform me of all the decisions of the king and the
kingdom," the strange being said.
"And what shall be my reward, the Indescribable Beast?" The vulture
"The flesh and blood of every unlucky animal that I kill from today. You and
your family and all you care about will flourish on the fat flesh and blood of
animals in this jungle," the strange being promised.
"Then, we have a deal. Let me fly home quickly and tell the animal kingdom
that there is nothing in the farmlands or streams to find. See you when I
come back for my share of flesh and blood. Good Bye, for now, my friend!"
The vulture said as it flew away.
"Swing on, my good friend, see you later," the strange being replied happily.

The vulture flew to the palace and told the king that he saw nothing after
parading throughout the pride land. The king was troubled and more
confused. "My good servant, please keep this information to yourself for
now until I consult with some of the elders and wise animals in my
kingdom. I do not want to put more pressure on my people than they
already have," the lion said to the vulture. The lion summoned some
animals in the land he considered wise, and of course, Mr. Tortoise the
Wise was one of those summoned. He told them the report of the vulture
and his concern for the animal kingdom if they should hear such
discouraging news.
"My king, let not your heart be troubled. Keep this news to yourself for now
and ensure the vulture does too. I believe that something is fishing, I sense
foul play somewhere. Give me a few days, my king, and I shall find out the
truth behind the vulture's report," Mr. Tortoise the Wise promised.
"I am counting on you, Tortoise the Wise. Please don't let me and the
kingdom down," the Lion said.
"I will not, my king," Mr. Tortoise the Wise assured.

Mr. Tortoise the Wise began to monitor the vulture's movement and realized
that the vulture did sneak out and sneak in with a heavy sack bag dripping
with blood. He quickly reported to the king and suggested that another
flying animal should be sent to find out where the vulture sneaks to, who he
meets and what he does there. The king agrees, and a dove was sent to
monitor the vulture. One day, as the vulture sneaked out, the dove followed
secretly afar off. When the vulture thought that he was not followed, he flew
directly to his meeting point with the Indescribable being. The dove was up
in the air as the vulture landed on a tree there. Gradually, the dove
descended and saw this strange being with the ability of a chameleon,
strength of a lion, and the speed of a cheetah tearing apart an unfortunate
antelope that visited the farmland from a nearby kingdom. Surprisingly to
the dove, he saw the vulture talking and laughing with this beast, and
worse of it all taking his share of the meat of the murdered antelope.
"Aha! I have caught both of you. This is really unbelievable. Vulture, how
can you collide with this beast to do this unimaginable evil? You strike a
bargain with this beast and lie to the king and the animal kingdom that you
didn't see anything when for real you know what it is that attacks and kills
the people of the jungle, your own people. What is it? The meat and blood
you will receive as a reward makes you betray your own people. This is
unbelievable. The king and the people must hear this," the dove said in
"Calm down, dove. This is politics, the game of thrones. This is a cool
business with huge profits. Please be mature and don't be holier than thou.
The beast is a friend and friendly to those who are loyal to him. Don't you
see how I get fat and plumpy with my kind in the midst of this chronic
hunger in the jungle? If you are reasonable and willing, the Indescribable
being here is ready to strike a nice and favorable deal with you which will
make you and your kind forever fed. What do you say, little one?" The
vulture asked the dove.
"What do you mean, vulture? What deal are you talking about?" The dove
"I will take it from here, my vulture friend," the Indescribable being said to
the vulture and made the same deal he made with the vulture to the dove.
"Are you kidding me? You want me to betray my king and my people for the
sake of meat and blood? As flying animals, the vulture and I have been
chosen to save lives, the lives of the entire animal kingdom because we
can fly up here and see what animals down there cannot. And as such, we
are meant to be their eyes and directions, and inform them of any possible
danger. It is quite unfortunate that the vulture has allowed himself to be
bought, but not me. All the riches in the jungle are not worth the life of any
animal. I must fly now to the king and tell him this evil you and the vulture
are perpetrating against the animal kingdom. So that everyone will know
that you are the mystery and misfortune behind the suffering of the animal
kingdom," the dove said in the attempt to fly away.
"Then you leave me with no choice but to kill and feast on you, with my
friend the vulture," the beast said. Turning to the vulture he said, "After him,
my good man. Don't let him escape. Bring him to me and you will have the
best part of the meat and blood. You have my word," the beast promised
and the vulture went after the dove violently, and it became a race of life
and death. Both of them swing in the wind of fury and survival. The vulture
gave the dove a deadly scratch of his claws which left him bleeding and he
fell from the high sky to the middle of basket-like grass and was enveloped
by the grass. The vulture flew down and searched carefully and repeatedly
for the dove, but could not find him. He assumed that the dove was dead,
knowing the pounce of his claws on him. The vulture believed that no bird
as small as the dove could survive such a ferocious pounce of the claws.
Hence, he returned to the beast, narrated the whole story, and assured the
beast that the dove was dead. Therefore, their business is still on and

A few minutes after the vulture left, the dove regained consciousness,
stood on both feet, and jumped out of the grass in which he was
enveloped. He then realized that one of his wings was broken and he was
bleeding as well, though not as serious as the first time. The dove
managed to fly home with one of his wings. Directly, the dove flew to the
palace to show himself to the king and also tell him about his discovery.
The king was surprised to see the dove in his palace with a broken wing
and bleeding as well. Quickly, the king ordered the royal physicians to treat
his wounds and they did. The dove was well treated, the bleeding stopped,
and the broken wing was treated and bandaged as well. Water was given
to the dove, and he drank and was very happy and felt refreshed because
drinking water was very hard to come by in the jungle. The king ordered
him to sit and narrate everything that happened. The dove sat and told him
everything that happened as he followed the vulture. Lion the king of the
jungle was furious to hear such. He resolved to send his warriors to capture
the Indescribable beast, the vulture, and all his kind and kill them at once.
However, he resolved to send for Mr. Tortoise the Wise and hear from him
about what he should do, the best way to handle the situation.

When Mr. Tortoise the Wise arrived, he pleaded with the king to calm down.
"The vulture and the beast will be on the lookout, my king. Though the
vulture thinks the dove is dead and may have told the beast the same
thing, yet, they will be in doubt if actually, the dove is dead since his body
was not found. My king, we are going to make them believe that the dove is
dead and that their secret is still safe. To do that my king, we will not arrest
the vulture and his kind now. You will call your subjects, my king, and tell
them that animals are still being killed on the farmlands and streams,
hence, no animal should go to the farmland and the stream until the matter
is resolved. My king, you will tell them that the dove visited the farmland
ignoring your instructions and has not returned till today, that you strongly
believe that he is dead. The vulture will be at this meeting, my king, hearing
this will make him believe that for sure the dove is dead and could not
reveal their secret. He will tell the news to the beast and both of their minds
will be relaxed. Then at that point when they think they are at ease, we will
strike them, my king, beyond their expectations.

This is what we are to do, my king, choose two more flying animals to add
to the dove to make them three flying animals. Three chameleons to detect
wherever the Indescribable beast may be hiding. Three lions to overpower
his strength which is like that of a lion, and three cheetahs to outrun his
speed like that of a cheetah. My king, the two birds you will choose to
support the dove will be on the hide, while the dove will show himself to the
vulture. When the vulture comes after him, supposing he is alone, the other
two will fly out from their hiding and capture the vulture and prevent him
from feeding the beast with further information. The chameleons will
invisibly locate where the beast is, and they will inform the three cheetahs
and lions, but only one cheetah will show himself, wondering as though he
is lost and has not seen the Indescribable beast. As soon as the beast
zooms out to attack the one cheetah hoping he is alone, the other two
cheetahs and the three lions will appear and capture the beast and bring
him home so that the entire jungle will see what it is that has been
terrorizing the animal kingdom. The vulture will be brought home, and his
kind will then be arrested, then, my king, you can pass your judgment on
the beast, the corporate vulture, and the entire vulture's clan," Mr. Tortoise
the Wise suggested.
"This is a brilliant idea, Tortoise my friend. This idea will be put in place to
the last letter, starting from now," the king assured.

Immediately, the king summoned all the animals in his palace and the
vulture, who is the informath of the Indescribable beast was there as well.
The king and Tortoise pretended they were not aware of his lies and
betrayal. The king informed the animals to stay away from the farmlands
and streams until they could find out what it is that was killing, attacking, or
kidnapping the animals. He informed them that one of the doves that left for
the farmland against his warning has not returned and that he strongly
believes that the dove must be dead. The vulture was very happy to hear
that and he believed that the king and the entire animal kingdom had not
been informed of his deal with the Indescribable beast. After the meeting,
he quickly and happily flew to the beast and broke the supposed good
news to him, and both of them rejoiced in the euphoria of the moment.

After the public meeting to deceive the vulture and the beast, the lion and
Mr. Tortoise the Wise called for a secret meeting of a few animals without
the vultures, and three flying animals, three chameleons, three cheetahs,
and three lions were selected, and were told what to do. The king told the
selected animals to prepare themselves within three days. And when the
beast and the vulture least expect it, they will strike them beyond their

The training had been done, all preparation made, and tonight is the fateful
day when all the menace in the jungle caused by the Indescribable beast
and the betrayer vulture will come to an end, like the end of a cracking and
lightning thunder after a windy storm. Most animals in the land knew
nothing about the plan of the king, Mr. Tortoise the Wise, and the selected
animals. It was a secret plan known only to those involved. This is to
ensure that there is no jeopardy on this great task that will bring happiness,
peace, progress, riches, and security back to the jungle, the animal
kingdom. At midnight when all domestic heads are on the pillow on the bed,
the wild launched into the deepest of the jungle to carry out the plan made
by the wise minds of the jungle.

First, the flying animals set out to execute their part of the plan. The dove
appeared before the vulture, looking wounded and half-dead, with a red
color that appeared like blood covering all over his body. Seeing the dove,
the vulture resolved to finish his work. He assumed that the dove survived
the pounce of his claws after all. But he is still wandering, looking for his
way to the palace, hence, he resolved to finish him off before he could get
to the king and spoil his business with the Indescribable beast. At once, the
vulture zoomed out and came after the dove violently, thinking he was all
alone. Unknowing to him, however, that this time, there is a green snake in
the green grass. While approaching the dove in his speedous moves like a
mighty windy Hurricane approaching a building with a weak foundation, the
two flying animals in hiding flooded on him like a mighty ocean flooded
against an unfortunate ship. One from the right side and the other from the
left side of the wind, they grabbed him like a hawk grabs an innocent
chicken from the uncareful mother hen. Pinning him together, they took him
straight to the king, who ordered that he be thrown into the dungeon until
the other culprit is apprehended. The rest of the vultures and the
Indescribable beast still don't have the slightest idea of what was going on.
As soon as the land animals at work received the signal that the vulture
had been apprehended, they set out for action. Haven dictated where the
Indescribable beast was hiding, the chameleons informed the lions and the
cheetahs. Then as planned, one of the cheetahs was sent to walk past the
beast as one that was lost looking for his way.

Seeing the cheetah, the Indescribable beast was very happy, and he
believed he had seen a dinner for the night. Quickly, he zoomed out of his
hideout not knowing that the cheetah had seen him and that this time he
was under a serious attack. The moment he made a move on the cheetah,
other cheetahs and lions appeared and surrounded him. Immediately, the
Indescribable beast vanished, though that was what he appeared to do, he
actually blended with the color of the environment. Unfortunately for him,
however, the chameleons who knew what he knew were around.
"He is right there in the middle of the tree," they told the lions and the

Not seeing him physically, the lions threw the pounce of their claws at the
spot pointed to them by the chameleons. Their angry and disparate claws
injured the Indescribable beast who then knew that he was in great danger.
And for the first time, he wondered why the vulture did not inform him of
this danger planned right in the animal kingdom where he was supposed to
have been a prominent member.
"Does this mean that the vulture has betrayed me?" The beast soliloquized.
"No, he can't do that, that would be betraying himself as well," he muttered.

Seeing that the disappearance option has failed him, the Indescribable
beast resolved to employ the speed of a cheetah to escape the danger of
the night and think of what to do later after clearing his head. Unfortunately
for him, however, that option failed too because he could not outrun the
three cheetahs who quickly caught up with him and surrounded him. Not
knowing what to do next, and being unable to think of any solution at the
moment, the beast resolved to put up a fight. "I will not go down without a
fight," the Indescribable beast determined. He actually did put up a
ferocious fight, which was very brutal. Finally, however, he was
overpowered, subdued, and captured by the three lions and cheetahs.

Proudly and happily, the Indescribable beast was brought home to the
jungle by the few men-warriors bound with chains the following morning.
He was brought before the king cap in shame, clothed in disgrace and for
the first time in his entire life, he felt powerless, frustrated, and afraid. The
king was amazed over this beast and wondered what manner of creature
he was. The king, the lion was, however, happy at his capture and proud of
his brave warriors and the wise plan aided by Mr. Tortoise the Wise. The
king ordered and he was cast into the dungeon where the vulture has been
kept for hours. Again, the king ordered the arrest of all the vultures who
supported and participated in the wickedness of their brother, son, father,
and/or husband, and it was done.

The vulture was surprised to see the Indescribable beast thrown into the
dungeon with him, and both stared at each other in fear, shame, and
disappointment, knowing that their secret had leaked, but not knowing how
it was leaked.

The Indescribable beast inquired from the vulture about how he was
captured, and the vulture narrated everything to him. With the analysis of
the vulture, the beast realized that the vulture did not bite the hand that fed
him as he had imagined earlier. "Oh! It wasn't the vulture that betrayed me
after all. How then did the animal kingdom find out of our little secret?" He
wondered. The Indescribable beast also narrated to the vulture the
misfortune that led to his capture, which he believes has brought him to his
Waterloo. "What then is my fate if the almighty Mystery of the jungle, the
Indescribable beast now believes his end has come? It then means that I
have no hope of survival," the vulture worries. When the beast and the
vulture realize that they have come to the end of their lives among the
living, they get into a fearful and regrettable sober reflection. Sorrow
became their food, agony their drink, and dismay their blanket.

The king ordered the town crier to summon all the jungle to the palace. In a
jiffy, the animals that fly, gallop, jump, hop, hup, creep, etc flooded the
palace to know why the king has summoned them yet again. "Let's go and
find out the new story he is about to tell today," many murmured.

When all the animals gathered, the king, the lion told them the story of the
calamities that had been on the land. After his analysis, the jungle was
furious over the vulture that betrayed the kingdom, but they could not
understand what the king meant by the Indescribable beast. They could not
wait to lay their eyes on the being that had terrorized the entire animal
kingdom and put it in a state of discombobulation. "Bring them before the
people," the king ordered, and the vulture and the Indescribable beast were
brought out of the dungeon and were presented to the people. "My people,
this is the beast that has troubled our land. This is the beast with the ability
of a chameleon, the strength of a lion, and the speed of a cheetah. He was
the beast that attacks and kills our people on their way to farms or streams.
But thanks be to the Maker and my able brave warriors that we have finally
captured him. He will trouble us and our kingdom no more," the lion, the
king of the jungle said. The animals came as close as they could to stare at
the beast. "What kind of creature is this?" They asked. "So this is he that
nearly left the jungle desolate," some said "This is the cause of the calamity
that had troubled this kingdom for a long time, now," others said. "Finally
you have been brought down, and soon you will go down to Sheol where
your soul shall be interned in sorrow, agony, and dismay just as you have
caused us for years," others said.

"This is my judgment. The Indescribable beast shall be killed alongside the

betrayal. The vulture that collided with him to perpetrate evil against this
kingdom. Just as they fattened themselves with the flesh and blood of the
innocent animals they killed, so will we get fattened with their flesh and
blood. I will ensure that their flesh shall be shared with all the animals as a
consolation for the loved ones they lost in the hands of these monsters.

And for supporting this betrayal, all the vultures shall henceforth, be
banished from the pride land to the wasteland, and there they shall have
their abode. And if I set my eyes on any of them after now, I shall kill and
feed on their flesh and blood," the king said.

Turning to his warriors he said, "Two strengths of the jungle, two speed of
the jungle, two weight of the jungle and two height of the jungle, take the
vulture, the betrayal of the jungle, and the Indescribable beast, the Mystery
of the jungle to the kingdom abattoir, kill and make them meat for the
people to eat away their sorrow and the agony of the past. Also, I want two
lions, two cheetahs, two elephants, two giraffes, and this time, two flying
birds to escort the vultures out of the pride land to the wasteland.
Henceforth, the warriors will take turns to keep watch over the pride land, to
ensure that no vulture or any strange and/or unwanted creature will ever
step foot on the pride land.
Finally, this situation has taught me that every animal is important in this
kingdom, and has a role to play for the betterment of the kingdom. Hence, I
am including the tortoise, chameleon, dove, and other birds as part of the
security in this kingdom to work with the jungle warriors," the king said.

The order of the king was carried out immediately. The vulture and the
Indescribable beast were killed and their meat was well prepared and
shared among all the animals in the land, especially the birds, chameleons,
cheetahs, and the lions that captured them. Mr. Tortoise the Wise was also
given a sizable share because of his wisdom that brought the corporates to
book. The vulture clan was escorted by the animals the king gave the
assignment, out of the pride land and left in the wasteland. The banished
vultures into the wasteland sought diligently for food and water, but could
not find any. They searched for days, weeks, months, and years until they
became ravaged with hunger and began to die one by one out of hunger.
They could not imagine the fresh taste of the fresh meat and blood their
brother used to bring home for them during the days of famine in the jungle
anymore. When the vultures could not find anything to eat and drink, they
finally saw a dead and rotted animal that ran to the wasteland and died
after being attacked by a wild beast, they resolved to feed on it. At first,
they vomited and felt irritated. As time went on, however, it became their
favorite and they began to enjoy it, to the point that they now preferred it to
fresh meat or any fresh food. Even after many years when their banishment
was lifted, and they were again free to live or visit pride land, they still
preferred wasteland and rotten meat to pride land and fresh meat. This is
how vultures began to eat rotten meat or food.

At the death of the Indescribable beast, peace, joy, and happiness returned
to the jungle. The animals could freely once again go to their farmlands and
streams. Within a short time, there was plenty again in the land for the
animals to eat and drink, and the famine that ravaged the land vanished.
The king, the lion gave a one-week banquet to celebrate their freedom from
the attack of the Indescribable beast and the vulture and their recovery
from the calamities it brought to the kingdom.
What a joy in the heart of the people and a big breath of relief to the king,
who has indeed and finally gotten everything under control. Mr. Tortoise the
Wise smiled at one corner in prideful joy and fulfillment of his God's given
wisdom which has worked wonders again in the land.

The End

Stay tuned for the African Jungle Tale number two!

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