2nd Moot Proposition For Final Exam

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University Institute of Law

Desh Bhagat University

Mandi Gobindgarh
(Second Moot Proposition)
Max Marks: 30

PAPER Class-BALLB 10th sem Subject Code: BALLB-1005

Moot Court Class-LLB 6th sem Subject Code: LLB-605
Date of BALLB 10th Sem April 7, 2022 (Thursday)
LLB 6th Sem April 8, 2022 (Friday)

Note: Mandatory for all the students of BALLB 10 TH Sem/ LLB 6th Sem

Aaron, aged 30, S/O- Late John, R/O- 54/3-New Ext. Apartment, Vaaso da Gama, and Grace,
Aged 27 yrs, D/O- Defrado, R/O- Greater Ango Colony, Margao, were married on 8th March,
2018 according to their religious rituals. Their marital life was going smoothly. On some
occasions they used to have few verbal quarrels with each other but they reconciled soon after
the verbal fight. Two years after the marriage Grace gave birth to a baby girl on 4th September
2020. The girl was named as Naomi. After few months of the birth of Naomi, Grace observed
certain changes in the behaviour of Aaron. Aaron started behaving in a rude way and he usually
becomes violent on every petty issue without any reason. Initially Grace did not took the matter
in a serious way but when the violent character of Aaron continued Grace took her husband
Aaron to the doctor Alfron, who was a psychiatrist. The doctor advised Aaron to have control
over anger and to take certain medicines. The doctor diagnosed him to be suffering from first
stage of Bipolar Mood Disorder (Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a
brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to
carry out day-to-day tasks. There are four basic types of bipolar disorder; all of them involve
clear changes in mood, energy, and activity levels).

In spite of the medical treatment the violent behaviour of Aaron continued to exist. On slight
issues Aaron becomes violent and he also started to fight with Grace and he also use to beat
him without any reason. On dated 5th December 2021 at 11a.m., loud noise of fighting, crying
and shouting was coming from the house of Aaron. On hearing the cry John, who was
neighbour of Aaron went in the house of Aaron and found Grace lying unconscious on the floor
pooled in blood with various injuries on her body. At that time John saw Aaron hiding a Iron
Axe in the garden. Thereafter John called the police and Grace was taken to government
hospital whereby she was treated by Dr. Luke. Aaron was arrested by police on the same day
and was kept in police custody. On 6th December, 2021 Grace regained her consciousness and
her statement was recorded by Simon, SHO of the Police Station. In her statement she told to
the police that on 5th December at 10 a.m. Aaron came home and started fighting with her in
a violent way and when she resisted Aaron attacked him with axe kept in the garden. On 8th
December Grace died because of the injury in her lower abdomen which proved fatal. Naomi,
the daughter of Aaron was sent to Government Child Care Centre.

On the basis of the statement of John and the dying declaration of Grace FIR was lodged against
Aaron vide. 733/ 2021 in the Vaaso da Gama Police Station. During interrogation Aaron stated
that he was unconscious at the time when Grace was attacked. He told to police that when he
regained his consciousness he found Grace lying on the floor and axe in his hand. He told to
the police that he did not know from where the axe came and he also stated that he did not
know how Grace died.

Prepare your memorials in favour of both Prosecution and Defence

1. Each Student must prepare two Memorial on behalf of Petitioner(s)/
2. Further each student has to submit one hard copy of the Memorial in the
3. Students should compulsorily submit their Moot memorials before
4. The students who will not submit the record (memorial) on the given dates
or time, they will not be allowed for Presentation.
Date and time for Moot Proposition Record submission:
• 7th April, 2022 (Thursday) B.A. LL.B 10th sem (between 11:00AM -
• 8th April, 2022 (Friday) LL.B 6th sem (between 11:00AM -1:00PM).
5. Dress Code:
Girls: White salwar and kurta or white shirt and black trousers along with
black tie, black coat and black shoes.
Boys: White shirt, black trousers and black tie along with black coat and
black shoes.
6. Guidelines For Formatting:
Memorial Structure: The memorial must have following pages only:
i. Cover Page – The cover page shall contain the
name of the Court, name of the parties, name and
class of the student.
ii. Table of Contents
iii. List of Abbreviations
iv. Index of Authorities
v. Statement of Jurisdiction
vi. Statement of Facts
vii. Issues Raised
viii. Summary of Arguments
ix. Arguments Advanced
x. Prayer
7. Content Specifications:
The following content specifications must be
strictly adhered to:
i. Font and Size (General) - Times New Roman, 12
ii. Line Spacing (General) - 1.5 lines
iii. Font and Size (Footnotes) - Times New Roman,
10 pts
iv. Line Spacing (Footnotes) - Single line
v. Page Margins - 1 inch on all sides
vi. The Hard Copies of the Memorial shall be
printed on only one side.
vii. The citation should be in compliance with the 20th edition of Bluebook.
Speaking footnotes or Endnotes are not allowed.


Marking Criteria
Moot Memorial (Hard Copy) 10

Dress Code 05

Presentation 15


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