Career Episode 1 System Regarding Intelligent Classroom Automation by The Implementation of The Pic Microcontroller

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1.1 Introduction

Semester 5th
Duration August 2012 – December 2012
Location Chennai
Subject Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (147505)
Supervisor INSERT
Department Electronics and Communication Engineering
Institute RMK College of Engineering and Technology
University ANNA University

1. Project Name: System Regarding Intelligent Classroom Automation by the Implementation of

the PIC microcontroller

2. Date: entry

3. Supervisor’s Name: entry

4. Organization’s Name: entry

5. Position: Service Engineer

1.2 Project Nature

1.2.1 Background

As the technologies are enhanced at a very extended level, there are most of the educational
premises still utilized the old method to record attendance and the students. This method is
utilized these days as an effective approach. But, when the number of students reaches the level
when the accurate and proper data of student attendance are required to be maintained then,
recording the attendance in the register may not be efficient and effective. The classrooms are
equipped with electric equipment and this equipment is on the ‘ON’ even when there are no
students inside the classroom. An innovative method is required to be developed which records
the student’s attendance digitally transmits the data to the proper storage system. And, the design
of the automatic switching equipment is required to develop which can efficiently sense the
presence and absence of the students in the class and switch the equipment accordingly.

In this project, the automatic attendance and electrical equipment controlling system was
designed utilizing the PID controller. This system not only implemented proper attendance of the
students along with the activities regarding their performances were evaluated. This system also
checked the proper condition of the room. As most of the classrooms are provided by electronic
devices, that consisted of software for recuperating and promoting the techniques of teaching. So
for the development of this project, the development of the program of feet and ground was done
that did not contain any temporary intervention from any of the teachers or students of floor

1.2.2 Objective

This project was performed to develop an efficient control system to record the attendance of the
students and perform automatic control of the electric appliances. The other goal achieved in this
project were as follow:

 To develop the design for the control system for the biometric sensor this could
efficiently identify the individual students.
 To design the component automatic control system that could efficiently operate the
electric appliance results in the elimination of the waste of electricity.
 To assign the storage system for the recorded attendance this could be easily exceeded by
the officials.

1.2.3 Nature of Work

I conducted the initial of the project by reviewing the literature by conducting the study of
various source files along with other books and articles. I also selected the appropriate devices
regarding the conduct of designing. I terminated the conduct regarding designing and at a
similar time, I performed the checking of every component applied to be sure of their better
performance. I performed the work of designing. I conducted the activity of job management
along with report writing. I applied the VB.NET software for the process of code writing. I
performed the operation of the simulation and acquired the conclusions as per the result

1.2.4 Organizational Chart

Punjab Technical

Global Institute of
Management and


Head of

Er. Bikramjit Singh

Mandeep Singh

Other Members

Figure 1: Organixation Chart

1.2.5 Duties and Responsibilities

Various steps have to be operated during the conduct of the project and consist of various works
to be accomplished after the project completion. They are presented as follows

 To acquire the necessary and available information considering the project title and to
perform the proper study regarding its content.
 To perform the selection of the different components which was utilized in the control
system and selection of simulation software for the component.
 To perform designing of the control system by utilizing all the components selected for
the project.
 To perform simulation for the fingerprint sensor, fingerprint identifier, and automatic
switching system of the electric appliance in the classroom.
 To analyze the obtained result of simulation for the complete control system and identify
the reliability of the developed control system.

1.3 PEA


I initiated this process to acquire the required information regarding the methods and
methodologies to be applied for the performance. For this process, I collected various articles
and journals associated with this topic and also I gathered necessary project files consisting of
the same or similar topic so that I could achieve more knowledge in the case of the topic. I
gained an idea about the previous experiment performed and also I acquired the improvements
performed with the time and development and also the adequate improvements to be done to
match the requirement in the case of the present situation. I also performed the activity regarding
the selection of software along with components required for the project. I researched for the
most effective software to be utilized for the simulation of the control system developed in this
project. I gathered the detailed idea regarding the conditions to be applied in the case of this
project to make the project an applicable one considering the regular use.


I executed the operation consisting of information gathering and knowledge by performing the
investigation among various source files. Then I performed conducted the collection of
components utilized in the project. I selected the light-dependent resistor (LDR) by considering
its rating and its acceptability for the application in the project. I employed the LM35 sensor for
temperature sensing application by observing its ability of temperature measurement along with
the performance of accuracy. I utilized the relay which was a very effective device for the
automatic switching application of the electronic system by reacting to the electrical signal
received. Now, for the overall functioning of the system, I applied a PIC microcontroller that had
the capability of providing signals to all the other components as per the conditions. I preferred
the PIC 16F877A microcontroller consisting of a 40-pins configuration. Now for the operation of
the designed system, I generated a power supply unit that provided 12V of DC supply for the
functioning. I selected the Proteus software to analyze the complete control system.


I executed the work regarding required components gathering and got involved in the process of
designing the system. I performed the design regarding the automation system of the classroom
as per various applications such as automatic attendance, control of the load, and the
transmission of the message. I utilized the fingerprint sensor to detect the fingerprint and
compare it to the database where all the fingerprints were saved. I also performed the task of
comparison by applying a microcontroller. I installed sensors in the classroom to receive data on
student presence. I connected the sensors to the microcontroller which processes the received
data and sends the signal to the relay to work accordingly. I utilized the LCD screen to give the
information of matching fingerprint on the sensor which records that particular fingerprint as
attendance record data. I connected the monitor of the security system to the control system and
designed the control system to display the emergency data directly to the monitor of the authority
of security. I designed the control system as when the fingerprint matches with the fingerprint
available at the database, the electric connection of the green light was completed. Similarly, I
observed the red light glow when the fingerprint does not match.

Figure2. Circuit diagram presentation of the automation system regarding intelligent classroom


I executed the task regarding the designing of the system and started the conduct regarding the
simulation process. I conducted all the programming in the microcontroller and the conditions
regarding various applications were compared to the set data in the microcontroller. I performed
the simulation regarding three major applications. I presented all the cases regarding all the
applications such as in the case of automatic attendance performance, load control, and
transmission of the message. I performed the programming regarding the fingerprint detector. I
programmed the condition that if the fingerprint provided to the system did match the fingerprint
that was set earlier in the microcontroller, then the liquid crystal display (LCD) provided the
“figure match” in the screen and the finger id was stored. I presented the result regarding
automatic attendance is presented in figure 3 as below

Figure3. Simulation of the automatic attendance by the application of thumb detector

I also performed the programming regarding the application of load control. I applied the
conditions that if the temperature sensor sensed the light intensity lower than that of the setpoint
then the performance of the glowing bulb was conducted. I also conducted similar programming
regarding the case of activation of the fan i.e. if the temperature of the room rose from 30
degrees then the fan was activated. Then I conducted the simulation regarding the transmission
of the message. I programmed the system providing the condition that in the case of the essential
message to be provided to the associated authorities then the message was displayed in the liquid
crystal display associated in the classroom. I utilized the VB.NET software for the performance
of the programming and I conducted the activity of processing. I presented the process regarding
the transmission of the message by applying VB.NET as

Figure4. Application of VB.NET for the process of transmission of the message

Figure5. LCD displaying the required message


I terminated the operation regarding the designing of the system along with the simulation
process of the intelligent classroom automation system in various applications by the
implementation of the PIC controller. In this system, I conducted various simulations such as
automatic attendance along with load control, as well as, message transmission. I performed the
activity regarding the attendance system where the system compared the figure print to the set
figure print in the microcontroller and if the print matched exactly then the attendance was taken
as an input and the data was stored in the computer. I also conducted the performance of the
activation of light and fan with the detection of the illumination and temperature, and if the value
reached the set value then those were activated. I also performed the message transmission
activity by activation of the sensor detector present in the room and this sensor detected the
action that was performed in the room, then that was presented in the liquid crystal display of the
associated authority and all the records were recorded in the computer.

1.4 Issues and Solution


I operated the simulation only for two of the applications i.e. automatic attendance and load
control and did not perform for the transmission of the message. I did not perform the activity of
simulation regarding message transmission as a result the actual activity performed in the
classroom was not achieved by the authorized personnel and created a mess in the classroom. So
for the improvement regarding the issue and to improvise the designed system, I consulted with
my supervisor and he provided the idea regarding the message transmission y the application of
liquid crystal display. As per the instruction, I applied the system of transmission and by the
application, the class could be controlled by the authorized person, and also there occurred many
disciplines in the classroom.


I performed the operation regarding the load control without the application of the temperature
sensor, but without the implementation of the sensors the operation regarding the fan was
difficult to operate on a random basis so I studied the various source file regarding the similar
topic and I acquired the information of the application of the temperature sensor to detect the
exact temperature of the surrounding and to operate the fan. I also performed the maintenance of
the temperature by the application of the sensor.

1.5 Creative Work

I applied the motion detector along with the LCD for the conduct of the message transmission. I
applied the system that helped in the observation of the class activity by the authorized person of
the institute. I also implied the temperature sensor regarding the detection of the temperature of
the classroom as a result proper performance regarding the maintenance of the room was
1.6 Team Management

I was considered as the group leader regarding the conduct of the project and I was considered to
be the responsible person regarding the operation of the project. I presented the performance of
the work to the project supervisor and conducted the solution regarding every issue raised during
the performance of the project. I also conducted the separation of the project as per the ability of
the group member and performed the project in combined form. I also conducted meetings
among the project supervisor and the group members so that innovative ideas could be obtained
among various members. I also initiated the idea regarding program coding.

1.7 Code and Ethics

I performed the design of the system along with the simulation process by accepting every rule
and regulation of the program and also the entire project was conducted based on our knowledge.
None of the contents were copied during the performance of the project.

1.8 Summary

The conducted project was based on the simulation and the designing of the automation system
regarding the intelligent classroom and this system included PIC controller as its major device.
For the conduct of the programming, hitch C compiler. This programming was performed in C
programming and was saved on the. C file. In this system, various files such as header files
library files, as well as, linker files were applied. The source file was stored in the .hex file. . In
the case of automatic attendance, the set fingerprint was compared to the entered fingerprint in
the LCD screen. Also in the caseload control, as per set value, the light and fan were activated.
Also, regarding the message transmission, the requested message was displayed on the LCD
screen associated with the authorized personnel.

I increased my skills regarding professional engineering during the consideration of the project. I
also developed skills regarding leadership. I also learned the skills regarding project file
presentation. I also acquired the idea about the performance of the C programming during the
conduct of the design.

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