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Stage 2

Alex Hadley
I have a class of 3rd graders, and here are my objectives:
1. Students will be able to define and identify a numerator and denominator.
2. Students will be able to solve addition and subtraction problems including
fractions with like denominators.
3. Students will be able to compare and contrast fractions using greater than, less
than, or equal to.
4. Students will be able to model fractions.
5. Students will be able to use fractions in real world situations.

Assessment Summary
Pre-Assessment- For my pre-assessment, I will hand out a pre-test filled with a few questions
from each part of my objectives for the new section that we are learning. This will be done
before we start the unit. I will make sure to tell the kids that they will not be graded on this
assessment and that they should try their best to answer all questions, but that it is okay if they do
not know how to solve the problems. After they turn in their pre-tests, I will go through each one
and I will see how well the students did at attempting to solve the problem, and after I go through
each pre-test, I will make note of what things I will need to focus the most on throughout the
unit, and what I won’t need to spend as much time on. I will also make note of their pre-requisite
knowledge to see how well they do with their addition, subtraction, and place values. I will start
with the most basic thing that some of the students got wrong and continue with the rest of the
unit over the next number of weeks.

Test- My test is mainly subjective, but has a few objective questions included. I chose subjective
because I need to know how the students got their answers to the questions by showing their
work. I have two multiple choice questions at the beginning that will cover my first objective. I
have 3 fill in the box questions that will cover my third objective, and the rest of the questions
are ones that they will have to answer by showing their work. Altogether, the whole test is
covering all five of my objectives. For their grade, I have made a scoring chart on the answer key
for myself to grade their tests. They will receive a check plus, a check, or a check minus based
on how many points they earned. I have assigned a certain amount of points for each question,
and then I assigned a range of points for each check mark. Since this is an end of the unit test, the
information I get from this test will help me make adjustments to my lessons for the following
year. If there are things from the unit that will carry over to the next unit, I will spend a little
more time on it with whoever needs the help in a small group.

Performance Assessment- My performance assessment is titled “Pizza Parlor”, and the students
are going to work in pairs and take turns taking each other’s pizza order using fractions for the
toppings. The students will write the order down and fill in the pizza picture to correctly “make”
the order for their partner. This assessment covers objectives 1, 2, and 6. This is a good measure
of my objectives because it involves a real-world situation, and they can be creative with the way
that they choose to do, it in a way that allows for multiple solutions. It gives them a chance to
come up with fractions and test their knowledge on what fractions are and how to use them. They
also get an idea of why fractions are important in their real lives. This assessment would take
about an hour for the students to complete. The resources I need are enough copies of this
worksheet for each student (plus extras), and extra coloring utensils.

Scoring Tools- I chose to do a rubric because I thought that it best fit the assessment. I didn’t
want to grade their assessment based off of points, so I used check marks. A plus, a regular, and
a minus. The check plus represents that they know how to do it, the check represents that they
are still working on it, and the check minus represents that they do not know how to do it. The
check mark that I give them depends on how well they do with each statement in the left column.

Self-Assessment- For the self-assessment, I made a chart for the students to color in. They will
color in the box that they feel best describes their skill level for each statement in the left
column. When the students complete this assessment, they are able to reflect on themselves and
what they have learned during the unit and how well they do in each part of the unit. This will
help them understand where they are at and what they need to work on more to be successful.

Formative Assessment- Here are some of the formative assessments I will do with my class:

1). I will assign the students a page from their math workbook for homework that will
review fractions. The next day in class, I will ask the students which question they had the most
trouble on by asking them to close their eyes and hold up the number of the question they
struggled with. Then, I will go over that/those questions with the whole class. Then I will assign
a new worksheet and have the students work on it in class, and I will have a small group of
students in the front of the class with me who need help or who I believe needs some extra
assistance, and I will help them.

2). I will have all of the students grab a white board and a marker, and we will do some
math problems relating to our unit in class. I will write a question on the board and give
everyone some time to answer the question on their whiteboard. After the allotted time, I will ask
them to hold up their whiteboards and look around to see if a majority of the group got the
question right. I will then ask if anybody wants me to solve the problem on the board for them to
see it if they did not understand how to get the answer.

3). I will make a Kahoot game online that will go over all of the things that we are
learning in class about fractions. The students will work together in their table groups to solve
the problem and then choose which answer is correct. They will have to use devices to clock in
their answers. With the percentages from each of the questions, I will see what parts of the unit
that the class is struggling and where I don’t really need to spend more time on, and work with
them on their trouble spots.
Name: _____________________________

Pizza Parlor
Today we will be taking orders and making pizzas for each other as we practice
what we have been learning with fractions! Let’s get started.

1). take out some coloring utensils from your desk. If you need some, grab some
from the community bucket.
2). You will be working with your table partner. You will take turns taking a pizza
order from each other. You will write down the order on the line provided. Your
orders must include toppings with different fractions of each topping.
3). After writing the order down, you will use the circle provided to correctly draw
out the pizza order for your partner. (use a pencil to draw it out)
4). Before you color the pizza order, have your partner check to see if the order is
5). Have Fun and be creative!

1- Pizza Order:
Draw it out:

2- Pizza Order:

Draw it out:

3- Pizza Order:
Draw it out:

4- Pizza order:

Draw it out:

5- Pizza order:

Draw it out:
My partner was:
Name: _________________________

Pizza Parlor Rubric

The Pizza maker

correctly used
addition to add the
fractions of the
pizza toppings
together to make
the pizza

Obj. #2
The Pizza maker
was able to
correctly model
the fractions of the
toppings from the
order to the pizza

Obj. #4
The pizza maker
correctly wrote out
the fractions to
help them make
the pizza

Obj. #1
Self-Assessing Overall: _______

Read each statement in the left column and think about how
you think you do with each one. Then, color in ONE of the
columns on the right where you think best describes how well you do with
each statement.

I am I am I have I
Self-Assessment still getting
having better
got it
Statements trouble to do
I know what a numerator and
denominator are and I can identify
them in a fraction.

I can solve addition and subtraction

problems that involve fractions with
like denominators.

I am able to identify when fractions

are greater than, less than, or equal to
each other using the symbols; ¿ ,<,=¿

I am able to model fractions using

blocks and circles.

I am able to apply fractions to real life


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