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Implementing lean information management: the case

study of an automotive company
a a a
Maurizio Bevilacqua , Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica & Claudia Paciarotti
Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science, Università Politecnica
delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona 60131, Italy
Published online: 09 Apr 2015.

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To cite this article: Maurizio Bevilacqua, Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica & Claudia Paciarotti (2015): Implementing lean
information management: the case study of an automotive company, Production Planning & Control: The Management of
Operations, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2014.975167

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Production Planning & Control, 2015

Implementing lean information management: the case study of an automotive company

Maurizio Bevilacqua, Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica and Claudia Paciarotti*
Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Science, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, Ancona
60131, Italy
(Received 17 July 2012; accepted 6 October 2014)

Worldwide modern organisation is continuously crossed by a great number of information but frequently information is
not accurate, the needed information is not generated or it cannot be easily identified and, more, the information cannot
flow through the whole organisation. This paper proposes the application of lean thinking in the field of information
management. In the areas of manufacturing and production, the lean thinking is well known but usually the importance
of a holistic approach is neglected and the improvement involves only the production and logistic areas and there is not
a specific focus on the lean information management. We applied lean thinking to information management in order to
improve the performance of an automotive company. We analysed the as-is company condition, we identified the present
muda and we introduced the necessary changes. Then, we verified the modification efficiency through the calculation of
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a performance index. The paper proposes an interesting and exhaustive case of lean information management application
and it highlights the possible improvement of such approach. The results of this study are not sector specific: they are
not only applicable by other automotive industries, but they can also be extended to many other sectors.
Keywords: lean production; lean information management; performance improvement; information flow; visual
management; information technology

1. Introduction such as the elimination of redundant and non-value-

Efficient information management in any organisation added activities. Such changes have highlighted the
can provide consistent advantages and create important necessity to improve the information flow inside the
financial and business benefits. Literature shows that for company. For this study, the authors have focused
many companies and organisations information manage- specifically on the application of lean principles to infor-
ment is widely used to improve performance and mation management, also known as lean information
efficiency (Dietel 2000; Chaffey and Wood 2004; management.
Dimitriadis and Koh 2005; Bayraktar et al. 2009). Infor- In order to have a complete knowledge of the as-is
mation flow inside a company connects the company’s system, the IDEF0 modelling technique has been used.
different functions and their members; therefore, it is From the analysis of the muda identified, the re-engi-
important for the information flowing to be accurate, neering of the information system has been carried out.
updated, complete and self-consistent. It must create The performance measure then has made it possible to
value and must be pulled by the company’s customers. evaluate the benefits obtained. The case study proposed
For a lean company, the search for non-value-added represents a successful example of lean information
activities should deal with all the activities connected to management implementation and shows the benefits that
the production of goods and services, including informa- can come from paying special attention to information
tion management. In the field of information manage- management. Of course, the approach implemented is
ment, waste and value identification is more subjective not sector specific and can be easily applied to other
and less perceptible than in the manufacturing sector. For sectors.
this reason, sometimes, when performing muda elimina- The paper is organised as follow. Section 2 proposes a
tion, not enough attention is paid to information flow. brief introduction of lean thinking history, principles, tools
This paper proposes the case study of an Italian automo- and application field. Then a theoretical background of the
tive company that applies lean thinking principles and is implementation of lean thinking in the context of informa-
involved in the processes of continuous improvement tion management is provided. In Section 3, the research
and muda elimination. The lean thinking approach has approach proposed is described. While in Section 4, the
brought the company to carry out improvement actions case study of the application of lean information

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2015 Taylor & Francis

2 M. Bevilacqua et al.

management in an automotive company is presented. In methodology for the implementation of lean management
order to provide a complete and exhaustive analysis, the in a service production system and he described an
study includes the three dimensions suggested by Forza application in the field of telecommunication services.
and Salvador (2001): operating processes, information Lyons, Vidamour, and Jain (2011) analysed the adoption
flow and performance. So in Section 5, the performance of lean thinking by process industries. Bortolotti and
measurement highlights the results and the improvement Romano (2012) developed a framework to streamline
obtained by the new system introduced. and automate processes in pure service-providing compa-
nies. Radnor (2010) reflected on the introduction of a
lean approach in a large UK Government department in
2. Theoretical background
order to understand which tools and techniques are rele-
2.1. Lean thinking vant in such a field. Radnor and Johnston (2013) pro-
In the 1930s, the years of reconstruction following the posed two case studies of large UK Government
Second World War, in the Japanese vehicle manufacturer departments and found the lack of a market-driven
Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota Indus- approach focusing on the customer. Lean principles are
tries, his son Kiichiro Toyoda and the production engi- also successfully applied in healthcare organisations (e.g.
neer Taiichi Ohno invented the socio-technical Toyota Ben-Tovim et al. 2008; Kimsey 2010; Waldhausen et al.
Production System (Fujimoto 1999), which can be seen 2010). Xiaofeng, Kieran, and Oisin (2012) investigated
as the precursor of lean thinking. Later, in 1988, the term how lean approaches have been applied in agile software
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lean was coined by John Krafcik. Lean thinking can be development through the analysis of 30 experience
dealt with as practical and operational approach or as a reports containing real-world practice. Paciarotti, Ciatteo,
philosophical (Hines, Holweg, and Rich 2004; Bhasin and Giacchetta (2011) applied the value stream mapping
and Burcher 2006; Shah and Ward 2007). Lean thinking method to reorganise work placement service in one of
is a highly evolved method of managing an organisation, Italy’s major third sector organisations. The use of lean
it is an improvement approach, a strategy or a philoso- methods in non-profit organisation permitted to combine
phy to minimise waste (Muda) and enhance a company’s the effectiveness of social solidarity with acceptable lev-
performance (Womack et al. 1990). According to lean els of efficiency. Demeter and Matyusz (2011) focused
thinking, all work activities can be classified into three on how companies can improve their inventory turnover
categories (Womack and Jones 1996): value-added activ- performance through the use of lean practices. Sundin
ities, required/necessary non-value-added activities and et al. (2011) adapted and applied lean production princi-
non-value-added activities. Non-value-added activities ples for designing and managing recycling centre opera-
are those activities customers are not willing to pay for. tions. The intervention increased visitor capacity and
The first objective of a lean thinking implementation is waste flexibility, improved sorting quality, reduced time
to eliminate non-value-added activities, also known as for visits and enhanced working conditions. Hodge et al.
waste or Muda. Necessary non-value-added activities, (2011) examined the use of lean tools and principles in
instead, should not be eliminated immediately, because, the textile industry. Mathaisel, Manary, and Comm
although they do not add value from the customers’ per- (2009) dealt with the application of a lean enterprise
spective, they are necessary for production. However, it approach to transform sustainment processes in the mili-
may be necessary to explore a further way to reduce or tary enterprise in order to face aging weapon systems,
eliminate them in the long run. aging workforce and limited financial resources and to
Ohno (1988) identified seven types of waste: enhance the military’s ability to perform its mission. The
overproduction, waiting, transporting, over processing, papers cited are only a few examples of the wide range
inventory, motion and defects. of lean thinking applications; many other case studies
Womack and Jones (1996) proposed five lean princi- are available in literature.
ples to be applied in order to achieve a lean organisation: A variety of different techniques and tools have been
value, value stream, flow, pull and continuous improve- developed to achieve the lean thinking objectives.
ment. Among the well-known and most implemented tools, we
A sixth principle, which has long been unrecognised can cite 5S (sorting, straightening, systematic cleaning,
or ignored outside Toyota, is ‘respect for people’ standardising and sustaining), just-in-time, Kanban,
(Sugimori et al. 1977; Kato 1981; Toyoda 1985; Okuda Andon, visual management, value stream mapping, cellu-
1999). Such attention to people is shown by Losonci, lar layout, inventory reduction, six sigma, small lot
Demeter, and Jenei (2011) that carried out a first study production, production leveling, document tagging,
on employees’ perceptions during a lean transformation. continuous flow, standard work (Ohno 1988; Bicheno
Even if lean thinking was born in the field of 1999; Womack and Jones 1996; Mann 2005; Tapping
automotive industries it found a great success also in a 2006). Although there are a great number of efficient
number of other sectors. Arbòs (2002) proposed a tools available to increase organisation leanness, lean
Production Planning & Control 3

thinking cannot work through isolated tools, but a total  Simplify every process to minimise your need for
approach is necessary (Shingo 1989; Liker 2004). Some- information management.
times companies do not exploit the full potential of the  Make every step in your processes capable and
concepts and techniques inherent in lean philosophy available.
(Lasa, de Castro, and Laburu 2009). Wong, Ignatius, and  Schedule each value stream from only one point.
Soh (2012) underlined the importance of a holistic  Use a reflexive production control upstream from
approach also in the measure for sustainable lean perfor- the scheduling point.
mance. The total approach suggests that inside an organi-  Send information in small batches.
sation lean thinking should be applied also in the field of  Make your information management transparent
information management in order to eliminate wastes and intuitive.
and define and enhance the flow of value. Information
Hölttä et al. (2010) applied the lean production
management is a basic part of lean thinking (Worley and
development principles to information management with
Doolen 2006).
the aim of creating a model for lean information man-
agement. The validation process began in four compa-
nies from the automotive, heavy machinery and software
2.2. Lean information management intensive mechatronics industries. The initial results of
these implementations suggested that the lead times of
Lean Information Management is defined as an approach information transfer can be reduced using a lean
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to improve organizational systems by reducing waste approach to information management.

and drive up value of information. The aspiration of
LIM is to deliver continuous improvement in pursuit of In contrast to the manufacturing sector, in the area of
perfection in all activities. LIM is about exposing and information management, waste and value identification
solving problems of waste, variability and inflexibility. It is more subjective and less perceptible. In fact, informa-
focuses on establishing roles, responsibilities and prac- tion management is not supported by a physical and visi-
tices to manage the public value of information and ble system and, consequently, wastes are not so tangible
knowledge. (Ibbitson and Smith 2011)
and value flow is not directly visible.
Adapting lean philosophy for information professionals Hicks (2007) discussed the application of lean think-
is a pre-requisite for a better control of paper/electronic- ing to information management. He highlighted the
based information processes and enterprise information potential benefits and extent of application of lean
management (Ibbitson and Smith 2011). principles and emphasised the fundamental barriers for
The six principles of lean information management its application to information management. He also
are (Womack 2011): identified four types of waste:

Table 1. Causes of waste classification.

Waste category Issues

Failure demand Manual systems and data entry
Information flow from customers and/or sales
Functionality of information systems
Information availability and accessibility
End-user developed applications over Commercial-Off-the-Shelf
(COTS) information systems
Paper systems over COTS information systems

Flow demand Information exchange

Monitoring, control and costing
Information flow from customers and/or sales
Numbering and traceability of machines, assemblies and parts
Information availability and accessibility
Information identification, location and organisation
Information duplication

Flow excess Information storage

Information identification, location and organisation

Flawed flow Information completeness and accuracy

Information duplication
Information currency
4 M. Bevilacqua et al.

(1) Failure demand: time, resources and activities  Pull, information should be delivered if and when
spent to acquire necessary but unavailable it is requested by information customers.
information.  Continuous improvement, perfection should be
(2) Flow demand: time and resources spent to iden- pursued by continually removing wastes and regu-
tify the information elements that need to flow. larly reviewing the information management
(3) Flow excess: time and resources spent dealing system, that is creating a culture of continuous
with unnecessary information. improvement.
(4) Flawed flow: time and resources spent to correct
As proposed by the lean information management
or verify flawed information and incorrect activi-
toolkit (Ibbitson and Smith 2011), most tools applied in
ties that follow the use of flawed information.
manufacturing systems like visual management, value
A partial analogy between information management stream mapping, Kanban, pull vs. push and Kaizen are
wastes and well-known traditional wastes in manufactur- also available.
ing systems can be noticed. Failure demand, flow
demand, flow excess and flawed flow correspond with 3. Research approach
overprocessing, waiting, overproduction and defects,
The Approach proposed in this paper for implementing
respectively (Hicks 2007). No correspondence can be
lean information management is shown in Figure 1.
found for transport, inventory and motion because the
The research approach is made up of three macro-
focus is on electronic information management systems.
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steps composed as described in the following:

The study should be widened, including all the informa-
tion management systems applied. Hicks, Culley, and  system analysis:
McMahon (2006) proposed a useful collection of the  current state analysis,
causes of wastes, which are reported in Table 1.  muda detection;
The five lean principles proposed by Womack and  information management system improvement:
Jones (1996) in order to achieve a lean organisation can  information management system improvement
also be used with respect to information management. suggestion,
The key principles of lean information management,  choice between the improvements proposed,
deeply described by Hicks (2007), are summarised in the  new process implementation,
following:  new process performance measurement;
 continuous monitoring and improvement:
 Value, information must supply value to informa-
 system maintenance,
tion customers.
 system review.
 Value stream, processes and activities that deliver
information must be mapped and well integrated. A deep analysis of the current state of the informa-
 Flow, information should be made to flow effi- tion management system is the first macrostep towards a
ciently, particularly the most valuable information. lean approach to information management. Without an

Figure 1. Information system development model.

Production Planning & Control 5

exhaustive knowledge of the starting point no efficient The company was recommended to carry out the
improvement can be introduced. The analysis of the sys- monitoring step to pursue continuous improvement.
tem includes a clear knowledge of the current state and a
specific attention to muda detection. The necessary infor-
mation needs to be mapped and all the obstacles to infor- 4. Case study
mation flow need to be detected. The wastes highlighted AUTOFirm is an Italian automotive group, leader in the
during this first macrostep represent the starting point of European market of luxury and super sports cars. To
the second one: the improvement of the information achieve excellence, AUTOFirm adopts a continuous pro-
management system. cess improvement of its production systems; it applies
There is a significant body of evidence that in recent lean production practices, following the well-known and
decades investments in information and communication successful implementations in the automotive sector.
technology (ICT) to obtain performance improvement in In 2010, AUTOFirm started a revision of the produc-
production processes have grown worldwide. Generally, tion flow in order to highlight possible critical situations
many companies believe that investments in ICT are and make the necessary improvements. Along the pro-
synonymous with competitive advantage (Chae, Yen, and duction line, a great number of redundant check points
Sheu 2005). In point of fact, buying the best-of-breed were detected; the same checks were carried out more
ICT products does not necessarily bring higher perfor- than once in different workstations and by different oper-
mance (Beth et al. 2003). Because there is no association ators. The production department overcame the problems
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 13:23 25 April 2015

between the levels of IT spending and relative customer connected with check redundancy with the development
service performance (Ray, Muhanna, and Barney 2007), of a new production flow. After the change, the number
for the case study presented the authors decided to avoid of cars partially completed in the production line, better
adding further IT and tried to improve the efficiency of known as work-in-process (WIP), reduced drastically and
the existing software. They suggested to optimise the passed from 70 to 40, with a percentage reduction of
existing software and to exploit all its potentials, which 42%. WIP reduction is one of the most common conse-
were not always completely known and best used. In quences of the application of lean manufacturing in the
line with this intention, a number of potential system process sector (see as example Abdulmalek and Rajgopal
modifications were proposed and evaluated. Then the 2007). WIP reduction is a popular tool for improving a
best solution was selected and placed into effect. An company’s overall performance (Silver, Pyke, and
analytical measurement of performance increase due to Peterson 1998; Hopp and Spearman 2000; Hofer, Eroglu,
the new process completes this second macrostep. and Rossiter Hofer 2012) and its reduction is connected
Obviously, this last step needs to be planned in advance, to manufacturing lead time and cost cutback, and to
in fact, in the specific case presented; the authors had to quality and flexibility increase. On the other hand, too
observe the same set of parameters both before and after high WIP hides faults of production planning and
the new system implementation. control, and consequently, with the reduction of WIP,
Finally, it is necessary to monitor the system in order other problems are uncovered (Black 1991; Stadtler and
to avoid returning to the starting point and incurring Kilger 2008). The substantial WIP reduction obtained by
unplanned changes. From the figure, it is already possi- AUTOFirm caused a high percentage of vehicles to be
ble to notice that the method used is not linear, but it is delivered after the delivery date. For example, during the
based on iterative and incremental developments seven weeks before the intervention, the percentage of
(Larman 2003). As previously expressed, continuous vehicles that did not meet the delivery times was 55%.
improvement is a lean principle: no lean information The emerged problems forced the company to make a
management is possible without pursuing perfection by further improvement. Stating from such a need, a team,
continually removing wastes. If the Action Research composed of an external consultant researcher and single
cycle proposed by Coughlan and Coghlan (2002) is function responsibles, was created. The case study was
taken as reference, the steps performed in the case study conducted between March 2011 and July 2011.
presented in this paper are: Products in the automotive field are considerably
complex; therefore, an efficient, clear and prompt com-
 pre step: understanding context and purpose;
munication is crucial: an inefficient communication
 six main steps:
between different functions and between the operators of
 data gathering,
the same function can cause a bad management of time,
 data feedback,
activities and resources. The aim of this work is to
 data analysis,
reorganise the existent information system in order to
 action planning,
eliminate wastes and to make the information flow more
efficient. The scope is not to develop a completely new
6 M. Bevilacqua et al.

information system, but to introduce a new integrative  Inputs: arrows entering the left side of the box rep-
tool into the existing one. resent the inputs that are transformed or consumed
by the function to produce outputs.
 Controls: arrows entering the box on the top repre-
4.1. The as-is analysis sent controls that specify the conditions required
In order to provide a detailed map of the whole process for the function to produce correct outputs.
and of the material and information flow connected, the  Outputs: arrows leaving a box on the right side
IDEF0 (Integration DEFinition language 0) technique represent the outputs produced by the function.
was used to model the system. The integration of lean  Mechanisms: arrows connected to the bottom of the
manufacturing methodology with other applications has box represent the mechanisms necessary to execute
already been successfully proposed (e.g. Pullan, Bhasi, a function (i.e. human resources, materials).
and Madhu 2013).
IDEF0 has a hierarchical structure. There is a top
IDEF0 is a modelling language designed to model
diagram (A-0 diagram) composed of a single activity
the decisions, functions and activities of systems and or-
box that describes the context, purpose and viewpoint of
ganisations. IDEF0 is an IEEE Standard (KBSI 1998)
the model. The top-level context diagram is then
derived from the graphical language SADT (Structured
decomposed into its main sub-activities through a child
Analysis and Design Technique) developed in 1972
diagram. Each of these sub-activities is further decom-
(Marca and McGowan 1988). The IDEF0 model is based
posed into low-level child diagrams.
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on two basic constructs: the IDEF0 function box that

The entire production process, from order arrival to
represents activities, processes and transformations and
vehicle delivery, is divided into its main activities:
the arrows that represent Data and objects related to the
functions. There are four classes of arrows: inputs,  customer relationship management and order
controls, outputs and mechanisms. management.

Figure 2. Vehicle production process.

Production Planning & Control 7

 Production planning. IDEF0 provides a simple and informative model con-

 Material supply. taining crucial information about the functions that com-
 Production and assembly. pose the vehicle production process, inputs and outputs
 Product Quality control. of each function and the mechanisms and controls
involved. From the as-is model analysis, it is possible to
The IDEF0 model of the whole vehicle production
identify the main wastes connected to the information
process is reported in Figure 2.
management. As far as the information collected on elec-
Each activity is decomposed in its sub-activities till
tronic storage media is concerned, two different soft-
the needed level of detail. For example the activity
wares are used inside the firm: we will call them A and
‘Material supply’ is decomposed as follows:
B. Within software A, different windows are created to
 Placing order; enable different areas to communicate their information
 analysis of the required material, and needs. Window A1 connects the Production and the
 fax/email to supplier; Logistics departments. Its function is to communicate to
 Material delivery; Logistics which items need to be reordered and which
 Material control: vehicles need them, and to communicate to Production
 sample control, the arrival date of the items reordered. The information
 fax to suppliers in case of non-conformity find- about the items reordered and arrival dates is then col-
ing; lected in reports. The second window, A2, connects the
 Management programme updating; and
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Sales and the Logistics departments. A2 contains infor-

 Material Storing. mation about orders, items scrapping and out of standard
time management. Software B connects the Production
In the study, the proposed functions involved in the
and the Quality departments. B is a database where the
process investigated and the existing information flow
vehicle defects detected are recorded: at each checkpoint,
were first analysed to better understand the overall start-
operators add the type of defect detected for the vehicle
ing point. The four main actors involved in the construc-
under test, the position of the defect and the checkpoint
tion of a vehicle were identified: Sales, Logistics,
resolution. Production reports the cars cramped along the
Production and Quality Departments. In the following, a
production flow and the reason of the cramp. Data about
brief description of their role and main functions is
the position of each vehicle along the production line,
necessary reworks, the statistics of defects detected and
 Sales Department: it is the division of the business cramped cars are collected in reports, which are then
responsible for selling; it has a direct contact with analysed and discussed during meetings.
customers. It decides which vehicles must be pro- It can be easily noticed that the information system
duced, the deadlines to be met and it establishes used was realised to connect two functions, in a one-to-
the company’s production priorities based on one communication mode. The interactions between
vehicles behind schedule or on special clients’ functions and the specific software used for sharing
requirements. information are shown in Figure 3.
 Logistics Department: this function plans, imple- There are no direct information sharing devices con-
ments and controls the effective flow and storage necting Logistics and Quality, Sales and Production and
of goods in order to match with Sales Department Sales and Quality. But the more critical point is the lack
requirements. It interacts with suppliers for stan- of a common medium connecting all the functions at the
dard orders and for restocks due to items not in
compliance or damaged.
 Production Department: its objective is to assemble
the vehicle. It points out to Research & Develop-
ment group vehicle problems and suggests possible
solutions; further, it conveys the necessary restocks
to Logistics. It guarantees the required output
within the fixed deadlines, with the required qual-
ity level and with the assigned resources.
 Quality Department: it checks the potential compo-
nents and vehicle defects, it verifies if the standard
assembly procedures are followed and it tests the
correspondence of the vehicles finished with the
standard defined. It interacts with suppliers and it
is responsible for clients’ complaints. Figure 3. Existing interaction system between functions.
8 M. Bevilacqua et al.

same time. Consequently, the operators of the different ing from Production, Sales and Logistics, was created to
functions do not have a common overview of the whole provide a traversal knowledge of each on stream vehicle.
process. In the system analysed there is no integration in In particular, the window contains the following informa-
the communication network. Cooperation and coordina- tion:
tion between distinct functions require the ability to
 Vehicle identification number (VIN).
exchange information in a timely, responsive and usable
 Body shell identification number.
format. In conclusion, there is a clear and pronounced
 Order identification number.
inability to exchange information between the informa-
 Selling order.
tion systems. So the main waste detected is connected
 Vehicle model.
with ‘flow demand’: information is well generated, it is
 Vehicle features
accurate, it is required, but it is unable to flow. The
 Vehicle status (in-line, testing, finishing)
causes of wastes proposed by Hicks, Culley, and McMa-
 Delivery data.
hon (2006) were used in the study presented as a check
 Potential missing items and their arrival date
list in order to better understand the existing problems
 Vehicle classification as stock, customer or demo
and to identify a specific direction for further improve-
 Priority vehicles.
ments. For the case study proposed, the main waste
 Notes from Sales, Logistics and Production.
causes detected are connected to information exchange,
 The expected and real data of operation start.
numbering and traceability of machines, assemblies and
 Customer data and customer code.
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parts, information availability and accessibility, informa-

tion identification, location and organisation and informa- The new instrument provides a first information clus-
tion duplication. The as-is analysis highlighted the tering and gives a more global vision of the production
necessity to achieve system interoperability, which can process. Figure 4 shows an extract of the window cre-
be defined as the ability of two or more systems or ated.
components to exchange information and to use the Already at first sight, the window created appears to
information exchanged (IEEE 1990). Information system be not easy to read. The spreadsheet is too big and con-
interoperability could be perceived through the develop- tains a great number of non-organised information. Con-
ment of a public interface. Hicks, Culley, and McMahon nection between the shown information is not easy and
(2006) strongly highlighted the need for a single unified it needs a certain degree of experience to be detected.
accepted representation of particular elements of infor- The information overload forces the user to be selective
mation inside SMEs. Interviews conducted at 10 UK with the information perceived and retained. The velocity
engineering SMEs demonstrated that the same informa- of information acquisition is dependent on the operator’s
tion was observed in a number of different formats ability to move inside the information system. Such a
across each company, which represents a key barrier for structure implies that some of the decisions about the
improving information management within engineering production process are based on ‘intuition’, instead of on
SMEs. a rational analysis: in fact, even if a deep analysis
brought to careful results, it would take too much time.
Furthermore, even after the introduction of the new
4.2. The initial development of a common information instrument, the Quality department remains unconnected
database with the other functions.
Summarising the observations emerged from the as-is Errors committed during this first development of the
analysis performed, it is possible to state that, to improve integrated window can lead to positive outcomes such as
the connection between functions, an integrated informa- learning (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995; Lyytinen and
tion system (IIS) is required. Mudie and Schafer (1985) Robey 1999). The system just described was developed
defined an IIS as a system. and proposed in a prototype form to managers and oper-
ators. The analysis of the feedbacks received made it
providing an end user, at any location, with the capabil-
ity of assessing information stored at any level of the possible to clearly define the essential features that an
information processing system and enabling [one]… to integrated system must absolutely have to satisfy effi-
interchange and share information with any other end ciency requirements:
user at any location within a single interconnected net-
work and providing the potential for eventual customer  All the useful information about a vehicle coming
access to data. from different actors must be grouped and made
available at the same time. The most important
In order to provide a structural and physical support for
information that needs to be underlined and shared
the required IIS, a pilot instrument, which consists of a
between the process actors must be immediate to
common information database, was developed. Within
find and stored in a single database.
software A, a new window collecting information com-
Production Planning & Control 9
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Figure 4. The first informatics tool developed.

 The overall status of the whole system must be 4.3. A further improvement: the graphic and
clear. Selecting the most important information that information process map
needs to be underlined and shared and making it In order to achieve the first essential feature detected for
available to the process actors is not enough. This an IIS, the crucial and most important information that
information must be reported in a structured way. need to be underlined and shared between the process
The structure of the information system must pro- actors was selected. Then the visual management con-
vide an exhaustive overview of the system, includ- cept, which is already extensively used by lean produc-
ing information on every single component as well tion, was borrowed from the production field and used to
as on the relationships between them. improve the communication efficiency. The visual
 Possible problems should automatically appear. approach suggests creating the working condition for
Operators should not have to look for critical con- operators to directly observe and discover where errors
ditions, but the critical conditions should immedi- and muda occur. The aim of visual management is to
ately and automatically attract operators’ attention. make information available, timely and understandable.
The waste occurred during this stage is ‘flow excess’. Visual management makes everyone along the process
Excessive information is inserted and presented in the able to manage, improve, control and correct the process.
window. The most significant information cannot be eas- Tezel, Koskela, and Tzortzopoulos (2009) performed a
ily identified and to be able to correctly use the informa- detailed literature review and identified the functions of
tion available is too costly in terms of time and visual management: transparency, discipline, continuous
resources. improvement, job facilitation, on-the-job training,
10 M. Bevilacqua et al.

creating shared ownership, management by facts, the processes are considerably complex, where there are
simplification, unification. The successful implementa- many actors involved and where communication
tions of visual process management tools performed by efficiency is fundamental, seems to be appropriate and
Rolls Royce, Airbus UK and Weston Aerospace are useful.
presented by Parry and Turner (2006). In the new visual device proposed in this study and
In the case study considered, the benefits of the described in detail hereinafter, written communication
visual management approach were reached through the was merged with a graphical form of communication.
development and the implementation of a visual device. The visual device is a tool developed to support the IIS.
A visual device is ‘an apparatus, mechanism, item, or The visual and textual device proposed and implemented
object that influences, directs, limits, or controls behavior is shown in Figure 5. It is a new application of the soft-
by making information vital to the task at hand available ware A previously used. The entire vehicle assembly
at a glance, without speaking a word’ (Galsworth 2011). process is described and summarised in a window with
Such a definition brings out two fundamental aspects of the outer face of a map. Such structure enables an
a visual device: the information itself and its clear per- exhaustive overview on the whole system: not only the
ception. Another very important aspect is information single vehicles are under control, but the whole system
sharing. Greif (1991) states that the distinctive aspect of too.
visual communication is that it is not addressed just to Each column of the file represents one of the work-
an individual, but to a group. So the introduction of a stations along the assembly line. The VIN of the vehicles
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 13:23 25 April 2015

visual device in the automotive context studied, where in progress in a specific station and the most important

Figure 5. The process map.

Production Planning & Control 11

information are reported in the corresponding cell. A

chromatic representation was introduced in order to
promptly distinguish between vehicles at a standstill (in
blue colour–dark grey in figure), priority vehicles
(in green–light grey in figure) and customer vehicles (in
pink–grey in figure). Through such a representation criti-
cal vehicles immediately pop out: attention and fast cor- Figure 7. Performance value evaluated.
rective actions must be concentrated on the vehicles
characterised by a green cell near a pink one. In fact,
these vehicles have a high-priority level and are not pro- performance index. In a complex context, the choice of a
duced for stock or as a demo, but for the customers and meaningful index is not so easy: there are many factors
consequently they have a specific delivery date. The new involved and the real situation has to be necessarily sim-
device provides an overall status of the whole system: at plified. Since the strategic focus of AUTOFirm is on
first look, it clearly indicates where the vehicles are customer service, the main aspect investigated was the
located, the volume distribution and where prompt action quickness and quality of product delivery. The index
is required. chosen is one used by the company: the percentage of
Drafting the map and manually updating it require a vehicles completed late, in time and in advance (an
lot of time and are a very painstaking work. For this rea- example is shown in Figure 7). The term ‘vehicles
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 13:23 25 April 2015

son, a simple excel macro was developed in order completed’ means vehicles completed that meet quality
to automatically extract the necessary data from the standards and are therefore ready to be delivered to
different information systems and to insert them in the customers.
right position in the map. At the end of each week, the company calculates the
number of vehicles completed, whether the delivery date
is met or not, the reason of the delay is recorded and the
5. Results responsibility is placed to a specific function. The data
The new information system can be schematised as in are collected and analysed in order to focus on the main
Figure 6. problem detected. The authors evaluated the number of
Software A and the visual device developed simulta- vehicles completed in time, in advance and late during a
neously connect the four functions involved in the vehicle period of 18 weeks: seven weeks before and 11 weeks
production process. The Logistics, Sales, Production and after the introduction of the new information system
Quality departments can see the overall production status occurred at the seventh week. Figure 8 reports the
and can immediately update the information of the respec- percentage of vehicles delivered in advance, in time and
tive areas of responsibility. While the previous information behind schedule during the seven weeks before the
system was realised to put in connection two functions, in change. Figure 9 reports the percentage of vehicles
a one-to-one communication mode, the actual system pro- delivered in advance, in time and late during the
vides complete interconnection and interoperability 11 weeks before the change.
between all the functions involved through a shared The percentages of in time and in advance data were
device. In order to avoid an overload of available informa- summed and the data of the two periods (before and
tion, the specific one-to-one information flow performed after the change) were analysed. Figure 10 reports the
between Production and Quality is maintained. data of the first period and Figure 11 reports the data of
The improvement obtained by the introduction of the the second period.
new instrument was measured through the use of a In each period, the tendency line was drawn visually.
During the seven weeks monitored before the introduc-
tion of the new device, the tendency line is almost con-
stant, while during the following 10 weeks the tendency
line has a positive inclination. The introduction of the
system caused a decrease in the average value of the
vehicles not meeting the delivery date from 55 to 43%
and the connected increase of the average value of the
vehicles meeting the delivery date from 45 to 57%.
Furthermore, the analysis of firm records highlights that
the delays caused by misunderstandings between
operators are reduced by 50%.
The benefits obtained are the consequence of a better
Figure 6. The new interaction system between functions. and more coordinated communication between all the
12 M. Bevilacqua et al.

Figure 8. Percentage of vehicles delivered in advanced, in time and late during the seven weeks before the change introduced.
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Figure 9. Percentage of vehicles delivered in advanced, in time and late during the 11 weeks after the change introduced.

Figure 11. The performance data collected after the introduc-

Figure 10. The performance data collected before the
tion of the new tool.
introduction of the new tool.

actors involved in the process. No time is lost by the updated directly and any change (such as vehicle prior-
operators and managers to look for required and neces- ity, customer requests, change in delivery time, etc.) is
sary information. The overall status of the system is immediately transmitted to all end customers. Moreover,
Production Planning & Control 13

critical situations automatically appear, consequently the in both the service and manufacturing sectors.
work can be immediately rescheduled in order to redirect However, the authors suggest to evaluate all the
resources to the most critical vehicles. tools developed also in the field of lean production
The specific focus on lean information management in order to envisage further potential benefits they
has enabled the company to increase the benefits already can provide.
obtained by applying lean production principles. Usually,
In the authors’ experience, identifying and establish-
a generic lean approach causes to neglect the muda
ing wastes can give satisfactory results if it comes,
connected with information and to focus attention and
almost in a first step, from the partnership between firm
resources only to eliminate the more obvious muda
operators and managers and lean thinking experts. Such
connected to production.
a collaboration links a deep knowledge of the specific
context and its singular features and a strong knowledge
6. Discussion and further development of the lean principles and the tools available. A good
information management system should include a section
Implementing a lean approach to information manage-
showing an overview of the whole production system
ment can increase the competitiveness of a company. As
and in the meantime an information flow should be
shown in this case study, it can make it possible to
avoided. Through the viewpoints of the operators work-
achieve tangible benefits like the ones reported in the
ing in different company areas it should be possible to
case study in terms of delay reduction and timely sched-
understand which information is required uniquely for
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 13:23 25 April 2015

uling. Furthermore, the paper shows academics and prac-

the specific area or function and which information
titioners the actual applicability of lean information
should be shared with the other functions.
management; the usefulness of the waste classification
The study proposed confirmed what the authors
model proposed by Hicks in waste detection and analy-
learned from previous experiences, which is that fre-
sis; the powerfulness, flexibility and low cost of visual
quently companies underuse the information-sharing
solution implementations. The aim of this paper is also
devices they own and pay for. The full potentiality of the
to give practitioners a reference for implementing lean
software they manage daily is unknown and sometimes a
information. It is basic that all the steps described in the
little change can introduce considerable improvement
research approach section, and applied and illustrated in
without requiring substantial economic investments.
the case study analysis, are followed.
In order to follow a continuous improvement
Based on the results of the analysis proposed, the fol-
approach, further enhancement can be implemented. At
lowing recommendations are offered to support the effort
first, the visual approach proposed can be extended to the
of information management improvement.
other data-sharing devices used by each function inside a
 Lean principles and tools may not be easy to firm. Subsequently, the analysis of the information flow
understand and apply for non-experts. For this rea- can be widened, grounding on the same framework pro-
son, lean information management implementation posed, to include also the external boundary of the com-
needs a lean expert that can easily coordinate and pany. It could prove useful to detect all the stakeholder
direct the efforts towards a lean direction. groups interested in the same information, such as, for
 It is not easy to correctly evaluate and detect the example, suppliers, customers or local associations. For
actual benefits connected with lean information each group, it will be necessary to specifically identify the
management implementation. For this reason, each information to be shared and then implement a data-
company needs to identify and construct specific sharing medium. Of course, depending on the specific
performance indicators that well represent the situation, it could be necessary to either implement a new
company’s objectives. data-sharing device or just to modify an existing one.
 The implementation of any modification needs to
be subsequent to the supervision and approval of
managers and operators. No top–down and no 7. Conclusion
non-shared changes should be performed, to avoid In this paper, lean thinking has been applied to improve
the implementation of systems with neglected information management inside a manufacturing com-
inefficiencies. pany. The authors proposed the case of an automotive
 The focus on information management and its manufacturer. Because information technology is one of
improvement can allow the achievement of tangi- the pillars supporting information management, attention
ble enhancement over a short period of time and was focused on its improvement. The authors decided
with a low investment of resources. not to add further IT, but to improve the efficiency of
 The visual information management device the existing software. The information flow was analysed
proposed is a working lean tool that can be applied as a process and the muda present was detected. Two
14 M. Bevilacqua et al.

main muda were identified. At first, the need of a com- Production Management, The Journal of Enterprise Information
mon support to connect all the functions involved at the Management, Technology Law and Insurance, International
Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Pro-
same time in the vehicle production was highlighted.
duction Research, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Manage-
The operators of the different functions need to have a ment) and also in conference proceedings.
common overview of the whole process. This intercon-
nection between the IT systems used by distinct func-
tions is crucial to coordinate their decisions and Filippo Emanuele Ciarapica, associate pro-
fessor in Industrial Plants at Facoltà di Sci-
activities. Then the authors incurred in the muda of ‘flow
enze e Tecnologie, Libera Università di
excess’. When excessive information is available too Bolzano, Italy. He is author of more than
much time and too many resources are uselessly spent to 50 scientific papers that have been pub-
identify the most significant information. Such muda is lished on national and international pro-
not specific for the automotive context and it can be ceedings and journals. His research topics
mainly focus on industrial plants design,
identified in a great number of both production and ser-
Facility Management in the healthcare sec-
vice companies. Even if the waste causes identified by tor, Fuzzy mathematics and QFD methods, Modeling and
Hicks, Culley, and McMahon (2006) and Hicks (2007) dynamical system applied to end-of-life problems, BPR
could be enriched and improved, they provide a useful methods in operation sector, new Key Performance Indicator
reference point for waste detection. They can be used as for industrial plants, innovative models for risk analysis, multi-
phase flows, soft computing techniques in reliability analysis
a check list in order to better understand the existing
and maintenance activities planning, and Logistics.
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 13:23 25 April 2015

problems and to identify a specific direction for further

improvements. In order to eliminate the muda detected, a
visual management approach was borrowed from the Claudia Paciarotti, full time researcher in
production field. A visual and textual device was pro- Industrial Plants at the ‘Università Politec-
nica delle Marche’, Ancona, Italy. Her
posed and implemented. In order to quantify the
research activity mainly deals with: emer-
improvement obtained, a performance index was used: gency management, operation management
the percentage of vehicles completed late, in time and in in in industrial and healthcare sectors, pro-
advance. The introduction of the system caused an cess management and reengineering in
increase in the average value of the vehicles meeting the healthcare and third sector, risk analysis in
industrial plants and services sector, indus-
delivery date from 45 to 57%. Furthermore, the analysis
trial plants design. She is the author of papers that have been
of firm records highlights that the delays caused by mis- published in national and international journals and conference
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