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Conceptual Framework and Accounting overstated to enhance the financial

Principles position of the firm. (Faithful Rep)

5. The shareholders had a hard time
Table 1:
evaluating the 2019 reports submitted
1. The statement of financial position of to them by AJA Company which
Baby’s Play Center included play showed assets, liabilities and profit for
equipment purchased from Japan for 2019 only. “We can’t determine trend
350,000 in Japan Yens. It was reported of performance nor the improvement
as 350,000 in the statement of of its financial structure.
financial position while the other (Comparability)
assets were reported in Philippine 6. A firm bought P40,000 tools and
Peso. (Unit Measure) recorded as assets. The owner brought
2. Albert operates a canteen beside his this home. (Faithful Rep)
shoe store. The assets of the canteen 7. Mr. Bo, the bookkeeper of Nature Spa,
are included in the statement of prepared a statement of financial
financial position of the shoe store. position by presenting only three
(Business Entity) items: Cash P50,000; other assets
3. Food company ordered a machine P4,500,000 for all listings of assets
needed in the assembly line of its and total claims of creditors and owner
production department. Upon order, P3,250,000 for the claims of both
the machine was immediately listed as creditor and owner.
one of its assets. (Accrual) (Understandability)
4. No financial statements were prepared 8. Miss Sanchez, a fresh graduate, was
by Miguel Gan for his business. He hired as bookkeeper of Skin Care, a
explains that he will prepare the manufacturer of beauty products. She
statements when he closes the prepared a statement where total
business which he predicts to take assets amounted to 2,500,000
place after 20 years. (Periodicity) including waste basket P100, broom
5. On January 20, the owner bought a P150, dustpan P60. (Materiality)
computer and paid cash P50,000. He 9. The December 31, 2019 financial
got it for P40,000 but no receipt was reports were submitted to the owner
given to him. The accountant recorded on April 13, 2020, Friday. the deadline
it as P40,000. (Objectivity) for submission to the BIR is April 15,
6. The owner-manager bought a Sunday. (Timeliness)
computer for personal use. The invoice
Professional Environment of
was given to the accountant who
recorded it as asset of the business.
(Business Entity) 1. The commission that regulates the
practice of professionals and is
Table 2:
mandated to grant licenses to
1. The reports gave the profitability, candidates who have successfully
solvency, and liquidity ratios of the passed the government licensure
firm. These were confirmed by the examination. Professional Regulations
user’s by computing ratios using the Commission
standard formulas. (verifiability) 2. International Education Standards for
2. The accountant prepared only general- (Initial Professional Development) are
purpose financial statements for all used by IFAC member bodies when
users. (neutrality) setting education requirement for
3. The financial reports were presented aspiring professional accountants.
to the shareholders of Cebu Hospital. 3. Develops international standards for
Several issues were raised by the auditing, assurance and quality
medical practitioners such as why the management that strengthen public
cash was down by 2,500,000. The confidence in the global performance.
chief finance officer had a hard time (IAASB)
explaining why profit improved by 4. Accredited professional organization of
P10,00,000 although cash went by CPAs in the Philippines. (PICPA)
P2,500,000. (Understandability) 5. Undertakes the administration and
4. Presented as one of the assets in the implementation of the CPD Law and its
company’s 2019 statement was a IRR to professional accountants with
parcel of land bought at P300,000 the assistance of the PH Institute of
although its current market value was Certified Public Accountants (CPA).
P500,000. It was deliberately (PRBOA)
6. IASB develops the globally accepted 1. Field of Professional Practice of Atty.
accounting standards i.e. the IFRS Clariza Anne Muralla in the
wherein FASB establishes financial accompanying video to this lesson.
accounting reporting standards follows (government)
generally accepted accounting 2. Mr. Jared Majaba Field of professional
principles practice as explained in the
7. Global organization for the accompanying video. (public)
accountancy profession comprising 3. An employee of a company designated
more than 175 members, and either as controller, internal auditor, or
associate organization in 130 process owner of an outsourced
countries and jurisdictions payroll system. (commerce & industry)
representing nearly 3 million 4. Position of either the dean or the
professional accountants. (IFAC) department chairman or its equivalent
8. There are 8 International Education that supervises the BSA program of an
Standards; the 7th pertains to educational institution. (academe)
continuing professional development 5. An independent professional who
9. The IAESB established standards for renders judgement on the fair
professional accountancy education presentation of the company’s
that prescribe technical competence financial statements after reviewing its
and professional skills, values, ethics accounting records. (public)
and attitudes. 6. The field of professional practice of
10.Sets the minimum requirement for Ms. Sarah Javalera-Mora with the Asian
professional accounting education Development Bank (commerce &
program in the Philippines. (CHED) industry)
7. Chief Accountant at PAGCOR.
Table 1:
1. I will keep myself informed of the 8. Field of professional practice of Ms.
relevant policies, rules and Belinda Narvaez, one of your teachers
regulations, will comply with it and in ACTG111. (academe)
avoid committing acts that may
Understanding the Significance of
discredit my academic department,
Accounting in Business (13 question)
college and university. (professional
behaviour) Table 1: Identify the use of accounting
2. I will properly observe and evaluate information
the data and information given on
Is the business Government
problem sets; I will apply critical
paying the right
thinking skills in solving the problems,
and make well-reasoned conclusions
Will the business be Creditor
about my answers. (intellectual)
able to pay its debt
3. In the course of completing the
when it falls due?
program, I will oppose every instance
Are the plans being Manager
of academic dishonesty. (integrity)
4. I will not compromise my judgements
beneficial to the
because of bias, conflicts of interest,
or undue influence of others. If offered on credit, Supplier
(neutrality) will the business
5. I will be cooperative, I will collaborate, who is buying
and encourage healthy discussions merchandise in bulk
with my group-mates when working on be able to pay its
our assigned group tasks. account on date it
(interpersonal and communication) becomes due?
6. I will get into the habit of double- Has the business Investor
checking or reviewing my own and accumulated
group-mates’ (in case of group works) sufficient wealth to
work, ensuring that it complies with remain stable?
the requirements of the task.
7. I will develop the discipline in 1. A service activity that records
managing my time and resources, and transactions of the businesses and
staying focused on the tasks at hand. prepares a progress report about its
(personal skills) financial position and result of operation.
Table 2:
2. The reports prepared about the financial furniture and Increase in Equity
position and result of operation of a fixtures in the
business. (Financial Statements) business.
3. Assets owned less liabilities owed. (Net
Classification of Normal Balances in
4. An economic unit which buys and sells
goods or services. (Business)
5. Primary motive why an economic unit Account Title Classificatio Normal
engages into buying and selling of goods n Balance
or services. (Profit) Accounts CL Cr
6. The regular routine work in an accounting Payable
which includes gathering, measuring, Accounts CA Dr
recording and classifying transactions. Receivables
(Bookkeeping) Allowance CA Cr
7. Gardenia Company baking breads and for Doubtful
pastries, is an example of this type of Accounts
operations. (Manufacturing) Cash CA Dr
Equipment NCA Dr
8. The user reviews the financial statements
Accumulated NCA Cr
of an applicant as a means of evaluating
liquidity or ability to pay lender. (Lender)
- Equipment
9. This user considers not only the price and
Loan’s NCL Cr
quality of the product but also the
company’s reputation and ability to
deliver product on time. (Customers)
after 2
Analysis of Business Transactions years)
Note’s CL Cr
1. Identify what is being referred to in each Payable
of the statements given in Column 1. (payable due
Refer to the combination of choices below in 6 months)
and drag them on the spaces provided Owner’s EQUITY Cr
across Column 1. Capital
Owner’s EQUITY Dr
Received PLDT and Increase in Liability;
Meralco bill. Decrease in Equity Prepaid Rent CA Dr
Rendered services Increase in Assets; Expense
on credit to Increase in Equity Service REVENUE Cr
customer Income
Collected the Increase in one Unearned CL Cr
account from asset; Decrease in Revenue
customer. another Asset Accrued CL Cr
Paid salaries of Decrease in Assets;
employees. Decrease in Equity
Identify if the following accounts should be
Issued a promissory Decrease in debited or credited.
note in settlement Liability; Increase in Decrease in Debit
of an accounts another Liability Accounts Payable
payable. Decrease in Debit
Purchased supplies Increase in one Unearned Revenue
for cash. asset; Decrease in Increase in Accrued Credit
another Asset Expenses
Purchased supplies Increase in Assets; Increase in Capital Credit
on account. Increase in Liability Increase in Service Credit
Returned defective Decrease in Assets; Increase in Cash Debit
supplies purchased Decrease in Increase in Note’s Credit
on account. Liabilities Payable
Increase in Salaries Debit
Returned defective Increase in one Expense
supplies purchased asset; Decrease in Increase in Debit
that was paid in another Asset Drawings
cash Decrease in Credit
The owner invested Increase in Assets; Accounts Receivable
Acounting for Transaction of Service- 19.An owner’s withdrawals affect the
Oriented Business business’s net income or net loss and
are recorded as an expense. (F)
True or False
20.A chart of accounts is a detailed
1. Equity increases with expenses and record of the changes in a particular
revenues (F) asset, liability or equity account during
2. Equity decreases when revenues are a specified period. (F)
earned (F) 21.Compound journal entry has more
3. An accounting firm collected cash on than two accounts, but the total peso
account. As a result of this transaction, value of the debits still must equal the
total assets, liabilities, and equity are total peso value of the credits. (T)
all unchanged. (T) 22.Liabilities are economic resources that
4. The total amount of assets a business are expected to benefit the business in
possesses may or may not be equal to the future. (F)
the total of liabilities and owner’s 23.Assets are something of value that the
equity of the business. (F) proprietor personally owns or has
5. An owner’s withdrawal could represent control of. (F)
a cash disbursement from the 24.Left side of the accounting equation
business. (T) measures the total amount of assets
6. Equity increases when revenues are of a business. (T)
earned. (F) 25.Companies use a ledger to show all of
7. A law firm provides legal services for the increases and decreases in each
clients who do not pay immediately. account along with their balances. (T)
There is no effect on the accounting 26.A payable may or may not be a
equation until the clients pay for the liability. (F)
services. (F) 27.The left side of the accounting
8. The total amount of assets a business equation always equals the right side
possesses will always be equal to the of the accounting equation. (T)
total liabilities and owner’s equity of 28.A debit always means a decrease, and
the business. (T) a credit always means an increase. (F)
9. A chart of accounts is a list of all of a 29.In a computerized environment, the
company’s accounts with their posting process is completed
account numbers. (T) automatically when the user enters
10.For the accounting equation to the journal entry. (T)
balance, a transaction must affect 30.A transaction is any event that affects
both sides of the equation. (F) the financial position of the business
11.The accounting analysis system is and can be measured with faithful
used to record the dual effects of each representation. (T)
transaction. (F) 31.John contributed P60,000 cash to a
12.A law firm provides legal services for sole proprietorship by opening a bank
clients who do not pay immediately. As account in the name of the business,
a result of this transaction, assets and United Marketing. John received
revenues will increase. (T) capital in the business exchange. This
13.Assets are economic resources that transaction results in an increase in
have future benefits for the business. the assets of the business. (T)
(T) 32.Source documents provide the
14.The process of transferring data from evidence and data for accounting
the ledger to journal is called posting. transactions. (T)
(F) 33.Liabilities represent creditors’ claim on
15.The T-account is a summary device the business assets. (T)
that is shaped like a capital T with 34.An owner’s withdrawal could represent
debits posted on the left side of the a cash disbursement from the
vertical line and credits posted on the business. (T)
right side of the vertical line. (T) 35.Both the chart of accounts and the
16.Account names in the chart of ledger provide the balance of each
accounts are standardized and thus account at a specific point in time. (F)
are the same for all businesses. (F) 36.Bhelyn invested 50,000 cash to BZ
17.An owner’s withdrawal represents a company, a sole proprietorship. As a
distribution of earnings to the owner. result of this transaction, assets and
(F) revenues will increase. (F)
18.Debit refers to the right side of the T- 37.A creditor who has loaned money to a
account, and credit refers to the left business has a claim to some of the
side. (F)
assets of the business until the debt is
paid. (T) business for
38.For an accounting equation to balance, personal use.
a transaction may or may not affect
Paid cash on Decrease asset,
both sides of the equation. (T)
accounts payable decrease liability
39.Liabilities represent full claim to assets
of the business. (F) Purchased office Increase asset,
40.A chart of account is a detailed record supplies on account increase liability
of the charges in a particular asset,
liability or equity account during a Mary johnson, the Increase asset,
specific period. (F) sole proprietor, increase equity
41.As long as an increase and decrease of contributed cash in
the same amount are recorded on one exchange for capital
side of the accounting equation, the
Received electricity Increase liability,
accounting equation remains in
bill for the previous decrease equity.
balance. (T)
42.Many but not all liabilities have the
word payable in their titles. (T)
Table 2: Choose whether the event increases
43.When using a four-column account,
(INC) or decreases (DEC) owner’s capital. NE
the post reference column allows the
if no effect.
user of the financial data to trace the
amounts in the journal back to ledger. Withdrawal of cash Dec
(F) by owner of sole
44.Office supplies is an expense because proprietorship for
supplies will be used up in the future. personal use.
(F) Creditor loaned Ne
45.An owner’s withdrawal represents an money to the
expense of the business. (F) business.
46.Because of technology, use of double- Costs of selling Dec
entry system of accounting is optional. goods or services.
(F) Owner contributions Inc
47.All assets and equity accounts of cash to a sole
increase with a debit. (F) proprietorship
Amounts earned Inc
48.Danny’s equipment rental company
from delivering
received P1,000 cash from a customer,
goods or services to
the amount was owed from previous
month. Transaction will increase cash
Cash paid to acquire Ne
and increase service revenue. (F)
land for use in the
49.An owner’s capital balance changes
with an owner’s withdrawal, revenues
Concepts of Payroll
and expenses. (F)
1. From among the choices below, drag the
Table 1: Identify effects on the accounting
correct term across the Statements in
equation of the ff business transactions
column 1.

Compensation Cash Advance

Signed a note Increase asset,
withdrawn by a
payable for the increase liability
worker or employee
purchase of
before payroll date
The net earnings an Take home pay
Performed services Increase asset, employee or worker
for a customer on increase equity will actually receive
account. Compensation paid Wages
to workers based on
Paid office rent at Decrease asset, a piece rate or
the end of the first decrease equity hourly rate.
month. A listing of Payroll Sheet
employees beside (Registry)
Received cash from Increase asset, which special
a customer on decrease asset columns are
accounts provided for gross
receivables earnings,
The owner withdrew Decrease asset, deductions and net
cash from the decrease liability earnings
In line with the Withholding tax Summative Assessment #1:
policy "pay as you
1. Transactions are first recorded in:
earn", this is a
deduction paid to
the BIR. 2. Licensed accountants who chose to serve
Pag-ibig HDMF as CoA Auditors, BSP bank examiners,
contributions are municipal accountants, BIR Legal Officers are
remitted to this considered to be in this field of practice:
As members of this PhilHealth
agency, a worker or 3. Final step in journalizing and posting
employee enjoys process: DETERMINING WHETHER THE
hospitalization 5. A posting reference column is used: WHEN
2. Spell out the acronym Pag-IBIG: _____
6. Marcus has decided to open an auto-
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
detailing business. He will pick up an
Response: Pagtutulungan automobile from the client, take it to his
parents’ garage, detail it, and return it to the
Sa Kinabukasan Ikaw, Bangko, Industriya, at client. If he does all the work himself and
Gobyerno takes no legal steps to form a special
3. What is the difference between gross pay organization, which type of business
and net pay? organization effect, has he chosen: SOLE
Response: Gross pay refers to the
compensation, either salary or wage, without 7. A liability created when a business
the deductions of the required employee's receives cash from customers in advance of
contributions yet. On the other hand, net pay providing services or delivering goods:
is the actual amount that an employee or UNEARNED REVENUE
worker can receive and bring home after the 8. An asset account: PREPAID EXPENSE
mandatory deductions and contributions are
applied. 9. A business makes a payment of P1400 on
a note payable. Which of the following
journal entries would be recorded: NOTES
Short Problem:
Lorna Chavez is a line manager of Sunday 11. Jackson Electric Services Company
Machine Works and is receiving a monthly incurred P800 as a repair expense and paid
salary of P30,000. Answer the succeeding for it in cash. The company is a sole
questions. proprietorship. This transaction will:
1. Lorna's tax liability using the monthly
withholding tax table is _____. 12. Which of the following is a decision made
by an internal user: HOW MUCH MONEY
2. Lorna's monthly net taxable income is PRODUCTION
_____. 14. The following transactions have been
Response: 28650 journalized and posted to the proper
accounts. March is the first month of
3. Lorna's take home pay on March 31 is business operations for the sole
_____. proprietorship
Response: 27086.60 March 1: The business received 7000
cash from the owner in exchange for capital
4. Sunday Machine Works' total remittance
to PhilHealth for the March payroll is March 2: Paid the first month’s rent of
_____. 800
Response: 900.00 March 3: Purchased equipment by
paying 3000 cash and executing a note
5. Sunday Machine Works' total remittance
payable for 4000
to SSS for March payroll is _____.

Response: 2430.00
March 4: Purchased office supplies for 27. A sole proprietorship reported the
750 cash following transactions for the month of
March. The transactions have been
March 5: Billed a client for 12000 of
journalized and posted to proper accounts
design services completed
Mar 1 The business received 8000
March 6: Received 6000 on account for
cash from the owner in exchange for capital
the service previously recorded
Mar 2 Paid the first months rent of 600
What is the ending balance in the
Service Revenue: 6000 Mar 3 Purchased equipment by paying
1000 cash and executing a note payable for
15. A business renders services to a client
and issues a sales invoice. The amount will
be collected from the customer at a later Mar 4 Purchased office supplies for
time. Which of the following is true at the 600 cash.
time invoice is issued: NET INCOME WILL
Mar 5 Billed a client for 11000 of
design services completed
17. Saturn Company paid the rent for the
Mar 6 Received 9000 on account for
current month in cash. Which of the following
the services previously recorded
accounts will be used to record the
transaction: Rent Expense What is the balance in Accounts
Receivable: 2000
19. Which of the following statements is true
of a sole proprietorship: THE SOLE 28. Local firms like SGV & Co, PwC- Isla
PROPRIETORSHIP IS PERSONALLY LIABLE FOR Lipana & Co., and Punongbayan & Araullo are
THE LIABILITES OF THE BUSINESS. primarily engaged in this field of practice:
20. A business purchases 3500 of office
supplies for cash. Which of the following sets 30. A business purchases equipment by
of ledger accounts reflects the posting of paying 7517 in cash and issuing a note
transaction: payable of 19410. Which of the following
occurs: CASH IS CREDITED FOR 7517,

21. A business makes a cash payment to a 31. Which of the following is a control risk
supplier for office supplies that were related to payroll: A DISHONEST EMPLOYEE
purchased earlier on account. Which of the CASHING A PAYCHECK THAT WAS WRITTEN
following accounts is debited: ACCOUNTS FICTITIOUS PERSON
32. Which of the following is true of good
22. Adams Company recorded the following internal controls over payroll: ACCOUNTING
journal entry on March 2, 2018 FOR PAYROLL SHOULD BE SEPARATE FROM
Cash 8500
33. Watson Foods Company, a sole
Unearned Revenue 8500
proprietorship, reported the following
What is the transaction on March 2, transactions for September 2019:
a. Business received 23000 cash from
the owner in exchange for capital
24. Which of the following represents the
b. Business purchased office
correct flow of accounting data:
equipment for 11500 for which 4000 cash
was paid and the balance was put on a note
TRANSACTIONS ARE JOURNALIZED AND c. Paid insurance expense of 1200

25. A business purchases 500 of the office d. Paid the September utility for 800
supplies on account. What is the effect on cash
the accounting equation: OFFICE SUPPLIES
e. Paid 1800 cash for September rent
INCREASE f. The business had sales of 11000 in
September. Of these sales, 60% were cash
26. Owner’s capital account decreases with:
sales, and the balance was credit sales,
g. the business paid 8000 cash for 50. For expenses, the category of account
office furniture and its normal balance is: EQUITY AND A
What are the total liabilities at the end
of September 2019: 7500 51. On October 31, a business pays 1500
cash for television ads that appeared during
34. This skill is being enhanced when,
October. Which of the following accounts is
instead of comparing my performance with
that of my classmates, I rather monitor the
progress of my own learning in the course:
QUIZ #1: Trial Balance and FS Preparation
36. A business borrows cash by signing a
1. From the transactions listed for Flying Ace
note payable. Which of the following
Helicopter Rental Services, identify the cash
accounts is debited: CASH
flow activity.
37. According to the _____, acquired assets
Cash investment Financing Inflow
should be recorded at the amount actually
by Ace, the
paid rather than at the estimated market
Purchase of 2 Investing Outflow
38. Regarding the ledger, which of the helicopters
following statements is incorrect: BOTH THE Direct cash Operating Inflow
Collection from Operating Inflow
40. An accounting entry that is characterized customers with
by having multiple debits and/or multiple credit line
credits is called a ___ entry: COMPOUND Payment of Operating Outflow
JOURNAL utilities
Payment of pilot Operating Outflow
41. Which of the following is the source
document that provides the evidence and Sale of piece of Investing Inflow
data for accounting transactions: SALES lot owned by the
INVOICE business
42: Owner’s claim to the assets of the Release of cash Financing Inflow
business is called: EQUITY loaned from BPI
Cash withdrawal Financing Outflow
43. An economic resource of a business such by Ace
as furniture, building and land are its: Investments in Investing Outflow
ASSETS securities traded
by BPI
44. This skill is being enhanced when I 2. S1: In a trial balance, total debits must
choose to be cooperative with teammates, always equal total credits: TRUE
and when we encourage healthy discussions,
process of working on our assigned group S2: The trial balance is an internal document
tasks: INTERPERSONAL AND used only by the employees of the company:

45. Which of the following is a control 3. From the accounts listed below for Flying
procedure to prevent a dishonest employee Ace Helicopter Rental Services, identify the
from cashing a paycheck that was written to financial statement section where these
a fictitious person: REQUIRING PHOTO IDs accounts should appear.
Advances SFP Current
from Liabilities
46. Spring Company has assets and equity customer
that amount to 260000 and 70000 Unused SFP Current
respectively. Liabilities total: 190000 supplies Assets
Ace, drawing Capital
47. Which of the following is not recorded by Statement
accountants: EFFECTS OF ECONOMIC BOOM (Equity)
Current SFP Current
49. Regarding liabilities, which of the
portion of 5- Liabilities
following statements is incorrect: LIABILITIES
Depreciation Income Expense 11. S1: A trial balance summarizes the
Expense Statement ledger by listing all the accounts with their
Helicopter Income Revenue balances at a point in time: TRUE
Rental Statement
S2: Balancing errors can be detected by
Helicopters SFP Non-Current computing the difference between total
Assets debits and total credits on the trial balance:
Prepaid rent- SFP Current TRUE
hanger Assets 12. S1: The firm’s ability to generate cash
Net loss Capital
and its equivalent is contained in the Capital
Statement: FALSE
Mortgage SFP Non-Current S2: Information about the business
Payable 5 Liabilities performance for a certain period of time is
years primarily derived from the SFP: FALSE
4. S1: The trial balance verifies the equality
of debits and credits on a specific date: TRUE Drill #2: Cost of Goods Sold

S2: The trial balance is one of the basic 1. Compute for the missing amounts. DO
financial statements that is issued to NOT include comma and decimal places in
external users of the business: FALSE your answer.

5. S1: The trial balance is also known as the Purchase Returns &
balance sheet: FALSE Allowances
S2: Data from a trial balance is used to Sales Returns &
prepare the income statement of owner’s Allowances
equity and the balance sheet: TRUE
Goods Available for
6. S1: The trial balance reports the balances Sale
of assets, liabilities and equity: TRUE
Merchandise Inventory,
_____ 47000
S2: If the total debits equal total credits on End
the trial balance, the individual account
Freight Out 5,000.00
balances will be error free: FALSE
Merchandise Inventory,
7. S1: A trial balance is the list of only a 17,500.00
company’s asset and liability accounts, along
with their account numbers at a point in Freight-in _____ 2250
time: FALSE
Purchases 72,000.00
S2: A trial balance is a list of all the ledger
Sales Discount 5,500.00
accounts of a company with their balances at
a point in time: TRUE Purchase Discount 0
8. S1: The objective of financial statements is Cost of Goods Sold 43,000.00
to provide all the information that users may
need in making business decisions: FALSE
2. Compute for the missing amounts. DO
S2: Financing activities refers to the NOT include comma and decimal places in
financing and borrowing posture of the firm: your answer.

9. S1: The income statement measures the Purchase Returns &

revenues and expenses for a period of time: Allowances
Sales Returns &
S2: A business entity that generates Net Allowances
income (instead of Net loss) for a certain
period of time would also show a net Goods Available for Sale 77,500.00
increase in Cash as may be revealed in the Freight In 5,000.00
Statement of Cash Flows: FALSE
Freight Out 12,000.00
10. S1: Liabilities are debts owing to
creditors for assets and services received in Merchandise Inventory,
the past with promise to pay at some future Beg.
date: TRUE
Merchandise Inventory,
S2: Two forms of SFP are Report Form and _____ 23500
Account Form: TRUE
Purchases _____ 58155 Cost of Goods Sold _____
Sales Discount 4,600.00 5. Compute for the missing amounts. DO
NOT include comma and decimal places in
Purchase Discount 2,175.00 your answer.

Cost of Goods Sold 54,000.00

Purchase Returns & 2,200.0
Allowances 0
3. Compute for the missing amounts. DO
NOT include comma and decimal places in Sales Returns & Allowances
your answer.
Purchase Returns & 14,000.0 Goods Available for Sale
Allowances 0
35,000.0 Freight In
Sales Returns & Allowances 0
Goods Available for Sale _____ Freight Out
Freight In 1,250.00 Merchandise Inventory,
Freight Out 3,800.00 End.

13,000.0 Merchandise Inventory,

Merchandise Inventory, Beg. _____
0 Beg.

18,500.0 73,000.
Merchandise Inventory, End Purchases
0 00

85,000.0 2,000.0
Purchases Sales Discount
0 0

Sales Discount 1,950.00 1,500.0

Purchase Discount
Purchase Discount _____
60,000.0 Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold 00

QUIZ #1: Concepts on Merchandising

4. Compute for the missing amounts. DO Operations
NOT include comma and decimal places in
your answer. 1. An invoice is also known as a bill. (TRUE)

2. Under the perpetual inventory system,

Purchase Returns & when a purchaser makes payment within the
Allowances discount period, the amount of discount will
be credited to the Merchandise Inventory
Sales Returns & Allowances 4,500.00
account. (TRUE)
Goods Available for Sale 3. Cost of Goods Sold is based on the
company’s cost, not the retail price. (TRUE)
Freight In 2,000.00 4. Gross profit is the excess of COGS over net
Freight Out 3,000.00 sales revenue. (FALSE)

Merchandise Inventory, 35,000.0 5. An invoice is a request for payment from

the purchaser (FALSE) – (TRUE)
Beg. 0
6. Knowing the net cost of inventory allows a
Merchandise Inventory, End business to determine the actual cost of the
merchandise purchased. (TRUE)
47,500.0 7. Merchandise inventory is included in a
0 merchandising company’s current assets.
Sales Discount 3,200.00 (TRUE)

Purchase Discount 2,750.00
Income statement Function of expense
form showing costs method the seller is referred to as purchase
and expenses allowances by the purchaser. (FALSE)
according to its
20. A retailer can buy merchandise either
from a manufacturer or a wholesaler. (TRUE)
Stock of goods left Merchandise
unsold from the inventory, beginning 1. Credit terms of a merchandising company
previous accounting are 1/15, net 40. This means the buyer can
period. receive a discount of 1% if the invoice is paid
Discount granted to Trade Discount within 40 days of the invoice date. (FALSE)
the customer on
the date of 2. A merchandiser sold goods on account to
purchase based on Customer A for 8000 with terms of 2/10,
the catalogue price. n/30. If the payment is received after the
Account title used Furniture & discount period., Accounts Receivable is
when buying table Fixtures decreased by 8000 (TRUE)
and chairs for use
3. On the balance sheet, Merchandise
by the company.
inventory is listed above Accounts
Operating expenses Selling &
Receivable. (FALSE)--- should be below.
incurred in storing Distribution
and marketing the Expenses 4. Sales are recorded at the amount of the
goods. sales less any trade discounts. (TRUE)
Account title used Sales
for revenue earned 5. On the income statement, a
when goods are merchandising company reports the cost of
delivered to merchandise inventory that has been sold to
customers. customers. (TRUE).
Discount granted to Cash Discount 6. The net invoice price is list price reduced
a customer for by any trade discount. (TRUE)
paying his account
promptly 7.

Ownership of goods FOB-Destination

9. A wholesaler is a merchandiser who buys is transferred only
goods from a manufacturer and then sells upon delivery to
the goods to retailers. (TRUE) buyer’s place of
10. Even in a perpetual inventory system,
An account used to Freight-Out
the business must count its inventory at
record transportation
least once in a year. (TRUE)
cost incurred by the
11. The perpetual inventory system keeps a seller.
running computerized record of inventory A method of Periodic Inventory
and COGS. (TRUE) accounting wherein Method
the cost of the
12. The net invoice price is list price reduced merchandise sold is
by any trade discount. (TRUE) determined only
14. Under the perpetual inventory system, after making a
purchase returns or allowances are debited physical inventory
to the Merchandise Inventory account by the count.
The sum of net Goods Available for
purchaser (FALSE)--- should be credit
purchases and Sale
15. A merchandiser sold goods on account to beginning
Customer A for P8,000 with terms of 2/10, merchandise
n/30. If the payment is received within the inventory.
discount period, Accounts Receivable is A reduction in the Purchase returns
decreased by P7840. (TRUE) cost of the goods and allowances.
purchased for resale
17. Freight in is a delivery expense to the when the goods are
seller. (FALSE) returned to the
18. A retailer purchases goods from supplier for being
manufacturer and sells them to wholesalers. defective or spoiled.
(FALSE) Method which keeps Perpetual Inventory
a detailed recording Method
19. Defective, damaged, otherwise of inventory for each
unsuitable merchandise that is returned to item stocked.
Represents Freight-In
transportation cost 21. FOB Destination represents a situation in
which is added to the which the buyer takes title to the goods after
cost of goods bought the goods leave the seller’s place of
for resale. business. (FALSE)
A freight payment Freight Collect
22. The operating cycle of a merchandiser
agreement when
begins when the company purchases
freight is payable
inventory from a vendor and ends when the
only upon arrival of
company then sells the inventory to a
the goods bought.
customer. (FALSE)

8. The buyer records Purchase Discounts for 2. A reduction in the amount of revenue
early payment on purchases with 2/10, n/30 earned on sales for early payment is known
credit terms. (TRUE) as a sales discount. (TRUE)

10. Credit terms of 2/10, n/30 indicate that a 3. The net cost of inventory purchased
discount of 2% will be given if payment is equals the purchase cost less purchase
made within 10 days of the invoice date. returns and allowances less purchase
Otherwise, the total invoice amount is due discounts. (FALSE)
within 30 days of the invoice date. (TRUE) 4. Both wholesalers and retailers are
11. There is a discount on freight in, thus merchandisers (TRUE)
purchase discounts are computed on 5. The net invoice price is list price reduced
transportation costs. (FALSE) by any trade discount. (TRUE)
12. The purchase discount amount in 6. A retailer can buy merchandise either from
calculated on the amount of the invoice a manufacturer or a wholesaler. (TRUE)
minus the returns and allowances. (TRUE)
7. When a company uses a perpetual
13. Merchandise inventory account is an inventory system, all merchandise
asset account that is used only for goods transactions are updated as they occur.
purchased that the business owns and However, an inventory account may not
intends to resell to customers. (TRUE) show correct balance at all times. (TRUE)
14. Under the perpetual inventory system, 8. Gros profit is the extra amount the
two journal entries are used to record the company receives from the customer for
sale of merchandise. One entry records the merchandise sold over what the company
Sales Revenue and another entry records paid to the vendor. (TRUE)
11. Under perpetual inventory system,
15. A wholesaler is a merchandiser who buys purchase returns and allowances are debited
goods from a manufacturer and then sells to the Merchandise Inventory account by the
the goods to retailers. (TRUE) purchaser. (FALSE)
16. Centennial, Inc. sold goods on credit 12. An invoice is a request for payment from
terms n/20 to Harper, Inc. This means no the purchaser. (FALSE)
discounts are offered, and the amount of the
invoice is due 20 days after the invoice date. 13. With the terms FOB shipping point, the
(TRUE) freight cost becomes part of the cost of
merchandise inventory for the purchaser.
17. When a company uses a perpetual (Assume a perpetual inventory system)
inventory system, all merchandise (TRUE)
transactions are updated as they occur.
However, the inventory account may not 14. A merchandiser sold goods on account to
show the correct balance at all times. (TRUE) Customer A for 8000 with the terms of 2/10,
n/30. If the payment is received within the
18. The seller records freight out on discount period, Accounts Receivable is
merchandise sold for the amount of freight decreased 7840. (TRUE)
paid on shipment of good to customer on
agreed term, fob shipping point. (FALSE) 15.. Gross profit is the excess of COGS over
net sales revenue. (FALSE)
19. On the income statement, a service
company reports the cost of merchandise 16. Under the terms FOB destination, title to
inventory that has been sold to customers. the merchandise will pass to the purchaser
(FALSE) when the goods are received by the
purchaser. (TRUE)
20. A purchase discount is the amount
offered to the purchaser for delaying the
payment to the seller. (FALSE)
17. There is a discount on freight in, thus paid by:
purchase discounts are computed on
transportation costs. (FALSE)
18. COGS is based on the company’s cost,
Purchase Date May 1
not the retail price. (TRUE)
List Price 50000
19. Knowing the net cost of inventory allows Shipping Terms FOB Destination,
a business to determine the actual cost of Freight Prepaid
the merchandise purchased. (TRUE) 2000
Payment Terms Cash, less 5%, 10%
20. When a sale is made on account, discount
Accounts Receivable is debited. (TRUE) Return of 1000 on May 3
21. Freight In is recorded in the Merchandise
Cash Discount 0
Inventory account if the purchaser uses the
availed if any:
perpetual inventory system. (TRUE) Amount paid on May 41750
QUIZ #2: Freight and Payment Terms 1
Transportation cost Seller
1. recognized as
expense by:
Purchase Date November 1
Transportation cost Seller
List Price 6000
Shipping Terms FOB Destination, paid by:
P500 freight collect
Payment Terms Less 5%; 2000 4.
down payment,
2/eom, n/60 Purchase Date October 1
Return of 800 on November 3 List Price 8000
Merchandise Shipping Terms FOB Destination,
Actual Payments 50% on November 600 freight prepaid
15, Balance on Payment Terms 2/10, 1/15, n/30,
December 5 discount is granted
Amount paid on Nov. 1200 on partial payment.
15, upon making Partial Payment 60% of Accounts
50% partial payment Payable Balance on
of account balance. October 14
Amount paid on 1200 Cash Discount 48
December 5, upon availed if any
Amount paid on 3200
full settlement of
October 17, upon full
Transportation cost Seller settlement of
recognized as account
Transportation cost Seller
expense by:
Transportation cost Buyer recognized as
paid by: expense by:
Transportation cost Seller
paid by:

Purchase Date September 8 5.

List Price 10000
Shipping Terms FOB Shipping Point, Purchase Date August 10
500 freight Collect List Price 40000
Payment Terms Less 10%, 2/10, Shipping Terms FOB Shipping
n/30 Point, 1000 freight
Return of 500 on September prepared
Merchandise 10 Payment Terms 5000 down
Cash discount 170 payment, balance
availed if any 2/10, n/30
Amount paid on 8330 Cash Discount availed 700
September 18, upon if any
full settlement of Amount paid on 35300
account. August 15, upon full
Transportation cost Buyer settlement of account
recognized as Transportation cost Buyer
expense by: recognized as
Transportation cost Buyer expense by:
Transportation cost Seller o If the bill is given, that is inclusive of
paid by: VAT
o If not (derived) it is not inclusive of
 Total debits and credit must always equal
 Non-cash expense: depreciation
 Trial balance is for internal document
expense, bad debts expense
 Trial balances summarizes the ledger by
 Discount is based on price WITHOUT
listing all accounts and balances at point
vat (hence needed to be divided by 1.12)
 Balancing errors can be detected by
 BALANCE SHEET: Place dollar signs on
computing the difference of credit and
the first number in each column, for each
section, and final totals.
 Trial balance reports balance of assets,
 INCOME STATEMENT: Place dollar signs
liabilities and equity
on TOP of every column and the final
 Trial balance still have an error even if
balance, they might be posting error or
transferring from journal to ledger
 Liabilities are debt with promise to pay
 Two forms of f/s are report form and
account form
Summative Assessment #2
 The firm’s ability to generate cash is
contained primarily in cash flow 1. Freight costs paid by a seller on
 Business performance is in Income merchandise sold to customers will cause an
 Objective of financial statement is to SELLER.
provide information but not all such as
the non-financial details. (isa sa mga used 2. Statement 1: The income statement
in making decisions only) measures revenues and expenses for a
 Income statement measure revenues and period of time.
expenses Statement 2: Liquidity refers to the
 Ang net income does not primarily mean availability of cash to meet obligations in the
a cash increase in cash flow because near future (BOTH STATEMENTS ARE
there is still a financing and investing. CORRECT)
 If list price only said: it is VAT exclusive 3. A business purchases equipment with
and needs Trade Discount 8,000 cash. Which of the following accounts
o Discount is the subject for VAT if so. is credited? (CASH)
But, if not stated automatically or default
of VAT inclusive 4. On Sept 1 Buyer co. purchased supplies of
 If may discount pa yung payables, 8000 on account with 10% TD and credit
lalagyan pa ng VAT. If wala ng discount, terms 3/10,n/30… Shipping point, freight
literal na payment and/or collection na prepaid and freight costs is 400. Buyer co.
lang, wala ng VAT since sa purchase and paid in full on sept…. what is the entry not
sales pa lang naglagay na ng VAT recorded by the buyer co. on sept 1: (DEBIT
 Input VAT for discounts para PURCHASES OF 7200)
mabawasan yung debited VAT 5. For expenses, the category of account and
correspondingly its normal balance is: (EQUITY AND DEBIT
 Credit Card sales can be a cash BALANCE)
transaction because it is the buyer who
will have a payable to the bank or credit 6. Macky continued on with the engagement
financer and didn’t say any word to Kate (cousin):
 If no freight collect or freight prepaid (OBJECTIVITY)
included, it should be understood who 7. Manuel plumbing services earned 500 by
ever recognizes expense will be the completing a job for Samuel company. 500
actual buyer earned by manuel: (REVENUE)
 Freight in and out are both INPUT VAT
since they are cost or expense 8. An entity that buys goods and sells them
 Freight-out is INPUT VAT since to consumers are at a markup is a
operating expense are subject to VAT (RETAILER)
 Sales discount and r&a- the only time
11. Which of the following sequence is the
output vat can be reversed
normal sequence flow of accounting:
 Only sales can have output vat
 Banking is a service, hence subject to
12. Metropolitan: Calculate the amount of 29. if a purchaser using a periodic system
increase or decrease in the capital for the agrees to freight terms of FOB Shipping
year: (20,000 INCREASE) point, then the: (MERCHANDISE INVENTORY
13. the respective normal account balances
of purchase, purchase discounts and freight 30. Which of the ff line items would appear
in: DEBIT, CREDIT, DEBIT on the income statement of a company that
uses the periodic inventory system, but not
14. Boss company, a VAT registered business
on that of a company that uses the perpetual
purchased on account inventory from Well
inventory system: (COST OF GOODS
company. The shipping costs were 560-VAT
included and the terms of the shipment were
FOB shipping point, prepaid. Boss would 31. Which of the following is an important
have the following entry regarding Freight aspect of control over payroll: CONTROLS
VAT, 60; CREDIT A/P, 560
32. Some popular designations of a
15. Under the perpetual inventory system, professional accountant engaged in this field
the entry record return of defective of practice are Chief Accountant, Controller,
merchandise includes a credit to: Chief Financial Officier: CPAS IN COMMERCE

16. Company A sells 300,000 of merchandise 33. Which is an example of cashflow from an
on account to Company B with credit terms operating cycle: RECEIPT OF CASH FROM THE
of 2/10, n/30. If Company B is taking SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES
advantage of the discount offered, what is
34. Which is considered as a contra-revenue
the amount of Company B’s check?
35. On aug 5. Buyer co purchased
17. COGS Delivered amount to: (121,000)
merchandise of 360,000 on account with
18. Macky earn trust of her clients by 10% TD and credit terms of 2/10, n/30 from
keeping client information to herself and seller co. FOB Shipping point, Freight
maintaining professionalism prepaid. Freight costs if 4,000 buyer co. paid
(CONFIDENTIALITY) in full on sep 11. The buyer is using the
Perpetual method of inventory system. What
19. Gross profit on Sales amount to: 48400
is the entry that will not be recorded by the
21. The company purchased goods for Seller: (DEBIT TO PURCHASES OF 324,000)
205,000, under the terms less 5%, 2/10…
36. HKing Company, a non-VAT company,
days after the purchase, the buyer returned
made a purchase of merchandise on credit
2,000 worth of goods which was… issuing a
from Claude Company, a VAT-Registered
credit memorandum. The buyer paid the
company on August 3, for 44,800, including
account within the discount…. (assume that
VAT, terms 2/10, n/45. On august 10, HKing
there is no VAT): (3855)
makes the appropriate payment to Claude.
22. Regarding the inventory system used by The entry on August 10 for Claude Company
small retailers, which of the ff is incorrect: TO includes: (DEBIT CASH OF 43904)
37. September 1, 2020. The buyer and seller
agreed on term FOB Shipping point, Freight
23. Which of the following is provided in a collect for the freight costs of 15,000 on the
typical chart of accounts: ACCOUNT NUMBER sales transaction of 800,000 with Trade
Discount of 5%, 10%. The seller provided a
24. Fred Jones, the sole owner of a business, credit terms of 3/10, n/30. The buyer paid on
withdraws cash for his personal use…. September 9, 2020. How much is the invoice
Equation: (ASSETS DECREASE AND EQUITY price: (684,000)
38. The statement of cash flows should not
25. The seller did not record the freight be used to evaluate an entity’s ability to:
transaction. What is the term of shipment (EARN NET INCOME)
between buyer and seller: FOB SHIPPING
POINT, FREIGHT COLLECT 39. The buyer and seller agreed on the term,
FOB-Shipping point, freight collect for the
26. The cost of goods available for sale freight cost of 15,000 on sales transactions
amount to: (139,200) of 500,000 on September 1, 2020. The buyer
28. Gross profit represent the mark-up on: is using the perpetual method of inventory
(MERCHANDISE INVENTORY) system. Which entry will not be recorded by
the Buyer: (DEBIT TO FREIGHT IN OF 15,000)
40. the CFO of a “green university” transaction: FOB-DESTINATION, FREIGHT
recommends some healthful measures on COLLECT
proper disposal of the university’s chemical
55. Business borrowed cash from BDO. This
laboratory wastes, so as not… The CFO is
transaction will be reflected as cash inflows
observing the value of: (SOCIAL
56. A posting reference column is used:
41. How much is the Net Income: 4,190
42. If a purchaser using a perpetual system FROM THE JOURNAL TO THE LEDGER.
agrees to freight terms of FOB Shipping
57. Which is a type of discount which is a
percentage reduction from a published list
price granted to merchandisers for buying
43. Which of the following is the correct large quantities of for regularly patronizing
accounting equation: (ASSETS = LIABILITIES the business: TRADE DISCOUNT
58. BananaQ company purchased goods for
44. In a perpetual inventory system, the 205,000, under the terms less 5%, 2%, 2/10,
physical count of inventory: (ALL n/30, FOB Destination, freight prepaid, 3,000.
STATEMENTS ARE CORRECT) Three days after the purchase, BananaQ
company returned 2,000 worth of goods
45. Bryan Company, a VAT- registered
which was acknowledged by the seller upon
business, purchased merchandise on account
acceptance by issuing a credit
from Cates Company, a non-VAT business
memorandum. The buyer paid the account
with freight terms of FOB Shipping point,
within the discount period. Assuming VAT is
collect. Bryan will record: DEBIT ENTRY TO
not included in the amounts, the amount of
Purchase Returns and Allowance recorded
47. The buyer and seller agreed on the term was: 2000
FOB-Destination, Freight Collect for the
59. On September 1, buyer co purchased
freight costs of 15,000 for the purchase
merchandise of 90,000 on account with 5%
transactions of 500,000 on September 1,
TD, with credit term 3/10, n/30 from seller
2020. Which entry will be recorded by the
co., FOB shipping point, Freight Prepaid and
freight costs is 4,000. Buyer co paid in full on
September 11. The buyer is using the
48. A perpetual inventory system: ACHIEVES Periodic Inventory System. What is the entry
BETTER CONTROL OVER INVENTORY that will not be recorded in the Buyer Co.
Books: CREDIT TO CASH 4,000
49. The buyer did not record the transaction
for the freight. What is the term of shipment 60. The statement of income contains the
between the buyer and the seller: FOB- following items, except: ACCUMULATED

50. Hala company sells merchandise on 61. The trial is out of balance. This may be
account for 13440 including VAT to Long due to: SALES POSTED AS 400 SHOULD BE
company with credit terms of 2/10, n/30. 450
Long Company was credited 224 for
62. If a company is given credit terms of
merchandise that was damaged sent back,
2/10, n/30 it should: PAY WITHIN THE
along with a check to settle the account
within the discount period. What is the
amount of the check: 12951.68 63. Which is an example of cash flow from
financing activity: CASH INVENTORY BY
51. When customers pay their account within
the discount period, the amount that is
indicated as Debit to Cash: LESSER THAN 65. October 31, a business pays 1500 cash
THE AMOUNT IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE for television ads that appeared during the
CREDIT. October. Which of the following account is
52. Regarding periodic inventory system,
which of the following statements is 67. The owner’s claim to the assets of the
incorrect: THE PERIODIC INVENTORY SYSTEM business is called: EQUITY
68. How much is the total current assets:
53. The seller recorded freight-out and
69. on oct 1, Elma co. purchased 6720 worth
credited the Accounts Receivable from Buyer.
of goods on terms 2/15, n/30. Freight of 336
What is the term of shipment for this
was prepaid by the seller under the term FOB
shipping point. The account was paid on 5. The journal entry to record a return of
October 10. Assuming all amounts are VAT merchandise purchased under a
inclusive, discount recorded was: 120,000 perpetual inventory system would credit:
70. Regarding T-accounts, which of the ff
statements is correct: A T-ACCOUNT IS A
6. Macky hides this practice by showing only
the net cash flows from investing and
financing activities, and concealing the
71. This document is issued by the buyer detailed activities from the statement of
informing seller that returns are made cash flows. What professional ethics is
because the goods may be defective or not violated: INTEGRITY
as ordered: DEBIT MEMO
7. Regarding the monetary unit assumption,
72. Macky authorized misappropriation of which of the following statements is
funds to pursue expenditures that didn’t pass correct: ACCOUNTANTS ASSUME THAT
73. Macky refuses to attend trainings and STABLE
AND DUE CARE 8. The net cost of purchases amount to:
74. A transaction was credited and posted to 9.
membership fees revenue 2,000 instead of 10.As per the--- the entity will remain in
to accounts receivable operation for the foreseeable future:
Statement 1: the overstated both the GOING CONCERN ASSUMPTION
revenue and accounts receivable
11.A busines prepays four months’ office
Statement 2: Total debits is higher than total rent. Which of the ff accounts is debited:
75. Statement 1: when a company sells
merchandise with a term , 2/10, n.30, FOB 12.The buyer purchased inventory on
Destination, freight collect, the discount October 28, 2020 for 1,000,000 is a FOB-
given to the customer is computed as 2% of Destination, Freight Collect with freight
the sum of the sales and freight out. cost of 75,000. The seller gave a trade
discount of 15%, 5% with a credit term of
Statement 2: When a company sells 3/10, 1/15, n/30. The seller collected on
merchandise with a term, 2/10, n/30 , FOB November 10, 2020. The buyer is using
shipping point, freight prepaid, the discount the Periodic method of inventory system.
given to customer is computed as 2% of the What is the Journal Entry that will not be
Sales: ONLY STATEMENT 2 IS TRUE recorded by the Buyer on October 28:
1. A payment of 25000 was correctly
journalized but posted as a credit to cash of
13.Which of the following journal entries
would be recorded if a business
S1: This understated cash by 27,000 purchased office supplies on account in a
previous accounting period and now
S2: This error is called a transplacement
makes a cash payment of 750 to the
supplier to settle the account: ACCOUNTS
2. The buyer and seller agreed on the term PAYABLE 750, CASH 750
of FOB-Destination, Freight collect for the
freight cost of 15,000 for the purchase 14.Merchandise inventory and COGS appear:
transactions of 500,000 on September 1, ON THE BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME
2020. Which entry will be recorded by the STATEMENT, RESPECTIVELY.
15.A debit entry for 6750 was posted as 675.
3. Regarding net pay, which of the following This error is called a : TRANSPLACEMENT
statements is incorrect: THE NET PAY
AMOUNT IS IMPORTANT FOR ACCOUNTING 16.The seller recorded the freight
PURPOSES. transactions as additional Accounts
Receivable from Buyer. What is the term
4. How much is the total non-current assets: of shipment between the Buyer and
Seller: FOB-SHIPPING POINT, FREIGHT 33. The company purchased goods for
PREPAID 350,000 under the terms less: 5%, 2%, 2/10,
1/12, n/30. FOB Shipping point, freight
17.A business buys 300 of the office supplies prepaid, 3,000. Three days after the
on account. Which of the following purchase, buyer returned 2,000 worth of
accounts is debited: OFFICE SUPPLIES goods which was acknowledged by the seller
upon acceptance by issuing a credit
18.The main expense of merchandiser is memorandum. The buyer paid the account
usually: COGS 11 days after the date of purchase. Which
statement is true relative to the journal entry
19.The buyer purchased equipment on prepared on the date of purchase:
October 28, 2020 for 1,000,000 with PURCHASES SHOULD BE DEBITED FOR
shipping terms of FOB-Destination, 325,850
Freight Collect of 75,000. The seller gave
34. Which of the following is an example of a
a trade discount of 15%, 5% with a credit
cash flow from an investing activity: RECEIPT
term of 3/10 , 1/15 , n/30. The seller
collected on November 10, 2020. What is
the journal entry to record the cash 35. FRC a bookstore, returned books with
discount on the Buyer’s Book: CREDIT TO missing pages. It should: CREDIT
20.The four-column account: ADDS TWO
ADDITIONAL COLUMNS THAT ARE USED 35. FRC a bookstore, returned books with
21.The main expense of a merchandiser is 36. On may 11, buyer co, purchased
usually: COGS merchandise on account from seller co,
440,000 with 10%, 5%, 2% TD, FOB
22.On the balance sheet of a retailer, the Destination, Freight Prepaid and the freight
merchandise inventory account: IS costs is 14,000. Which entry is correct in
INCLUDED IN THE CURRENT ASSETS recording the transactions in the buyer co,
23.Value electronics inc, started its
operations on January 1, 2019. Value 37. Gross profit is calculated as the
engages in buying and selling different difference between net sales revenue and:
types of electronic gadget. The first step COGS
in operating cycle would be: PURCHASE 37. Gross profit is calculated as: NET SALES

24.on oct 1, Elma co. purchased 6720 worth 38. A 1,500 debit to utilities expense was not
of goods on terms 2/15, n/30. Freight of posted.
336 was prepaid by the seller under the S1: This understated the trial balance debit
term FOB shipping point. The account was total
paid on October 17. Assuming all S2: Net income is overstated: ONLY THE
amounts are VAT inclusive, discount FIRST STATEMENT IS TRUE
recorded was: 0
39. HKing Company, a non-VAT company,
25.The buyer purchased inventory on made a purchase of merchandise on credit
October 28, 2020 for 1,000,000 is a FOB- from Claude Company, a VAT-Registered
Destination, Freight Collect with freight company on August 3, for 44,800, including
cost of 75,000. The seller gave a trade VAT, terms 2/10, n/45. On august 10, HKing
discount of 15%, 5% with a credit term of makes the appropriate payment to Claude.
3/10, 1/15, n/30. The seller collected on The entry on August 3 for Claude Company
November 10, 2020. The buyer is using includes: (DEBIT TO A/R 44800 AND CREDIT
the Periodic method of inventory system. SALES 40,000, OUTPUT VAT 4800)
What is the Journal Entry that will not be 40. When a seller grants credit for returned
recorded by the Buyer on October 28: goods, the account that is credited is:
31. A business perform services for a 41. On oct 1, Elma Co sold goods to Seth Co.
customer for 26,000 on account. Which of for 2,800 on terms 2/10, 1/20, n/30. Freight
the following is debited: Accounts Receivable of 224 was paid under FOB Destination.
32. Net Sales amount to: 152 200 Goods were returned to Elma worth 784,
Seth paid on Oct 11. Assuming all amounts 42. A 500 debit entry to furniture was posted
are VAT inclusive. Discount recorded by Seth twice:
was: 36 S1: Understated the trial balance credit total
S2: total assets is overstated: BOTH
42. A business collects cash from a customer
for services that were performed one month
earlier. Which of the following accounts is
43. When a seller grants credit for returned
goods, the account that is credited is: SALES
43. A business purchases equipment with RETURN AND ALLOWANCES-.> ACCOUNTS
8,000 cash. Which of the following accounts RECEIVABLE
is credited: CASH
44. In a perpetual Inventory: ALL LIABILITIES: 3100  3300
46. Eaton company sells merchandise on
45. A business renders services to a client account for 22, 400 inclusive of VAT. Tang
and issues a sales invoice. The amount will company with credit terms of 2/10, n/30.
be collected from the customer at a later Tang returns 1120 of merchandise that was
time. Which of the FF is true at the time damaged along with a check to settle the
invoice is issued: NET INCOME WILL account within discount period. What entry
INCREASE does Eaton company make upon receipt of
check: DR. CASH, 20 854, SR&A, 1000, SD,
46. Business purchased furniture and 380; OUPUT VAT 165.60, CR: A/R 22400
equipment on account. Identify which major
activity does this transaction will be reflected 47. The company purchased goods for
in the company’s cash flow statement: NOT 205,000, under the terms 2/10, n/30, FOB
APPLICABLE OR NOT AFFECTED Destination, freight prepaid, 3,000. Days
after the purchase, the buyer returned 2,000
47. On sept 1: buyer co purchased office worth of goods which was acknowledged by
supplies of 5,000 on account with 10% TD the seller upon acceptance by issuing a
and credit erm 3/10, n/30 from seller co. FOB credit memorandum. The buyer paid the
Shipping Point , Freight Prepaid, and freight account within the discount. The Purchase
costs400. Buyer co paid in full on September Discount recorded is (assume that there is
11. Which among entries will not be recorded VAT and the amounts are VAT-inclusive):
by seller co on sept 11: CREDIT ACCOUNTS (3625)
48. The buyer purchased equipment on
48. A buyer would record a payment within October 28, 2020 for 1,000,000 with shipping
discount period under perpetual inventory terms of FOB-Destination, Freight Collect of
system by crediting: MERCHANDISE 75,000. The seller gave a trade discount of
INVENTORY 15%, 5% with a credit term of 3/10 , 1/15 ,
26.on oct 1, Elma co. purchased 6720 worth n/30. The seller collected on November 10,
of goods on terms 2/15, n/30. Freight of 2020. What is the journal entry that will not
336 was prepaid by the seller under the be recorded by the Seller if compound entry
term FOB shipping point. The account was is made: DEBIT A/R 807500. (corrected
paid on October 11. Assuming all answer)
amounts are VAT inclusive, discount 49. on oct 1, Elma co. purchased 6720 worth
recorded by Seth was: 36 of goods on terms 2/15, n/30. Freight of 336
39. HKing Company, a non-VAT company, was prepaid by the seller under the term FOB
made a purchase of merchandise on credit shipping point. The account was paid on
from Claude Company, a VAT-Registered October 15. Assuming all amounts are VAT
company on August 3, for 44,800, including inclusive, discount recorded by Seth was: 36
VAT, terms 2/10, n/45. On august 10, HKing 50. The company purchased goods for
makes the appropriate payment to Claude. 350,000 under the terms, 2/10, 1/15, n/30,
The entry on August 10 for Claude Company FOB Shipping Point, Freight Prepaid, 3,000.
includes: (ALL OF THE ABOVE) Three days after the purchase, the buyer
40. The respective normal balances of Sales, returned 11,200 worth of goods which was
Sales Retun and Sales discount: CREDIT, acknowledged by the seller upon acceptance
DEBIT, DEBIT by issuing a credit memorandum. The buyer
paid the account 11 days after the date of
41. Which of the following is not recorded in purchase. Which statement is true relative to
a perpetual inventory system: TIMELINESS the journal entry prepared on the date of
OF VENDOR DELIVERIES payment? (Assume the amounts are VAT

51. A payment of 6,500 to an account 51. Which of the following is correct about
supplier was currently journalized but was the statement of cash flows: ALL OF THE
posted as a credit to accounts payable and a STATEMENTS
credit to cash for the correct amount:
52. Merchandise inventory and COGS appear:
S1: This overstated Accounts Payable ON THE BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME
S2: The total debit is higher than the total
credits: ONLY THE FIRST STATEMENT IS TRUE 53. The first step in journalizing and posting
52. Lynn Company, a VAT registered business
purchased merchandise inventory with an
invoice price of P33,600 including VAT, and 54. Merchandise inventory account is used in
credit terms of 2/10, n/30. What is the net each of the following except the entry record
cost of goods if Lynn Company pays within to: PAYMENT OF FREIGHT ON GOODS SOLD
the discount period? (30,000)
55. Van Jones is the owner of a sole
53. Which of the following statements is proprietorship. Van took 5,000 from the
NOT correct: IN A PERIODIC INVENTORY business for personal use. Which of the
SYSTEM, MERCHANDISE INVENTORY AND following account is debited: JONES

34. A P1,500 debit entry to utilities expense

was not posted. Statement 1: This is
understated the trial balance debit total.
Statement 2: Net income is overstated. =

52. Lynn Company, a VAT registered business

purchased merchandise inventory with an
invoice price of P33,600 including VAT, and
credit terms of 2/10, n/30. What is the net
cost of goods if Lynn Company pays within
the discount period, the journal entry to
record the settlement includes: A CREDIT TO

49. on oct 1, Elma co. sold goods to Seth co

for 2,800 on terms 2/10, 1/20, n/30. Freight
of 224 was paid under the term FOB
destination. Goods were returned to elma
worth 784. Seth paid on Oct 23. Assuming all
amounts are VAT inclusive, discount recorded
by Seth was: 0

42. Wilson furniture company is a sole

proprietorship. Wilson contributed P40,000 of
cash exchange for capital. Which of the ff will
be debited? = Cash

49. on oct 1, Elma co. sold goods to Seth co

for 2,800 on terms 2/10, 1/20, n/30. Freight
of 224 was paid under the term FOB
destination. Goods were returned to elma
worth 784. Seth paid on Oct 15. Assuming all
amounts are VAT inclusive, discount recorded
by Seth was: 18

50. Which of the following statements is not


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