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Journal of Sensors
Volume 2021, Article ID 4680021, 17 pages

Research Article
Stakeholders’ Viewpoints toward Blockchain Integration within
IoT-Based Smart Cities

Nada Alasbali , Saaidal Razalli Bin Azzuhri , and Rosli Salleh

Department of Computer System and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Correspondence should be addressed to Saaidal Razalli Bin Azzuhri;

Received 17 July 2021; Revised 4 August 2021; Accepted 16 August 2021; Published 27 August 2021

Academic Editor: Abdelouahid Derhab

Copyright © 2021 Nada Alasbali et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This study intends to assess the development of IoT-based smart cities industry and the possibilities of blockchain integration
from the perspective of industry stakeholders as the vision for a modern, integrated smart city future is predicated upon
intelligence and the relationship between data-rich connections and human activities. Although this ideal of an interconnected
urban landscape is currently being tested and actively used by consumers spanning a range of connected nodes and service
solutions, the scalability, interoperability, and security of this emergent cyber-physical ideal has yet to be adequately resolved.
This study used an exploratory study design following a mixed method design approach. A structured questionnaire survey
(quantitative) and interviews (qualitative) were conducted for collecting data. IBM SPSS was used for the analysis of the data,
which computed descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation, Pearson correlation, and ANOVA for quantitative data and thematic
analysis for qualitative data. Through an empirical assessment of the perceptions and expertise of 122 stakeholders from within
the worldwide IoT smart city industry, conceptual support for blockchain integration into the IoT solution was acquired,
highlighting the solution-oriented, system-centered advantages of a decentralised, autonomous data management backbone
that could be applied to future IoT-based smart city solutions. To meet the broad and diversified needs of the smart city and
its future evolution, this study has confirmed that a commitment to decentralisation and blockchain intermediary data
management is critical to scalable, secure, and autonomous negotiations of the IoT-enabled smart city networks.

1. Research Background a network-bridged cyberphysical solution that will transform

the behaviours and interactions of an internet-supported
The potential advantages of smart, connected systems are modern society [4].
manifest as urban density increases and internet connec- Given the connectivity between the devices, these are
tivity becomes ubiquitous from data mining to service effi- vulnerable to various issues, including interoperability,
ciency to network coordination [1]. At the core of this interconnectivity, security, and privacy threats [5]. These
new, interconnected urban infrastructure is the concept of security threats account for an increase in the attacks on
the smart city which is an idealistic, technoutopian environ- the device integrity, data privacy, and security and secrecy
ment that is based on digital information exchange [2]. [3] [6]. [7] highlights that making the IoT operational model
highlighted that majority of these devices are connected with decentralised, self-regulating, and self-managing is critical
each other, which are then further connected to other to improving it. This transformation is likely to provide it
devices forming an Internet of Things (IoT). From energy with more scalability, minimised infrastructure cost, auton-
management to water demand monitoring to waste pickups omy, and a secure and user-driven environment. Also, a crit-
and in-home automation, the Internet of Things (IoT) is ical attribute of a functional and efficient smart city solution
translating once-independent digital nodes and sensors into is the ability to ‘transfer data across the network without the
2 Journal of Sensors

need for human agency or manual intervention.’ By avoiding nerability of user data to malicious attacks and manipulation.
the proclivity to attain short-term financial benefits in favour Moreover, the overarching problems and challenges such as
of a long-term, system-wide opportunity for interconnectiv- scalability, interoperability, cost barriers, security threats,
ity, vendors of IoT technologies can unify their communica- and a lack of systemic flexibility will continue to persist in
tion platforms and data management systems according to a an IoT network that is characterised by siloed information
universal, interoperable standard. and restrictive proprietary databases [9]. However, several
The smart city development and deployment present experimental solutions [10–12] have recently emerged as
the evidence concerning the intermediary work model, indications of the potential advantages of a unified, multino-
which serves as a solution for the decentralisation challenges, dal, edge-based blockchain solution to the IoT challenges.
security, and scalability of the IoT devices. For undergoing These models provide valuable indications of the combina-
transaction, users are required to employ initiatives which tive potential of a unified blockchain solution that is able to
help approve other transactions, all aimed at improving the exploit the concept of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to
security of the network, which confirm and approve that no connect the entirety of the IoT industry. Motivated by this
conflict occurs amongst transactions such as the one existing knowledge gap, this research paper is aimed at capturing
with other incoming transactions (e.g., double-spending) [8]. and evaluating empirical evidence from IoT-based smart city
This approval encompasses the approval of two other trans- stakeholders related to current efforts in the IoT-connected
actions, rejection of any conflicting transactions, and solu- smart city industry and the possible pathways that can be
tion to a cryptographic puzzle [8]. Given the heterogeneous developed to optimise blockchain technology integration
as well as distributive IoT nature, an asynchronous aspect for an IoT-connected smart city to shape a sustainable way
exists in the IOTA network, where many nodes do not see forward.
or attempt to approve same transactional sets. However,
understanding the deployment challenges of the smart city
continues to serve as a thwarting block concerning its 3. Methodology
3.1. Research Method. Throughout the literature reviewed in
The failure to develop interconnectivity across data com-
relation to this topic and the range of associated variables, it
munication networks restricts the capacity for efficient and
is evident that experimentation is the primary modality of
secure information exchange, diluting the broader scale
empiricism in this field of study. Ragin and Amoroso [13]
advantages of the smart city standard. To circumvent such
propose that when confronted with a variety of exemplary
pitfalls, modern researchers and experimental theorists such
studies, researchers often rely upon comparative methods
as [9–11] have proposed the integration of blockchain infor-
to study the internal commonalities, identify diversity, and
mation management standards capable of not only securing
assess the relationships between the approaches. However,
the process of cross-network data exchange but also validat-
when considering the breadth of IoT-based solutions being
ing and protecting the legitimacy and interoperability of such
developed, the literature review has demonstrated that
exchange processes. This proposed investigation will com-
approaches such as a case study analysis or systematic liter-
pare and critically evaluate the requirements and potential
ature review would be inherently limiting to the current
advantages of this blockchain-supported standard for smart
city-oriented IoT connectivity from the IoT-based smart city
Rather than attempting to mirror or mimic the experi-
stakeholders’ viewpoints. The remainder of the article is
mental trials of the prior researchers in this field, which would
structured as follows: Section 2 presents research problem
be both cost prohibitive and time and technology consuming,
and aim. Section 3 addresses the research methodology.
it is more appropriate for the current study to develop a blue-
Then, the results of the mixed method approach (Section 4)
print of industry solutions from the collection of real-world
are presented in two subsections (Sections 4.1 and 4.2,
empirical evidence. By applying what Bryman [14] describes
respectively). Section 5 presents the discussion. Finally,
as a ‘nonprobabilistic, purposive sampling’ to the collection
Section 6 concludes the paper.
of evidences using a mixed method approach to collect both
questionnaire survey-based quantitative (QUAN) evidence
2. Research Problem and Aim and interview-based qualitative (QUAL) evidence from a
discrete sample population of qualified participants with direct
For smart city design to meet the complex requirements of
experience and knowledge relative to this industry.
integration, network interoperability, and security, there
must be a centralised transaction management technology
capable of processing terabytes of data, millions of daily 3.2. Research Design. The mixed method approach involves
transactions, and a variety of complementary, but inherently what Watkins and Gioia [15] refer to as a ‘convergent par-
proprietary technologies. Prior empirical research reveals a allel design,’ or an administrative process which collects
lack of formalisation and continuity in the development of and analyses quantitative and qualitative evidence sepa-
a pragmatic, integrated solution for the network design, rately and then combines the findings in order to generate
system standards, and IoT interoperability within smart a comprehensive interpretation. The rationales behind the
cities. Also, the range of security threats posed by a lack selection of the combination of mixed methods, sampling
of a unified framework governing the installation of APIs strategies, and multiple variables are as follows: to mini-
and data management systems raises concerns about the vul- mise errors that may arise from a single technique and
Journal of Sensors 3

to maximise the meaning from results of data interpreta- 3.5. Research Ethics. Prior to the collection, ethical approval
tion [16]. was obtained from the University of Malaya Research Eth-
By designing a survey instrument that is based upon core ical Committee (UMREC). During data collection (Feb–
concepts from the literature related to security, interopera- Oct, 2020), participant consent was also sought from the
bility, scalability, network design, and system requirements, participants on an online questionnaire survey by agreeing
supporting this survey, the interview designed to include a to participation before answering the questions and before
series of six open-ended questions that focused on specific submitting their answers. In the interview, the research
challenges and opportunities in applying blockchain tech- participation invitation was sent before the interview takes
nologies to the IoT-connected smart city solution and to place and the consent form was signed off by the partici-
illuminate potential concerns and to allow the leadership pant during the interview. Clearly, all participants were
team members to provide more dynamic insights regarding communicated about the data anonymity as well as
their experiences in this innovative field of IoT and smart confidentiality.
city design.
3.6. Data Analysis. The convergent design proposed by [15]
involves analysing the data by applying appropriate tech-
3.3. Research Population and Data Collection. The focus of
niques in separate stages to the comparison of the findings.
the empirical data collection process for this study emphasised
Data came from a multitude of sources; quantitative (QUAN),
the perceptions, experiences, and insights of professionals
qualitative (QUAL), and the three authors who conducted the
currently working to facilitate the smart city revolution in dif-
study bringing different perspectives and analytical skills in
ferent cities around the world. Multiple layers of experiential
the analysis and interpretation of the data. Hence, the empir-
insights related to technologies, feasibility, and interoperability
ical findings were subdivided into two concurrent triangula-
were determined to be only accessible from a primary, first-
tion strategies (QUAN+QUAL) [17], overlapping segments
hand perspective, and therefore, a targeted sampling approach
of evidence in order to facilitate the analytical process [15].
was developed. The population of the research and the
The QUAN results presented a range of findings that
primary target for this study are IoT industry professionals,
included both independent and dependent variables that were
businesses, and software developers who are actively crafting
compared according to their statistical relationships and
the new standard of blockchain integration in relation to
potentially significant biases. Bryman [14] recommends con-
smart city-oriented IoT solutions. [14] suggests that in cases
ducting a statistical comparison of means, which involves
where the research involves individuals with specific qualifica-
calculating the mean responses and standard deviations for
tions, backgrounds, or responsibilities, then a purposive, non-
each independent group in relation to each of the structured
probabilistic sampling approach is justified. Therefore, a
prompts. Whilst such descriptive statistics provide a basis for
representative sample of 108 uniquely skilled and experienced
determining the level of consensus, [18] recognises that to
professionals was attained for the online questionnaire survey
generate meaningful quantitative analysis, a statistical com-
(including software developers, software architects, software
parison of means must be performed. This one-way analysis
engineers, and solution architects to name a few). On the
of variance (ANOVA) test involves calculating the statistical
other hand, a 14-person sample population represented a
significance of the relationship between grouped biases and
cohort of decision-makers with the unique experience of
each of the individual prompts (significant at less than or
managing and developing new, innovative IoT-based smart
equal to 5%). The QUAN data analysis employs appropriate
city solutions (Chief Technology Officer/Chief Information
quantitative instruments, including Microsoft Excel and IBM
Officer/Smart City Expert/Smart City Director and so on)
SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 20.0.
have been targeted for a more detailed data collection via
The QUAL findings resulted in multiple layers of individ-
ual responses to each of the interview questions that varied in
scope, focus, and depth of analysis. Merriam and Tisdell [19]
3.4. Participants Recruitment. For the online questionnaire, a propose that by employing an analytical thematic coding pro-
survey link from Google forms has been distributed via e- cess, researchers are able to distil the participants’ responses
mail and social and professional network like LinkedIn and into their underlying themes, resulting in a measurable
Twitter amongst worldwide corporations’ staff members frequency of thematic elements that, when combined across
responsible for the network upgrades, IoT, and innovations the responses, provides the group consensus. The code then
in the world’s smart city solutions. For the interview, identi- provided the basis for any comparative analyses and allowed
fying worldwide corporations currently responsible for insights to be drawn that involved degrees of similarity and
developing smart city, IoT-based technologies; then, they variance in relation to this central reference point. To be more
have been invited and contacted via social and professional confident of the internal validity of the results, most of the data
network like LinkedIn and Twitter and direct e-mails of collection could be classified as being “within-methods” [20]
the individual human resource departments and leadership triangulation. That is, many different techniques were used
inboxes within the corporate e-mail systems. Additionally, to gather qualitative data. Using an open-ended question for-
various stakeholders have been invited and interviewed from mat, “between-methods” triangulation also occurred whereby
participant companies and corporations at the 2020 Saudi data on the same specific questions were gathered from ques-
Internet-of-Things Conference conducted on March, 2020 tionnaire and analysed together with the qualitative data gen-
in Riyadh ( erated from interviews on the same topics [21].
4 Journal of Sensors

4. Results Table 1: Notations and meanings.

Although the technical and academic antecedents to block- Notation Meaning

chain adoption have been firmly established over the past Df Degrees of freedom from the source
decade of exploratory research, the transformative role of F Degrees of freedom from the mean
private sector engagement in propagation and adoption of
M Mean
blockchain technologies in smart city applications remains
underdefined and uncertain. This empirical study was N Total number of a sample
undertaken to assess the perceptions of key stakeholders nðxÞ A subset of the total number of a sample
within the IoT-smart city industry regarding the transitional P Significance (if less than %5)
challenges supporting and restricting the transformative
effects of this process. The following sections will introduce PC Pearson correlation
a comparative survey of internal stakeholders, focusing on SD Standard deviation
aligning and differentiating perspectives, and will then sup-
plement those findings with an in-depth exploration of nology solutions and applications. A Pearson correlation
insider experiences and perceptions captured via a targeted analysis revealed a positive statistical correlation (PC =
interview. The full result of the questionnaire survey (prior 0:413, P ≤ 0:01) between age and education level. In addi-
analysis) is published at tion, correlation tests for age and length of experience (smart
1WCFQg-FpabvuKZV3WoqJ9a1OR3zzlCJ5rljFguZShMY/ city, PC = 0:312, P = 0:001; technology industry (PC = 0:276,
viewanalytics. P = 0:004) visualised in Figure 2 confirmed statistically pos-
itive correlations between these variables, suggesting that
4.1. Survey (QUAN) Findings. The first dimension of this participants are likely progressing through continuing pro-
empirical research involved the administration of a struc- fessional development or education.
tured survey instrument to (n1 = 108) representatives from A significant result visualised in Figure 1 is indicative
the IoT industry, focusing on the supporting and detracting of the relatively limited experience of these stakeholders
elements of the blockchain debate, the challenges of techno- with smart city technologies—a field of research that has
logical adoption, and the concerns and expectations held by emerged into the mainstream within the past five years.
inside stakeholders in this industry. For participant’s cate- At the same time, these participants indicated extensive
gorisation for comparative purposes, the demographic and employment experience in the technology/software indus-
experiential prompts were presented at the beginning of try which suggests that there has been a direct transition
the survey. The feedback of these personnel was used for from general to smart technologies within the past five-year
determining the statistical significance as well as quantita- period. The cross-tabular comparison revealed that the
tively weight patterns. The following sections present these majority of participants with 5-6 years of experience in smart
findings, separating the prompts according to their thematic city technologies were over the age of 55, whilst those partic-
focal points and their role in the facilitation of this surveying ipants with 7 years’ experience or more were between 35 and
instrument. Before presenting our findings, some notations 54 years. This distinction was statistically significant when
are defined in Table 1. compared with general software experience, as participants
with 7 or more years of experience were between 25 and over
4.1.1. Demographic and Experience Overview. In order to 55 years, which was consistent with their reported experience
group and categorise the participants for comparative pur- in smart city technologies.
poses, a series of demographic and experiential prompts In spite of a broad distribution in understanding regard-
were introduced at the beginning of this survey process. ing blockchain technologies, the Pearson correlation test was
The feedback provided to these independent variables was unable to confirm a statistical relationship between age and
then used to test statistical significance and quantitatively the degree of understanding of blockchain technologies.
weight patterns within the findings against grouped biases. The visual distribution in Figure 2 confirms a large percent-
Figure 1 revealed that there were more participants between age of the sample population (54%) with direct, professional
ages 25 and 34 years (23%) compared to those who were experience with blockchain technologies. The correlation
more than 55 years (15%). However, a middle-aged bias, analysis confirmed a direct, positive relationship between
with 61% of the participants indicating that they were experience with smart technologies and the degree of under-
between the ages of 35 and 54 years, was found. This bias standing of blockchain technologies (PC = 0:387, P = 0:006),
was not considered to influence the reliability or validity of suggesting that experience has the potential to positively
these findings, as this age distribution is indicative of the contribute to understanding.
grouped median of workers within this field of technological In addition to the relationship between understanding
solutions and IoT development. Highlighting the weight and experience, the expectations visualised in Figure 3 were
placed upon education in this industry, Figure 1 shows the found to be positively correlated with the participants’
distribution of educational attainment across this sample. length of experience with smart city technologies (PC =
About 59% of the respondents having attained at least a 0:400, P ≤ 0:01). In spite of such experience levels, however,
Master’s degree, the findings highlight the critical role which almost 15% of participants rated blockchain as essential,
education plays in supporting the development of high tech- whilst 34.5% indicated that this technological solution is
Journal of Sensors 5

1 2 3 4 5

Age range
Education level

Figure 1: Participants age range, education levels, and gender.



1 2 3 4 5
Length of experience in general technology/software industry
Length of experience in smart city technologies
Degree of understanding and knowledge regarding blockchain technologies beyond cryptocurrencies

Figure 2: Relations between length of experiences and understanding of blockchain technologies.

Essential, backbone of smart city technologies

Important, adopted on large scale by many companies
General solution that will resolve some security concerns
Limited, could benefit some companies
None, irrelevant to smart city
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 3: Expected role of blockchain technologies in system harmonisation.

important which will likely be adopted on a large scale and a for proprietary and innovative solutions. Such a variance
general solution that will resolve some security concerns, may indicate concerns amongst the participants regarding
respectively. Besides, 17.5% opined that blockchain is lim- the overall competitive advantages and proprietary solutions
ited and could benefit some companies and 5% in their opin- associated with a singular, unified blockchain standard.
ion feel it is irrelevant to smart city. Figure 4 displays system design considerations.
The second series of prompts visualised in Figure 5
4.1.2. Structured Prompts. The second series of prompts were focused on network architecture and management and con-
based upon an assessment of agreement and subdivided into sidered the impacts of scale on IoT integration in smart city
the central themes identified within the literature review, design. The result shows that about 82% of these participants
including system design, network management, competitive agree that the smart city design is being driven by big data
pressures, blockchain innovation, and security standards. resources which are contingent upon capacity-building and
Figure 4 groups the responses related to system design con- multinodal data collection. To support such technologies,
siderations, highlighting a relatively strong group consensus 72% of the participants agreed that there is a need for a central
for two of these three prompts. Specifically, 57% of the network architecture that is capable of integrating such diver-
participants agree that because the IoT is a fragmented and sified nodes and scaling to meet the needs of the IoT. Such
vulnerable network, it cannot be secured in its current state. findings confirm the potential advantages of a revised network
Also, 65% of the participants agree that an integrated block- solution and the support levied by these industry insiders for
chain storage solution would allow the IoT to meet a mini- such a transformative technological intervention.
mum standard of security; however, 59% agree that API The third category of prompts visualised in Figure 6
design around a central cloud-based solution would allow focused on the range of competitive pressures and threats
6 Journal of Sensors

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

The IoT is a fragmented and potentially vulnerable mesh network of varying technologies,
APIs, and software solutions that cannot be effectively secured in its current state
Designing around a central cloud-based database solution allows IoT nodes to be developed
according to proprietary APIs and innovative solutions
An integrated blockchain-based storage solution would ensure that the IoT was meeting a
minimum standard of securitisation

Figure 4: System design considerations.

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

The scalability of the IoT is contingent upon the central network architecture and its ability to
integrate multiple nodes of contact
Smart city design is driven by big data resources and the capacity for distributed, multi-nodal points
of capture

Figure 5: Network architecture and management.

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Proprietary software and network design limits the ability of this industry to expand beyond its
existing, dissociated standards of practice
Greater collaboration between IoT design companies would allow this industry to develop a more
unified central framework
For many companies, the open-source, public solution offered by blockchain technologies is a
threat to their internal goals

Figure 6: Competitive pressures and threats.

that might impact the overall scalability of the IoT and the cal backbone. In addition, 61% of the participants agree that
realisation of a smart city standard. 83.3% of these partici- proprietary network designs limit the industry’s ability to
pants agree that greater collaboration between IoT design expand beyond its existing and limiting standards of prac-
companies would allow the industry to unify its technologi- tice. Given that just 23% of the participants agreed that the
Journal of Sensors 7

blockchain solution is a threat to corporations’ internal stra- their company had developed proprietary security solutions
tegic goals, these findings further confirm the viability of a to address the varied needs associated with IoT devices.
more unified, collaborative infrastructure standard. These findings suggest that there is a contradiction
Although statistical comparisons using ANOVA were between the security concerns of those firms involved in
performed to assess the weighted impact of the indepen- developing IoT security solutions and their internal capacity
dent demographic/experience variables on the participant to address those concerns via proprietary means. Confirm-
responses to these prompts, this category revealed statisti- ing an opportunity for integrating blockchain technologies
cally insignificant relationship with regard to the responses into this complex dynamic, 64% of the participants agree
to the proprietary software query and two independent vari- that this solution would create the minimum level of secur-
ables: age range (F = 1:078, P = 0:372) and length of experi- itisation needed for the IoT. The ANOVA comparison of
ence in the general tech industry (F = 0:165, P = 0:956). means test revealed statistically significant relationships
As a statistical correlation was recorded between these between three of these prompts and five different indepen-
two independent variables, cross-tabular analysis was per- dent variables see Table 2. Cross-tabular analysis revealed
formed with age range initially to determine a predictive that the majority of the female participants disagreed or
relationship, whereby it was revealed that 35.30% of the par- strongly disagreed with the statement regarding the current
ticipants who disagreed with this statement were between standard of security, whilst only male participants actually
the ages of 35 and 44 years. At the same time, 41% of the agreed with this statement. An age range assessment was
participants over the age of 45 years agreed with this state- unable to identify any age group biases that might lead to
ment, creating a perceptual gap which, when compared with a statistically significant variation, with the exception of the
experience, revealed an age-experience hurdle associated 91.7% of the participants over the age of 55, who disagreed
with the participant’s understanding of proprietary software with the statement. This statistical bias was important when
and network design. further explored in relation to experiential effects, whereby
The fourth category of prompts visualised in Figure 7 75% of the participants who agreed with this statement of
was comprised of just two queries and resulted in similar sufficiency have worked with smart technologies for less
levels of consensus. In particular, 70.37% of the participants than 1 year.
agree that for many, the complexity of blockchain creates For the prompt regarding the intrinsic value of publicly
barriers to adoption. At the same time, 65.74% agrees that shared data, the statistical findings were conflicting, with
the categorical advantages of a distributed ledger could have some participants with more than 7 years of experience
implications for system responsiveness and interdepen- disagreeing and some agreeing. The highest number of
dencies. By agreeing with each of these prompts, the partic- participants who disagreed had 3-4 years of tech experience,
ipants suggest that whilst advantages are being recognised, but some of those participants also agreed. Therefore, it was
technological complexity and a lack of understanding could determined that this statistically significant relationship was
potentially lead to resistance or lagging adoption. Statisti- sample related and not a broader experiential predictor of
cally significant relationships between these prompts and general perceptions regarding data security. The final
age range were observed via ANOVA comparison; the result statistical relationship drew upon one of the last queries in
revealed that age range (F = 2:567, P = 0:042) has an effect the survey regarding whether the participants felt that
on the technological complexity of blockchain as it creates consumers were unclear about the blockchain to assess
barriers to adoption and engagement; however, age does whether security threats create extreme vulnerabilities. The
not influence greater collaboration between IoT design com- cross-tabular comparison revealed that participants who
panies which could allow this industry to develop a more agree strongly that most consumers are unclear about the
unified central framework. A cross-tabular comparison did blockchain are more likely to strongly agree that security
reveal that youngest participants were less likely to agree threats could create extreme vulnerabilities for consumers.
fully with these statements than their older counterparts—a This finding indicates a strong positive relationship between
phenomenon that may indicate confidence, experience, or perceived threat levels and perceived user vulnerability and
concern-based variations. risks.
The final category of prompts consisted of the largest
number and focused on security concerns as they relate to 4.1.3. Weighted List. To further extend the empirical findings
the blockchain and the IoT. Figure 8 visualises a range of and assess the scope of concerns shared by these partici-
varied responses which create opportunities for exploring pants, they were asked to rank a list of 9 factors related to
these majority and minority opinions in greater detail. It data security management practices and the influence of
was discovered that 84.25% of the participants agree that blockchain integration on IoT security. The top-ranked
current security threats create vulnerabilities for consumers, factors were those that were most influential in supporting
exposing their data and restricting access to critical systems. the blockchain adoption process was the transparency of
In spite of this increasing threat level, it was 66% of the blockchain technology (M = 3:97, SD = 0:08), the outlying
participants who agree that the intrinsic value of the data connectivity of API interfaces (M = 3:73, SD = 0:09), and
should determine the level of security required when holding the potential for insider access (M = 3:71, SD = 0:102). These
that data. Whilst 55% of the participants do not believe that considerations are largely practical in nature, and they avoid
the current standard of IoT security is adequate to meet the some of the other prompts related to perceptual, expecta-
needs of an expanding smart city network, 35% agreed that tion-based, or legal concerns regarding blockchain adoption.
8 Journal of Sensors

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

The categorical advantages of a distributed ledger could have significant implications for system
responsiveness and interdependencies
For many in this industry, the technological complexity of blockchain creates barriers to adoption
and engagement

Figure 7: Blockchain innovation effects and engagement.

The intrinsic value of publicly shared data should define

the level of security (e.g. low, medium, high) that is
adopted to protect it

Current security threats such as hijacking and brute

force attacks create extreme vulnerabilities for
consumers who could lose access to critical systems

Our company has developed its own, proprietary

security solution in order to negotiate the range of needs
associated with our IoT devices

The current standard of IoT security is sufficient to meet

the future needs of expansion

An integrated blockchain-based storage solution would

ensure that the IoT was meeting a minimum standard of

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Strongly disagree Agree

Disagree Strongly agree

Figure 8: Security, blockchain, and the IoT.

Further, the lowest-ranked prompt on this list, a centralised tions regarding organisational intentions and blockchain
database capable of anonymising user transactions (M = adoption. Figure 9 showed that 80% of the participants
3:24, SD = 1:105), was still identified as somewhat influen- would support a unified standard interface for routing and
tial, but it purposefully focuses on the broader, general defi- managing IoT traffic, confirming prior findings regarding
nition of blockchain technology. The result is a weighted list the anticipated advantages of this technological solution as
of influential forces that prioritise innovation and novelty the IoT continues to evolve towards an integrated smart city
over generality and sociotechnical concerns. The blockchain standard. Support for a unified blockchain standard is
influence results are shown in Table 3. displayed in Figure 9.
The majority of the participants (77%), as shown in
4.1.4. Final Considerations. There were several final prompts Figure 10, agree that most consumers are unclear about
introduced at the end of this survey in order to elicit addi- blockchain and its potential value for nonfinancial transac-
tional insights from the participants regarding their observa- tions. This finding is important because it highlights a
Journal of Sensors 9

Table 2: Statistical results for prompts in Figure 8.

Length of Length of
Most consumers
experience with experience with
Gender Age range are unclear about
Prompt smart city general
technologies technology
The current standard of IoT
security is sufficient to meet the 0.321 0.572 0.787 0.536 1.268 0.287 1.259 0.291 3.110 0.03
future needs of expansion.
The intrinsic value of publicly
shared data should define the
level of security (e.g. low, 0.572 0.451 2.619 0.039 0.932 0.449 0.875 0.482 0.860 0.464
medium, and high) that is
adopted to protect it.
Current security threats such as
hijacking and brute force attacks
create extreme vulnerabilities for 3.246 0.067 1.181 0.323 0.191 0.943 0.145 0.965 2.567 0.05
consumers who could lose
access to critical systems:

Table 3: Influence of blockchain integration factors on IoT security.

Rank Factor Mean SD

1 The transparency of blockchain technology and its applicability in IoT solutions 3.97 0.77
2 The outlying API interfaces and their ability to connect seamlessly to the blockchain 3.73 0.89
3 The potential for insider access and system compromise in the blockchain 3.70 1.06
4 The influence of regulatory oversight and guidelines regarding data security and management 3.66 1.15
5 The capacity for blockchain transactions to efficiently manage the scope of user data generated by IoT nodes 3.60 0.874
6 The willingness of industry leaders to adopt a unified standard and employ a blockchain-based solution 3.46 1.210
7 Consumer expectations and understanding regarding data security and resource management 3.32 0.965
8 The corporate right to proprietary, technically protected data management resources 3.31 0.882
A centralised database capable of anonymising user transactions, whilst ensuring the legitimacy of authenticated
9 3.24 1.09

potential barrier to adoption that will need to be addressed of technological innovation and blockchain transitioning
when IoT services are deployed in order to attain and sustain on smart city applications, a series of six questions were pre-
consumer buy-in and support. sented to a small-scale cohort of industry insiders (n2 = 14
Resolving a critical point of industry contention in participants (P)). With industry experience ranging from 2
Figure 11, the results showed that 69% of the participants to 15+ years, these business owners, software developers,
agree that the security risks posed by proprietary technologies and technical engineers are experienced in both blockchain
are too high for independent data management. This find- and IoT-based applications. Their insights were aggregated
ing is important because it confirms that these industry by question, distilled by applying a line-by-line thematic
leaders are amenable to supporting a new, centralised stan- coding technique and then analysed critically and compara-
dard of secure, authenticated data management such as tively for similarities and variations. The following sections
blockchain. present these findings and discuss the implications of the
Although there was consensus regarding the need for block- responses in relation to the central focus of each individual
chain integration and improved security standards, Figure 12 interview question.
highlights varying modalities for transitioning from the current
state of independent competition towards a more proactive 4.2.1. Question 1: What Role Do you Foresee the IoT Playing
state of network integration. The highest represented approach in Smart City Design in the Future? Will Your Company’s
(31%) suggested adopting performance-oriented integration Technology Support This? Major themes are as follows:
standards, whilst 21% remain unsure about how to proceed in smart, IoT, city, company, technology, solutions, automa-
the future and an additional 17% are awaiting some form of tion, and environment.
innovation to be developed. This initial interview question was designed to illuminate
any potential biases or concerns associated with the partici-
4.2. Interview (QUAL) Findings. In order to draw more pant population, focusing on the relationship between the
meaningful insights and conclusions regarding the effects IoT and smart city design. P3 suggests that a ‘smart city
10 Journal of Sensors

I would support a unified, standard blockchain interface for routing and advantages of the IoT: scale and scope of data collection and
managing all IoT traffic within a given industry or function (e.g. traffic exchange. P1, for example, acknowledged that ‘the question
monitoring, water usage) that comes to mind is how safe are your personal data,’
suggesting that consumer data is vulnerable to hacks and
unauthorised access, and in extreme cases, ‘misuse by people
you don’t want it to.’ P2 suggested that the concerns are more
complex than data management and system security—they
are linked to the ‘design of the device, battery lives…hardware
challenges’ which either enable or inhibit IoT security. In addi-
tion, there is the ‘framework challenge’ which considers how
the IoT is structured and how data transactions are processed
safely and securely within the network (P2). P3 supported this
network-based concern, suggesting that the ‘main security
Yes challenge would be to keep the IoT infrastructure secure from
No unauthorised data access and keeping the data encrypted.’
Maybe This data-centered focus was also replicated by the initiatives
being proposed by P4, P5, and P6, as protection-oriented
Figure 9: Support for a unified blockchain standard.
system design and encryption were highlighted as critical
antecedents to a safer, data-secure IoT solution.
utilising IoT can provide a highly productive living environ-
ment for its residents,’ further proposing that control-
4.2.3. Question 3: How Much Time Has your Organisation
oriented mechanisms such as safety monitoring, automation,
Spent considering Blockchain Technologies in relation to the
and service response solutions can be used to improve the
IoT? Major themes are as follows: blockchain, technology,
overall lifestyle benefits of the environment. Extending the
system, data, company, decentralised, database, networks.
impact of the IoT, P4 also suggested that inclusion would
‘contribute to a healthier and sustainable environment’, by This fourth question considered the degree to which
targeting development goals and pollution reduction solu- these firms which are internal stakeholders from worldwide
tions that would ideally benefit all members of the connected IoT industry have invested in the emergent potential of
community. Both P5 and P6 discussed their personal experi- blockchain technologies. As visualised, the central themes
ences in home automation and connected services, suggest- within these responses considered a range of immediate
ing that the IoT will support a ‘smarter world’ (P5). P2 and future technological advantages which were firm-
recognised that where organisations are working towards specific and programme-oriented. P2, for example, acknowl-
IoT integration, ‘training’ and technological enablement edged that at first, their company ‘didn’t have a lot of under-
through cost reduction, and infrastructure connections will standing of blockchain and what the technology is meant
be the central catalysts for wider scale adoption. Participants for’ and recognised that this same burden extended down-
opined that IoT can be integrated with larger-scale systems stream throughout various markets as well. To overcome
which would contribute to a less polluted, well-connected, this hurdle, their organisation assumed an early adopter
and secure living. However, works have begun on IoT educa- position, focusing on ‘promoting this technology to facilitate
tion as stated by P2 who said “we are already working and work closely with all new emerging technologies’ related
towards IoT education and working towards some IoT to blockchain. Other participants such as P5 indicated that
projects with Blockchain. Also, we did some IoT training their company was ‘still exploring blockchain,’ whilst P4
not only in Malaysia but also in abroad like Middle East and P6 both indicated working with blockchain in relation
and other countries. I think IoT is going to play a huge role to the IoT for the past two years. P1 suggested that whilst
in the few coming years when 5G enable cheap data towards their organisation was focused on blockchain in relation to
IoT to utilise.” Also, it is expected that a smart city utilising database management, they were ‘not thinking in IoT, but
IoT would provide a highly productive living environment more in a sense of whether it is necessary and how it does
for its residents thereby creating a very safe crime-free envi- change the way things work.’ Whilst this statement may sug-
ronment, unified healthcare, and good traffic control and gest a form of outside proposition, the anticipated functional
safety for the populace. Conclusively, P4 highlighted that advantages of the blockchain were further described by this
“IoT-enabled smart city design would contribute to a health- participant and suggest that in time, the blockchain solution
ier and sustainable environment if aligned towards sustain- will be optimised for IoT applications as it ‘will replace the
able development goals defined by UNO.” traditional database system offering a decentralised gover-
nance that is trustless.’
4.2.2. Question 2: What Are the Primary Security Challenges
Facing the IoT as the Urban Landscape Grows More 4.2.4. Question 4: How Could the Competitive Objectives of
Connected? Major themes are as follows: challenges, data, IoT, Software and IoT-Oriented Companies Be Preserved but
devices, security, personal, and infrastructure automation. Still Focused on a More Unified Standard of Design? Major
The primary security challenges illuminated by these themes are as follows: companies, standards, implementa-
participants are directly linked to the structurally connected tion, infrastructure, design, security, and collaboration.
Journal of Sensors 11

Most consumers are unclear about the blockchain and its potential value in non-
financial industries

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 10: Consumers are unclear about blockchain.

The security risks posed by proprietary technologies are too high to allow
companies to remain independent in their data management protocol:

Strongly agree




Strongly disagree

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 11: Security risks posed by proprietary technologies are too high for independent data management.

In order for our company to realise benefits from blockchain integration, we would
need to achieve the following level of integration

Some alternative level of innovation that has not yet
been developed
Robust, network-defining intermediary role

Performance-oriented integration standards

General system design and connection solutions

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 12: Company integration level.

For corporate executives and leaders, this question was tion of organisational quorum that should standardise the
designed to trigger consideration for those commercial hur- IoT infrastructure for global connectivity.’ This solution
dles and competitive barriers that could potentially restrain would effectively eliminate the competitive advantages of
growth or limit expansion due to network dependency and proprietary infrastructure and instead allow companies to
proprietary agendas. Whilst the IoT remains a proprietary focus on what P4 describes as ‘common SDKs, protocol
resource, the underlying infrastructure is likely to evolve, adapters, and security measures’. P2 suggests that ‘there is
as observed by P3, who predicts that as ‘more and more gov- going to be somebody who does the infrastructure and
ernments push for smart cities, this will result in the forma- another implementing the device…everybody will have their
12 Journal of Sensors

own room to play so they see where to position themselves’. own roads’ (P2). The expectation is that in order to main-
Ultimately, this standard will be contingent upon oversight, stream blockchain technologies, there must be some degree
which will be developed by government consensus, which P1 of collaboration, whilst still allowing companies to maintain
suggests will result in a ‘set of acceptable standards to ensure their competitiveness, thereby facilitating disruptive change
that there is a unified or uniformed standard of design that without limiting the innovativeness of the organisations
can ‘facilitate collaboration between multiple companies (P2, P4).
with the same objective: To develop a system design that
can fit most, if not all, blueprints of smart cities.’ Conclu- 4.2.6. Question 6: What Do you Feel Would Be the Greatest
sively, the use of nationwide framework, formation of orga- Strengths of Blockchain Integration into the Smart City
nisational quorum, open-source use, protocol adapters, and Fabric? Limitations and Concerns? Major themes are as
standardisation of IoT infrastructure for global connectivity follows: security, network, information, technology, manage-
were the identified measures to preserve the software and ment, benefits, identities, and privacy.
IoT companies. P10 and P12 elucidate that “adherence to The final question presented to these stakeholders
international standards (ISO, IEC etc.) in everything that focused on the end outcome of blockchain integration: an
they do” and “Regulations from communication commis- ultimate realisation of a technological standard that could
sions to set a common ground and ecosystem.” This unified potentially alter the fabric of smart city collaboration.
standard builds upon the idealisation of standardised Although P3 is optimistic that ‘blockchain can solve many
authentication and security solutions which allow compa- issues related to the security and standardisation of the
nies to focus on the commercial aspects of the IoT (e.g., IoT,’ they also suggested that there is a need to develop a
modules, solutions, software), whilst relying upon a central, solution that resolves the efficiency concerns related to the
ledger or database that is most likely going to be based upon ‘execution speed and mining costs.’ These cost- and speed-
blockchain-based solutions. related concerns were repeated by P4 and P5, who also view
the security advantages and potential reliability of the block-
4.2.5. Question 5: What Role Will Industry Leadership Play chain as motivating benefits that could drive this process
in Determining the Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in of standardisation forward. P1 indicated the following
the Future? Major themes are as follows: government, vision, strengths: “Blockchain has several advantages over tradi-
technology, industry, companies, startups, build, purpose, tional database system: decentralisation and transparency.
and services. Transactions over a blockchain network have also proven
By situating the perceptions of these managers in rela- to be fast and efficient in terms of time, money, and
tion to their role and identity within the smart city solution, energy utilised.” Building upon these potential benefits, P2
this question challenged the participants to consider their highlighted the critical advantages of an automated, smart
role in shaping the future of blockchain integration and city solution in terms of ‘liberty, protection, and privacy’
adoption. The findings revealed emphasis on particular sec- creating a protective infrastructure capable of meeting the
tors of the smart city solution, including government expanding digital needs of society whilst also improving the
services and those companies responsible for IoT-based transparency of information systems. To realise such advan-
solutions. P1, for example, suggested that industry leaders tages, however, all P1, P2, and P14 indicated that concerns
will provide the ‘bridge that can connect the government regarding scalability, cost, and government support were
directly to users,’ assuming the role of technology innovator likely to restrict the viability of investment and agency com-
to ‘lead their blockchain initiatives’ towards a productive mitments, as ‘technologies are merging’ (P2) and forming a
solution that can support smart city needs. Also, they are more tangible ‘blockchain community’ (P1) of services and
the promoter, influencer and decision maker as explained technological solutions and its implementation as stated by
by P13 who said “Industry leadership plays an important P11 “… the challenges that will be faced during the imple-
role as promoter, influencer and decision maker. I believe mentation and the adoption would be the main limitation.”
it will play a major role and influence the adoption of block- Acknowledging the potential for standardisation through
chain technologies”. Furthermore, they are expected to international organisations such as the ISO, P1 also identified
enforce law, conduct education awareness, and push forward ‘documentation being proposed,’ which is focused on
to bring the technology to the entire populace. P3 supports addressing the range of interoperability hurdles that arise
this proposition, suggesting that ‘industry leadership has to from the current state of variable standards, as the ‘active
find ways where governments can benefit greatly from the committee looks into blockchain standards’ to create a com-
blockchain use,’ essentially mainstreaming adoption by mon basis for all industry participants.
making this technology an essential resource for government
institutions. Yet in spite of this potential advantage, P2 5. Discussion
suggested that a core advantage of the decentralised and
autonomous development process of the blockchain solution 5.1. Smart City Realisation. Central to the objectives of this
was that ‘it actually did not have a leader from the beginning study was the assessment of the current advantages and
and anonymity meant to allow it to survive.’ In other indus- potential limitations of the IoT as facilitator of a smart city
tries, there is ‘some body that has founded it and tells it what solution from the viewpoint of various stakeholders. The
is the vision’; instead, blockchain has ‘passed this long ago feedback from the participants in this study has confirmed
and everyone has their own vision and is bringing their that the IoT is a fragmented network of devices that lacks
Journal of Sensors 13

interoperability and information exchange capabilities from proprietary, restrictive technologies. Based upon the
because of the proprietary nature of the individual nodes insights from the academic literature review [27] and the
and their associated data management systems. When inter- empirical findings, this study offers an initial proposition
actions between users and the API-supported IoT becomes for realising the integrated capabilities of the IoT-derived
permissions based, then it is possible to extend the scope smart city agenda: establish and maintain a network shaped
of integrated nodes in order to respond on-demand to by maximal decentralisation which reduces network vulner-
consumer behaviour (e.g., GPS, proximity, and request, ability, improves interoperability, and facilitates cooperative
time) [22]. [23] acknowledges that because of the spectrum innovation to improve the scale and functional value of the
of sources generating data throughout the smart city such IoT.
as the diversified network of smart automobiles with real- The central advantage of the blockchain is that it is not
time sensor data, systems must be able to analyse, interpret, restricted to any single network or database; therefore, as
and respond to a variety of triggers in order to make the data individual users update their chains, they are receiving,
management process functional and socially valuable. confirming, and proving the transactions of other users
Whilst machine learning capabilities can provide the smart without requiring additional measures or interventions
city with decision-making and solution-finding advantages, [28]. This autonomous, decentralised solution is fundamen-
the siloed characteristics of the data being collected and the tally distinct from more traditional modes of data manage-
lack of interoperability between networks, devices, and data- ment and system hoarding of proprietary data resources.
sets creates limitations that may ultimately restrict cross- The participants in this study are very concerned about the
platform information exchange [23]. weight and value of data being held within the big data archi-
Targeting a resolution to the common infrastructure tecture of the modern information standard, and as a result,
challenge at IoT corporation [24] acknowledge that siloed are willing to support the implementation of a decentralised,
IoT applications mean that ‘the information technology service-optimised solution that is based upon a standard of
layer does not interact with operational technology systems service sharing and support. Core principles such as ano-
used to monitor events, processes, and devices.’ The primary nymity and minimal data hoarding will improve the security
consequence of proprietary siloes is the lack of interoperabil- of user data, whilst improving the relative trustworthiness
ity across interconnected systems and user devices, a con- of the systems being used to facilitate lifestyle services
straint that makes triggering responses or user-optimised and systemic responses [25]. Ultimately, it is the decentral-
events a challenging, multistep process [24]. Interview isation effect of data management that will transition away
participants in this study confirmed their concerns regarding from a management-based standard of information silos
organisations applying their ‘own vision…and own roads’ towards a service-based standard of customer support
(P2) to the realisation of smart city solutions, indicating a and responsiveness.
challenging transitional proposition in an innovative field
that is supported by trailblazers and thought leaders. [10] 5.2. The Practical Opportunity for Standardisation. In addi-
has acknowledged the need for decentralisation at the root tion to the more general considerations of the effects of the
level, leveraging lightweight multinodal wireless solutions IoT in shaping smart city planning and system design, the
to connect consumers across distributed and interoperable core objectives of this study have focused on what revisions
networks. [8] refers to this form of integrated coordination would need to be made in order to realise the standardisa-
as ‘the tangle,’ envisioning an IoT-supported networking tion, optimisation, and network integration of the IoT.
solution that builds upon the proprietary strengths of the Although broadly defined, these expectations were revealed
individual APIs and connective nodes. to include a more irrefutable and reliable standard of secu-
Given that the primary strengths of the IoT are associ- rity and the capacity to scale and expand the reach of the
ated with its capacity for distributed computing and inter- IoT. Systemic reliability has been identified by Sun et al.
operability (e.g., one event triggers multiple responses) and [25] as a critical antecedent to user trust; and in a user-
the fact that innovative companies are continuing to centered environment of ubiquitous computing, the future
develop their own proprietary services (e.g., connected of smart city connectivity is wholly based upon the ability
lighting, security systems), then, it is essential for future to secure its connective nodes. Within the survey evidence
smart city technologies to be connected to an intermediary captured from worldwide IoT insiders, the current study
solution that is scalable, decentralised, and adaptive relative has revealed that there are significant concerns regarding
to the underlying purposes of the IoT itself. The practical security threats, a lack of system transparency, and the con-
examples of blockchain contributions to smart city optimisa- sequences of insecurity for network trustworthiness and
tion presented by [25, 26] suggest that in order for a smart consumer engagement. Such findings confirm prior evidence
city to flourish, it is essential for innovative companies to presented by [29, 30] that suggest that robust and predict-
be able to develop technological solutions that meet a diver- able security standards are critical antecedents to consumer
sified range of needs. Therefore, siloed databases and confidence and trust.
restricted big data resources are inadequate in a complex, The insider feedback has also revealed that security
multidimensional urban setting. Instead, what is required is risks associated with proprietary IoT technologies are too
a state of maximal decentralisation that allows companies high to allow continued independent data management.
to develop and improve innovative technological solutions This argument is about the vulnerabilities associated with
over time that are service centered rather than derived varying security standards, inconsistent or inadequate
14 Journal of Sensors

security protocol, and inconsistent data management prac- activities [36]. Ageing infrastructure and the rapid rate of
tices. Kravitz [29], Hong et al. [30], and Hakak et al. [27] urban expansion have led to inconsistent and sometimes
have confirmed that in order for IoT adoption to be main- incompatible systems that can fail to meet increasingly
stream and broadly distributed across consumer popula- efficient guidelines and standards [36]. For this reason,
tions, there must be a secure standard that not only [37] contests that there must be a transition towards
enhances user confidence, but clearly outlines the fair use ‘incentivised openness’ amongst technology companies in
policies and practices that govern the data mining behav- the IoT industry as technological solutions are developed
iours of the associated commercial agents. Whilst Bruneo that can be distributed across the complex, oftentimes
et al. [31] have suggested that the revised standard of data overlapping architecture of the smart city. [38] predicts
management should be user-defined, recent evidence that by eliminating those intermediary services (e.g., soft-
regarding user awareness and concerns regarding security ware and proprietary databases) that are corruptible and
threats and vulnerabilities presented by [32, 33] suggest potentially fallible, an autonomous and adaptive smart city
that users are unprepared and uninformed regarding the ecosystem will flow organically and securely. The central
true vulnerability of their data within the breadth of the concerns raised by the participants in the current study
IoT. have revolved around the limiting effects of a competitive
The alternative to a user-defined privacy solution is a and proprietary standard of smart city architecture, sug-
service-oriented standard which promotes a system of sys- gesting that in order to maximise the integrative advan-
tems (SoS) approach over the distributed computing infra- tages of such a system, ownership should be distributed
structure that has enabled siloed IoT software solutions and cooperative.
and proprietary standardisation. [34] acknowledges that The transformative smart city agenda is predicated upon
data complementarity is a central antecedent to nodal func- an ‘integrated system of systems approach’ that exploits
tionality and performance. Therefore, by definition, the data multiple streams of information flows in order to coordinate
associated with IoT nodes should be restricted to the mini- the seamless, efficient, and effective management of appro-
mum functional output, or what P2 in the interview process priate resources and services [36]. These predictions of
highlighted as a restrictive standard emphasising ‘liberty, future technological interactions and user-system-service
protection, and privacy.’ This restraint could be formalised dynamics are indicative of an integrated system approach
into a central guideline for universal application suggesting that cannot survive the rigidity of proprietary and competi-
that IoT data management should do as follows: tive system architecture. With threats such as security, scal-
Marginal functionality establish and preserve a marginal ability, and performance all confronting the network of
functionality standard for data collection which restricts techno-entrepreneurs and innovative corporations designing
data storage to the minimal amount required to achieve IoT solutions, it is evident from these findings that a more
desired nodal functionality. pragmatic, collaborative, and unified system is needed in
This idea of marginal functionality is an important the form of blockchain-based IoT.
contradiction of more overt data collection and big data Within the questionnaire responses, concerns were
practices in the modern ubiquity of social media and raised about the current diversified network characteristics
always-on computing. Decentralised, big data collection of the IoT and the structural implications of its fragmented
practices in the IoT need to be based upon functional objec- architecture. [24] proposes that a system of systems
tives that are node-constrained [35]. There is no need for a approach to smart city integration involves four different
smart lighting system to be tracking user social media behav- segments of information management including connect,
iour, friend activity, or financial information unless it is collect, analyse, and act. The interview responses from a
directly related to the marginal functionality of the IoT population of highly qualified industry managers revealed
device itself. Specificity in relation to data-driven needs fulfil- that it will take a strong leadership base to transition this
ment, therefore, should become a new overarching standard industry towards more open and adaptive technological
of the IoT management protocol which can be accepted solutions, the basis for which will likely involve some form
and agreed upon universally in order to eliminate many of of blockchain system solution. Researchers such as [39, 40]
the privacy concern related to unchecked data mining and have proposed a unified and centralised data sharing service
sharing [34, 35]. By incorporating corporations, developers, that relies upon a blockchain backbone to ensure the security
and consumers into a multistakeholder model of protocol and authentication of data transfers.
definitions and system design, it is proposed that the unified The range of smart city applications associated with the
standard of IoT security and data management will improve proposed decentralised blockchain solution is extensive. For
the acceptance of these consumers regarding a broader, tran- example, [41, 42] have proposed smart waste management
sitional adoption of new technologies, data collection nodes, solutions that can be used as a form of on-demand bin collec-
and interactive systems. tion standard. The technique would improve the trash routing
information used by the waste management companies and
5.3. Smart City Applications and the Blockchain Advantage. would allow for a more dynamic pickup schedule than the
The pragmatic focus of the IoT revolves around the func- current route-based standard [41]. In response to the qualita-
tional intersection between technology and physical envi- tive prompts during the interview, the participants also identi-
ronments, a proposition which is complicated by the fied the emergent opportunity for ‘digital identities’ (P2) a
variations in the structural systems currently driving urban consumer-based empowerment initiative that would allow
Journal of Sensors 15

consumers to customise their interaction with the built envi- operations, applying prescribed sequencing and
ronment as they navigate the IoT-integrated urban landscape. APIs to the functionality of distributed network of
From these overlapping propositions, there are commercial devices [42]. Therefore, any smart city solutions
and there are personal applications of the IoT to an urban must be autonomous, and for this reason, proprie-
landscape that is increasingly supported in its efficiency, flow, tary middleware solutions fail to achieve the require-
and navigation by ubiquitous computing technologies. The ments of an expedient, software-driven end-to-end
result of this conflict of functional purpose is a need for max- relationship.
imal scalability that emerges beyond the proprietary scope of
corporate vision, requiring some form of unified security,
contractual, and transmission standard to provide the back- 6. Conclusion and Future Work
bone of the IoT network. Accordingly, this proposition
suggests the following: This article carried out an explorative study that provided
Maximal scalability establish and exploit the maximal insider evidence related to internal stakeholders for asses-
scalability of the distributed computing network of the sing potential value for a blockchain-optimised standar-
blockchain, its decentralised nodes, and the capacity for dised, integrated system solution for solving the
linking IoT devices across software services in order to facil- limitations of IoT-based smart city industry. In summary,
itate secure transactional execution. an in-depth presentation of the empirical results captured
Although the ideal of scalability represents a distributed, from a mixed method an online questionnaire survey
autonomous network of IoT nodes connected to a functional (QUAN = 108 participants) and interviews (QUAL = 14
and adaptive blockchain backbone, [43, 44] have demon- participants) that was administered to stakeholders and
strated that the commercial viability of this transformative leaders from worldwide IoT and smart cities marketplace.
solution is predicated upon a standard of intra-agency trust Coincidentally, the research study was conducted as
that largely precludes participation and adoption. The inter- planned from Feb 2020 till Oct 2020 along with the peak
view participants have suggested that by adopting a of worldwide pandemic Covid-19; however, due to time
blockchain-based cryptosolution such as Ethereum which constraints and limited funds, the research study cannot
is lightweight and commercially practical, the industry could extend or change the timeframe. Also, every effort has
accelerate the transition towards a unified standard. Such been taken to reach more participants; however, due to
findings are similar to [27, 45–47] who have all demon- Covid-19, the study confronted with challenging commu-
strated the potential advantages of smart industry unity nications which is another limitation of this study to be
and a mesh-based network of IoT nodes capable of meeting considered. Nonetheless, this study is designed as a purpo-
the smart demands of the future. By eliminating the heavy- sive, nonprobabilistic sampling approach. Hence, a repre-
weight requirements of hosting the entire blockchain on sentative sample of 122 uniquely skilled and experienced
each decentralised node, and instead utilising what [31] have stakeholders from worldwide IoT-smart city organisations
proposed as edge-level nodes secured by encrypted keys, the was attained. The findings confirm that blockchain is a
scalability of the IoT data management solution becomes a viable and attractive solution for these organisations, but
viable and potentially commercially advantageous proposi- there are hurdles related to regulations, competitive stan-
tion. This study has confirmed the ideological and sys- dards, and a lack of industry interoperability and unity.
temic transformation of industry agendas towards a more The findings have also confirmed that there is a conflicted
pragmatic, unified solution. Accordingly, the optimal solu- knowledge base surrounding blockchain technologies that
is likely to prevent the accelerated adoption of a unified
tion for the IoT-based smart city extrapolated from the
standard without international support and operationalisa-
academic and empirical findings is a pyramid of three core
tion. Accordingly, to realise the intelligent and smarter ideals
of an urban cyberphysical utopia, future research can explore
in greater details blockchain technologies to a series of decen-
(1) Scalable: the IoT must be able to grow organically.
tralised transactions and smart contracts that will continue to
Therefore, any smart city solution must be scalable,
scale and expand in lifestyle importance over the coming
and for this reason, individual, proprietary middle-
decade of deployment.
ware solutions are inefficient and inadequate
(2) Secure: the IoT must be end-to-end secure, meaning
that data transfer will be immutable and provable Data Availability
and that interference by unauthorised users will be
mitigated in all cases [40]. Therefore, any smart city The survey data used to support the findings of this study
solution must be secure, and for this reason, private- are included within the article.
sector cloud-based computing solutions that are
nonstandardised and proprietary fail to achieve the
standard of end-to-end security Conflicts of Interest
(3) Autonomous: the IoT must be able to operate auton- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to
omously to realise the full potential of smart city report regarding the present study.
16 Journal of Sensors

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