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By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

• distinguish between directly functional and
indirectly functional art;
• explain and discuss the basic philosophical
perspectives on the art;
• realize the function of some art form in daily
life; and
• apply concepts and theories on beauty and
aesthetics in real life scenarios.
 TELOS in Greek,which means
 Every substance defined as
formed matter, moves
according to a fixed path
towards its aim.
 This TELOS, according to Aristotle is
intricately linked with function.
 For a thing to reach its purpose, it
has to fulfill its function.
 Man in Aristotle’s view of reality is
bound to achieve a life fulfillment
and happiness, or in Greek,
 All men move toward its final wave
of life.
 It is practically talking about the use
of the object whose function is in
 Different art forms come with
distinctive functions.
 There’s no one-to-one correspondence
between an art and its function.
Examples of some art forms move
functional than others:
 All art have function for man, the
maker, creates thing because he has a
particular need for them.
 Art are classified into:
 Motivated (Functional)
Ex. Architecture, weaving, furniture
making, etc.
 Non-Motivated (Non-functional)
Ex. Painting, sculptures, literature,
music and theaters art.
A vehicles for the artist expression of
their feelings and ideas.
The serve as means of expression for us
Social functions one cannot conceive of a
society without art for art is closely
related to every aspects of life.
Art is used to help residents process their
emotion or while away their time.
 Arts that go beyond personal intrinsic
value to art’s social benefits.
 Individuals and their society are
dynamically related.
 Art communicates.
 Constructed with intention of sharing
responses to and opinions about life of
 Are the easiest to spot and
 Art can be found in artworks
that are crafted in order to
serve some physical purpose.
Music as an art is also
interesting to talk about
in relation to function.
Music was used for
dance and religion.
Sculpture were also
made in order to
important figures in
It is also in architecture where one
can find the intimate connection of
function and form.
Planning architectural structure,
one has to seriously consider the
natural conditions like topography
and climate of the place of erection
and the social condition such as
the purpose of the building self.
While it has been shown that most arts
are functional, still there are some which
are not.
The plays of Aeschylus and the poetry of
Robert Frost and Edgar Allan Poe are
still counted as example of great works
of art despite their not having a known
Plato, in his masterpiece,
the republic particularly
paints a picture of artist
as imitators and art as
mere imitation.
 Aristotle and Plato agreed his teacher that art is a
form of imitation.
 Aristotle considered art as an aid to philosophy in
revealing the truth.
 Talking about tragedies, for example , Aristotle in the
Poetics claimed that poetry is a literary
representation in general
 For Aristotle all kinds of art including poetry, music,
dance, painting and sculpture do not aim to represent
reality as it.
 Two particular purpose of art
to Aristotelian’s worldview:
First, art allows for the
experience of pleasure
Secondly, art also has an
ability to be instructive and
teach its audience things about
life; thus, it is cognitive as well.
 “Critique of Judgment considered
the judgment of beauty, the
cornerstone of art, as something
that can universal despite its
 Aesthetic judgment for Kant is a
cognitive activity.
 Immanuel Kant recognized that
judgment of beauty is subjective.
The author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina,
Leo Tolstoy, provided another perspective on
what art is.
For him, art plays a huge role in communication
to its audience’s emotions that the artist
previously experienced.
Art serves as a language, a communication
devices that articulates feelings and emotions
that are otherwise unavailable to the audience.
Language communicates information to the other
people, art communicates emotions.

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