Notebook 9

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The image above is a cartoon on gun rights, this is titled gun control for dummies.


cartoon is making the point that right now without gun control law abiding citizens and criminals

are both able to buy guns but after gun control laws are put into place it then leads to this idea

that the law abiding citizens who should be able to get guns to protect themselves won't be able

to with gun control laws. Instead criminals will still be able to get their hands on guns leaving the

general public defenseless.

This cartoon isn’t just based on someone's thoughts on what life would be like with gun

control but actually has quite a bit of evidence behind it. First during the prohibition when

alcohol was against the law there was actually just more alcohol and had the opposite effect on

the problem. This shows that the nature of laws taking things away just causes those who want to

obey the law to not get that item and those who won’t obey the law will still find a way to get

that item. The second time that something like this has some background to it is in Europe. In

Europe they have strict gun control laws that actually caused their violence rate to go up instead

of down.

I think that this cartoon does have a lot of background to the idea that it is trying to

portray and trying to show people some of the dangers of gun control laws. It gets people to see
what gun control laws could do to normal people. This cartoon really makes a statement about

the issue of gun control.

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