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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 April 2, 2022 – Autism Awareness Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCLXXIX] – PLC Day #1

Just as the Election Integrity Seminar overwhelmed ~200 attendees with insights/tasks,
the first PA Leadership Conference day was a multidimensional success; Trey Gowdy’s
Keynote was inspiring and well-delivered, while panel discussions probed key themes.
The highlight were the Governors’ Forums, which I critiqued in the comments-section;
illustrative of the welcome received by Mastriano was the PoliticsPA polling [where he is
now receiving majority support]. After the event, as other candidates exited stage-right,
Mastriano jumped immediately into the audience to mix with those who honor him.

I spent the prior night @ Perkins defending him [4:1 roundtable] as highly-aware thinkers
probed primarily the Act 77 saga (that Russ Diamond inexplicably feels is constitutional);
I quoted heavily from my prior *analysis* that was c/w how Mastriano has carefully
explained “How Pennsylvania Democrats Hijacked Act 77.” This entire attack is mooted
by awareness that Wolf could easily have invoked his emergency powers to do precisely
what he did without the need to cite Act 77 as justification; he didn’t need this vehicle for
his autocratic procedural mandates, rendering critique of Mastriano (who was trying to
honor what Corman wanted, as a newly-elected senator) to the “ash-heap of history.”

Another instant article about this event cited a long-term pal (Bruce Marshall) but the
more insightful sidebar discussions yielded personal awareness that some people were
instantly viewing Act 77 as unconstitutional (recalling its genesis was as an amendment
that was morphed into a statute due to the perception that its enactment was urgent);
this claim—absent awareness of the Commonwealth Court analysis that I’ve painstakingly
*critiqued and endorsed—was obviously debated by GOP lawyers when the proposal was
debated @ the committee-levels (House/Senate), and efforts have been initiated to find
quotable-quotes that might provide additional insights as to what occurred in 2019.

Both Mastriano and Kathy Barnette benefitted by determination of ballot-positions,

although the reception in a non-heated tent for some of the Lt. Gov. candidates was
decidedly anticlimactic; cookies were provided along with a cash-bar, absent speeches.
The highlight of the earlier presentations was when former-Gov. Bevin (Kentucky) asked
that conservatives not become satisfied with being a summer soldier (instead, emulating
Washington); he closed by reading the Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Lowman was advised that it may be wise to ensure candidate debates occur on Friday
when a straw-poll is to be announced Saturday-noon; regardless, the event was lotsa fun.

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