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1. Which of the following provides a complete list of a chemical letters that compose the map of a human genome?
A. Eugenics project
B. Stem cell research
C. Regenerative medicine
D. Human genome project

Answer: D

The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the great feats of exploration in history. Rather than an outward
exploration of the planet or the cosmos, the HGP is an inward voyages of discovery led by an international team of
researchers looking to sequence and map all of the genes -- together known as the genome -- of members of our
species, Homo sapiens. Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP gave us the ability, for the
first time, to read nature's complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.

2. Which of the following is an example of a genetic disease?

A. Huntington’s Disease
B. Cystic fibrosis
C. Down syndrome
D. All of the above

Answer: D
Genetic disease/disorder is a disease that is caused by a change, or mutation, in an individual’s DNA sequence.
Huntington disease is an example of dominant disease where single gene disorders that occurs when an individual has
one altered copy of the relevant gene and one healthy copy.
Cystic fibrosis is an example of recessive disease where single gene disorders that only occur when an individual has
two altered versions of the relevant gene.
Down syndrome is an example of chromosome disorder. It is a disorder resulting from changes in the number or structure
of the chromosomes. This is a result from an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21: three copies of chromosome 21).
Therefore, all of the above mention are genetic diseases.

3. Whose psychologist quoted that “For almost every behavioral trait so far investigated, from reaction time to religiosity,
an important fraction of the variation among people turns out to be associated with genetic variation.”
A. Thomas Bouchard
B. Dan Abnett
C. Dr. Fautus
D. None of the above

Answer: A
Thomas Bouchard who is a known psychologist and geneticist has said “For almost every behavioral trait so far
investigated, from reaction time to religiosity, an important fraction of the variation among people turns out to be
associated with genetic variation.” He concluded that genetic factors have a large influence on behavioral habits
demonstrating the influence of the genetics on development.

4. The study of methods for controlling the characteristics of future human populations through selective breeding?
A. Human enhancement
B. Cryogenics
C. Eugenics
D. Genetic therapy

Answer: C
Eugenics is the practice of manipulating the genes of offspring through either breeding or genetic alteration.

5. As discussed in this chapter, , The Republic, refers to the practice of infanticide for diseased or disabled
A. Faustus’
B. Plato’s
C. Socrates’s
D. Bauchard’s
Answer: B
Plato’s book entitled The Republic is clearly referring to the practice of infanticide for diseased or disabled newborns. It is
also clear that this practice is conceived to be part of a more general practice of eugenics, for Plato goes on to say, “if the
breed of guardians is to remain pure.”

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