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Kampung Inggris Kediri Online Course

Yes, I have.

Who has known?

Sudahkah kalian tahu Not yet

How you know?

Do you mind me asking how old are you? (asking to women)

Di dalam ruangan pakai “in”

Di luar ruangan pakai “on”

Subject Object Verb (kata

I Me
You You Meet - bertemu
They Them Invite -
We Us mengundang
She Her Follow -
He Him mengikuti
it It Visit -


Mereka mengikuti kita. They follow us.

Saya bertemu dengan dia pr. I meet her. She, He,
Dia pr menjenguk kamu. She visits you. It itu
Dia menjenguk kamu. He visits you. adalah
Ibuku mengajak kami. My mother invites us. bentuk
Possessive (kepemilikan)
Possessive objective itu harus ada tmabahan noun.
This (singular/ bentuk tunggal)
These (plural/bentuk jamak, more than one)
These are my books.
This is mine.
These are your 3 bags.
This is your bag.
That is your bag.
Those are your bags.

Time and Date

Jam 7 : 55 Lebih = Past

five to seven Jam 1 lebih 6
atau 12 menit
Five minutes to 11 1 Six past one
10 2

A quarter past
A quarter to 3 (lebih 15 menit)
(kurang 15 menit)
Jam 7 lebih 15
Jam 6 kurang 15 menit
menit - a quarter to A quarter past
six 5 seven

Jam 6:40 (7
kurang 20 menit) –
twenty to seven

A half past (lebih dari 30


Jam 7 lebih 30 menit

A half past seven.

Use untuk benda yang dipakai tapi tidak menempel dikulit kita
Wear untuk benda yang dipakai dan menempel dikulit kita
She wears veil.
She uses her phone.

What does she look like? verb
- She looks more beautiful.
- She is pretty.
Gak ada
Have to (harus) Have to +
verb 1
- I have pen (verb) saya mempunyai pulpen
- I have eaten (auxiliary) saya sudah makan
- I have to listen it (modal) saya harus mendengar
Pembantu verb yang
memliki arti
To be Verb = is/am/are, was/were, do/does,
been and being (idak memiliki arti)
I’m the champion of this competition.
Modal verb = can, could, shall, should, will,
would, had better, may, might, must, ought
- Digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang
kemungkinan kesanggupan atau saran.
- Modals (julukan alternative dari modal

They could bring us some food to eat.

You shall not / shan’t go anywhere when
you work.
(+) Positive sentence No need to put TOBE but
Verb-nya (-) Negative sentence need adjective “do / does”
balik ke for she, he, it, orang
(?) interrogative
sentence tunggal.

(+) S + Verb + O
(-) S + do/does + not + V1
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 + O

(-) I don’t drink it. (+) They meet me (?) Do I meet her?
You don’t drink. You meet me Do you meet her?
They don’t drink He meets me Do they meet
We don’t drink. She meets me her?
She doesn’t drink Does she meet
Does he meet
He doesn’t drink.

S + is, am, are, + 3C (adjective, noun,


S + is , am, are, (adverb, noun,


(+) They choose youVerbal

as apasti ketemu verb
(-) They don’t choose you as a leader.
(?) Do They choose you as a leader?
(-?) Don’t they choose you as a leader?
Do you work every day?
She bakes carrot cake.
He is from Surabaya.
They learn English.
Linda plays with her cat.
I go to school.

Karena tidak menggunakan verb (kata kerja)

Saya manis
I am sweet adjectiv
Kita disana
We are there
Saya penyanyi nou
I am singer n
Kamu milikku
You are mine

(+) She is teacher.

(-) She isn’t teacher.
(?) Is she teacher? Do / Don’t
(-?) Isn’t she teacher? apabila
I am student at KIO. letaknya
She reads a book. didepan artinya
He drinks water. Apakah /
I am happy. Bukankah

Digunakan untuk subject : she, he, it / orang tunggal

1. SIMPLE PRESENT untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang

dilakukan berulang-ulang.

(+) S + V1
(-) S + do/does + not +
(?) Do/Does + S + V1 ?
(+) I go to school every day.
(-) You don’t go to school every day.
(?) Do you go to school every day?

(+) Gading goes to the market once a week

(-) Gading doesn’t go to the market once a week.
(?) Does Gading go to the market once a week?
a. The 1st Rules jika verb yang berakhiran ss, ch, sh, x, o maka
verb-nya ditambahi “es”, such as :

Wash = washes (mencuci)

Verb :
Miss = misses (merindukan)
Mix = mixes (mencampur)
Noun : Miss
Watch = watches (menonton/melihat)
(kak), Mrs Go = goes (pergi)

(+) She mixes food. (-) and (+) balik lagi ke Verb 1
(-) She doesn’t mix food.
(?) Does she mix food?

b. The 2nd Rules jika verb yang berakhiran “y” dan didahului
oleh huruf vocal (a, I, u, e, o) maka verb-nya ditambahin “s”,
such as:
Play = Plays
Pray = Prays
Buy = Buys

(+) He plays ball.
(-) He doesn’t play ball.
(?) Does he play ball?

c. The 3rd Rules jika verb yang berakhiran “y” dan didahului
oleh huruf konsonan, maka “y” diganti “es”, such as:
Fly = Flies
Dry = Dries
Cry = Cries

(+) My sister cries every night.
(-) My sister doesn’t cry every night.
(?) Does My sister cry every night?

d. The 4th Rules dari ke 3 peraturan diatas dari subject she, he, it
maka verb-nya ditambahin “s”, such as:
bring = brings
take = takes

(+) She brings handbag.
(-) She doesn’t bring handbag.
(?) Does she bring handbag?

2. PRESENT CONTINOUSE digunakan untuk menyatakan

kegiatan yang sedang terjadi.

(+) S + be (is/am/are) + V-ing + O

(-) S + be (is/am/are) + not + V-ing +
(?) Be (is/am/are) + S + V-ing + O ?

Make : making Verb berakhiran huruf

Take : taking vocal = V-ing

Cut : cutting
Verb dengan huruf vocal ditengah huruf
Run : running konsonan, maka huruf konsonannya yang
dibelakang akan ditulis dobel.
I am eating I am not eating Am I studying?
You are eating You aren’t eating Are you studying?
They are eating They aren’t eating Are they studying?
We are eating We aren’t eating Are we studying?
She is eating She isn’t eating Is she studying?
He is eating He isn’t eating Is he studying?

She is making a doll.

They are talking a bus.
She is cutting her hair.
The cat is running from our house.

3. PRESENT PERFECT untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah

terjadi dan efeknya masih terasa.

a. Verbal, karena kalimatnya bertemu dengan Verb 3

(+) S + have/has + V3 + O
(-) S + hasn’t/haven’t + V3 +
(?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O
I, you, they, we & plural subject = Have
She, He, It, my mother, singular subject (my sister, my
husband), orang tunggal = Has

(+) I have understood with math.
(-) I haven’t understood with math.
(?) Have I understood with math?

b. Nominal

(+) S + have/has + been + 3C (adjective, noun,

(-) S + hasn’t/haven’t + been + 3C
(?) Have/ Has + S + been + O
(+) She has been here.
(-) She hasn’t been here.
(?) Has she been here?

Have/ has : auxiliary (gak ada artinya)
Verb : mempunyai

I have had money.


4. SIMPLE PAST digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang

terjadi dimasa lalu.

(+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + did + not + V1 +
(?) Did + S + V1 + O

- I drank green tea yesterday.
I didn’t dink green tea yesterday.
Did I drink green tea yesterday?

- Reno run yesterday at GBK.

Reno didn’t run yesterday at GBK.
Did Reno run yesterday at GBK?

- My daughter swum yesterday.

My daughter didn’t swim yesterday.
Did my daughter swim yesterday?

5. SIMPLE FUTURE digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan

yang akan dilakukan

(+) S + will/shall + V1 + O
(-) S + will/shall + not + V1 + O
(?) Will/Shall + S + V1 + O

British (formal)
We & I = shall
selain we & I = will

American English
All subject = will

6. Nominal Sentence – SIMPLE PAST

(+) S + was/were + 3c
(-) S + was/were + not + 3c
(?) S Was/ Were + S + 3c

I was here yesterday.

They were fat two months ago.

Nominal Sentence – SIMPLE FUTURE

(+) S + will/shall + be + 3c
(-) S + will/shall + not + be + 3c
(?) Will/Shall + S + 3c ?

I will be there tomorrow.

You will be teacher later.
She will be beauty later.

Passive Voice

Grammar Tips cara ngomong ‘sedang’ dan ‘di/ter’

Di/Ter = S + is, am, are + V3 + O
Buku ini dibaca mereka – This book is read by them.
Pulpen ini dibeli dia pr – This pen is bought by her.
Jus ini diminum oleh dia pr - This juice is drank by her.
Gambar itu dilukis oleh dia lk – This picture is drawn by
Kue ini diambil oleh anak laki-lakiku - This cake is taken
by my son.
Matematika ini dipelajari oleh Reno - This math is studied
by Reno.
This pen is bought by my son.
This place is forbidden for us.
He is forgiven by her.
This cake is eaten by Anna.
The car is driven by my brother.
She is hidden information from me.
This homework is given by teacher in that class.
My hair is cut by hair stylish
These cakes are cooked by my mother.

Sedang = S + am, is, are + Ving

Dia pr sedang berenang di danau Toba - She is swimming
at lake Toba.
Kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris – We are studying
Kita sedang belajar matematika - We are studying match.
Saya sedang bekerja di perusahaan itu - I am working in
that company.

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