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Analysis of sound propagation in the Southwest Coast of Portugal Eddies [OS13A-17]

(a) (a) (b) (b)

L. G. Guimarães , C. E. Parente , S.M. M. Jesus and O. C. Rodrı́guez
a) LIOc-COPPE/UFRJ. b) SIPLab/Univ. Algarve.

Introduction Helmholtz Wave Equation Numerical Results

The sound is a powerful tool to acquire information about fundamental physical parameters of the For a given frequency f , the harmonic pressure fields Φ(r)exp(−iωt) (ω = 2πf ) propagating 0
ocean environment. However, the ocean is a very dynamical complex natural system where the with speed c(z) are solution of the Helmholtz’s wave equation: 500
sound speed is an increasing function of salinity, pressure and temperature such that the ocean
behaves an acoustic wave guide, where the sound speed and the water bodies play the same 2
role as the refraction index and lens in optics (Jensen, 1994). Here we analyse the acoustic 52 + 2
Φ(r) = 0 (3) 1500

Depth (m)
propagation in presence of the eddy related to the Mediterranean outflow in the North Atlantic
Besides, adopting the circular cylindrical coordinate system (where the depth increases in the 2500
(Darras, 1991).
positive z direction) and assuming the ocean as system with azimuthal symmetry, then in the 3000

Sommerfeld–Weyl picture the regular solutions of eq.(3) can be written as: 3500

Meddy Features Z ∞ 4000

Φ(r) ≡ dk A(k )kJ0(kr)Ψ(z, k ). (4) 4500

0 2 4 6 8 10
0 Absolute Range (m) 4
x 10

Eddies form when warm, salty Mediterranean water flows out of the Strait of Gibraltar beneath Where k is the radial wave number, J0 is the zero–th order Bessel function. In addition, “the
cooler incoming water and descends along the continental slope. At a depth of around 1000 vertical wave function” Ψ satisfies the following wave equation: 0

metres, the salty and warm tongue of Mediterranean water reaches neutral buoyancy with the 2 2
! 500
d Ψ ω
surrounding ocean water and separates from the continental slope. Pieces of this water pinch off
+ 2
− k 2
Ψ = 0. (5) 1000

and drift southwestward in the Atlantic Ocean as clockwise-rotating (=anticyclonic) lenses of dz c(z) 1500

salty, warm water that are called Meddies.

Depth (m)


Wave Propagation: Normal Modes and Ray Tracing Pictures 3000


Applying Cauchy’s residue theorem, the Sommerfeld–Weyl integral (4) can be rewritten as: 4500
Z ∞ 0 2 4 6 8 10
Absolute Range (m) 4
x 10
Φ(r) ≡ dk A(k )kJ0(kr)Ψ(z, k ).
= 2πi Residue Series + dk A(k ) k H0 (kr)Ψ(z, k ) 0

2 500
| {z } | Γ∈C
Normal Modes: Discrete Spectrum
{z } 1000
Meddy origin and dimensions. Continuum Spectrum
Typical Meddies are around 500 to 800 metres thick and 100 kilometers in diameter. They contain While the Asymptotic Ray Tracing expansion theory satisfies the following equations:

Depth (m)
about 0.08 percent more salt than the surrounding ocean water, which corresponds to around 2 ∞
Aj (r)
iω τ (r) 2500
billion tons of salt per Meddy. The number of Meddies are living quite long because rotate rapidly Φ(r) = e j
(iω) 3000
(vrot ≈ 30cm/s ≈ 25km/day) and translate slowly (vtrans ≈ 2cm/s ≈ 1.5km/day) through j=0
the calm waters of the Canary Basin: they are quite stable. The number of Meddies in the
|∇τ |2 = c −2(r) + O(ω 2) (Eikonal) 4000
Canary Basin is unknown but may be around 25 at a time (Richardson (1993) and van Geffen).
2∇τ · ∇A0 + (∇2τ )A0 = 0 + O(ω) (Amplitud) 4500
0 2 4 6 8 10
Absolute Range (m) 4
x 10
Rays are the wave front orthogonal curves family, ω τ (r) ≡ constant, such that:
The Double Munk Sound Speed Profile Model dr The Top, Middle and Bottom panels compare the ray tracing (left side pictures) and normal mode theories (right side color map pictures) in the
= c ∇τ. (7) case of the source located at depth 360m, 1278m and 2030m respectively.
a) b) Finally, we calculated (in dB) the Transmission Loss (TL) function, namely:
0 0

1500m/s 1510m/s 1520m/s 1530m/s Double Munk Sound Speed Profile
TL(r) = −20 log (8) Conclusions


c(z) Φ 0
depth (m)

depth (m)

2000 cM

Based on the World Ocean database’98 for the Southwest coast of Portugal and the related
2500m phenomenological Munk double channel sound profile(2), the present numerical results,


4000 3500m
Some Meddy References calculated by ray tracing and normal modes theories, suggest that the main feature of the sound
1500 1505 1510 1515 1520
sound speed (m/s)
1525 1530 1500 1505 1510 1515 1520 1525 1530 1535
sound speed (m/s) World Ocean Database’98 c1 c2
Fig. 3. Sound speed profiles: a) obtained from CTD between 23th and 25th
Double Munk Channel
propagation in meddy environment is basically characterized by broken of the pure Atlantic
October 2004; b) from WOD’98, acquired during the summer period (from 0 d1 dM d2
May to October). The black dashed lines represent the mean profiles of the z z principal channel (PC) in another two deep sound channels, the upper channel (UC) and the
respective data set. I Darras, J. M., R. Laval and F.R. Martin-Lauzer, 1991, Deep hydrographic fluctuations in the North
East Atlantic outflow: Influence on acoustic propagation, Ocean variability and Acoustic lower channel (LC) respectively (see Top and Bottom panels in above figure). However, in the
Comparing the Ocean’98 database result (Felisberto, 2007) with the Double Munk Model.
propagation, J. Potter & A. Warn-Varnas Eds, Kluwer, 375-390. particular case where the source is located at the z = dM ≈ 1278m, the middle panel of the
Related to canonical Munk profile (Jensen, 1994), above figure shows that all channels UC, LC and PC are simultaneously acoustically excited. In
I Felisberto, P., S. M. M. Jesus, and P. Relvas, 2007, Acoustic inversion of the cold water filaments
(z − d) (z − d) order to improve these preliminary results, we are developing a more realistic model that permits
c̃(z; cmin; ε; d; L) ≡ cmin 1 + ε 2 − 1 + exp −2 . (1) off the southwest coast of Portugal, in Proc. OCEANS 2007, 1-7.
introduce pertubatively some ocean acoustical anisotropies as well as meddy rotation effects.
L L I Jensen, F. B., W. A. Kuperman, M. B. Porter, and H. Schmidt, 1994, Computational ocean
We define the Double Munk Sound Speed Profile as, Work in this issue are in progress and planed to be published briefly.
acoustics: American Institute of Physics Press.
c(z) ≡ c̃(z; c1; ε1; d1; L1)Θ [dM − z] + c̃(z; c2; ε2; d2; L2)Θ [z − dM ] . (2) I Relvas, P., E. Barton, J. Dubert, P. B. Oliveira, lvaro Peliz, J. da Silva, and A. M. P. Santos, 2007,

Where Θ is Heaviside step function and the best fit parameters are given by: Physical oceanography of the western Iberia ecosystem: Latest views and challenges: Progress Acknowledgements
In Oceanography, 74, 149 - 173.
c1 = 1504.05183 m/s, ε1 = 0.00217, d1 = 363m , L1 = 350.12058m , I Richardson, P.L., 1993, Tracking Ocean Eddies, American Scientist 81, 261–271.
c2 = 1503.60584 m/s, ε2 = 0.00650, d2 = 2030m , L2 = 1127.80315m . We would like to thank the Ocean Acoustics Library team ( by use of
I van Geffen, J.,
the acoustical toolbox numerical codes. This work is partially supported by EAGE PACE fund and
and dM = 1278.299020m, cM = 1517.870207m/s.
by Ocean Acoustic Exploration (OAEx – 230855, EU Marie-Curie program FP7 IRSES) project.

Laboratório de Instrumentação Oceanográfica, COPPE/UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Email:

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