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DATE: 23/03/2022
Do as directed:

1. Shakespeare is the most famous dramatist in the world.

(use the comparative degree)
2. Delhi which is one of the most polluted cities in the country, is also the busiest.
(Pick out the clauses and state the kind)
3. Only the people with passes will be allowed inside.
(change to negative)
4. The dog does not obey its master’s commands.
(change to affirmative)
5. Mobile phones are handier than landline phones.
(change to interrogative)
6. Is there any use talking to him?
(change to assertive)
7. How thoughtful of you to buy me flowers on your way home!
(change to assertive)
8. Buddha was too calm to be angered by the harsh remarks of the passerby.
(remove too)
9. Mac was young. Mac was inexperienced
(begin with Not Only……)
10.As soon as his boss enters the room, the secretary stands up.
(Use No sooner….)
11.She went to the market since she wanted to buy vegetables.
(Analyze the sentence)
12.Despite the heat, we went on a walk.
(Analyze the sentence)
13.The Indus valley civilization was one of the oldest civilizations in history.
(Make a WH question such that you get the underlined words as your answer.)
14.This will be a dangerous journey.
(mention the function of the underlined modal)
15.Use the word ‘water’ in two different sentences. One as a verb and the other as a noun.

Writing Skill:

(1) Write a summary of the given passage.

Most of the people who appear most often in history books are great
conquerors and generals. Strangely enough the people who really helped
civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who
made the first boat or calculated the length of the year, but we know all
about our killers and destroyers. We raise statues of them simply because
they fought bravely. But even animals fight, so do savages. To fight is not be
civilized. Moreover, there are other ways of settling quarrels among men or
nations. So really civilized people have been those who brought peace and
happiness to the mankind. They have been prophets, saints, doctors,
inventors and discoverers. They have been truly great since instead of
inflicting pain and hardships upon humanity they have healed their wounds.
Instead of killing, they are really civilized and deserve our attention and

(2) Frame a set of 10 questions to interview the local corporator of your area.
(3) You are Debu/Divya a staff reporter for the Mumbai News. Write a report
for your newspaper regarding a rise in malaria and dengue cases in Mumbai city.

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