Idioms Exercise

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 An arm and a leg * doing or starting something too early

 Over the moon * something positive that isn’t recognized until later

 Cut the chase * watch someone or something carefully

 Hold your horses * wanting to say something but stopping yourself

 A blessing in disguise * referring to someone who is having a bad day

 Jumping the gun * extremely pleased or happy

 A drop in the ocean * leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point

 Bite my tongue * say exactly the right thing

 Kicked the bucket * annoying or irritating somebody

 Break a leg * very expensive

 Once in a blue moon * a very small part of something much bigger

 Piece of cake * died

 Got up on the wrong side of the bed * telling someone who is getting ahead of themselves to wait

 Keep an eye on him * good luck

 Driving me up the wall * to lose courage to do something you had planned

 Water under the bridge * tell someone something that you were not supposed to

 Pulling your leg * happening very rarely

 Cold feet * very easy

 Let the cat out of the bag * things from the past that are not important anymore

 Hit the nail on the head * joking around

1. The flu I had a few weeks ago which prevented me from going on holiday with my friends was

_____________________. They had a terrible time. Everything went wrong and it cost them a lot of money.

2. The interview for that new job was ___________________________. They asked me really easy questions.

3. Can you ___________________ already and tell us if we are going to lose our jobs or not?

4. Don’t be so grumpy with me! Did you ________________________?

5. Getting my car fixed is going to cost me __________________ as the engine has completely blown, but I have no

choice. I need it for work.

6. He ________________________________ when he said the reason we lost the match is because of weakness in

our defense. That’s definitely the reason.

7. I think you should _________________________________! You aren’t ready yet to quit and start your own

business. You need more experience.

8. ________________________ guys! I’m sure you’ll do well. You’re easily the best team.

9. I ____________________________ as I accidently mentioned that we’re meeting for a drink tonight. Sorry, I

know you didn’t want him to know.

10. The new Frank Coppola film is out at the cinema. A film that that I really enjoy and want to see happens

___________________, so I’ll definitely go and see it.

11. Jan is finally getting a chance to go on her trip of a life time, a holiday to Europe! She was __________________

when I spoke to her.

12. I was __________________________ in that meeting. I really wanted to tell him that his idea was no good but

you can’t say that to the boss.

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