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AE 201




2K20/AE/08 2K20/AE/60











We would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. Paras Sir, for his
valuable guidance and support in completing our project. We would also
like to express my gratitude towards the university DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL
UNIVERSITY for giving us this great opportunity to do a project on
“WORKING OF A CRANKSHAFT”. Without all this support this project
would not have been completed.

A crankshaft is a mechanical device that converts the reciprocating motion

of the piston into rotary motion. A crankshaft is connected to the piston
via a connecting rod. The main purpose of this connecting rod is to absorb
the reciprocating motion of the piston and transmit it to the piston
As the crankshaft moves through the connecting rod, it converts that
motion into rotary motion and turns the flywheel, which keeps moving the
vehicle's wheels.
Without a crank, a reciprocating engine cannot deliver the reciprocating
piston to the drive shaft. In simple terms, a reciprocating engine cannot
move a vehicle without a crankshaft.
In short, the crankshaft is the heart of a vehicle system. The crankshaft is
also the backbone of combustion and converts the linear motion of the
piston into rotary motion of the flywheel.

Farzin H Montazersadgh proposed dynamic investigation what's more,

were explored the impact of torsional load and the variety of stress
greatness at basic area by utilizing the limited component investigation
techniques. Amarjeet Singh, Investigated and improved strength, the
fundamental goal of this technique was directed static examination on
four chamber motor driving rods. In this technique after getting out the
pressure results, the basic focuses distinguished were the knuckle of
wrench arm and outrageous left bearing. Jian Meng Resuscitated and
investigated driving rod model and wrench toss. The driving rod mutilation
was mostly bowing mutilation under the lower recurrence. Higher
disfigurement was situated at the connection between fundamental
bearing diary, crankpin and wrench cheeks. GuYingkui Explored a three-
dimensional model of a diesel motor driving rod showed with the
assistance of Star/E programming. Utilizing Ansys programming, the
greatest pressure is were observed which were chiefly moved in the
knuckles of the wrench arm, the primary diary and the wrench arm and
interfacing pole journal. Xiaorong performed survey on the driving
rod. The audit, driving rod terms, activity conditions and different
disappointment sources are bantered. They examined the impact of
persuasive boundaries like lingering weight on weariness conduct and
strategies of convincing compressive leftover stress in crankshafts.
Guagliano considered on a marine diesel motor driving rod by
utilizing Limited component examination to decide the pressure focus. In
this mathematical model examination was approved with exploratory
outcomes. Not really set in stone the pressure in the filet zone of driving
rod by utilizing Limited component examination strategy. The
accomplished anxieties were tried by exploratory outcome on a 1.9 liter
turbocharged diesel motor with Richard sort of ignition chamber. Prakash
concentrated on the pressure and weariness examination of driving rod by
utilizing the old-style strategy and FEM based approach utilizing Ansys.
From this investigation the outcome got expressed that the strength and
malleability types have extraordinary impact on life. Borges concentrated
on the pressure circulation on the driving rod by utilizing the FEA by
applying ANSYS programming to decide the pressure concentration. The
FEA model gives the indistinguishable stress scattering over the driving rod
and the pressure fixation is high in the filet between the wrench pin
bearing and the wrench web. Zoroufi and Fatemi et al concentrated on the
unique burden examination of the driving rod. By utilizing the FEA
investigation programming both static and dynamic investigation were
performed. The examination between the outcomes acquired from
mathematical strategy and test strategy was introduced and basic zone of
pressure fixation is happened on the filet space of crankshaft. M.Fonte and
P.Duarte concentrated on the two harmed driving rod of single chamber
diesel motors which are utilized in horticultural administrations for a very
long time are engaged. In this the driving rod are fizzled after 100h in
assistance. To decide the main driver of disappointment of a driving rod
the disappointment mode investigation is utilized and results are
contrasted and the limited component investigation by applying ANSYS
programming to find the basic locales where the high pressure focuses are
available and the disappointment is for the most part happened in
crankpins. Because of the great pressure focus and high-pressure
inclinations the basic zone is happened on the filet space of crankshaft.
Anand and Parthasarathy et al played out the limited component
investigation by utilizing the examination programming Ansys and the
static what's more, powerful examination was led on the driving rod which
is comprised of EN-19 steel and Nitriding covered EN-19 steel. The
absolute miss happening, Von misses’ pressure and shear worry were
finding. The material has been tried by utilizing different mechanical
testing like malleable test, hardness test, warm extension test. The
outcome got was too examined in prior and then afterward solidifying of
encroaching process.
Andrzej and Tomasz et al to addressed the three dimensional warm and
mechanical issue they created one program. Numerical model of driving
rod disfigurement was created in the state of hotness treatment by
thinking about flexible plastic misshaping and stage
change process. In this paper, it was shown that during stage change, the
cooling system is considered by three time changing the discovery of
bowing of driving rod and stress indication of it. It is done because of
nonlinearity of warm disfigurement during stage change and dumping of
metal after the temperature become uniform.
M.Fonte and V.Infante et al played out the investigation on two diverse
harmed driving rods. Out of these one acquired from diesel motor of
scaled down excavator and second one from an auto vehicle. The
associating bar, crankcase and engine block harm because of the diesel
engine experienced a genuine mechanical harm following three years and
5000 hours in its administration. While considering both the driving rods
were flopped due to the break which was available in crankpin-web. Both
the driving rods were seen with the assistance of examining electron
magnifying lens investigation and discovering the zone where the breaks
were started. As indicated by this procedure both the driving rods were
bombed due to the fatigue.

In this project we are going to discuss and study the working of different
type of crankshafts. We will be studying in detail the different parts of
crankshaft like crank pin, crank web, journals, flywheel etc. Then we will
be studying the different types of crankshafts – fully built, semi built,
welded etc. and see how different types of crankshafts are assembled and
how they are different from each other. We will also be studying and
discussing the working of a crankshaft and see how crankshaft helps in
conversion of reciprocating motion of piston into rotary motion that drives
the wheels of the automotive vehicles. At the end we will see what are
some faults that occur in a crankshaft.
Hence, in this project we are going to study the importance of crankshaft
in an automotive vehicle.

1.Crank Pin
The crankpin is a mechanical part of an engine. Which allows the
connecting rod to be attached to the crankshaft very firmly.
The surface of the crankpin is cylindrical, to give the rotative force to the
large end of the connecting rod. These are also known as connecting rod

2. Main Journals
Journals have attached to the engine block. These bearings hold the
crankshaft and provide it to rotate inside the engine block. This bearing is
such as a plain bearing or journal bearings. The main bearings vary from
engine to engine, often according to the forces given by the engine.

3. Crank Web
The Crank web is the most essential part of the crankshaft. Crank web
connects the crankshaft to the main bearing journals.

4. Counterweights
The counterweights are a type of weight, that applies opposite force,
which provides balance and stability to the crankshaft. These are mounted
on the crank web.
The reason for installing counterweights in the crankshaft is, they can
eliminate the reaction caused by rotation. And it is very helpful for
achieving the higher RPM and makes the engine run easily.

5. Thrust Washers
At some points, two or more thrust washers are provided to stop the
crankshaft from moving lengthways. These thrust washers assemble
among the machined surfaces in the web and the crankshaft saddle.
With the help of thrust washers, it can be easily maintained the gap and
helps to reduce the lateral movement of the crankshaft. In many engines,
these are made as part of the main bearings, usually, older types, use
separate washers.

6. Oil Passage and Oil Seals

Crankshaft oil passage passes oil from main bearing journals to the big end
journals. Normally the hole is drilled on the crank web. When the crankpin
is in an upward position and combustion forces push the connecting rod to
a downward position, it allows oil to enter between journal and bearing.
The crankshaft has some extend beyond the crankcase on both ends. This
causes oil to leak from these ends. So, preventing oil from these openings,
oil seals are provided. There are two main oil seals are connected at the
front end and rear end.
i. Front End Oil Seals: They are very similar to the rear end oil seals.
However, its failure is less destructive and it is more easily accessible.
The front oil seal will be set behind the pulley and timing gear.
ii. Rear End Oil Seals: They are placed within the main journals and
flywheels. This is pushed into a hole between the engine block and
the oil pan. The oil seal has a shaped lip that is kept tightly into the
crankshaft by a spring called a garter spring.

7. Flywheel Mounting Flange

In most cases, the crankshaft attaches to the flywheel through the flanges.
The diameter of the crankshaft wheel end is larger than the other end.
This gives a flange face to mount the flywheel.

1.Fully Built Shaft

These types of crankshafts are made by assembling parts by parts

together. In this, all the components are shrink-fitted after the fabrication
process. This type of crankshaft used in old engines.
It is consists of a separated crank web, crankpin, and main journals. This
crankpin and journals are machined and bored in the crank web. They are
slightly smaller in diameter.
The crank webs were heated and fit into the crank pins and journal holes
(which expanded in size due to heat). As the crank web cools, the diameter
of the borehole will try to shrink back to its original size.

2. Semi Built Shaft

These types of crankshafts are not made by assembling various parts
compared to a fully built shaft. Crank webs are completely forged and are
shrink-fitted to the general bearings.
The crankpins are further machined to provide a smooth surface finish.
The benefit of using this shrink-fitting method is to make two webs and
crankpins with a single forging. The crank webs are reduced in thickness. A
hole is bored through the crankpin, reducing the weight without
compromising its strength.
The semi-built crankshaft is lighter than the fully built crankshaft. The
crankshaft is capable of carrying high loads and can therefore withstand
high shear and bending stresses. These types are also found in some high-
speed engines.

3. Welded Shaft
These welded shafts are manufactured by assembling crank web, crankpin,
and main journals on both sides. These are forged and then welded
together by the submerged arc welding process.
After welding, the journals were stress-free and mechanized. Due to the
use of continuous grain flow, the webs can be made thinner. That may
lead to a smaller crankshaft.
The welded crankshaft allows considerable savings in weight. The width
and thickness of the webs are reduced. Thus, providing longer bearing

4. Solid Single Piece Shaft

These types of crankshafts are made by forging or casting process as
forming single piece shaft. They are utilized both in low-speed engines and
high-speed engines.
It is built in more than one part and bottled together with bolts on integral
flanges. This is designed to endure the load during firing and cyclic tension.
The crankshaft is stressed due to misalignment, torsional vibration, and
axial vibration of the main bearings.

5. Forged Crankshaft

These are much stronger than cast cranks. Forged cranks are typically used
in high-stress engines and some 16 valve engines. They are designed in
completely different ways.
A set of dies is formed to the approximate size of the crank. These die rest
in a large hydraulic press which has a clamping force of several tons. Once
the die is closed, the metal is pressed very tightly.
These types of crankshafts are stronger and more durable. Forged
crankshafts react to heat treatment and thus give better dimensional

6. Cast Crankshaft
These types of crankshafts have been used for a long time. There are
commonly found in various diesel and petrol engines. Generally, they are
made up of malleable iron by casting process.
They are very cheap to make and work well, so they are a common choice
for manufacturers. Cast crankshaft withstands loads from all directions
because the metal grain structure is uniform and random.

7. Billet Crankshaft
A billet crank may be the best type of crank in your engine. Steel is
commonly used to make such cranks. This includes nickel, chromium,
aluminium, molybdenum, and other elements.
Billet cranks are familiar because of the shortest machining time of the
crankshaft. They further need minimum balance due to the uniform design
of the material.
Burning gases in the fire chamber bring power to the crankshaft with the
help of a piston, piston pin and connecting rod. The crankshaft converts
the repetitive motion of the piston on the cylinder to the rotational flow of
the flywheel. The use of offset on the crankshaft enables movement
modification. Each offset part of the crankshaft has a carrying area known
as the crank pin. The connecting rod is attached to the crank pin. The
crank-through is offset from the crankshaft centre line. The crankshaft
thrust controls the piston stroke. The force of the fire is transferred to the
rear thrower when the crankshaft has passed through a dead upper centre
to produce a turning effort or torque, which rotates the crankshaft.
Therefore, the crankshaft brings all the power to the engine. The cam-
shaft is rotated by a crankshaft with the help of gears that use sprocket
driven by chains or belts. The cam-shaft drive has time to open valves in
relation to the piston area. The crankshaft rotates with large bearings,
separated by a junction around the crankshaft.

This diagram describes how to install a crankshaft on a car. It joins from

Cylinders to the piston - to the crankshaft - to itself and to the car's
The crank case is very strong due to the additional internal webs needed
to support large bearings. The disadvantage of this type of bearing
arrangement is that it is relatively expensive and the engine may need to
be slightly longer to accommodate larger bearings. Stable and dynamic
force occurs during engine operation. Calculation weights are used to
measure themselves. High spacing and carrying rods increase the capacity
of the crankshaft because more load is carried through the cracks instead
of through the fillet and crankshaft web. Pressure stress occurs in oil holes
pierced in crankshaft jets. Hence, these are usually found when crankshaft
loads and pressures are low. The light bullet holes do not reduce their
power when the hole size is less than half the width of the magazine,
instead these holes tend to increase the strength of the crankshaft by
eliminating the natural stress of a particular crankshaft. The automatic
transmission pressure and clutch release power often push the crankshaft
forward in front of the engine. Stretch the engine bearings to support this
installation load and maintain the position of the crankshaft. Thrust
bearings are found in any major carry-on magazines. It is known that the
bearing lasts much longer when the magazine is polished against the
normal rotation direction rather than when it is polished in the normal
rotation. Mostly, crankshaft measurement was performed during
production by drilling holes in the counterweight for illumination.
Sometimes these holes are drilled after a crankshaft is installed in the

Issues on crankshaft are rare, only if the engine is experience extreme

conditions. The engine component is reliable and sturdy but some
common fault includes:
1. Worn Journals
It usually occurs when there is not enough oil pressure available. If the
crankshaft makes contact with the journal bearing surfaces, it gradually
increases clearance and worsens the oil pressure.
If not taken care of it, worn journals can cause serious problems for the
engine. This destroys the bearings and causes heavy damage to the

2. Fatigue
This occurs when the constant force on the crankshaft leads to breakage.
This issue usually occurs on the fillet where the journal and web are
A smooth surface of the fillet is necessary to avoid weak spots that cause
fatigue cracks. The cracks can be inspected using Magna-fluxing on the

● Crankshaft is one of the key components of automobile engine, its

performance (good or bad) will directly affect the service life of the

● The crankshaft is an important part in automobile engine, it will

operate with connecting rod and change gas pressure in the piston
into the rotation of the power, to the transmission mechanism of
underpin, drive distribution agencies and other auxiliary devices.

● A crankshaft is actually the heart of the internal combustion engine.

The crankshaft is liable for the proper operation of the engine. In
some circumstances, it also saves energy to move the piston for
compression, suction, and exhaust strokes.

● A balanced crankshaft can keep your engine running smoothly,

provide more power, less waste of energy, and reduce engine
vibration. It is mainly employed to convert linear motion to
rotational speed.

● The crankshaft is responsible for the proper operation of the engine

and converting a linear motion to a rotational motion. Thus,
crankshafts have very high fatigue strength and wear resistance to
ensure long service life.






● Mr. Farzin H. Montazersadgh and Ali Fatemi, “Dynamic Load and

Stress Analysis of a Crankshaft‟‟, SAE International2007-01-0258.

● Mr. Amarjeet Singh, Vinod Kumar Mittal and Surjit Angra, “Strength
Analysis and Optimization Methods for four Cylinder Engine
Crankshaft Based on CATIA and ANSYS”, Applied Mechanics and
Materials Vols. 592- 594 (2014) PP 1789-1793.

● Jian Meng, Yongqi Liu and Ruixiang Liu, “Finite Element Analysis of 4-
Cylinder Diesel Crankshaft, ” I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal
Processing, 5, 22-2 2011.

● Gu Yingkui, Zhou Zhibo. “Strength Analysis of Diesel Engine

Crankshaft Based on PRO/E and ANSYS, ” Third International
Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics
Automation, 2011

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