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MATA KULIAH : BAHASA INGGRIS 6 N A M A : Fransisca Windiani

HARI/TANGGAL : RABU, 5 JANUARI 2022 N.I.M : 211030121836
WAKTU : 120 MENIT (19.00-21.00) SEM/KELAS: VI A - B


While John Smith was going to school this morning, a car knocked him down. His right leg was
broken just below the knee. Some people who saw the accident laid him in a comfortable
position on the pavement and telephoned for an ambulance. John was badly shocked and in great
pain. While the people were waiting for the ambulance, the driver of the car that knocked John
down covered him with a coat and tried to comfort him.
When the ambulance arrived, John was lifted onto a stretcher, put into the ambulance and driven
to a hospital that was not far away. When he arrived at the casualty department, he was admitted.
The nurse who admitted him gave him an injection of morphine to combat the shock and the
pain. The doctor who examined him comforted him and told him everything would be all right.
While the doctor was examining him, the nurse who had admitted him took his pulse and blood
pressure. No anti-tetanus injection was necessary as john had been immunized against tetanus six
months earlier.

As John’s wound was lacerated and contused, he was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of
infection. He was then taken to the x-ray department. While the x-ray examination was being
carried out, John’s parents arrived at the hospital. The doctor who examined John told them that
John had sustained a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula. He explained that an operation
was necessary and asked Mr. Smith to sign a consent for operation form. Mr. Smith signed the
consent form while Mrs. Smith was giving John’s personal particulars and previous medical
history to the nurse. Before John’s parents left the hospital, they were told when they could visit
him and were given a list of things that he would need.

While John was waiting to go to theatre, a quarter-hourly record of his pulse and blood pressure
was kept and he was given a suitable premedication.


1. What was John doing when he was knocked down?

He was going to school

2.  What did the people who saw the accident do?

They laid him in a comfortable position on the pavement and telephoned for an

3.  What did the driver of the car that knocked John down do?

The driver covered him with a coat and tried to comfort him

4.   What happened when the ambulance arrived?

When the ambulance arrived John was lifted onto a stretcher, put into the ambulance and
driven to a hospital that was not far away

5.   Who gave him an injection of morphine?

The nurse who admitted him

6.   Why was he given morphine?

To combat the shock and the pain

7.   Why wasn’t he given an anti-tetanus injection?

Because john had been immunized against tetanus six months earlier

8.   What sort of wound had John sustained?

John’s wound was lacerated and contused


patients on-call discharged locum admits/ward

ward round referral cover consent request

specimens outpatient clinic convalescent

1. People in hospital with some forms of illness are known as patient

2. When the first arrive at hospital, a doctor or nurse admit them and shows them to a bed in a
3. There may be a letter of referral from another doctor explaining the history.
4. The doctor may have to complete a request for tests.
5. Many medical personnel have to be ready to go to work in the event of an emergency if they
are on call
6. The doctor may decide to have blood, urine, or tissue specimen analyzed.
7. Every day, the doctor will speak to the patients during the ward
8. Patients who require surgery will be asked to sign a consent form.
9. A patient who is well enough to go home will be discharged
10. A patient who does not need to stay in hospital overnight can see the hospital specialist as an
outpatient and will be given an appointment to attend the clinic
11. When colleagues are absent from work because of illness, others will have to cover
12. Patients who are getting better are convalescence
13. The hospital may arrange for a locum when doctors are on holiday

1. The man is a haemotologist. He graduated from outstanding university.

The man who graduated from outstanding university is a haemotologist

2. The driver is responsible for the accident. He took the casualty to the hospital
The driver who took the casualty to the hospital is responsible for the accident

3. The woman works all day long every day. Her position as one of the managers at hospital.
The woman whose position as one of the managers at hospital works all day long every

4. The old man is his grandfather. He used to live abroad.

The old man who used to live abroad is his grandfather

5. The casualty is my neighbor. He was taken to nearby hospital

The casuality who was taken to nearby hospital is my neighbor

6. The man is a radiographer. He works based on shift

The man who works based on shift is a radiographer

7. The girl has just undergone an operation. She is accomplishing her mini thesis
The girl who is accomplishing her mini thesis has just undergone an operation

8. The man is the director of the hospital. His room is in the opposite of my room
The man whose room is in the opposite of my room is the direcytor of the hospital

9. The patient finally passed away. Doctors operated him last night
The patient whom doctors operated him last night finally passed away

10. The woman is our lecturer. She is explaining about introduction to nursing
The woman who is explaining about introduction to nursing is our lecturer


“both …..and”, “not only ….but also”, “either …….or”, AND “neither ……nor”

1. The doctor came on time yesterday. The nurses came on time yesterday
Both the doctor and the nurses came on time yesterday
2. Mr. Anwar will undergo an operation. His son will undergo an operation
Both mr.Anwar and his son will undergo and operation
3. The woman fed the baby. The woman gave breast-feeding milk
The woman not only fed the baby but also gave breast-feeding milk

4. The man takes the blood pressure. The man takes the pulse
The man not only takes the blood pressure but also takes the pulse

5. Mr. Hasan examines the patient. Mr. Hasan prescribes the medicine.
Mr.hasan not only examine the patient but also prescribes the medicine

6. She is energetic. She is active

She is not only energetic but also active

7. The food is expired date. The food smells bad

The food not only expired date but also smells bad

8. He is good at swimming. He is good at diving

He is good at both swimming and diving

9. He finds it difficult to walk. He finds it difficult to move.

He finds either difficult to walk or to move

10. His friend has diabetes melitus. His friend has asthma
His friend not only has diabetes but also has asthma

IV. TRANSLATION; Translate this paragraph into good Bahasa Indonesia

As John’s wound was lacerated and contused, he was given an antibiotic to prevent the onset of
infection. He was then taken to the x-ray department. While the x-ray examination was being
carried out, John’s parents arrived at the hospital. The doctor who examined John told them that
John had sustained a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula. He explained that an operation
was necessary and asked Mr. Smith to sign a consent for operation form. Mr. Smith signed the
consent form while Mrs. Smith was giving John’s personal particulars and previous medical
history to the nurse. Before John’s parents left the hospital, they were told when they could visit
him and were given a list of things that he would need.

The translate :
Saat luka John sobek dan memar, dia diberi antibiotik untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Dia
kemudian dibawa ke unit/departement x-ray. Saat pemeriksaan rontgen sedang dilakukan, orang
tua John tiba di rumah sakit. Dokter yang memeriksa John memberi tahu mereka bahwa John
menderita patah tulang pada tibia dan fibula. Dokter menjelaskan bahwa diperlukan tindakan
operasi dan meminta Mr. Smith untuk menandatangani formulir persetujuan untuk tindakan
operasi. Tuan Smith menandatangani formulir persetujuan sementara Nyonya Smith memberikan
data pribadi John dan riwayat kesehatan sebelumnya kepada perawat. Sebelum orang tua John
meninggalkan rumah sakit, mereka diberi tahu kapan mereka bisa mengunjungi John dan diberi
daftar barang-barang yang akan John butuhkan.

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