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published: 10 December 2021

doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.568553

Case Report: COVID-19 Infection

With Gastrointestinal Symptoms and
Mood Disorder: Criticalities in
Differential Diagnosis, Therapy and
Management of Complications
Giuseppina Borriello*, Lisa Lavatelli, Francesca Ruzzi, Adelaide Panariello and
Mauro Emilio Percudani
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy

During this pandemic Italy was deeply hit by the burden of the COVID-19.
Current studies reveal that respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 represent the most
Edited by: common manifestations at presentation. The incidence of less common gastrointestinal
Richard Porter, symptoms varies significantly among different study populations. Liver injury is also
University of Otago, New Zealand
described at different degree. We describe the case of a 20-year-old woman
Reviewed by:
Nirmal Kumar Ganguly, confirmed as SARS-CoV-2 positive by nasopharyngeal swab-PCR test, admitted to
Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, India the COVID-only—Psychiatric Ward, set up in Niguarda Hospital in Milan on March
Casimiro Cabrera Abreu,
2020, for a depressive episode characterized by depressed mood and anorexia. In
Queens University, Canada
comorbidity we report a previous avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder present
Giuseppina Borriello since childhood and a Border Personality Disorder according to the DSM V. On
giuseppina.borriello@ the admission to the ward we administered the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
with a total score of 29 suggesting severe depression. During the hospitalization she
Specialty section: developed a clinical picture with increasing vomiting and diarrhea, nausea, abdominal
This article was submitted to pain along with fever and no respiratory symptoms. She also showed abnormalities
Mood Disorders,
a section of the journal
in liver function indices. At the same time she showed clinophilia and persistent food
Frontiers in Psychiatry avoidance that, initially, led to attribute all the symptoms to her psychiatric disorders.
Received: 01 June 2020 We prescribed the already ongoing therapy with lithium carbonate and SSRI. On
Accepted: 08 November 2021 the second day of hospitalization, along with the worsening of the gastrointestinal
Published: 10 December 2021
symptoms, we started therapy with hydroxychloroquine with a no significant remission
Borriello G, Lavatelli L, Ruzzi F, of nausea and vomiting but with a further increase in liver function indices suggesting
Panariello A and Percudani ME (2021) liver damage. This led us to suspend the treatment with hydroxychloroquine for the
Case Report: COVID-19 Infection With
Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood
suspect of a drug induced injury. The depressive symptoms improved rapidly as
Disorder: Criticalities in Differential opposed to the patient’s overall condition. The gastrointestinal symptoms resolved
Diagnosis, Therapy and Management with the evidence of the recovery from infection. In this report we underline the
of Complications.
Front. Psychiatry 12:568553. importance of investigating the physical symptoms in a patient with a history of
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.568553 mental disorder especially during an undergoing pandemic. During this pandemic,

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 1 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 568553

Borriello et al. COVID-19: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood Disorder

specialists from various fields were called upon to support teams working with COVID
patients and to acquire new skills out of necessity, fostering a multidisciplinary approach
and cooperation.

Keywords: gastrointestinal, liver injury, mood disorder, COVID pandemic, eating disorder

INTRODUCTION COVID-19 positive patients with acute psychiatric disorders

were hospitalized (14 M, 10 F; mean age 41 years; 6 Psychoses, 3
On March 11th 2020 WHO defined COVID-19 as a pandemic. Bipolar disorders, 7 Depressive disorder, 4 Personality disorders;
The outbreak began in Wuhan in China in December 2019 and 2 Cognitive disorder; 2 Intellectual disability). None of these
rapidly spread around the world. Italy has been deeply hit by the had relevant gastrointestinal or hepatic diseases in previous
COVID-19 epidemic, especially in the Northern regions. In Italy medical history.
204,000 cases and 27,682 deaths were registered until April 30th. Among our patients, a 20-year-old woman reported a
In Lombardy alone, as of this writing, there are 75,732 confirmed prevalent gastrointestinal symptomatology and an important
cases, with a total of 13,772 deaths1 . increase in liver function indices in the absence of involvement
Ongoing studies have shown that respiratory symptoms of of the respiratory system. The clinical case we will examine
COVID-19 such as fever, dry cough up to dyspnea represent highlights complex problems of differential diagnosis with the
the most common manifestations of the disease, and that are main psychiatric disease, critical issues in therapy and in the
strongly indicative of a transmission of the infection by droplets management of complications that occurred during treatment.
and by contact2 . The incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms
like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort is
less common and varies significantly between different study CASE PRESENTATION
populations, along with an early and mild onset frequently
followed by the appearance of typical respiratory symptoms (1). The 20-year-old female patient accessed our ward for a picture
Anosmia has also been reported (2). compatible with recurrent depressive episode in personality
SARS-CoV-2 attacks the respiratory system as a preferential disorder. In the days preceding the hospitalization, the patient
site, specifically the pulmonary alveoli by binding to ACE2 had visited the general Emergency Department twice reporting
receptor (3). It showed tropism for various organs including fever (max body surface temperature 38◦ C). Upon entry to the
above all heart, kidneys, brain and the gastrointestinal system, ward, a nasopharyngeal swab test was performed for COVID-
especially liver and pancreas (4). This picture is most likely 19 which tested positive. Anamnesis reports a history of a food
attributable to the ubiquitous distribution of angiotensin- intake disorder (restrictive behaviors) (7) present since childhood
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Hepatic involvement is not a major and a comorbid diagnosis of Border Personality Disorder (8).
manifestation of COVID-19, it is not yet clear what impact this The patient is known for prior hospitalizations in our ward for
has on the prognosis of these patients (5). depressive symptoms, self-injurious behaviors, hypo/anorexia.
During COVID-19 outbreak, psychiatric services in On admission, a psychopathological picture was highlighted,
Lombardy have been working to guarantee continued services characterized by a marked deflection of mood tone, asthenia,
at both a residential and community level, guaranteeing hypo/anorexia, self-injurious ideation, insomnia, overall
hospitalization for acute cases infected by SARS-CoV-2 (6). The psychomotor slowing. In the days preceding the hospitalization
Niguarda Hospital in Milan, has dedicated psychiatric ward for she had been practicing self-cutting on the left forearm which
COVID-19 positive patients with acute psychiatric disorders. A was being medicated.
local protocol for treatment of psychiatric patients positive for In order to complete the psychopathological diagnostic
COVID-19 was implemented. Infectious Diseases Unit carried assessment, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (9) was
out an initial assessment, providing therapeutic and diagnostic administered with a score of 29 suggesting severe depression.
indications, and daily follow-up consultations with 24 h Upon admission to ward, parameters were measured: the
availability. Intensivists visited patients in hospital to evaluate patient was paucisymptomatic, with febricula (up to 37.6 ◦ C),
eligibility for therapeutic upgrade; immediately reporting clear oxygen saturation (Sp02) of 100%. Laboratory parameters, in
evidence of interstitial pneumonia with respiratory distress particular complete blood count, liver, kidney and thyroid
defined as breath rate >30 acts/minute, SpO2 <93–92%, or function indices, coagulation, lipidic and glucidic profile were
when the PaO2/FiO2 ratio of <300 mmHg on blood gas analysis. within normal ranges, with the exception of a modest increase
Hospitalization in the intensive care-unit (ICU) was provided in PCR (3.9) and a mild hypoalbuminemia (3.35 as compared to
for patients with severe respiratory distress or additional severe normal range of 4.02–4.76).
COVID-19 symptoms. From March 9th to April 30th 2020, 24 During the hospital stay, as per hospital protocol, vital signs
were measured daily, 3 times a day (Blood Pressure, Heart
1 Rate, Respiratory Rate, Sp02, Body Temperature) and blood
2 chemistry tests were carried out every 72 h to monitor SARS-
of-virus-causing-covid-19-implications-for-ipc-precaution-recommendations CoV-2 infection, especially blood count with formula, AST,

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 2 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 568553

Borriello et al. COVID-19: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood Disorder

TABLE 1 | Trend of the main health parameters (body temperature, oxygen TABLE 2 | Eating disorder inventory.
saturation, heart rate, body weight).
EDI-2 subscales
Nasopharingeal Body Oxygen Heart Body
swab-PCR test temperature saturation rate weight Ascetism 7
Body dissatisfaction 9
Positive (16/03) 37.6 99 102 65 Bulimia 0
Weak positive (02/04) 37 100 100 64.2 Drive for thinness 14*
Negative (15/04) 36.7 99 70 63.1 Interpersonal distrust 16*

Negative (18/04) 37.1 98 79 62.8 Impulse regulation 16*

Ineffectiveness 19*
Negative (20/04) 36.8 100 56 62.5
Interceptive awareness 6
Maturity fears 19*
Perfectionism 0
Social insecurity 13*
ALT, total and esterified bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, LDH,
electrolytes, creatinine, urea, urate, Pro-BNP, Pro calcitonin, “*” refers to the EDI subscales in which the patient scored significantly.
fibrinogen, PT, PTT, D-dimer, glycaemia, CRP, SPE (Table 1).
To complete the diagnostic framework, a high-resolution chest
CT scan was also performed which did not show characteristic (Table 2) which revealed a significantly altered score in the
findings for COVID-19. Inadequacy (19) and Maturity fears (19) subscales.
Two days after admission, the patient began to show a We observed a more rapid remission of the
symptomatology of nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite; the psychopathological picture as compared to the gastrointestinal
latter was reported also during the previous hospitalizations. picture and to the general clinical conditions, with regression
She also had bouts of diarrhea. In the last 2 years, the of self-injurious thoughts and a stabilization of the dysthymia
patient had 5 ordinary hospitalizations in our ward, toward euthymia.
during which an established relational pattern emerged, Two weeks after the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection,
characterized by a regressive behavior with restricted the nasopharyngeal test was repeated and was still weakly
eating behaviors and self-induced vomiting together with positive; subsequently, the test was repeated after a week and
depressive symptoms. proved negative, and this result was confirmed by another
In the first phase of hospitalization, we prescribed the ongoing molecular test on nasopharyngeal swab at 24 h. With the
psychopharmacological therapy with lithium carbonate (600 mg resolution of the infection, there has been a progressive
daily) and benzodiazepines and we started the administration of improvement of gastro-intestinal symptoms with the patient
slow titration SSRI (sertraline). Monitoring of blood chemistry gradually starting to ingest food. Despite this, the liver
tests showed a progressive increase of AST, ALT e GGT (Figure 1) function indices remained altered even at the end of the
compared to the beginning when the nasopharyngeal swab tested hospitalization, 35 days after the entry/admission and after
positive for SARS-CoV-2. the positivity to SARS-CoV-2 was detected, with ALT values
On the 2nd day of hospitalization, a consultation was carried equal to 434 U/L and AST values equal to 90 U/L, so much
out with the infectious disease specialist who suggested to so that an outpatient hepatological follow-up at our hospital
introduce an experimental therapy based on hydroxychloroquine was required.
with an initial loading dose of 800 mg/day for the first day,
and then 400 mg/day on the following days, for a total of
Due to a significant increase in AST (97 U/L) and ALT (362
U/L) levels along with a moderately increased gamma-GT values In the first place this case history raises questions regarding
(66 U/L) further laboratory investigations were needed to search differential diagnosis. The overlapping of psychopathological
for the antigens of the main hepatotropic viruses that were absent. symptoms with the gastrointestinal manifestations of COVID-
Hydroxychloroquine therapy was suspended on 2/4/2020, one 19, subject to ongoing examination, have made both diagnosis
week after it was started. and treatment complex. Administering the EDI-2 consisting
Furthermore, the execution of an abdominal ultrasound did of 91 questions divided into 11 subscales, enabled us to
not show morphological and structural alterations of the liver exclude a concomitant eating disorder in the patient, despite
and biliary tract; finally, a parasitological examination was carried her medical history showing a predisposition, above all in
out on the stool, which was also negative on three samples. new acute phases of depression, for restrictive food intake
The consultation with the hepatologist confirmed the presence and self-induced vomiting. The subscales in which she scored
of drug-induced liver disease rather than a direct damage significantly were those of “drive for thinness”, “interpersonal
from SARS-CoV-2. distrust”, “impulse regulation”, “social insecurity”, “maturity
There was a weight loss of about 7 kg in 2 weeks with a change fears” and “inadequacy”. The patient scored highest (19) on
in the BMI from 24.22 to 21.8. The EDI-2 (10) was administered the latter two subscales. Total scoring may be related to the

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 3 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 568553

Borriello et al. COVID-19: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood Disorder

FIGURE 1 | Trend of liver values.

personological pattern associated with the patient’s Borderline the inflammatory response to the infection, or both mechanisms.
Personality Disorder, marked by poor self-image, feelings of The persistence of gastrointestinal symptoms, already evidenced
uselessness, emptiness, inadequacy and lack of control over from the second day of hospitalization on our ward, despite
relational dynamics, associated with a tendency to regress and treatment with hydroxychloroquine, led us to suspend this
shelter behind childish behaviors due to a fear of maturity. treatment after a week on the advice of the infectious diseases
Moreover, these characteristics correspond to clinical elements specialist. Subsequently, we witnessed a clinical improvement
already highlighted during previous hospital stays. with the patient gradually starting to ingest food and a cessation
As further evidence of the correlation of gastrointestinal of nausea and vomiting after meals. Two days after this
symptoms with a SARS-CoV-2 infection we note that improvement a nasopharyngeal swab proved negative. Following
psychopathological symptoms improved rapidly as opposed this result we were inclined to see a close correlation between viral
to the patient’s overall condition. The patient manifested a load negativization and the improved clinical picture.
regression of self-harm ideation and a clear improvement The infectious diseases specialist speculated that treatment
of her dysthymia prior to the remission of nausea, vomiting with hydroxychloroquine caused the iatrogenic damage
and diarrhea, to the point that her hospital stay was extended previously documented in the literature and that the same
to 4 weeks in order to cure the infection. When the patient treatment used as preventive medicine for COVID-19 was of
entered the ward we were also able to ascertain the presence of a dubious efficiency (11). Nowadays the use of hydroxychloroquine
depressive episode by means of the Hamilton D evaluation scale. in COVID-19 is not recommended (12).
We chose HRSD supposing that physical symptoms were linked In our case study other specialists excluded the direct liver
with depressive episode as previously observed damage by SARS-CoV-2 which is not confirmed even by recent
The patient was put on a course of slow titration studies that recommend to better investigate the causes of liver
SSRI antidepressants so as not to worsen her injury in patients with COVID-19 and the effect of treatment for
gastrointestinal symptoms. COVID-19 on the liver (13).
Implementing hospital protocol for cases testing positive We had a constant dialogue with the patient and her family.
for Sar-Cov2 enabled a close monitoring of blood chemistry Management of side effects complicated hospital admission,
tests considered to be useful in controlling the development of prolonged the hospital stay and determined careful handling of
COVID-19. The discovery of significantly altered liver function the patient relationship and relations with family members.
made the treatment of the infection critical, requiring greater
caution with regard to the titration of the antidepressant
drugs prescribed. CONCLUSIONS
One problem we faced was discriminating between potential
liver damage caused by SARS-CoV-2 and iatrogenic damage The current health emergency has severely impacted the Italian
caused by hydroxychloroquine used experimentally to modulate National Health Service and necessitated a reorganization of

Frontiers in Psychiatry | 4 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 568553

Borriello et al. COVID-19: Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Mood Disorder

Mental Health Services and Facilities in order to meet social COVID-19 patients. There was a clear need to acquire new
distancing requirements and to curb the spread of the epidemic. skills and to provide a clinical multidisciplinary evaluation by
In our case it has proved necessary to set up a SPCD COVID ward administering both psychological and laboratory tests.
dedicated to accommodating patients with acute disorders who We were in the first critical phase of the pandemic and at
have been tested molecularly. that time it has been very difficult to deal with patients with
It is well-known that access to general health services on the undergoing infection and the presentation symptoms widely
part of psychiatric patients is restricted and that often symptoms recognized were respiratory. Gastrointestinal symptoms and
manifested by patients are underrated and attributed to their hepatitis were still being studied.
history of psychiatric disorders. In our case too, the patient visited The main limitation of this paper is the only one case report
Accident and Emergency twice in the days leading up to her in our experience in the first pandemic period. It’s important to
admission manifesting a fever which was noted in her medical add other similar cases to improve our skills to recognize covid
history. The patient only underwent a diagnostic test for SARS- symptoms between psychiatric symptoms and drug side effects
CoV-2 upon entry to the SPDC. These circumstances led us to (i.e., Hydroxychloroquine).
urge Emergency Services to carry out a more attentive evaluation
of psychiatric patients as a piece of an overall picture taking DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
into account general health and correlated COVID-19 symptoms
in a population of fragile and complex patients who are also The original contributions presented in the study are included
at greater risk due to a high frequency of unpredictable and in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be
promiscuous behaviors. directed to the corresponding author/s.
This case history refocuses attention on the importance of
psychiatric medical history, the correct use of evaluation scales AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
complementary to a diagnosis, especially where it is difficult to
establish a differential diagnosis, prescription of treatment and All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual
management of complications. In this case report we suggest contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
to test the patient with specific scales in order to make a
differential diagnosis between gastrointestinal COVID-19 and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
eating disorder.
During this pandemic, specialists from various fields were We thank Dr. Martina Sommariva, Language Specialist, for
called upon to support teams working on wards reserved for the support.

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Frontiers in Psychiatry | 5 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 568553

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