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This drill was carried out as a combined exercise of ISM and ISPS allowed within regulations for
ISPS procedures as per SOLAS, Chapter XI-2, Part B, Regulation 13.7.3.

Date/Time: 31-Jan-15 at 1000 Hrs (SMT = GMT + 11)

Geographic Position: 33 06 S / 151 51 E (At Sea, drifting off Newcastle)
Emergency Drill Theme: Stranding/Grounding (ISM) + Hijacking (ISPS) + Use Of Ship As A Weapon
(ISPS) - Combined .
Weather Condition: Wind: SW x 4, Sky Partly Cloudy, Visibility Good, Barometer 1007 hpa, Air
Temperature 25°C and seawater temperature 24° C.

Simulated Drill Scenario Planned By: Chief Officer & Third Officer.
Simulated Drill Scenario Planned On: 30-Jan-15.
Simulated Drill Scenario: Assumed vessel navigating at the coast of Newcastle when terrorists
boarded and hijacked the vessel to use it as a weapon to run it aground outside the port facility to
paralyse all traffic movement in the port thus ceasing all port operations.

Drill Events/Details:

1000 Saw one small manned boat which headed directly towards the ship’s bow rammed onto
the hull abreast hatch no.1 on the starboard side (Simulated).
1001 Men from the boat threw ropes with grapnel hook on the ship’s railings and commenced
boarding the vessel.
1003 General alarm raised by Master from the bridge followed by an announcement of
Hijack!! Hijack!! Hijack!! (Actually Done).
1005 SSAS transmitted (Simulated. Tried out on 14-Dec-2014).
1005 VDR Stopped (Simulated).
1007 Found all crew mustered at the general muster point with life jackets and immersion
suits as instructed. C/O took head count and found all OK. Missing person was C/E as he
was in the engine control room manning the engine room which he informed by phone
(Actually Done).
1010 Contacted Company (Simulated).
1012 C/O reported same to Master on Walkie Talkie. C/O informed the crew to assume the
ship had been HIJACKED by pirates hence all required to muster on the wheel house
(Actually Done).
1013 Contacted Company (Simulated).
1014 Company informed through OS-0801-PC. (Simulated).
1017 All water tight doors closed and external doors closed from inside by crew on their way
up to the wheel house (Actually Done).
1018 Contacted Company (Simulated).

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1020 All reported to their respective team heads as per duties explained previously in the
safety meeting in the wheelhouse (Actually Done).


1022 General alarm sounded by Master from the bridge followed by an announcement of
“The ship has touched bottom, I repeat, the ship has touched bottom” (Actually Done).
1023 Engines Crash Stopped (Simulated).
1024 Hold water ingress alarm and panel checked for hold no.1 and other holds (Actually
1024 Echo sounder switched on (Actually done).
1029 Ship’s data checked for Australia’s Organizational contact (Actually Done).
1030 Above located and activated contact. Requested for assistance in given position
1031 C/O informed the crew to assume the ship had touched bottom and run aground and act
accordingly (Actually Done).
1032 3/O and two seamen came on the bridge immediately. Position and weather recorded
by 3/O (Actually Done).
1032 All vessels in the vicinity informed over VHF (Simulated).
1034 Raised distress alert on MF/HF DSC (Simulated).
1035 Position and weather recorded by 3/O (Actually Done).
1036 Master called the engine room to inform not to use engines under any circumstance to
avoid any possible damage to the propeller (Actually Done).
1038 Engine seawater intake changed over to high sea suction (Actually done).
1038 Switched on second radar for good order (Actually done).
1040 Engineers started detailed examination of the engine room for damages (Actually done).
Fourth Engineer started to take oil tank soundings. (Actually done).
1045 Contacted Company (Simulated).
1045 Monitored water ingress alarm system which showed water ingress in the hold
1045 2/O on wheelhouse to calculate next high tide for possible re-floating (Actually Done).
1047 Emergency fire pump and deck compressor started. (Actually done).
1048 Both steering motors switched on (Actually done) (This was done only to test the
1049 Fire and GS pump started (Actually Done).
1050 Master made telephone call to shore emergency response team to inform situation. Also
asked to make arrangements for salvage, emergency towage which may be required.
1050 Stranding/Grounding check list S-0902-CU filled up (Actually done, attached).
1050 C/E reported that vessel stopped for damage investigation (Simulated).
1050 One seaman changed over steering from auto to hand (Actually Done).
1050 Commenced pumping out bilges of no.1 hold (Simulated).
1052 Deck cadet sent for soundings (Simulated).
1053 3/O reminded Master to display “NUC” shapes, Master agreed and asked 3/O to exhibit
same (Actually Done). Subsequently updated AIS (Simulated).
1053 2/O reported that life boat prepared for emergency evacuation. Painters made fast and
boat plugs checked (Actually done).
1053 Kept look out on both the wings for oil spillage/ any casualty as instructed by the Master
(Actually Done).
1053 C/O and his team completed search for damage and pollution. Found None. Deck cadet’s
sounding in progress. (Actually done to check time required).
1055 C/O and Bosun commenced seaside soundings with lead line (Actually no action taken).

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1055 Engine room reported normal. No damages. No water ingress. All watertight openings
intact (Actually Done).
1055 Deck reported normal. No Damages. No water ingress. All watertight openings intact
(Actually Done).
1057 C/O checking arrangements for emergency towing, if necessary to pull out the ship.
(Actually checked in deck stores).
1057 Contacted Company (Simulated).
1057 All proceeded to ship’s office for table top explanation (Actually Done).
1110 Drill called off. All proceeded for regular duties.

Tests actually carried out:

Steering Gear Low Level Alarm by E/O & 3/O.

Emergency Fire Pump tested by C/E & C/O.
Deck Compressor tested by 3/E.
Fwd Fog Horn tested by 3/O.
Navigational lights tested by 3/O.
Main mast all lights tested by 3/O.
Fore Peak store bilge alarm by C/O.
Fore Peak store dewatering system by C/O.

Table Top Exercise Carried out after Practical Exercise in Ship’s Office:

Purpose of Emergency Technical Assistance Service by class NK – Explained by Master.

Emergency Towage – Explained by C/O.

List of Documents Attached:

Initial contact OS-0801-PC.

Stranding / Grounding checklist S-0902-CU.
Log Book entries.
Organization Contact of Australia.
Copies of Log Books.
Training Form OS-1201-TR.


Master - The drill was reviewed and was found to be carried out satisfactorily. Additional
aspects such as rough weather, temperatures, human panic, possibility of injury to
rescuers, possibility of additional injury to body during transfer, etc to be considered.
The above drill was carried out differently from the past drills in order to make the
exercise effective. The above report details the sequence of events actually done. The
ones which were not done are mentioned in bold. This effort of carrying out the drill in a
new manner was adopted after discussion with all the senior officers on board and the
designated person ashore to close the observation made by the external office auditor
last year and at the same time make the drills more effective and practical. Additionally,
the department of “Spill Prevention Preparedness and Response Program”, Columbia
River, USA recommended to create an emergency towing plan, hold an emergency
towing drill at least quarterly and that all written emergency procedures are in one
folder on bridge. The report was dated 17-Sep-10. Company revised her emergency
towing procedure to suit the new requirements. Same was followed on this occasion.
Master (Regarding Shore Assistance) – The Master hand contacted the Port Captain and
CSO, Capt. Jack Tseng and the Technical Director, Mr. J K.R. Rawal. The Master made the
calls unannounced as per instructions from the DPA to catch the company’s ERT
(Emergency Response Team) off guard and check out the response. The response was
quite satisfactory as the ERT was able to immediately give the vessel contact details of
local assistance and also provided details of assisting tug which could be hired from the
closes port for assisting the vessel to uproot from the sea bed. The CSO also informed
the Master over the phone regarding the details of the shore police and other patrolling
authorities who can be considered to assist the vessel in case of hijack. Lastly, the CSO

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had a live SSAS test a week before prior to the drill with the company and the flag state
to ensure that the vessel was equipped in all ways to communicate the dangers
encountered by her.
Chief Engineer – Other possibilities such as the same emergency in night time that is in
hours of darkness would have been a totally different scenario. Also, crack arrestors are
a good option in such difficult times for temporary relief.
Chief Officer - The drill was carried out during day light situation. The problems,
difficulties and the additional operations that would have been required to perform for a
night situation were discussed in details. Some useful tips were received form the crew
as well. All items taken out of the fwd store, life boats, etc were squared up. All timings
noted by 3/O as received reports on the walkie talkie. The Chief Officer finally told all the
staff regarding the importance of reporting these types of situation to the flag state and
other parties which would one day result in circulars and notes being published and
circulated to all. In our case it is the Hong Kong Marine Department who are to be
notified through their designated forms. They later become notices and are circulated to
the all the other vessels and flag states for the enhancement of safety and security in the
world of maritime industry.
Second Engineer - The staff was found to be well versed with their duties and more
oriented. The company’s SMS procedures were followed and found to be well
conversant with all possible aspects for the drill and/or emergency.

Emergency Stations:

Bridge Team / Response Team – Master, Third Officer & Seaman.

Duties - Assist Master, Lookout, Log events, Navigation Safety, Communications and GMDSS
procedures. Reporting to owners and other authorities.

Engine Team – Chief Engineer, Third Engineer & Motorman.

Duties - Respond to engine orders from wheelhouse. Provide all general deck services like water
and air. Follow instructions from Master.

On Scene Command Team – Chief Officer, Second Engineer, Electrical Officer, Fitter, Boatswain,
Seaman, Motorman
Duties - Detailed examination, Inform Master status of damage, temp repairs, Observe for
pollution, fire, and any other emergency, Anti pollution measures, preparation for evacuation or
helicopter lift, selection of rescue party and preparation of rescue boat for launching & follow

Emergency Survival and First Aid Team – Second Officer, Cook & Steward.
Duties - Keep emergency lifeboat ready for immediate launching. Stand by with first aid.

Utility Team – Cadets, Trainee Seamen, Wipers, Ordinary Seaman, Junior Seaman & Any Other
Crew Member.
Duties - All ballast tanks, Fuel Tanks, Void spaces, Cofferdams, Cargo hold bilges, Chain lockers,
Cargo holds, Peak stores are to be sounded and reported. Any special requirements which may be
required by the Master or any officer during or by the special circumstance of the case.

Safety Representative
Mr. Manna Uttam Kumar (Bosun)

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Safety Representative
Mr. Singh Satyanarain (2/E)

Safety Officer
Mr. Waliur Md. Rahman (C/O)

Chief Engineer
Mr. Rangan Guha

Capt. Sudip Ghosh

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