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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Module 4: Looking Back at Human Biocultural and Social Evolution

Pre Test

1. C 6. A
2. A 7. C
3. A 8. B
4. D 9. D
5. D 10. B


Guide Questions:
a. What does the picture tell?
- The picture tells the evolution of man. It shows the changes in
appearance and behavior of the ancient humans also known as
our ancestors.
b. Describe their appearance.
- The first and second phase of the species shows an ape-like
appearance. The third phase shows a change in the species' face
shape and its posture. The fourth phase shows a more human-
like face. Finally, the fifth phase shows how a human looks and
behaves in the present.
c. Based on your judgment, do you agree with the caption of the
picture? Yes or no? Why?
- Yes, because the people who discovered it provide factual
evidence that will justify this theory. Thus, the evidence is enough
to explain that the common depiction of evolution is considered as


Early Humans Characteristics

Hominid A group that includes humans and their closest
relatives. The general term used to categorize the
group of early humans and other humanlike
creatures that can walk and erect during the
prehistoric period
Homo Habilis A new kind of hominid emerged two million years
ago. At this point, the bipedal primates developed
handedness, giving them the ability to pick up
things like sticks and stones to use them. They
were the first ones to discover primitive technology
by using stone tools and use them for living.
Homo Erectus Another kind of hominid that also appeared two
million years ago. The name Homo Erectus was
given because they walked fully upright, in Latin
Homo Erectus means "upright man". They are a
human of medium stature that walked upright. They
have a larger brain and bones but smaller teeth
unlike to other hominids. It appears that they are
the first ones to use fire and have better
equipment. It is suspected that they are the first to
develop spoken language.
Homo Sapiens Thousand years ago a new group appeared,
named Homo Sapiens that means "wise man". The
species that all humans living on this planet belong
to. They are anatomically similar and related to
great apes but are distinguished by a more highly
developed brain and a resultant capacity for
articulate speech and abstract reasoning. With
these characteristics, they later developed the first
real signs of culture.


Paleolithic Period Neolithic Period Age of Metals

- Old Stone Age - New Stone Age - copper age

- used rough stones for - Agriculture - bronze age

-Polished stones - iron metal for weapons
- discovery of fire
- Domestication of
- nomadic people animals



Callao Man
Reaction Paper

After researching about Callao Man of the Philippines, I had found a lot of interesting
articles and videos that provide information about this amazing discovery. The Callao
man, also dubbed as Homo Luzonensis, was found in the Callao Cave of Cagayan
Province. The discovery was led by Armand Mijares, an archeologist and professor in
the University of the Philippines along with a team of Filipino, French, and Australian
archeologists. This discovery was branded as a remarkable finding that will reassess
our knowledge about the evolution of our ancestors.

I know that the evolution of our species is quite messy, given that it was hard finding
fossils and artifact that is buried underground. But it was also fascinating tracing what
life does early humans have, particularly on people like an archeologist, anthropologist,
and paleontologist. The journey of finding the remains takes a lot of time. I want to
praise every person behind the discovery of Callao Man, their patience is incredible
particularly the head of the team, Dr. Armand Mijares, who starts the excavation on the
Callao Cave in 2003 before the discovery of a foot bone in 2007 that made the
archeologists hope for more discovery, but it took more years to completely found the
other bones. Exactly 12 bones and teeth are found exactly at the same spot where the
first foot bone was found. The scientists believe that these bones are from three
different people that live 67,000 years ago. It also believes that the finding is a new
species. This outstanding discovery paid off the hard work of the scientists' dedication
and passion to excavate the hidden knowledge that contributed to the world's
knowledge about history.

This research gives me insights into the discovery of Callao Man in the Philippines and
the dedication of the people behind the discovery. I have learned that dedication and
hardship on something you are working on will not disappoint you, It will give you the
best experiences and sweetest success.

a. Prove that early humans are artistic. The primitive tools that led professionals to
discover the life of early humans are
enough evidence to prove that these early
humans are creative enough to create
something useful that reflects the lifestyle
they have.

b. How did they lived and survived in the Nature helps them to survive. They hunt
past? animals and search for wilds fruits for food.
They created primitive tools with available
resources such as stones that enable
them to cut and pound, accessing the new
kinds of food including meats from large
animals. Wearing animal's skins protects
early humans from the environment. They
used trees and caves as their shelter that
keeps them from the danger of wild

c. What characteristics or traits they have The characteristics of early humans that
showed that we can emulate and apply in the current people should adopt are being
our present situation? Why? flexible and innovative. By this, people can
live in an environment with more wits and
discover a lot of knowledge that will help
them to live a life beyond expectation.

A. B.

1. Early Humans 1. Cultural Evolution - It refers to the changes or

2. Paleontologist development in cultures from a simple form to a more
3. Prehistoric period complex form of human culture.
4. Study of Human History
5. Archeology 2. Bipedalism - the ability to walk on two legs and is also
considered as one of the earliest human attributions that
evolved 4 million years ago.

3. Homo Sapiens - early human that has a physical and

genetic similarities to primate species, the apes.

From this lesson, what insights have you learned? What knowledge have you gained
from the lives of our ancestors? Write your inputs on the space provided.

In this lesson, I learned about the origin of early humans and their
characteristics. The primitive's tools that were discovered by archeologists that
uncovered the historical event of the evolution of early humans. The
development of our ancestors made me realize that humans are capable to
adapt different changes in the environment and live their life with the
knowledge that nature taught them.

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