Assignment 2

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CAJATE Date: 5/2/21

Student Number: 20-02859

Principles and Theories of Management

1. Define the term management.
Management is a set of principles relating to functions of planning,
organizing, directing and controlling, and the application of these principles in
harnessing physical, financial, human, and informational resources efficiently
and effectively to achieve organizational goals.

According to Van Fleet and Peterson, management is a set of activities

directed at the efficient and effective utilization of resources in the pursuit of
one or more goals. Meggin, Mosley and Pietri define management as working
with human, financial, and physical resources to achieve organizational
objectives by performing the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

Management in some forms or another is an integral part of living and is

essential wherever human efforts are to be undertaken to achieve desired
objectives. The basic ingredients of management are always at play, whether we
manage our lives or our business.

2. What is the difference between managers and leaders?

The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have
people follow them and managers have people that works for them. A successful
business owner needs to be both a strong leader and manager to get their team
on board to follow them towards their vision of success.

A leader has certain inherent qualities and traits which assist him in
playing a directing role and wielding commanding influence with others.

Leadership is an integral part of management and plays a vital role in

managerial operations, while management is an integral component of technical
as well as social processes. The practice of management is as old as human
civilization. However, the study of management in a systematic and scientific
way as a distinct body of knowledge is only of recent origin.

3. What are the operative functions of management?

There are basically five primary operative functions of management,
these are planning; organizing; staffing; directing and controlling.
The controlling function comprises coordination, reporting, and
budgeting. Hence, the controlling function can be broken into these three
separate functions.
A. Planning
Is future – oriented and determines an organization’s direction. It is a
rational and systematic way of making decisions today that will affect the future
of the company. It is a kind of organized foresight as well as corrective
hindsight. It involves predicting of the future as well as attempting to control
the events. It involves the ability to foresee the effects of current actions in the
long run in the future.

Planning is the continuous process of making present entrepreneurial

decisions systematically and with best possible knowledge of their futurity,
organizing systematically the efforts needed to carry out these decisions against
the expectations through organized and systematic feedback.

B. Organizing
Organizing requires a formal structure of authority and the direction and
flow of such authority through which work subdivisions are defined, arranged,
and coordinated so that each part relates to the other part in a united and
coherent manner so as to attain the prescribed objectives.
The function of organizing involves the determination of activities that
needed to be done in order to reach the company goals, assigning these
activities to the proper personnel, and delegating the necessary authority to
carry out these activities in a coordinated and cohesive manner.

C. Staffing
Staffing is the function of hiring and retaining a suitable work force for
the enterprise both at managerial as well as non-managerial levels. It involves
the process of recruiting, training, developing, compensating, and evaluating
employees and maintaining this workforce with proper incentives and
motivations. Since the human element is the most vital factor in the process of
management, it is important to recruit the right personnel.

D. Directing
The directing function is concerned is concerned with leadership,
communication, motivation, and supervision so that the employees perform
their activities in the most efficient manner possible, in order to achieve the
desired goals. The leadership element in directing involves issuing instructions
and guiding the subordinates about procedures and methods. Supervising
subordinates would lead to continuous progress reports as well as assure the
superiors that the directions are being properly carried out.
E. Controlling
The function of control consists of those activities that are undertaken to
ensure that the events do not deviate from the pre-arranged plans. The
activities consist of establishing standards for work performance, measuring
performance and comparing it to these set standards, and taking corrective
actions and when needed, to correct any deviations.

4. Cite a theory in management and how it can be applied in the workplace.

Understanding and applying the best practices from management theories can
help an individual to be more effective in guiding the organizational success.
One example of this is the Human Relations Theory developed by Elton Mayo,
who conducted experiments designed to improved productivity that laid the
foundation for the human relations movement. His focus was on changing
working conditions like lightning, break times and the length of the workday.
Every change he tested was met with an improvement in performance.
Ultimately, he concluded that the improvements were not due to the change but
the result of the researchers paying attention to the employees and making
them feel valued.

These improvements gave rise to the theory that employees are more motivated
by personal attention and being part of a group than they are by money or even
working conditions.

5. Assuming you are the president of this country, state 5 interventions that will
help bail us out from the adverse effect of the pandemic.

Assuming to be the president of this country, the five interventions which I will
work with will be the following:

1. Imposed total lockdown especially on areas with higher cases and morbidity
2. Bring about more responsible policy response for the people.
3. Create economic incentives to increase the deployment of federal money
capacity in short term to address health crisis.
4. Augment government response efforts to decrease deterioration.
5. Balance and security on the cash grants, food relief, to every family on
places being restricted due to quarantine to ensure that the people will not
leave the premises of their home to look for food to eat.

6. A lot of businessmen are losing everyday due to pandemic. What managerial

strategies would you employ in these uncertain times?
During these uncertain times, it is wise to make strategic cost cutting decisions
based on their customers’ needs. Peanut butter approach or blanket approach
when trying to take down costs. Next is to continue to innovate things that will
help the business to be more successful. Always keep your customer informed
on the changes of prices, modes of delivery, services offered. Update yourself
and the business on the streamline process because online platform offers a
variety of crowd your business can reach.

7. Are the theories in management always reliable? Defend your answer.

It would be a yes. Management theory is a set of interrelated principles
which attempts to present in a coherent manner, loose facts about human
behavior in an organization. It is simply a statement predicting which actions
will lead to what results and why. Essentially management theory provides
logical reasoning in the form of a set broad principles that provide general frame
reference by which management practice can be evaluated and the development
of new practices and procedures are based. It is instructive to note that every
action that managers take and every plan they formulate is based on some
theory at the back of their minds that makes them expect actions that they
contemplate will lead to results they envision.

8. Are managers born or made? Argue.

For many ambitious workers the measure of success lies just ahead the path
toward management. Career arcs in a wide variety of sectors are simply built
that way, and sooner or later, the serious-minded employee finds him or herself
champing at the bit to be a leader. Relying on talent alone cannot guarantee
success. You can improve in any area you choose as long you are ready and
willing to work hard and learn.

Manager are born in the sense that good managers are selected by nature since
a person was born with characteristics which make one to become a good
manager. Charisma or trait is a quality which is generated from inside a person
which could be a main factor in making anyone to become a good manager.

Managers are made since no one is born perfect, every person has to work for
acquiring skills. As the saying goes, “practice makes it perfect”, training on the
knowledge and skills to be a good manager.

Any individual who intends to be good manager without innate characteristic

can be developed by learning and training to change to the appropriate
characteristic, which is required in a good manager.

9. What factors would you consider in order to survive and thrive during this time
of global health emergency?
The global health emergency created vast economic and social
repercussions. Even with certain economies slowly and cautiously reopening,
the combined effect of the pandemic and the necessary mitigation measures
such as prolonged lockdown and physical distancing, has led to a global
recession largely because of the rare twin supply demand shock.
So, in order to survive and thrive, we could do the following;

Combine speed and stability. Since organizational agility is the ability of

the company to quickly change or adapt in response to the tumultuous and
rapidly changing market. This includes being innovative and dynamic in its
thinking and actions.
Another one is to turn digitization into an advantage, since the challenge
now is to not only sustain productivity level through digitized operations, but to
refocus on new opportunities spurred by digitalization for their work and

10.What is more important in management: emotion or logic? Expound.

In my opinion, logic is more important that emotion. It is because logic
provides people with the right mindset and framework that they function in
their day to day life. It gives you a firm standing on the ground or principles
that the organization sets in to. Logic requires you to be calm and to be a
rational thinker. It’s just that emotion is favored than necessary because we feel

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