Covid-19 Mitigation Plan

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1. Purpose

VICS Construction Company is Committed to protect the 'health, safety and welfare’ of
its employees, as well as its clients, partners, suppliers and the general public.

This procedure is intended to safeguard the employees and provide for business
continuity, in particular, all the work activities at various sites, Head Office, Camps and
Ware houses. It shall be implemented across the company to mitigate the infection and
spread of corona virus COVID-19.

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Along with this document, instructions and regulations from the local and international
authorities have to be followed.

2.0 COVID-19 Core Committee

The Company will form a Site Emergency Response Team that it is responsible to
implement the guidelines established on this plan.

S/ Emp. No Name Position Location Contact No

1 To be
displayed on
2 ‘’
3 ‘’
4 ‘’

3. Communication Channel

In the event of suspected and/or confirmed cases of COVID-19 occurred in any of the
Site/operations, it will be communicated immediately to the Site Emergency Response

The communication protocol will follow the established Emergency Response Plan.

All the personnel are requested to refrain posting any suspected or confirmed of COVID-
19 in the Site/operations to avoid causing panic and releasing unofficial & wrong

4. Plan

The overall phases of this plan to respond to COVID-19 are:

 Prevent: Take possible precautions to avert any COVID-19 infections at work

 Contain: Detect early cases, follow up close contacts, and prevent the disease
from taking hold in the company for as long as is reasonably possible
 Mitigate: Create an awareness on prevention methods, provide best care possible
for employees who become ill, to minimize the overall impact of the disease on
the business progress and the company

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5.0. COVID-19 Operating Procedure:

This procedure contains the guidelines on how to prevent and handle a possible case of
COVID-19 in Projects.

Before going through the specific guidelines, employees must know what the symptoms
of COVID-19 are;

i. Fever
ii. Cough
iii. Shortness of breath
iv. Diarrhea
v. Aches
vi. Tiredness

The mode of transmission is still unknown but available information states that the virus
is transmitted through contact with infected humans and animals and droplets from
coughing and sneezing.

5.1. Precautionary Measures (as per WHO guidelines)

 Wash your hands frequently -Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an
alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
 Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub
kills viruses that may be on your hands.
 Maintain social distancing -Maintain at least 2 metre (6 feet) distance between
yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. - Why? When someone coughs
or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may
contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the
COVID-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.
 Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth –refrain from all forms of physical
greetings which will result in you coming in contact with an infected person.-
Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated,
hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus
can enter your body and can make yousick.
 Practice respiratory hygiene -Make sure you, and the people around you, follow
good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your
bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue
immediately.- Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory
hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and
 If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

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The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed and all possible prevention
measures highlighted below shall be implemented in the company as a pro-active

In this direction, Mass gatherings such as tool box meetings at site shall be temporarily
suspended as an ideal measure to prevent infections and in-lieu on-site safety briefings
shall be carried out. Virtual meetings and telephone discussions are encouraged in place
of Face-Face meetings. However, where visual and telephone discussions are possible,
very few workers will be gathered taking social distancing into consideration for
meetings. Such meetings will be conducted in batches.

5.1.1. Hand Hygiene

Basic habits of personal hygiene such as frequent hand washing with soap and water for
at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after
blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, shall be encouraged with all the employees,
which is an effective mode of infection prevention.

If access to soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least
60% alcohol shall be used.

5.1.2. Clean and Disinfect:

Regular cleaning and surface disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Door handles, meeting tables, toilets, water closets, Office and site cafeteria, dining halls,
personal laptops, phones, etc. shall be done periodically in order to prevent the possible
spread of infection.

5.2. Health Checks:

Body temperature of all personnel at the corporate office, sites, camp and divisions will
be monitored and recorded by the medical teams and/or site First Aiders periodically.

Employees Clinic/Health Checks Remarks

Under Camp Quarantine Daily Medical Team to ensure
Corp. office/Operational Daily covering the body
Offices Temperature checks of all
Project Site/Accommodation Weekly employees with in the
required frequency, and
submit the report to
HSE, GM Project. Admin &

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Any personnel with fever (body temperature of 38°C or above) has to be immediately
transported to the retainer ship facility for further assessment by medics.

On the outcome of the assessment of medic, the presumptive case shall be shifted to the
government isolation facility via Ambulance.

5.3. Pickup & transportation:

 5.3.1 from Camp to Site:

Every working personnel living far from site shall travel by a bus provided by the
company. The bus shall be provided with mask and hand gloves while travelling.

All buses shall be disinfected properly after transportation to the site / Accommodation.

Each bus shall be provided with complete awareness posters to be followed.

 5.3.2 Handling of suspected cases of COVID-19

This is applicable for picking up and transportation all the personnel arriving to the Site,
Offices and accommodation after travelling, (and therefore will be subjected to 14 days
of quarantine), as well as for transporting personnel under quarantine or any suspected
COVID-19 case (personnel with fever).

Steps Remarks

1 Dedicated drivers with a specific induction for this task to be used

2 Driver to ensure it has available disposable appropriate masks, gloves and the kits
for the employee (s) before proceeding for pickup. Hand sanitizer/alcohol must be
Available in the drivers’ vehicle.

3 Once arrived at the pickup place, driver to wear the disposable mask and the
gloves before approaching the employee (s)
4 Driver to handover the COVID-19 protective kit to the employee. The kit
contains disposable mask gloves and sanitizer/alcohol as well as a copy of this
5 Employee to perform hand sanitation and ensure wearing the mask and gloves
before entering to the vehicle.

Employee to take good care of his/her own luggage without the aid from the
driver if the destination is staff camp
Before proceeding to the camp office for registration, employee and driver to

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proceed to company clinic for cross check which includes check of temperature
(Health screening questionnaire to be used by company clinic medical team for
In case the employee has fever, company clinic to contact administration team
and the employee has to be transported to the nearest hospital for further
Driver to disinfect the vehicle after use.

5.4. What to do if you have been in close contact with a COVID-19 case

Close contact is defined as:

Being within approximately 1 meter of a COVID-19 case for a prolonged period of time;
close contact can occur while caring for, living with, visiting or sharing a health care
waiting area or room with a COVI D-19 case.


Having direct contact with infectious secretions of a COVID-19 case (e.g., being coughed

In those cases, avoid any physical contact with others and immediately call the medical
team (number posted inside the room); after assessment of your exposure, you will be
quarantined if required.

5.5. Gatherings (i.e. meetings, events, toolbox talks, trainings, etc.

Mass gatherings such as tool box meetings at site shall be temporarily suspended as an
ideal measure to prevent infections and in-lieu on-site safety briefings shall be carried
out. Virtual meetings and telephone discussions are encouraged in place of Face-Face
meetings. If there is no other option but to hold a meeting, the number of attendees has to
be minimized. The recommendation of World Health Organization to maintain a
minimum of 2-meter distance between persons has to be followed.

LCC discourages public events and team sport activities involving contact (basketball,
football, etc.). Any gathering of more than 100 people is suspended until further notice.

Use of gyms shall be monitor with a maximum amount of people using simultaneously,
by establishing shifts if necessary.

5.6. Response Preparedness, in the event of identification of COVID-19 symptoms:

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Covid-19 dedicated helpdesk shall be established at Corporate Office, control centre shall
be established in the camps and work sites. Each control centre will comprise of the
response team including Camp Boss, Camp Supervisor, HSE personnel, HR & Admin
team, Site Administrators and Paramedic team.

In case of related symptoms, employees shall inform the Emergency Response Team for
further assessment through medical surveillance

Once the signs/symptoms of Covid-19 infection are evidenced, the affected person shall
be immediately isolated while NCDC is contacted for prompt actions.

5.7. General Steps to minimize Employees exposure to Covid-19 on site

The implementation of safe work practices to limit exposure to COVID-19 at work

requires first assessing the risks, and then implementing the hierarchy of controls. This
means putting in place control measures to first eliminate the risk and if this is not
possible, minimize worker exposure. LCC would first with collective measures and if
necessary supplement them with individual measures, such as personal protective
equipment (PPE). Below are some examples of control measures, however, not all of
them will be applicable to all workplaces or jobs due to their nature.

 Only workers who are essential to the job will present at the workplace and minimize
the presence of third parties.
 Reduce, as far as possible, physical contact between workers (e.g. during meetings or
during breaks). Isolate workers who can carry out their tasks alone safely and who do
not require specialized equipment or machinery that cannot be moved. For example,
whenever possible, Management will arrange for them to work alone in a spare
office, staff room, canteen, or meeting room. If possible, ask vulnerable workers to
work from home (older people and those with chronic conditions (including
hypertension, lung or heart problems, diabetes, or who are undergoing cancer
treatment or other immunosuppression). Workers with close family members who are
at high risk may also need to telework.
 Eliminate, and if not possible limit, physical interaction with and between customers.
For example, through online or phone orders, contactless delivery or managed entry
(while also avoiding crowding outside), and physical distancing both inside and
outside the worksites.
 Place an impervious barrier between workers, especially if they are not able to keep a
two-metre distance from each other. If a barrier cannot be used, additional space
between workers would be created
 If close contact is unavoidable, keep it to less than 15 minutes. Reduce contact
between different parts of our business at the start and end of shifts. Arrange the
timing of meal breaks to reduce the number of people sharing a cafeteria, staff room,

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or kitchen. Ensure there is only one worker at a time in bathrooms and changing
rooms. Place a sign on the main door indicating when one of the toilets is in use to
ensure that only one person at a time enters. Organize shifts to take account of
cleaning and sanitation tasks.

 Supply soap and water or appropriate hand sanitizer at convenient places and advise
workers to wash their hands frequently. Clean our premises frequently, especially
counters, door handles, tools and other surfaces that people touch often and provide
good ventilation if possible.
 Avoid excessive workload on cleaning staff by taking appropriate measures, such as
assigning additional staff to the tasks and asking workers to leave their workspace
tidy. Provide workers with tissues and waste bins lined with a plastic bag so that they
can be emptied without contacting the contents.
 If you have identified a risk of infection despite having applied all feasible safety
measures, then provide all necessary PPE. It is important we train workers in correct
use of PPE, ensuring that they follow the guidance available on use of face mask and
 Place posters that encourage staying home when sick, cough and sneeze etiquette,
and hand hygiene at the entrance to the workplace and in other areas where they will
be seen.
 Facilitate workers’ use of individual rather than collective transport, for example by
making available car parking or a place for storing bicycles securely, and
encouraging workers to walk to work, if possible.
 Put in place policies on flexible leave and remote working to limit presence at the
workplace, when needed.

NOTE: COVID-19 Emergency Response is procedure is the same with the Company’s
Emergency Response Procedure and Plan.

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