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3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Panagn Demographic Survey

1 responses

Your Gender
1 out of 1 answered

Male (including transgender men) 1 resp. 100%

Female (including transgender women) 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Prefer not to say 0 resp. 0% 1/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What is your race category?

1 out of 1 answered

Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin 1 resp. 100%

American Indian or Alaska Native 0 resp. 0%

Asian 0 resp. 0%

Black or African American 0 resp. 0%

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 resp. 0%

White 0 resp. 0% 2/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Which language do you feel most comfortable speaking?

1 out of 1 answered

English 1 resp. 100%

Amharic 0 resp. 0%

Arabic 0 resp. 0%

Bengali (Bangla) 0 resp. 0%

Bhojpuri 0 resp. 0%

Burmese 0 resp. 0%

French 0 resp. 0%

Fula 0 resp. 0%

German 0 resp. 0%

Gujarati 0 resp. 0%

Hakka 0 resp. 0% 3/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Hausa 0 resp. 0%

Hindi[a] 0 resp. 0%

Italian 0 resp. 0%

Japanese 0 resp. 0%

Javanese 0 resp. 0%

Jin 0 resp. 0%

Kannada 0 resp. 0%

Korean 0 resp. 0%

Maithili 0 resp. 0%

Malay (inc. Malaysian and Indonesian) 0 resp. 0%

Malayalam 0 resp. 0%

Marathi 0 resp. 0%

Odia (Oriya) 0 resp. 0% 4/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Oromo 0 resp. 0%

Pashto 0 resp. 0%

Persian 0 resp. 0%

Polish 0 resp. 0%

Portuguese 0 resp. 0%

Punjabi 0 resp. 0%

Romanian 0 resp. 0%

Russian 0 resp. 0%

Sindhi 0 resp. 0%

Southern Min (incl. Hokkien and Teochew) 0 resp. 0%

Spanish 0 resp. 0%

Sundanese 0 resp. 0%

Tagalog (Filipino) 0 resp. 0% 5/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Tamil 0 resp. 0%

Telugu 0 resp. 0%

Thai 0 resp. 0%

Turkish 0 resp. 0%

Ukrainian 0 resp. 0%

Urdu 0 resp. 0%

Uzbek 0 resp. 0%

Vietnamese 0 resp. 0%

Wu 0 resp. 0%

Xiang (Hunanese) 0 resp. 0%

Yoruba 0 resp. 0%

Yue (incl. Cantonese) 0 resp. 0% 6/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

How many children do you have?

1 out of 1 answered

2 1 resp. 100%

1 0 resp. 0%

3 or more 0 resp. 0%

None 0 resp. 0%

What is your marital status? *

1 out of 1 answered

Married, or in a domestic partnership 1 resp. 100%

Divorced 0 resp. 0%

Separated 0 resp. 0%

Single (never married) 0 resp. 0% 7/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

How many people, including yourself, live at home with you?

1 out of 1 answered

4.0 Average rating

0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0%

resp. resp. resp. resp. resp. resp. resp.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

1 out of 1 answered

Doctorate 1 resp. 100%

High School 0 resp. 0%

Masters 0 resp. 0%

Undergraduate 0 resp. 0%

Were you ever in the military?

1 out of 1 answered

NO 1 resp. 100%

YES 0 resp. 0% 9/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What is most important to you, Integrity or Relationships?

1 out of 1 answered

Integrity 1 resp. 100%

Relationships 0 resp. 0%

Would you rather be powerful or admired?

1 out of 1 answered

Powerful 1 resp. 100%

Admired 0 resp. 0% 10/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Would you rather give a gift or receive one?

1 out of 1 answered

Give a gift 1 resp. 100%

Receive a gift 0 resp. 0% 11/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Choose up to three of the following actresses that you like the most.
1 out of 1 answered

Sally Field 1 resp. 100%

Amy Adams 0 resp. 0%

Angelina Jolie 0 resp. 0%

Anne Hathaway 0 resp. 0%

Cameron Diaz 0 resp. 0%

Charlize Theron 0 resp. 0%

Jennifer Aniston 0 resp. 0%

Jennifer Lawrence 0 resp. 0%

Meryl Streep 0 resp. 0%

Scarlett Johansson 0 resp. 0% 12/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Which of the following do you dream most about at night? Choose a maximum of three.

1 out of 1 answered

Having your teeth fall out 1 resp. 100%

Being back in school 0 resp. 0%

Being chased 0 resp. 0%

Being late for (or missing) a bus, train, or plane 0 resp. 0%

Being lost 0 resp. 0%

Being paralyzed or unable to speak 0 resp. 0%

Being unprepared for a test or important event 0 resp. 0%

Flying 0 resp. 0%

Going nowhere or moving in slow motion 0 resp. 0%

Having intruders try to break into your house 0 resp. 0%

Mortality 0 resp. 0% 13/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Seeing spiders, snakes, or other creatures 0 resp. 0% 14/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Choose up to three of the following actors that you like the most.
1 out of 1 answered

Jackie Chan 1 resp. 100%

Denzel Washington 0 resp. 0%

Dwane "The Rock" Johnson 0 resp. 0%

Eddy Murphy 0 resp. 0%

Harrison Ford 0 resp. 0%

Jack Nicholson 0 resp. 0%

Morgan Freeman 0 resp. 0%

Other 0 resp. 0%

Samuel L. Jackson 0 resp. 0%

Tom Hanks 0 resp. 0% 15/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Which of the following do you daydream about?

1 out of 1 answered

Being on a beach 1 resp. 100%

Actually speaking your mind 0 resp. 0%

Being somewhere exotic 0 resp. 0%

Doing something adventurous 0 resp. 0%

Errands you need to do 0 resp. 0%

Going on vacation 0 resp. 0%

Meeting the "one" 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Quitting your job 0 resp. 0%

Sex 0 resp. 0%

Sports 0 resp. 0% 16/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Winning the lottery or being rich 0 resp. 0%

Do you value fairness or winning more?

1 out of 1 answered

Winning 1 resp. 100%

Fairness 0 resp. 0%

Do you support abortion?

1 out of 1 answered

Yes 1 resp. 100%

No 0 resp. 0%

Prefer not to say 0 resp. 0%

Under certain conditions 0 resp. 0% 17/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Do you support public school prayer?

1 out of 1 answered

No 1 resp. 100%

Maybe 0 resp. 0%

Yes 0 resp. 0%

Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, Democrat, an *

Independent, or something else?

1 out of 1 answered

Democrat 1 resp. 100%

Independent 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Republican 0 resp. 0% 18/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

In most states in the U.S., people cannot vote in an election unless they fill out a government * form to "register to
vote." Are you currently registered in the state where you live now, or are you not registered to vote there?

1 out of 1 answered

Registered in state where I live 1 resp. 100%

I'm not eligible to vote in the U.S. 0 resp. 0%

Not registered anywhere 0 resp. 0%

Not registered in state where I live 0 resp. 0%

Do you attend political rallies?

1 out of 1 answered

No 1 resp. 100%

Yes 0 resp. 0% 19/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Do you think that the U.S. should expand free public healthcare?

1 out of 1 answered

No 1 resp. 100%

Maybe 0 resp. 0%

Yes 0 resp. 0%

How many times have you been vaccinated for Covid

1 out of 1 answered

Three shots 1 resp. 100%

I have not been vaccinated for Covid 0 resp. 0%

More than than three shots 0 resp. 0%

One shot 0 resp. 0%

Two shots 0 resp. 0% 20/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Have you ever tested positive for Covid?

1 out of 1 answered

No 1 resp. 100%

Yes 0 resp. 0%

If you have never tested positive for Covid, do you suspect that you have had Covid before?
1 out of 1 answered

Yes 1 resp. 100%

I previously tested positive for Covid 0 resp. 0% 21/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Do you think that wearing a mask protects others against catching Covid?
1 out of 1 answered

Yes 1 resp. 100%

Don't know 0 resp. 0%

Maybe 0 resp. 0%

No 0 resp. 0%

How often do you travel for pleasure?

1 out of 1 answered

Never 1 resp. 100%

Regularly 0 resp. 0%

Sometimes 0 resp. 0%

Too much 0 resp. 0% 22/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on the 4th of July?

1 out of 1 answered

Had some alcoholic drinks 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0% 23/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

How often do you travel for business?

1 out of 1 answered

Regularly 1 resp. 100%

Never 0 resp. 0%

Sometimes 0 resp. 0%

Too much 0 resp. 0%

Do you have any health issues?

1 out of 1 answered

None 1 resp. 100%

Serious issues 0 resp. 0%

Some issues 0 resp. 0% 24/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Please identify any chronic diseases that you have.

0 out of 1 answered

Nobody answered this question yet 25/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Have you ever suffered from any of the following?

1 out of 1 answered

Stroke 1 resp. 100%

Covid-19 0 resp. 0%

Debilitating menstrual pains 0 resp. 0%

Headaches 0 resp. 0%

Influenza 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Pneumonia 0 resp. 0% 26/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

If you think of yourself as a Democrat, would you call yourself a strong Democrat or a not *

very strong Democrat?

1 out of 1 answered

Strong 1 resp. 100%

I do not think of myself as a Democrat 0 resp. 0%

Not very strong 0 resp. 0%

If you think of yourself as a Republican, would you call yourself a strong Republican or a not *

very strong Republican?

1 out of 1 answered

Not very strong 1 resp. 100%

I do not think of myself as a Republican 0 resp. 0%

Strong 0 resp. 0% 27/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

If you think of yourself as an Independent, do you think of yourself as more similar to *

Republicans than Democrats, more similar to Democrats than Republicans, or equally similar to Republicans and

1 out of 1 answered

More similar to Democrats than Republicans 1 resp. 100%

Equally similar to Republicans and Democrats 0 resp. 0%

I do not think of myself as Independent 0 resp. 0% 28/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on St. Patrick's day?

1 out of 1 answered

Wore festive clothes 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Had some alcoholic drinks 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0% 29/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on St. Patrick's day

1 out of 1 answered

Wore festive clothes 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Had some alcoholic drinks 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0% 30/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on Valentine's day?

1 out of 1 answered

Wore festive clothes 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Had some alcoholic drinks 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0% 31/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on Christmas day?

1 out of 1 answered

Wore festive clothes 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Had some alcoholic drinks 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0% 32/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

How long have you been studying here?

1 out of 1 answered

1-2 years 1 resp. 100%

2-3 years 0 resp. 0%

3-4 years 0 resp. 0%

4+ years 0 resp. 0%

Under 1 year 0 resp. 0% 33/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What did you do on St. Patrick's day?

1 out of 1 answered

Had some alcoholic drinks 1 resp. 100%

Celebrated with a meal 0 resp. 0%

Got together with family and friends 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Purchased gifts for others 0 resp. 0%

Wore festive clothes 0 resp. 0% 34/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What brand of vehicle do you drive?

1 out of 1 answered

Honda 1 resp. 100%

Ford 0 resp. 0%

GM 0 resp. 0%

Hyundai-Kia 0 resp. 0%

Other 0 resp. 0%

Toyota 0 resp. 0% 35/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What is your favorite U.S. airline?

1 out of 1 answered

Alaskan 1 resp. 100%

American 0 resp. 0%

Delta 0 resp. 0%

Jet Blue 0 resp. 0%

Southwest 0 resp. 0%

United 0 resp. 0% 36/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What are your favorite hobbies? Reading

1 out of 1 answered

Cooking 1 resp. 100%

Arts/Crafts 0 resp. 0%

Fishing 0 resp. 0%

Games 0 resp. 0%

Gardening 0 resp. 0%

Music 0 resp. 0%

Photography 0 resp. 0%

Reading 0 resp. 0%

Watching TV/Movies 0 resp. 0% 37/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Which spirits do you drink most?

1 out of 1 answered

Gin 1 resp. 100%

Brandy 0 resp. 0%

I don't drink spirits 0 resp. 0%

Liqueurs 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Rum 0 resp. 0%

Vodka 0 resp. 0%

Whisky 0 resp. 0% 38/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Do you drive a truck, car or a motorcycle?

1 out of 1 answered

Car 1 resp. 100%

Motorcycle 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Truck 0 resp. 0% 39/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

If you drink beer, which brands do you prefer to drink?

1 out of 1 answered

Miller Lite 1 resp. 100%

Bud Light 0 resp. 0%

Budweiser 0 resp. 0%

Coors Light 0 resp. 0%

Corona Extra 0 resp. 0%

I don't drink beer 0 resp. 0%

Michelob Ultra 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0% 40/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

If you smoke cigarettes, which brands do you prefer?

1 out of 1 answered

Camel 1 resp. 100%

I don't smoke cigarettes 0 resp. 0%

Marlboro 0 resp. 0%

Newport 0 resp. 0%

Other… 0 resp. 0%

Pall Mall 0 resp. 0%

Winston 0 resp. 0% 41/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

What religious family do you belong to or identify yourself most close to?

1 out of 1 answered

Muslim 1 resp. 100%

Another religion 0 resp. 0%

Buddhist 0 resp. 0%

Christian (Catholic protestant or any other Christian denominations) 0 resp. 0%

Hindu 0 resp. 0%

Jewish 0 resp. 0%

No religion 0 resp. 0%

Sikh 0 resp. 0% 42/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

To what level, do you consider yourself to be religious?

1 out of 1 answered

Moderately religious 1 resp. 100%

Don't know 0 resp. 0%

Very religious 0 resp. 0% 43/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

In the last year, how much money have you contributed to your place of worship?

1 out of 1 answered

3,000 to $4,999 1 resp. 100%

$1 to $99 0 resp. 0%

$5,000 or more 0 resp. 0%

1,000 to $2,999 0 resp. 0%

100 to $499 0 resp. 0%

500 to $999 0 resp. 0%

Zero 0 resp. 0% 44/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

And do you study full, or part-time?

1 out of 1 answered

Part-time 1 resp. 100%

Full-time 0 resp. 0% 45/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

How old are you, music lover?

1 out of 1 answered

55 to 64 1 resp. 100%

15 or younger 0 resp. 0%

16 to 17 0 resp. 0%

18 to 24 0 resp. 0%

25 to 34 0 resp. 0%

35 to 44 0 resp. 0%

45 to 54 0 resp. 0%

65 to 74 0 resp. 0%

75 or older 0 resp. 0%

I prefer not to answer 0 resp. 0% 46/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

And in which country were you born?

1 out of 1 answered

Iraq 1 resp. 100%

Afghanistan 0 resp. 0%

Albania 0 resp. 0%

Algeria 0 resp. 0%

Andorra 0 resp. 0%

Angola 0 resp. 0%

Antigua and Barbuda 0 resp. 0%

Argentina 0 resp. 0%

Armenia 0 resp. 0%

Aruba 0 resp. 0%

Australia 0 resp. 0% 47/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Austria 0 resp. 0%

Azerbaijan 0 resp. 0%

Bahamas 0 resp. 0%

Bahrain 0 resp. 0%

Bangladesh 0 resp. 0%

Barbados 0 resp. 0%

Belarus 0 resp. 0%

Belgium 0 resp. 0%

Belize 0 resp. 0%

Benin 0 resp. 0%

Bhutan 0 resp. 0%

Bolivia 0 resp. 0%

Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 resp. 0% 48/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Botswana 0 resp. 0%

Brazil 0 resp. 0%

Brunei 0 resp. 0%

Bulgaria 0 resp. 0%

Burkina Faso 0 resp. 0%

Burma 0 resp. 0%

Burundi 0 resp. 0%

Cambodia 0 resp. 0%

Cameroon 0 resp. 0%

Canada 0 resp. 0%

Cape Verde 0 resp. 0%

Central African Republic 0 resp. 0%

Chad 0 resp. 0% 49/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Chile 0 resp. 0%

China 0 resp. 0%

Colombia 0 resp. 0%

Comoros 0 resp. 0%

Costa Rica 0 resp. 0%

Cote d'Ivoire 0 resp. 0%

Croatia 0 resp. 0%

Cuba 0 resp. 0%

Curacao 0 resp. 0%

Cyprus 0 resp. 0%

Czech Republic 0 resp. 0%

Democratic Republic of the Congo 0 resp. 0%

Denmark 0 resp. 0% 50/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Djibouti 0 resp. 0%

Dominican Republic 0 resp. 0%

Dominica 0 resp. 0%

East Timor 0 resp. 0%

Ecuador 0 resp. 0%

Egypt 0 resp. 0%

El Salvador 0 resp. 0%

Equatorial Guinea 0 resp. 0%

Eritrea 0 resp. 0%

Estonia 0 resp. 0%

Ethiopia 0 resp. 0%

Fiji 0 resp. 0%

Finland 0 resp. 0% 51/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

France 0 resp. 0%

Gabon 0 resp. 0%

Gambia 0 resp. 0%

Georgia 0 resp. 0%

Germany 0 resp. 0%

Ghana 0 resp. 0%

Greece 0 resp. 0%

Grenada 0 resp. 0%

Guatemala 0 resp. 0%

Guinea-Bissau 0 resp. 0%

Guinea 0 resp. 0%

Guyana 0 resp. 0%

Haiti 0 resp. 0% 52/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey
Haiti 0 resp. 0%

Holy See 0 resp. 0%

Honduras 0 resp. 0%

Hong Kong 0 resp. 0%

Hungary 0 resp. 0%

Iceland 0 resp. 0%

India 0 resp. 0%

Indonesia 0 resp. 0%

Iran 0 resp. 0%

Ireland 0 resp. 0%

Israel 0 resp. 0%

Italy 0 resp. 0%

Jamaica 0 resp. 0% 53/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey
Japan 0 resp. 0%

Jordan 0 resp. 0%

Kazakhstan 0 resp. 0%

Kenya 0 resp. 0%

Kiribati 0 resp. 0%

Kosovo 0 resp. 0%

Kuwait 0 resp. 0%

Kyrgyzstan 0 resp. 0%

Laos 0 resp. 0%

Latvia 0 resp. 0%

Lebanon 0 resp. 0%

Lesotho 0 resp. 0%

Liberia 0 resp. 0% 54/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Libya 0 resp. 0%

Liechtenstein 0 resp. 0%

Lithuania 0 resp. 0%

Luxembourg 0 resp. 0%

Macau 0 resp. 0%

Macedonia 0 resp. 0%

Madagascar 0 resp. 0%

Malawi 0 resp. 0%

Malaysia 0 resp. 0%

Maldives 0 resp. 0%

Mali 0 resp. 0%

Malta 0 resp. 0%

Marshall Islands 0 resp. 0% 55/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Mauritania 0 resp. 0%

Mauritius 0 resp. 0%

Mexico 0 resp. 0%

Micronesia 0 resp. 0%

Moldova 0 resp. 0%

Monaco 0 resp. 0%

Mongolia 0 resp. 0%

Montenegro 0 resp. 0%

Morocco 0 resp. 0%

Mozambique 0 resp. 0%

Namibia 0 resp. 0%

Nauru 0 resp. 0%

Nepal 0 resp. 0% 56/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Netherlands Antilles 0 resp. 0%

Netherlands 0 resp. 0%

New Zealand 0 resp. 0%

Nicaragua 0 resp. 0%

Niger 0 resp. 0%

Nigeria 0 resp. 0%

North Korea 0 resp. 0%

Norway 0 resp. 0%

Oman 0 resp. 0%

Pakistan 0 resp. 0%

Palau 0 resp. 0%

Palestinian Territories 0 resp. 0%

Panama 0 resp. 0% 57/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Papua New Guinea 0 resp. 0%

Paraguay 0 resp. 0%

Peru 0 resp. 0%

Philippines 0 resp. 0%

Poland 0 resp. 0%

Portugal 0 resp. 0%

Qatar 0 resp. 0%

Romania 0 resp. 0%

Russia 0 resp. 0%

Rwanda 0 resp. 0%

Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 resp. 0%

Saint Lucia 0 resp. 0%

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 resp. 0% 58/64
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Samoa 0 resp. 0%

San Marino 0 resp. 0%

Sao Tome and Principe 0 resp. 0%

Saudi Arabia 0 resp. 0%

Senegal 0 resp. 0%

Serbia 0 resp. 0%

Seychelles 0 resp. 0%

Sierra Leone 0 resp. 0%

Singapore 0 resp. 0%

Sint Maarten 0 resp. 0%

Slovakia 0 resp. 0%

Slovenia 0 resp. 0%

Solomon Islands 0 resp. 0% 59/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Somalia 0 resp. 0%

South Africa 0 resp. 0%

South Korea 0 resp. 0%

South Sudan 0 resp. 0%

Spain 0 resp. 0%

Sri Lanka 0 resp. 0%

Sudan 0 resp. 0%

Suriname 0 resp. 0%

Swaziland 0 resp. 0%

Sweden 0 resp. 0%

Switzerland 0 resp. 0%

Syria 0 resp. 0%

Taiwan 0 resp. 0% 60/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

Tajikistan 0 resp. 0%

Tanzania 0 resp. 0%

Thailand 0 resp. 0%

Togo 0 resp. 0%

Tonga 0 resp. 0%

Trinidad and Tobago 0 resp. 0%

Tunisia 0 resp. 0%

Turkey 0 resp. 0%

Turkmenistan 0 resp. 0%

Tuvalu 0 resp. 0%

Uganda 0 resp. 0%

Ukraine 0 resp. 0%

United Arab Emirates 0 resp. 0% 61/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

United Kingdom 0 resp. 0%

United States of America 0 resp. 0%

Uruguay 0 resp. 0%

Uzbekistan 0 resp. 0%

Vanuatu 0 resp. 0%

Venezuela 0 resp. 0%

Vietnam 0 resp. 0%

Yemen 0 resp. 0%

Zambia 0 resp. 0%

Zimbabwe 0 resp. 0% 62/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey

And how do you get to our school?

1 out of 1 answered

Car 1 resp. 100%

Airplane 0 resp. 0%

Bike 0 resp. 0%

Bus 0 resp. 0%

Metro 0 resp. 0%

Motorcycle 0 resp. 0%

Train 0 resp. 0%

Walking 0 resp. 0% 63/64
3/31/22, 11:23 PM Panagn Demographic Survey


0 resp. 0%

0 resp. 0% 64/64

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