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Volume 15, Number 5, 2000

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Benedict Cassen: The Father of Body Organ Imaging

William H. Blahd, M.D.
From the Imaging Service, Veterans Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System and The
University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA


The invention ofthe radioisotope scanner by Benedict Cassen was seminal to the development ofbody organ
imaging. Cassen assembledthefirstautomatedscanningsystem in 1950. It was a motor-driven scintillation
detector coupled to a printer. The scanner was used to image the thyroid gland after the administration
ofradioiodine. Later, with the development oforgan-specific radiopharmaceuticals the scanner was widely
used during the late 50s until the early 70s to image the body organs.

The emergence of a comprehensive understanding using radioactive materials, led to the development
ofthe structure and function ofthe organ systems ofthe first imaging system that not only defined the
of the human body stands as one of the most morphology of body organs but also revealed their
important advances ofthe past millennium. Internal function. It was the seminal work of Cassen in
imaging ofthe human body has been possible only those early days that was the forerunner of what we
in the past century. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen now know as radioisotope imaging. Cassen s work

( 1845-1923), a German physicist, discovered x-rays predated other imaging systems, such as computed
in 1895, a discovery for which he received the first tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and
Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901. Since then, it has ultrasonography. Without doubt, Cassen's early
been the aim of imaging science to develop imaging work was pivotal in the subsequent development
techniques to define the morphologic features and of these techniques.
functions ofthe internal organs. In the middle of Cassen was born November 13, 1902 in New
the 20* century, the work of Benedict Cassen, PhD, York City. His early life was fraught with tragedy,
separation from both parents, and insubstantial
means. At one point, he lived with an aunt in Lon-
don. She aided him financially enabling him to attend
Address reprint requests to WilliamH. Blahd, M.D., Nuclear the Royal College of Science. He graduated with
Medicine Section (115), VeteransAdministration Greater Los
honors in Physics and Mathematics in 1927. He
Angeles Healthcare System, 11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los returned to the United States to attend the California
Angeles, CA 90073

Institute of Technology (Cal Tech) in Pasadena, The genesis of his major work took place in the
California, graduating with high honors and an M.S. late 1940s. Until 1949, the only counting device
in Physics/Mathematics in 1928. In 1930, he available forthe detection of radioactivity was the
received his Ph.D. magna cum laude also in Phys- Geiger-Müller tube. The "Geiger tube" was ex-
ics/Mathematics from the same institution. He had tremely insensitive to high-energy radioactive
worked his way through Cal Tech as a teaching materials, such as radioiodine, responding to only
fellow. Following graduation he won a stipend about 2% ofthe gamma rays emitted from a radio-
from Princeton University as a National Research active source. Attempts were made in England and
Fellow that supported his physics research activities in the United States in the late 1940s to focus the
for an additional two years. Geiger tubes for the purpose of studying thyroid
Cassen left Cal Tech in the heart ofthe Depres- function and morphology with radioactive iodine.
sion with no job in sight. Fortunately, he was able These efforts met with little success.
to find employment in New York as an X-ray Since early in the 20th Century, the scintillation
Physicist working for Westinghouse X-ray Corpora- effects (flashes of light caused when gamma rays
tion. He stayed only one year and then moved to are absorbed by crystals of high density and trans-
Harper Hospital in Detroit, Michigan where he parency) had been known. In fact, Rutherford and
would continue to work as an X-ray Physicist for coworkers had visually counted the individual
six years. In 1939 he returned to Westinghouse to scintillations produced in zinc sulfite crystals by
work in their research laboratories until 1944, when alpha particles in their fundamental studies ofthe
he again returned to Cal Tech to work on a war- nature of radioactivity. In 1947, Kallmann,1 in
related project. After the war, he remained in Germany, devised a scintillation detector utilizing
Pasadena two more years as a physicist at the U.S. organic crystals of naphthalene attached to the face
Naval Ordinance Test Station. In 1947 he joined ofaphotomultipliertube. The photomultipliertube
the United States Atomic Energy Commission was able to convert the flashes of light induced
Project at the University of California at Los the
by gamma rays striking crystals into ampli-

Angeles (UCLA). Until his death in 1972, Cassen fied electrical signals. Kallmann's first detector

worked as a Research Physicist at the UCLA proved to be much more efficient in the detection
Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation of gamma rays than the Geiger counter.
Biology. He also attained the academic title of In 1949, Cassen and his coworkers Clifton
Professor of Biophysics in the UCLA School of Reed, a biomédical engineer, and Lawrence Curtis,
Medicine. Cassen received many honors during his a dedicated technologist, constructed the first
career, including the first Distinguished Scientist scintillation counter especially designed for the
Award and, posthumously, the Nuclear Medicine localization ofradioiodine in the thyroid gland. The
Pioneer Citation Award from the Society ofNuclear counter was a directional scintillation detector
Medicine. consisting of calcium tungstate crystals optically

CRYSTALS r ttmtt

Figure 1. Wide-angle Scintilla-

tion Detector. Calcium tungstate
crystals are cemented to the end-
window photomultipliertube (re-
printed with permission).

Figure2. Dr.Herberte. Allen,Jr.,first
chief, Radioisotope Service, Veterans
Administration Center, Los Angeles,
manually performing a thyroid scan with
a prototype collimated scintillation
detector circa 1949.

coupled to the window of a photomultiplier tube. automatic motor-driven device that could scan the
This detector was 95 times more sensitive than a thyroid with acceptable fidelity and in a reasonable
Geiger tube. Furthermore, with a lead collimator time (Figure 4). Basic components of the first
or sleeve, a resolution of about one-quarter of an scanner were a dual motor-driven collimated
inch could be obtained. Figure 1 is a diagram of scintillation detector and an automated readout
the first "Directional Gamma Ray Detector" devel- system controlled by an electrical sealer. The idea
oped by Cassen.2 for the original scanner recording system, which
The excellent performance of this detector used a carbon paper strip printer or "pipper," was
immediately suggested biological and medical appropriated by Cassen from the stock brokerage
applications. Initial tests demonstrated that rabbit dens where he often spent his lunch hours viewing
thyroid glands could be easily and rapidly located the ticker tape recorder that was a feature of every
after the administration of small doses of radio- brokerage'agency (Figure 5).
iodine. These results were in sharp contrast to those
obtained with Geiger tubes, which required doses
10 to 20 times greater.
Because the UCLA hospital and medical school
were not in operation at the time ofthese develop-
ments, a collaboration was developed with the 23

Radioisotope Service at the West Los Angeles 24

Veterans Administration Hospital. The opportunity ¿5

to explore the use ofthe scintillation detector was 2o

seized upon by Dr. Herbert Aller!, Jr., the first Chief
of the Radioisotope Service. One of the first
applications of the detector was an attempt to 30
delineate the morphology ofthe thyroid gland after

the administration of a dose ofradioiodine by point- 32

by-point counting ofthe gland using a plastic grid 33

that defined 400 coordinate counting positions3 MID I LINE

(Figure 2). Nearly two hours were required to

obtain a complete mapping of the thyroid gland
Figure 3. Grid Pattern of a Nontoxic Thyroid Adenoma.
(Figure 3). This procedure was so tedious and time- Note increased counts at left lower pole (reprinted with
consuming that efforts were immediately initiated permission). ,
to automate the procedure. Within a matter of
weeks, Cassen had conceived and developed an

Figure 4. (A) Schematic Design and (B) First
Model Cassen's Automated Radioisotope Scan-
of Figure 5. Cassen and the First Automated Radioisotope
ner (reprinted with permission). Scanner circa 1950 (scanner is in the Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of History and Technology, Washington,

The new scanner was taken to the West Los question, this was a defining moment in the evolu-
Angeles VA Hospital where the first in vivo thyroid tion of nuclear medicine and heralded the emerging
scan was performed in 1950 (Figure 6). Without clinical discipline.4'5

i—r -i—r—rr- i it: H?

^ ni i .1 j i i rTr?~~~LH
Figure 6. Early Automated Radioiso-
^ ~~r~n
11 i i
m—m rr
i n rII
i m i im i
: i

r M It t-TT TI'llll'-ll 'VI ? g If 'II —n

Egw rrr
—r— T-T-7
tope Scan ofthe Thyroid Gland.

t—i—ii ii in i. i i i \t\ nr r m
VI 111
T—III T —I 1—1—X I I } If I 111 1
i ii ii t i nil ii ni i i n ill i p—r- t à
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f i i lin! nmiiiim ii i rrr i in
i-1 h »minimi nnfi
ni i t~ E7
v' '
BEES- nm miMiii
11)11111 i ¡in in
in i
r t—r
fj r1 r1 Ii 11 iffl
I.Illllll .Ulli.Ulli
TTfif Hïïj
i r—rr
il 'i '
l' ¿I l —Vl—n-1—i—n-1-*

Recognizing the clinical potential ofthe scan-
ner, Cassen's assistants, Curtis and Reed, left their
employment at the UCLA Atomic Energy Project
and set out to manufacture thyroid scanners first
in Curtis' garage and later at a small plant in Playa

del Rey, California-this became the RC Scientific

Instrument Company. The first commercial thyroid
scanner was an adaptation of an over-the-bed

hospital tray (Figure 7). In the following years, the

scanner in a more sophisticated version was exten-

sively used in clinical studies ofthe thyroid gland

for the delineation of thyroid gland size as an aid
in radioiodine treatment of hyperthyroidism, in the
evaluation of thyroid nodules, and in the manage-
ment of thyroid cancer6 (Figure 8).
A major turning point in radioisotope scanning
took place in 1956 when Dr. David Kuhl (then a
resident in Radiology at the University of Pennsyl-
vania) and his colleagues developed a modification
ofthe Cassen scanner that substantially improved
its sensitivity and resolution7 (Figure 9). It used a
glow lamp as a variable light source that was
focused on an x-ray film in a light-proof box. The
glow lamp was activated by the scintillation detec-
tor output and moved in register with it. The
advantage of this system was its capability of
producing multiple shades of gray on x-ray film
concordant with the varying intensity ofthe light
from the glow lamp. This development, simply
known as a photoscanner, led to a vastly expanded
role for the radioisotope scanner. With the subse-
quent development of organ-specific'radiopharma-
ceuticals, photoscan images of major body organs,
e.g., brain, liver, kidneys and lungs, were readily
obtained (Figure 10).
With the advent of the radioisotope scanner
there resulted a rapid growth of clinical nuclear
medicine. Photoscanners were produced by multi-
ple manufacturers and were sold to hospitals and
clinics throughout the world (Figure 11). The
radioisotope scanner soon took its place as an
important contributor to the diagnostic process. The
development of the scanner reached its peak in
1973, when more than 2.5 million diagnostic
scanning procedures were performed8. In the late
1970s the radioisotope scanner ultimately gave way
to the scintillation camera that had been devised by
Cassen's friend and colleague, Hal Anger, at the
University California Donner Laboratory in Berke-
ley, California. The development ofthe radioiso-
tope scanner was a defining event in the

Figure 9. Modified Cassen
Scanner with Photographie At-
tachment (reprinted with

Figure 11. Photoscanner circa 1958. Manufactured by

Picker X-ray Corporation.

Figure 10. Photoscan ofthe Brain of a Patient with Grade evolution ofnuclear medicine and was the harbinger
III Astrocytoma. Note "doughnut sign."
ofthe emerging clinical discipline.
Benedict Cassen was one ofthose rare human
beings whose genius and creativity transcend their

earthly times. His seminal contributions have had ABOUT THE AUTHOR
a major effect on our lives as practitioners of
medicine and on the health and welfare of our
patients. It is said that "The principal mark of
genius is not perfection but originality, the opening
of new frontiers" Arthur Koestler. Cassen opened

a new frontier, and it is appropriate that he take his

rightful place in the history and evolution of body

organ imaging.

1. Kallmann H. Natur and Technik (July 1947).

2. Cassen B, Curtis L, Reed CW. A sensitive directional
gamma-ray detector. Nucleonics 1950;6:780.
3. Allen H, Libby R, Cassen B. The scintillation counter
in clinical studies of human thyroid physiology using
I-131. J Clin Endocrino! 1951 ; 11:492.
4. Cassen B, Curtis L. The in vivo delineation of thyroid
glands with an automatically scanning recorder. UCLA
Report 1951;130.
5. Cassen B, Curtis L, Reed C, et al. Instrumentation for
1-131 use in medical studies. Nucleonics 1951;9:46.
6. Bauer FK, Goodwin WE, Libby R, et al. Visual
delineation of thyroid glands in vivo. JLab Clin Med William H. Blahd, M.D. is Professor of Medicine
1952;39:153. at UCLA School of Medicine and Director of
7. Kühl DE, Chamberlain RH, Hale J, et al. A high- Nuclear Medicine Programs at the Veterans
contrast photographic recorder for scintillation counter Administration Greater Los Angeles Healthcare
scanning. Radiology 19561;66:730.
8. Maclntyre WJ, Harris CC. The decline and fall ofthe System. He had the privilege of knowing and
rectilinear scanner: Nuclear medicine instrumentation workingwith Benedict Cassen in his later years and
1970-1995. J Nucl Med Techno! 1995;23:16S. to observe much ofthe early radioisotope scanning
development. He has worked in thefieldofNuclear
Medicine for greater than 40 years and has been
involved in the further development ofradioisotope
NOTE: Figures used in this paper are reprinted
with permission by the editors and publishers of imaging technology and, more recently, in the
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine from an article development of positron emission tomography
entitled "Ben Cassen and the Development ofthe (PET). Dr. Blahd wrote one of the first nuclear
Rectilinear Scanner,"which appeared in Vol. XXVI, medicine textbooks that was used worldwide as a
No 3 (July), 1996, pg. 165-170. basic text. He continues to work as a clinician and


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