Test: Module 1: Vocabulary

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Test: Module 1

A. Complete with the words in the box. 9p

nowadays degree experience nightmare treat company colourful pastime style

1. Always try to match your hair with the of your clothes.

2. Adrian never wears clothes; he always dresses in black.
3. It isn’t easy to find a job .
4. Don’t people that way. It isn’t polite at all.
5. This is my first job so I haven’t got any previous .
6. Working with Mary is a ; she’s bossy and bad-tempered.
7. One day I’m going to start my own .
8. Chatting on the phone is Kelly’s favourite .
9. You don’t need a university to work as a construction worker.

B. Match the opposites. 5p

1. be over a. drop
2. yell b. get along with
3. hold c. begin
4. fight d. casual
5. formal e. whisper

C. Circle the correct words. 5p

1. Sandy wants to go to the cinema tonight but she can’t find a babysitter / midwife for her
son Steve.
2. Kelly bought a new pair of rings / earrings yesterday. They were very expensive.
3. We need people with computer accessories / skills for this job.
4. Kathy and Alex managed / organised to get to the airport just in time.
5. My dad usually works full time / overtime on Fridays. He gets back home after
10 o’clock in the evening.

Match. 5p

1. Fancy going round to Sally’s house tonight?

2. What are you up to? Don’t go into that old house. It’s dark and dangerous!
3. In my opinion, girls are better at sports than boys.
4. Hold on. These aren’t my keys. Can I borrow yours?
5. What’s on? Shrek 4? I love that film!

a. Forget it. You’ll lose them.

b. Don’t be ridiculous. Everyone can be good if they practise.
c. Me too! It’s my favourite comedy.
d. Not really. I don’t like her.
e. Don’t be a chicken!

A. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of
the verbs in brackets. 7p

1. Hey, Diana, your mobile phone (ring)!

2. Jamie often (print) his own designs on T-shirts. Look, he
(create) one for me right now.
3. What (your father / do) for a living?
4. Sam (want) to become a doctor, so he must study
5. No, we (not / go) round Terry’s house again tonight.
Forget it!

6. Jane and Alice (think) of going to Paris this summer.

B. Circle the correct words. 5p

1. A: What are you looking for, Eileen?

B: My driving licence. I can’t find it nowhere / anywhere.
2. A: Look at all this great stuff! I want to buy everything / nothing!
B: But, Mum, they’re clothes for teenagers! There’s nothing / something for you in here.
3. A: Stop whispering! There’s somebody / nobody in here.
B: I’m not so sure about that. I saw something / everything move over there.
C. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple of the verbs given. 6p

not get start annoy not be buy not know

1. Julie a beautiful bracelet decorated with stones and sea shells.

2. Sam the job because he polite to the interviewer.
3. They really me with their gossip last night.
4. Mary what to do when the baby crying.

D. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. 5p

1. Casual clothes are more comfortable than formal clothes.

Formal clothes (as)

2. The other hockey players aren’t as good as Stan.

Stan (best)

3. An anklet isn’t as expensive as a chain.

A chain (than)

4. Sometimes people skills are more important than a degree.

Sometimes a degree (less)

5. Frank is more outgoing than Claire.

Claire (isn’t)


Listen to three people talking about their friends. Read the statements and write K for
Kirsten, P for Paula or F for Fiona. 5p

1. She is a bit bossy sometimes.

2. She is a good listener.
3. She is active. and
4. She is stubborn.

Read the email and put the pictures in order. 4p



Hello Ted, a
Thanks for your email. I’m glad to hear that you
finished with your exams. Let me tell you what
happened to me and my mates last week.
On Friday, we went to the park to play football.
There were five of us, so Steve played in goal and
the rest of us were just trying to score against him.
Five girls walked over from the other side of the
park and asked us for a game. At first we said no,
of course, but when they called us ‘chickens’, we c
decided to show them who’s best. You won’t
believe it! They were brilliant. We just couldn’t get
the ball off them. We lost 10-2. Everyone at school
knows. 10-2! I’m so embarrassed.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Say hello to everyone.


Write a description of your brother, sister or friend. Follow the instructions. 10p

• Introduction (Give some general information about the person)

• Main Part – Description (good qualities, bad qualities, hobbies, what you do together)
• Conclusion (Give your general opinion of this person)

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