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Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing.

Rate yourself on the level of

difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.
4 – very difficult
3 – difficult
2 – moderate in difficult
1 – not difficult
4 3 2 1
Very difficult difficult Moderate in Not difficult

1. Stating learning outcomes

2. Identifying learning resources to

be used
 
3. Sequencing the lesson in an
engaging and meaningful manner 
4. Planning specific learning activities

5. Identifying strategies to be used 

6. Formulating higher order
thinking questions (HOTS)

7. Integrating lesson concepts to
real life situations

8. Integrating values in the lessons

9. Formulating assessment tools 

10. Identifying performance tasks

11. Giving assignments  

12. Planning for lesson closure/
synthesis 
13. Others (please specify)

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