Test 40-Đã Chuyển Đổi

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I. Choose a word whose underlined word is pronounced differently from other.

1. A. invite B. pick C. ticket D. kitchen
2. A. lock B. shock C. block D. program
3. A. bad B. sad C. day D. catch
4. A. greet B. teeth C. deer D. knee
5. A. promised B. watched C. played D. washed
6. A. shot B. borrow C. economic D. show
7. A. nation B. natural C. matter D. anger
8. A. precise B. modernise C. promise D. realise
9. A. design B. horse C. rose D. advertise
10. A. of B. coffee C. off D. wife
II. Choose the best answer.
1. All the houses in the area.........immediately.
A. has to rebuilt B. had to rebuild C. have to be rebuilt D. have to rebuild
2. I can’t understand the French visitors. I wish I......... French.
A. knew B. would know C. know D. had known
3. What we eat …………how much energy we have during the day.
A. balances B. effects C. benefits D. affects
4. .........had we arrived at the island when the storm broke
A. No longer B. More C. Scarcely D. No sooner
5. Very few planets are........because of lack of water and oxygen.
A. inhabited B. inhabitant C. inhabitable D. uninhabitable.
6. Many people........... of malaria, smallpox before the process of vaccination was invented in the 19th century.
A. have died B. had died C. would die D. were dying
7. There’s ......... in trying to contact him.
A. no way B. no use C. no point D. no good
8. Our telephone has been .......... for three weeks
A. out of work B. out of touch C. out of order D. out of place
9. John was very kind ..........me when I stayed with his family.
A. for B. to C. with D. of
10. You’d better........you coat before going out in the cold.
A. wear B. dress in C. have on D. put on
III. Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. We don’t enjoy (use) ………………………..as cheap labour.
2. The man (live).………………………..next door is a teacher.
3. Listen to this! I think this news (surprise) ………………………..you.
4. I distinctly remember (pay) ………………………..him. I gave him two dollars.
5. I don't like dogs because I'm very afraid of ………………………...(bite)
6. He (work) .……………………….. on the report when you (arrive) . ………………………...yesterday.
7. Accidents . ……………………….. (often cause) by carelessness.
8. I .………………………..(meet) him twice this week but I .………………………..(cannot speak) to him once.
9. I ………………………..(only use) this pen once since the day I had it ………………………..(mend)
10. I am always a careful driver because I don’t want to risk (get) ………………………..into trouble.
IV. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
1. We can save nature resources by using solar energy.
2. Mr. Thach who sing English songs very well is my teacher of English.
3. My father asked us not spending too much time playing computer games.
4. There are answers for all the questions at the back of the book.
5. I succeeded to find a job, so my parents didn’t make me go to college.
6. The flamingo constructs a cylindrical mud nest for its egg, which both parents care for it.
7. He has such much money that he doesn’t know what to do with it.
8. A lot of harmful bacteria can be found in our food but we can’t see it with the naked eyes.
9. The prices of everything have raised rapidly in the last few months.
10. In my opinion, the new foreign coach does his job relative well.
V. Give the correct form of the words.
1. You should spend your money ........................................ (economy)
2. I'm full of...............................for my English teacher. (admire)
3. It is useful to make a ........................between two things. (compare)
4. Don't be afraid of the dog. He's absolutely .........................................(harm)
5. The company is trying hard to improve customers’......................................... (satisfy)
6. Measures were taken around the world to ......................................airport security after the 11 September attacks.
7. We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very ......................................... in the last year. (rely)
8. We need your ......................................... at the bottom of the page. (sign)
9. The teacher keeps a record of every student's .........................................(attend)
10. I can’t see him now; it’s not……………………… (convenience)
VI. Put the verbs into the correct tense.
1. He talked about Denmark as though he ………………… (be) there but we know he never has.
2. Little Tommy was trembling as though he………………… (see) a ghost.
3. She treats me as though I ………………… (be) her child.
4. She behaved as if nothing …………………(happen) yesterday.
5. Maeve looked as though she………………… (have) little sleep last night, but she had gone to bed quite early.
6. She spoke about university as though she………………(spend) years there but in fact she’d only spent a month there.
7. She acts as though she ………………… (be) very confident, but in fact she’s quite shy.
VII. Rewrite the sentences so that they are nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before them.
1. Please don’t tell him about that.
I’d rather ..........................................................................................................
2. Study hard or you won’t pass the exam.
If………………………………………… ……………………….. .................
3. Don’t be lazy or you’ll fail the exam.
If .......................................................................................................................
4. Doing morning exercise helps you to keep fit.
If .......................................................................................................................
5. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
Much .................................................................................................................
6. I don’t really like her, even though I think highly of her achievement.
Much ........................................................................... .....................................
7. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
No matter ........................................................................................ .................
8. I couldn't understand him even though I listened very carefully.
No matter ..........................................................................................................
9. I was on the point of leaving the house when the telephone rang.
I was ............................................................................ .....................................
10. I only recognized him when he came into the light.
Not until......... ...................................................................................................
VIII. Fill in the blank with a / an / the. Put an  where none is required.
1. My father has just bought me _______ LG computer.
2 _______ whale is _______ mammal, not _______ fish.
3. We are going to tea with _______ Smiths today.
4. _______Titanic, one of the most famous ocean liners, sank on its first voyage across _______ Atlantic.
5. One of _______biggest celebrations in ______Argentina is ______New Year’s Eve.
6. I saw_______car crash this morning. Fortunately, nobody was hurt in ______accident.
7. _______ Statue of Liberty was ______gift of friendship from ________France to_____United States.
IX. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Underline and correct them.
English has for more than a century and a half been called a world language. The number of people who
speaks it as their mother tongue has been estimated at between three hundred million and four hundred million. It is
recognized like an official language in countries in 1.5 billion people live. In China, the importance which attached to
learning English is such that a televised teaching course drew audiences of up to one hundred millions. But this spread
of English throughout the world is relatively recent. In the late sixteenth century English was spoken by just under five
million people. The arriving of English in North America was the key step in its worldwide expansion. The United
States is a huge commerce market and this one has tended to promote the English language in many other nations.
About eighty per cent of the data stored on the world's computers is believed being in English and nowadays the
insufficient knowledge of English can be a problem in business.

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