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These questions are asked to you in order to collect some information regarding your profile,
motivation and problems you are facing in managing your enterprise. The information are meant
for a research study on women entrepreneurs. Your information will be used only for the purpose
of the research study and will be kept confidential. Your kind cooperation is highly solicited to
complete my research work.

Thanking you

Anjali Devi, Research Scholar

Department of Economics, Gauhati University

Personal Detail

(1) Name :
(2) Present Address: …………………………………………………
(3) Location of Home : (i) Rural
(ii) Urban

(4) Age : (i) 20 years to 30 years

(ii) 31 years to 40 years
(iii) 41 years to 50 years
(iv) 50 years above

(5) Marital Status : (i) Married

(ii) Unmarried
(iii) Widow
(iv) Divorced

(6) Type of Family : (i) Nuclear family

(ii) Joint family
(7) Educational Qualification : (i) Below HSLC
(ii) HSLC passed
(iii) HSSLC passed
(iv) Graduate
(v) Post Graduate

(8) Approximate Monthly income of the family: (i) 5000/- to 10,000/-

(ii) 10,000/- to 15,000/-

(iii) 15,000/- to 20,000/-

(iv) 20,000/- to 25,000/-

(v) 25,000/- above

Information related to business

(9) Mention the type of enterprise you are running :

(10) How much you have invested in the starting of your enterprise ?

(i) Less than 100,000/-

(ii) 100,000/- to 150,000/-

(iii) 150,000/- to 200,000/-

(iv) Above 200,000/-

(11) Approximate monthly income from the enterprise ?

(i) Less than 10,000/-

(ii) 10,000/- to 15,000/-

(iii) 15,000/- to 20,000/-

(iv) 20,000/- to 25,000/-

(v) Above 25,000/-

(12) What is main source of your finance ?

(i) Own Capital

(ii) Government assistance

(iii) Bank loan

(iv) Private loan

(13) Have you attended any Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) ?

(i) Yes

(ii) No

(14) What factors motivated you to start your own venture? Please chose your response and
give √ mark

Sl.No. Factors Not at all A Little To some To a large To full

bit extent extent extent
1 To be self dependent

2 Because of not

getting a regular job

3 It is a challenging job

4 Willing to do

something new

5 To utilize own skill

and talent

6 To get better status

and recognition in

7 Economic hardship

8 Contributing to

welfare of society

9 Desire to give

financial securities to

one’s kins

10 Enjoying work

(15) Mention the problems you are facing in running the enterprise? Please identify your
problems from the below and give √ mark.

Category of problems Problems Give √

mark if yes
(a) Socio Personal Indifferent attitude of society
No support from husband

No support from other family members

Conflict due to dual responsibilities

Lack of self confidence

Male dominance

Lack of freedom

No risk bearing capacity

Fear of social security

Lack of recognition and appreciation

(b) Financial Problems Shortage of capital in starting the business

Lack of own funds and resources

Limited working capital

Negative Attitude of Banks

Delay in sanctioning the loan

Inadequate loan

Lack of government assistance

(c) Problems of skill and Not getting the opportunity of entrepreneurship

training training

Non availability of skill manpower

Lack of adequate skill to start new venture

Lack of knowledge of various government


Experience workers leave the unit after sufficient


(d) Marketing problem Lack of knowledge of how to market the product

Shortage of manpower for selling the products

Heavy competition with big enterprises

Late payment by the customers

High production cost

Inadequate publicity

Difficulty in travelling
(e) Infrastructure Inadequate space & building

Problems Inadequate power supply

Inadequate communication facility

Inadequate water supply

Shortage of equipments or machines

Signature of the respondents

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