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1|A b dull a h Al Mam u n

Chapter: 01 Types and Components of a Computer System Part:1

Hardware: All the physical parts of a computer that you you can see, touch and pick up. Like- input devices,
output devices, storage devices, processor etc.

Internal computer hardware:

 Motherboard: The motherboard is a printed circuit board found in all computers. It allows the
processor and other computer hardware to function and communicate with each other.

 RAM: It is the main memory of computer which is used to process data. We can change the contents
of RAM.

 ROM: It is the main memory of computer which is used to store configuration data for a computer

 Video Card: A video card allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display
device such as monitor, television or projector. It is usually connected to a motherboard.

 Sound Card: A sound card is an integrated circuit board that provides a computer with the ability to
produce sound.

 HDD(Hard disk drive): One kind of magnetic disk which is used to store data permanently.

 SSD(Solid state drive): Modern computers and all tablets use newer storage systems that make use
of solid state drive technology(SSD) and are replacing HDD in many cases.

Command base
Software: The program that control the operation of a computer system.

Graphic base
Operating system

Translation program Compiler

System Software

Utility program Interpreter

Linker Assembler
Customize software

Application software

Package software
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System Software:
 Programs that allow the hardware to run properly
 Control computer's hardware and application program
 Communicate with user
 E.g. Operating system

Operating system: It is one kind of system software through which we can run our computer and solve
computer problems.

Functions of operating system:

 Enables users to communicate with computer systems

 Controls operation of input, output and backing storage device
 Supervises loading, running and storage of application program
 Deals with error in application programs
 Maintains security of whole computer system
 Maintains a computer log
 Main types of user interfaces: Command Line Interfaces (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI - Graphical User Interface :

 Uses graphics to stand for the complicated actions

 Use icons
 Use a mouse to selector the icons
 Screen divided into windows allowing different things on each
 WIMP - Windows Icons Menus Pointers
 Requires little IT knowledge


 Easy to use
 Easy to explore and find your way around the system
 Do not have to learn complicated commands
 Exchange data between different software’s
 Good help facilities provided with GUIs
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 Larger amount of hard disk space than other interfaces

 Significantly more memory (RAM) to run than other interface type
 GUI use more processing power than other types of interfaces
 GUI can be slow for experienced programmers to use, they find CLI much faster

CLI - Command Line Interface:

 Types commands to tell the computer what to do

 The user must know all the commands
 Must not make typing errors
 Used by technicians
 Can access everything on the computer system


 Knowing the correct commands, this can be much faster than any other interface type
 Uses much less memory (RAM) than any other interface type
 Low resolution, cheap monitors can be used
 CLI does not require Windows to run


 Can be confusing
 Commands have to be typed precisely, if there is a spelling error the command will fail
 If you mistype an instruction, it is often necessary to start all over again
 Large number of commands need to be learned

Translation program: It is one kind of system software through which we can convert programming language
into machine code.

Types: 1. Compiler
2. Interpreter
3. Assembler

1. Compiler: It is used to convert high level language into machine code. Compiler convert whole program
at a time.
2. Interpreter: Interpreter converts high level language instruction in to machine code. Interpreter
converts line by line.
3. Assembler: Assembler convert assembly language ( Low level language) into machine code
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Utility program: It is one kind of system software which is used to maintain and control computer resources.
Ex: Antivirus

A linker is a computer program that takes one or more object files produced by computer and combine them
into single program that can be run on a computer.

Application Software:

 Programs that allow the user to do specific task

 Design to carry out tasks
 Can be general purpose software or custom made software (specialist software)


1. Package Software. Ex: Ms-office

2. Customize software. Ex: School management, Library management, Bank management

Word processor: Word processing software is used to manipulate text, document, such as eassy, report.

Spreadsheet: Spreadsheet software is used to organize and manipulate numerical data. Some of the
spreadsheet function includes:

 Use of formula to carry out calculation

 Ability to produce graph
 Ability to do modeling and ‘what if’ calculation.

Database: Database software is used to organise, manipulate data. A typical database is made up of one or
more table. Each row called record and each column called a field. Some of the function includes:

 Ability to carry out queries on database data and produce report.

 Add, delete and modify data in a table.

Measuring software: Measuring software is designed to allow a computer or microprocessor to interface with
sensors so that it is possible to measure physical quantities in the real world (such as temperature)

Control software: Control software is designed to allow a computer or microprocessor to interface with
sensors so it is possible to control application (such as a chemical process) by comparing sensor data with
stored data and sending out signals to alter process parameters.
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1|Abdullah Al Mamun

Ch:01 Types and Components of computer system Part2

Emerging technology:

Emerging technology is a term generally used to describe a new technology, but it may also
refer to the continuing development of an existing technology; it can have slightly different
meaning when used in different areas, such as media, business, science, or education. The term
commonly refers to technologies that are currently developing, or that are expected to be available
within the next five to ten years, and is usually reserved for technologies that are creating, or are
expected to create, significant social or economic effects.

Impact of emerging technology:

 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 Biometrics
 Robotics
 Quantum Cryptography
 Computer Assisted Translation (CAT)
 3D and Holographic imaging
 Virtual reality.

 Artificial Intelligence (AI): Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence
processes by machines, especially computer systems.

AI is being developed in the following areas:

Game Playing: Computers developed to play games against human player.

For example: chess.

Expert Systems: These are computers that have been programmed to make decisions

based on information they are given. For example: Expert system in

Medical for diagnose patients illness.

Languages: This type of AI involves computers that can understand different human

Languages as they are spoken to them.

Robotics: Robotic: AI is where machines are programmed to imitate a human.

Impacts of AI on everyday life:

 Accurate prediction of weather

 Increased leisure time
 Safer transport
 Increase personal safety
 Improve medical care
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 Biometrics: Biometrics is where parts of person’s body are used for identification purposes. For
 Fingerprints
 Eye recognition
 Face recognition
 Voice recognition

All of the parts of human body are unique from person to person and can be sues to authenticate

Impacts of Biometrics on everyday life:

 Better Airport Security

 Increased building Security
 Reduced car theft
 More secure mobile phone

 Robotics: Robots are used to perform a wide range of physical tasks. They are
either automated (controlled by a computer chip) or manually controlled by a human. Robot
can work 24/7 and never take breaks. There are 4 different types of robots:

 Manufacturing robots (used to perform repetitive tasks such as welding)

 Carrier robots (used by the military to carry heavy loads over dangerous terrain)
 Domestic robots (used in homes to perform cleaning tasks such as vacuuming)
 Exploration robots (used to visit and send images from places such as Mars)

Some more typical tasks that robots can be used for are described below:

Dangerous Job----- Ex: disposing of bombs, spray printing or cleaning up nuclear waste.

Exploring extreme environment----- Ex: Inside volcanoes, plants or the depths of the ocean

Repetitive manufacturing job------- Ex: Production lines, packing and welding etc.

Moving heavy object----------- Ex: Installing large engines, moving pallets of item etc.

Impacts of Robotics on everyday life:

 Increased personal time.

 More efficient manufacturing
 Loss of jobs
 Safer working environments.
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 Quantum Cryptography:

Quantum cryptography (encryption) is an emerging technology that allows messages and data to
be sent with complete privacy. Older methods of encryption were based
around mathematics but quantum cryptography uses photons (light) and their physical quantum

Impacts of Quantum Cryptography on everyday life:

 Completely secure voting

 Completely secure communication
 Completely secure bank transfer
 Completely secure personal information

 Computer Assisted Translation (CAT):

CAT is where a human translator uses computer software to help in the translation process. Examples of
different types of CAT tools are shown below:

Spell checkers: These are usually built-into word processing software and can automatically flag-up
spelling errors and suggest translation of miss-spelt word.

Language search engine software: These are internet base systems which allow translators to enter any
text that they want translating and also select the language they want the text translating into. Ex: Google

Impacts of Computer Assisted Translation on everyday life:

 More accurate document

 A more multilingual society
 Quicker and more efficient translations

 3D and Holographic Image:

This is a technique where images are made to appear three-dimensional and to actually have depth.

Holograms work by taking two regular two-dimensional images of the same object and laying one on top of
the other.

Impacts of 3D and Holographic Image on everyday life:

 Improved security: Credit cards, ID cards, software and some bank notes include
holograms as a way of trying to prevent forged duplicates being created.

 Better movie experience: Hollywood have been using 3D imaging within the production of
movies for many years. These provide the viewer with a much more immersive experience.

 Greater data storage: It is thought that the technology behind holograms will eventually be
used to provide the means to store large amounts of data.
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 Virtual Reality: Virtual reality is where computers are used to create an artificial
environment that users can interact with as if it were real.

Virtual reality is not really meant for gaming purposes. It is used for more serious purposes such

 Allowing architects to walk around a virtual version of their design (this gives a better idea
of what the finished building will look like)

 Training soldiers in combat (flight simulation, battlefield simulation)

 Training surgeons (virtual patients can be operated on to provide experience to trainee


Impacts Virtual Reality on everyday life:

Improved medical surgeons: Surgeons can be trained using virtual patients. This allows them
to practice over and over until they have perfected a particular surgery without risk to a real

Larger and stronger buildings: Virtual buildings allow architects to walk around to experience
what the building would look like when completed and check for potential errors before the actual
building is constructed.

Virtual buildings will also be able to be tested against factors such as earthquakes to see what
effects they would have on the current design.

This allows architects to modify designs quickly and cheaply and will, potentially, allow for the
development of much larger and safer buildings than we currently have.

Training in dangerous situations: VR can be used for training in dangerous situations where it is
impossible to practice the real thing. For example: A large fire in an office building could never be
set up in reality, but it could in a virtual environment. This will allow workers to practice emergency
evacuation in a safe environment.

More realistic education: VR can give students the opportunity to learn in a much more
interactive way. For example: Astronomy students can learn about the solar system by engaging
with the objects in the virtual environment. They could look around stars, move planets and track
the orbits of comets.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

Part 1: Input Devices:

Input Devices: Hardware devices that allow data to be entered into a computer.

Types: There are two different types of input device:

1. Manual Input Devices—Data is input into the computer by hand

2. Direct Input Devices--- Data is input into the computer direct by a machine/device

Examples of Manual Input Devices:

1. Keyboard
2. Numeric Keypad
3. Pointing Devices
4. Remote Control
5. Joystick
6. Touch Screen
7. Scanner
8. Graphic Tablet
9. Light pen
10. Microphone
11. Digital Camera
12. Web Camera

1. Keyboard:

 Keyboards are used to input text

 Keyboards are also used to type commands into a computer
 They are also used to type in unusual selections of characters, such as password.


 They allow accurate entry of data, in combination with a monitor to check accuracy.
 They allow quick entry of original text.
 They are robust devices.
 Concept keyboards are helpful to people with disabilities.


 Conventional keyboards can be difficult for people with disabilities to use

 They are not very quick for inputting data.
 They take more space than other input devices.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

2. Numeric keypads:
A numeric-keypad is used to enter numbers only (although some have a function key to allow alphabetic
character to be input)


 Automatic teller machines (ATMs), where customer can key in their PIN, amount of money, etc.
 Mobile phones, to allow phone numbers.
 Point-of-sale terminals in case barcode reader fails to read the barcode- the number has to be keyed in
manually by the operator.
 Chip and PIN devices when paying by credit/ debit cards
 Fast entry numeric data into a spreadsheet.


 Faster than standard keyboard when entering numeric data.

 They are small and compact and can be carried easily.
 They are easy to cover up when entering PIN.


 It is difficult to enter text

 They can be too small for the numbers to be used effectively.

3. Pointing Devices:


 Opening, closing and minimising software.

 Grouping, moving and deleting files.
 They can be used to draw objects in drawing and art packages.


 Faster way to choose an option than using keyboard.

 Very quick way to navigate through applications and the internet.
 Does not need a large desk area when compared to a keyboard.


 Difficult to use for people with disabilities.

 They can be damaged fairly easily.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 They can be difficult to use for entering data other than choices on a menu, radio buttons or by means
of hyperlinks.



On a laptop a touchpad can be used in much the same way as a mouse is with a desktop computer.


 They allow faster entry of the chosen option compared with typing on a keyboard.
 They allow faster navigation on a slide show/ websites.
 They are integrated within the laptop computer and don’t have to be plugged in.


 People with disabilities can find them difficult to use.

 Many user fiend them difficult to control compared to a mouse
 They can be difficult to use for entering data.


Tracker balls are similar to a mouse except that it has a ball on the top of the device. Users control the pointer
on the screen by rotating the ball


 Have the same pointing/cursor control capability as a mouse.

 Used in applications where the user has a disability (RSI)
 Used in a control room environment, where it is faster than a mouse to navigate through process
screens and more robust than a mouse


 Tracker balls don’t need the same fine control as a mouse

 People with limited hand/wrist movement find easier to use than a mouse
 The pointer can be positioned more accurately on the screen than with a mouse
 They take less desk space than mice since they are stationary

 Tracker balls are not supplied with the computer as standard, so they are more expensive
 User may need training since they are not standard equipment
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

4. Remote Control:
A remote control is used to control the operation of other devices remotely by using infra-red signals


 In home entertainment devices such as Televisions, DVD player/recorder and satellite system
 Used to control multimedia systems
 Used in industrial applications to remotely control processes, stop and start machinery


 Enable devices to be operated from any distance, which is useful for people with disabilities
 Some chemical processes are hazardous, so it is safer to operate equipment from a distance

 People with limited hand/wrist movement can find them hard to use
 The signal between the control and the device can be easily blocked

5. Joystick:

 Video/computer games are often controlled by joysticks
 They are used in simulators to mimic actual controls


 Easier to navigate round a screen compared to a keyboard

 Control is in three dimension


More difficult to control the on-screen pointer with a joystick than with other devices such as mice

6. Touchscreen:

 ATMs by bank customers
 EPOS terminals in cafes and other retail outlets
 Used in PDA ’s
 Used in Interactive white boards
 Used in computer based training (CBT)
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 Enable faster entry of options than a keyboard or a mouse
 Very easy to choose options
 User friendly method for inputting data
 They are tamperproof, preventing people from keying in information (which could
corrupt the system)

 There is a limited number of options available
 Using touchscreens often can lead to health problems e.g. (straining of arm muscles and RSI)
 The screen can get very dirty with constant touching

7. Scanner:
Used to enter information on hardcopy e.g. text documents

 Used to scan in documents and convert them into a format for use in various software packages.
 Old and valuable documents and books can be scanned, protecting the original copies from damage
 Non-digital photographs can be scanned for storing on a computer

 Images can be stored for editing at a later date
 Scanners are much faster and more accurate than typing in documents again
 It is possible to recover damaged documents and photographs by scanning them and then using
appropriate software to produce an acceptable copy

The quality can be limited depending on how good the scanner resolution is

8. Graphic Tablet:
A graphic tablet is used with a stylus to produce freehand drawings


 Graphics tablets are used to produce drawings, computer graphics

 In countries where characters are complex e.g. japan they are used as a form of input
 They are used in computer aided design (CAD) work


 It is possible to modify drawings before they are input

 They offer an accurate method of drawing
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 They are more expensive than other pointing devices

 The touch screen are damaged easily
 Larger drawing (such as A4) are expensive to produce
 They are more expensive than other pointing device
 Menus are often not very user friendly

9. Light Pen:
Contain sensors that send signals to a computer whenever light changes are detected


 Light pens are used for selecting objects on CRT screens

 They are used for drawing on screens e.g. with a (CAD package)


 Light pens are more accurate than touchscreens

 They are small, so can be used where space is an issue
 They are easy to use


 There are problems with lag when drawing on screens

 Only work with CRT monitors at the moment
 They are not very accurate when drawing

10. Microphones:
Can be connected directly to a computer. Sounds can be inputted and manipulated.

 Microphones are used to input speech/sounds to be used in various app
 They are used in voice recognition software- for conversion of speech into text, and recognition of


 Faster to read in text than to type it using a key

 Possible to manipulate sound in real time using special software


 Sound files can use up a lot of computer memory

 Voice recognition software isn’t as accurate as typing in manually
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

11. Digital Camera:

Photographs are stored in memory. They can be easily transferred to a computer using a USB


 Digital cameras can produce photographs for direct transfer to a computer or to print out
 Digital cameras allow short video clips to be produced
 Photographs can be uploaded directly into application software such as word processor


 Easier to produce better quality photographs than with a tradition camera

 Easier and faster to upload photographs to a computer
 There is no need to develop film and print out photographs (saves paper and no longer needs the
chemicals to produce photographs from films)
 Easy to delete an image from the memory if it’s not satisfactory
 The memory card can store several hundred photographs


 The camera user needs to be computer literate to use the camera properly
 There is some artistry lost since clever software corrects errors in the photographs
 The resolution is not yet as good as traditional cameras
 Images often need to be compressed to reduce the amount of memory used
 It is possible to fill up computer memory very quickly with several photos of the same
subject (in order to find the perfect snap shot)

12. Web Camera:

Connected directly to a computer via a USB port


 While chatting online webcams can be used to have conversations

 Used to enable video conferencing to take place


 Can be left on constantly and activated when required

 Allow people to keep in contact with each other without the need to travel, particularly useful for
disabled or elderly people
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 Webcams have limited features and the picture is often of poor quality
 They need to be connected to a computer

Part: 2 Direct Input devices:

1. Magnetic Stripe Reader:

Magnetic Stripe Reader is used to read information from magnetic stripes found on Bank Cards, Membership
Cards and Hotel Door Cards. The Stripe on the cards holds information such as Bank Account number, Name of
card holder, Expiry date of membership etc.


 Credit and debit cards have magnetic stripes that are used by ATMS or EFTPOS (electronic funds
transfer point of sale) terminal.
 Security cards for entering building e.g. hotel rooms
 Travel systems e.g. train and underground tickets.


 Data entry is fast compared with keying in using a keyboard or keypad

 System is error free, no typing involved
 Information is secure since there is no typing and the information can’t be read directly by a
 Can prevent access to restricted/secure areas
 Magnetic stripes are unaffected by oil water and moisture
 No moving parts therefore physically robust


 If the magnetic stripe is damaged the data is lost

 Card needs to be in close contact with the reader
 Since the information is not human readable, they need to find a way to show the information
to the customer (e.g. hotel room number not printed on cards)

2. Chip and Pin Readers:

The device has a slot where the card is placed and the chip is read. A small screen is part of the reader which
gives instructions to the operator.


Used to make secure payments for goods/ services in places such as:
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 Supermarkets
 Restaurants
 Cafes
 Buying petrol etc


 Provide a more secure payment system than requiring a signature or using magnetic stripe, since the
PIN typed in must match up with the PIN stored on the chip
 Provide a more robust system than magnetic stripe since the chip does not need to be in contact with
the reader.


Customer needs to be careful when typing in the PIN so nobody reads it giving an opportunity for Fraud

3. Barcode Scanner/ Reader:

Barcode scanner is used to read information in the form of a barcode. Handheld scanners or wands are very
common for reading barcodes.


 Used in supermarkets and other shops where the goods are marked with a
 Used in libraries to scan users library card and barcodes on books
 Used as a safety function in many companies to ensure that electrical equipment is checked on a
regular basis

Barcode does not store price of the product. This information (Barcode information) is held in a
computer database and access using the product ID. By storing the price in a database instead of on
individual barcodes, it is easier to change. For example: we can change the price in the database
instead of having to replace the barcodes on each of the items.


 Faster than keying in information, and fewer mistakes are made

 Used as a way of recording data, can improve safety
 Barcodes enable automatic stock control
 Barcode scanning is a tried and trusted technology
 When an item price is changed, only the central database needs to be updated, there is no
need to change the prices individually on each item
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 Barcode scanning is an expensive system to administer since every item in the shops needs a
barcode and every barcode needs to be entered on the system. Also there is a need to invest in the
computer technology together with staff training, which can all be expensive
 The system is not fool proof- barcode can be swapped around on items

4. Optical Mark Reader:

System which automatically reads marks made in pen and pencil. Typically used to read multiple choice
examinations where students shade in (mark) answer that they think are correct. The OMR reader shines a
light on to the form and less light is reflected where a pencil mark has been made. This allows the reader to
tell which options have been chosen and sends the result back to a computer.


OMR devices are used to read questionnaires, multiple choice examinations papers and other types of forms
in the form of lines or shaded areas


 A very fast way of inputting results of a survey

 Since there is no typing, it is more accurate than keying in data
 OMR is more accurate than OCR


 Forms need to be carefully designed to make sure that the marks/shadings are correctly
positioned to gather accurate information
 There can be problems if forms aren’t filled correctly, sometimes they have to be checked
manually before being read by an OMR, this is both time consuming and expensive

5. Optical Character Reader:

Optical character readers consist of a scanner along with special software. OCR’s allow us to scan text on
paper into a computer. Once the data into the computer, OCR software converts the scanned text into a
digital format which can be use in programs such as word-processor, presentation, web sites etc.


 Processing of passports and Identity cards

 OCR is used when scanning documents to modify them using a suitable software


 Much faster data entry system than manually keying in data

 Since there is no manual data entry, the number of errors is reduced
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 The system has difficulty reading handwriting

 It is still not a very accurate technique

6. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR):

MICR is a system which can read information printed in a special ink (the ink contain iron particles). The
special ink is used to write customer account numbers, branch code and cheque serial number on the bottom
of the cheques.


Used to process cheques in banking operations - cheque is read using a batch processing method


 MICR offers great security than OCR since the oriented characters cannot be altered
 There is no manual input, thus errors are reduced
 If somebody writes over the magnetic ink characters it can still be read


 Only certain characters can be read and the number of different characters is very limited
 It is a more expensive method than other methods used for direct data entry

7. Contactless card readers:

Contactless debit or credit cards allow customers to pay for items worth up to $25 without entering their PIN.
All contactless card have a small chip that emits radio waves embedded in them. The card is held within a few
centimeters of the payment terminals to pay for an item; the terminal picks up the signal from the chip and
allows the transaction to be processed.


 Faster transaction.
 The system uses 128 bit encryption to protect data.
 Customers do not have to worry about typing error.
 Retailer no longer has access to the customer’s credit card information.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 They are more expensive than normal credit/ debit cards.

 A thief with a suitable reader could monitor our contactless card transaction while standing at the
counter with us.
 Transactions are usually limited to a small maximum value (ex:$25)

8. RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification readers.):

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) consist of:

 An integrated circuit
 An aerial ( For send and receive data)
 RFID tag.

RFID readers are used to track data about individual items which have been fitted with a RFID tag. Radio
waves are used to transmit the digital data held on RFID tag to the reader. The RFID reader does not need a
direct line of sight in order to read the tag. So information on the tag can even be read through wallets or
clothing or data from long distance.

Uses of RFID reader:

 RFID readers and tags are used in supermarkets and retail stores in order to track goods and
 RFID readers/tags are used to identify pets
 RFID readers/tags are also being used I passport to help improve and speed up the process of
identifying passengers in airports.

RFID in Passport:
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 The passenger places their passport against the RFID reader.

 A fingerprint scanner or an eye scanner is used to scan the passengers biometric features
 The passenger’s fingerprints/ eyes are compared with those stored of RFID tag on their passport.
 If it identify properly then passenger allowed to pass through airport.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RFID readers: (Compared to barcode scanner)

Advantages Disadvantages
Can hold more data. This allows more detail about If thieves have access to a handheld scanner then it is
products or objects to be stored. possible to steal information on bank card and
passports etc.
Data held in RFID tags can be read from longer RFID tags and readers are more expensive tha
distances compared to barcode scanner. barcode reader.
Tag can be read even without a direct line of sight.
This makes them easier to use.
Information stored on RFID tags can be read much
faster than barcodes.
RFID tags are writeable. This means that you can
add or alter information.

Part: 3 Sensors


 Readings by sensors are more accurate than taken by humans

 Readings are continuous, there is no break in monitoring
 Because it is a continuous process any necessary action or warning will be initiated
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 The system can be automatic, removing the need for human intervention, this is
particularly important if the process is hazardous


 Faulty sensors can give spurious results

Part: 4 Output Devices

Output devices that allow information to be sent out of a computer system.

1. CRT Monitor:
It is Cathode Ray Tube monitors . Least expensive type of monitor, becoming rarer as TFT monitors take over.
Its Come in various sizes . Picture created is made up of tiny dots (red, green or blue), the intensity of the
colour of the dot determines the colour perceived by the eye.

 Primary output device for computers, user can immediately see what they are typing in
 Used with light pens to allow designs to be created on screen


 Produce higher quality images than TFT monitors

 Angle of viewing is better than a TFT monitor
 They work with light pens in CAD and CAM applications (Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing)


 Tend to be heavy, weight hazard if not supported properly

 Run very hot, can cause fires if left unattended - especially if they are old
 Consume more power than TFT monitors
 They can flicker, this leads to headaches and eyesight problems with prolonged use

2. TFT Monitor:
It is Thin Film Transistor monitors. Taking over from CRT monitors as the main output device. The screen is
made up of thousands of tiny pixels which are made up of transistors controlled by a microprocessor.
Each pixel has three transistors-red, green or blue; the intensity of each determines the colour of the
pixel seen.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 Primary output device for computers, user can immediately see what they are typing in
 Integral part of laptop computers

 Lightweight, so no weight hazards like CRT monitors
 Less glare produced than in CRT monitors; also emit less radiation
 Consume much less power and generate less heat than CRT monitors

 Angle of viewing is critical, image appears unclear if viewed slightly from the side
 This is an issue if several people are looking at the screen at the same time
 The definition is sometimes not as good as CRT monitors
 They cannot yet be used with light pens, so cannot be used in CAD

3. LASER Printer:

Produce very high-quality hard copy output. Print rate per page is fast if a large number of pages are
being printed. Rely on large buffer memories - the data for the whole document is stored before pages can
be printed out.

 Very useful for printing where noise levels need to be kept low.
 Good at producing high quality printouts very fast
 The best option for fast, high quality, high volume printing.

 Printing is fast for high volumes, slightly faster than inkjet if only a few pages are to be printed
 Can handle very large print jobs
 Quality is consistently high
 Toner cartridges last for a long time; laser printers can be a cost effective option if colour outputs
are not required

 Expensive to buy
 Only really fast if several copies are being made
 Colour laser printers tend to be expensive to run since four cartridges are needed as well as
diffuser kits, etc.
 Produce ozone and volatile organic compounds because of their printing method and type of toner/ink
used. These have been linked to health hazards in the office

4. Inkjet Printers:
Used to produce good quality hard copies - the quality is not as good as in laser printers but much better
than that of dot matrix printers . Do not have large buffers like laser printers, so printing is done a bit at a
time. This is why printing is sometimes paused - the whole page can’t be stored in the buffer, it has to
wait for the computer to send more data.
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices


 Used where low volume outputs are needed

 Ideal for high quality printing for small print jobs or single pages e.g. for photo quality printouts


 High quality output

 Cheaper to buy than laser printers
 Very lightweight and take up little space (small footprint)
 Do not produce ozone and volatile organic compounds, unlike laser printers


 Output is slow if several copies needed - there is little buffer capacity to store the
 The ink cartridges run out too quickly to be used for large print jobs
 Printing can smudge if the user is not careful
 Can be expensive to run if they are used a lot - original ink cartridges are expensive

5. 3D Printer:
A new type of printer that produces solid 3D models using modified inkjet technology called tomography. Very
thin layers of fine powder (plaster, resin, starch) are bonded together as a 3D model is slowly built up. Items
produced are known as prototypes


 Used to produce prototypes which actually work from CAD packages, photograph images, stored
drawings etc.
 Scale models are produced in colour before the real thing is manufactured
 The ultimate objective is to produce organic objects using this layering technology (such as
replacement human organs)


 Save a lot of money, other methods of making prototypes are very time consuming and expensive
 The powders used can often be ground up and reused
 Physical scale models are produced with working parts, which gives a better idea of how the end
product will look.


 Expensive to buy
 Slow at producing their output
 End product is sometimes a little rough, often further work needs to be done
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

6. Dot Matrix Printers:

A type of impact printer. A print head made up of a matrix of pins presses against an inked ribbon.


 Can be used in noisy environments e.g. garage workshops

 Can be used in applications were the print quality is not very important.


 Can be used in environments which would be a problem for laser and inkjet printers - dusty, dirty or
moist atmospheres.
 Carbon copies or multi-part outputs can be produced
 Very cheap to run and maintain
 Easy to use if continuous stationary is required e.g. long print jobs such as wage slips


 Very noisy - not good in an office environment

 Cost more than an inkjet printer to buy
 Very slow
 Printing is of poor quality

7. Graph Plotters:
Devices that produce hard copies but operate in a different way to printers. Not limited to normal printer
paper size and are capable of producing highly accurate, very large drawings and posters. The most
common types are pen plotters, electrostatic(similar method to laser printers) and inkjet plotters. With
pen plotters, coloured pens are controlled by a computer and the paper can move backwards and
forwards to allow accurate shapes to be drawn .

 Used to produce large drawings e.g. blueprints of buildings; are often used with CAD applications
 Used to produce large pictures for use on billboards or giant posters. They can also print on plastic
coated paper
 If the pens are replaced by cutting tools, it is possible to make large signs.

 Can produce huge printouts
 Print quality is extremely high

 Slow in operation
 Expensive to buy and maintain
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

8. Speakers:
Can be connected directly to a computer or are built into the monitor or casing (as in laptop computers).
Uses a digital to analogue converter (DAC) to convert digital data from the computer to analogue from so
the speakers can process it; the signal is then amplified through the speakers.

 Used to output sound from multimedia presentations
 Used in home entertainment centres
 They can help blind people through audio output of text on the screen (together with
speech generation software)
 Used to play downloaded sound files

 Usually long lasting and durable (if operated within their intended power levels)
 Often provided with the computer/laptop although these may not be the best quality

 Can take up a lot of desk space, compared to headphones
 Can distract people around you, everyone can hear what you are playing
 May not be able to hear the full sound spectrum, this requires multiple speakers
9. Multimedia Projectors:
 Used for training presentations ( allows the whole audience to see the images from a
 Also used for advertising presentations (shown at exhibitions, shopping malls etc.)
 Home cinema systems (projecting the images from a DVD or television) use multimedia
 Enables many people to see a presentation rather than all of them crowded around a small
computer screen
 Avoids the need for several networked computers. e.g. when looking at a video clip on the
internet, everybody can see the video on the large screen rather than logging on to a number of
 Images can sometimes be fuzzy
 Expensive to buy
 Setting up projectors can be a little difficult
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

Control Devices
Another type of output device. Used to control processes when combined with sensor input devices

 Transducers that are used to take signals from a computer and convert them into some form of motion
e.g. operating motors, pumps, switches and valves
 Digital signals are sent from the computer to an actuator to operate a device
 Conversion of the digital signal to analogue is required first (using a DAC)

 Turned on or off by the actuator

 Used in many domestic appliances
o Automatic washing machines (to make the drum
o Cookers (to switch on fans)
o Water pumps in central heating systems
o Automatic greenhouses to open windows and
switch on fans
 Used to control robot arms in the industry
 Operate fans, disk drives and DVD drives in computers

 Switched on or off by the actuator

 Used in cookers and microwave ovens to tell the operator when the cooking process is
complete Used in burglar alarm systems to warn if intruders are present

 The actuator is connected to the switch that turns the lights on or off

 Security lights
 Used in greenhouses to control the lighting conditions
Ch: 02- Input and Output devices

 Actuators are connected to switches which turn the heater on or off

 Used in automatic washing machines, cookers and central heating systems.
 Used in automatic greenhouses to control the temperature
Ch:03 Storage Devices and Media

What is backing up of data?

 Backing up refers to the copying of files and data to a different medium in case of a problem with the
main storage device.
 Backing up files and data on a regular basis is seen as good computing practice and many computer
systems can be set to back up files automatically on a regular basis.

Why back up data?

 Data could be lost due to failure of the original storage device, hardware failure
 Hackers may corrupt or even cause you to lose the data completely
 Viruses: usually caused by hackers to delete and destroy your data in a storage device
 Might need backup if files need to be used elsewhere - original files are then protected against possible
corruption or loss
However, backups do not necessarily guard against the effect of a virus - the virus could attach itself to the
files which could mean that the backups were also affected

Types of backing storage device:

There are two types of backing storage device:
1. Serial access backing storage device
2. Direct access backing storage device.
Serial access backing
Magnetic tapes
Backing storage

Direct access backing Hard disk


Types of access
Serial access:
 This type of access is the slower type because you have to go through everything one by one until
you reach what you want.
 If you want to watch a show that you recorded earlier, you have to rewind / fast-forward through all
other shows until you find it. (can’t just skip)
 The good thing is that when this type of access needs updating you can easily just add another
tape and merge the old one with the new.

Direct access
 Computer uses a key field to calculate where data has been stored
 It is then able to access the data directly from the calculated position
 Access is much faster than with serial access
 Used in applications where access speed is vital
 When updating media which uses direct access, the new data is written to the next available
location and its position is calculated using the built-in algorithm

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Secondary/auxiliary Magnetic Storage

Optical Storage

Solid State Storage

Backing storage media

1. Magnetic storage media:

Fixed Hard Disk / Internal Hard Disk:
 Available on all computers and is the main method used for data storage.
 Uses a read/write head to write and read data from it
 Disk surface coated in magnetic film, storage is done by altering binary codes to 1 or 0s.

 Used to store operating systems and working data
 Used for storing application software
 Real time systems and online systems used fixed hard drives
 Used in file servers for computer networks

 Very fast data transfer rate and fast access times to data
 Have very large memory capacities

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 Can be easily damaged
 They have many moving parts
 Their read/ write operation can be quite noisy compared to SSDs.

Portable hard disk drives

Similar to hard disks but are usually connected via universal serial bus

 Can be used as backup systems to prevent loss of data
 Can be used to transfer data, files and software between computers

 Data access time and transfer rate is very fast
 Large memory capacities
 Can be used to transfer information between computers

 Can be easily damaged

Floppy disk drives

 Used if small files need to be stored/transferred
 Older computers use this method of storage

 Using a CD to store a small file is often regarded as wasteful
 It is a very simple technology and are also extremely cost

 Very low memory capacity
 Old technology - not compatible with modern computer
 Slow data transfer
 Not very robust

Magnetic tapes:
 Thin strip of plastic which is coated in a magnetic layer
 Read and written by read/write head
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 Application where batch processing is used
 Used as a backup media

 Generally less expensive and very robust technology
 Data transfer rate is fast

 Access time is very slow
 When updating another tape is needed

2. Optical Storage Media:


 Read only memory - cannot be overwritten
 Data is stored as a series of pits and lands formed by a laser beam etching the surface at
manufacturing stage

 Store music files and software.
 Very large storage capacity and are used to store films.

 Holds more data than floppy disks
 Less expensive than hard disk drives

 Data transfer rate and data access time are slower

CD-R and DVD-R:

 The letter ‘R’ means the disc is recordable only once and then it becomes ROM
 Use a thin layer of an organic dye as the recording media
 DVDs also use an additional silver alloy or gold reflector
 Laser beam produces heated spots and unheated spots

 They are used for home recording of music (CD-Rs) and films (DVD-
 They are used to store data for later use
 Used in applications where it is necessary to prevent the deletion or over-writing of important data

 Cheaper than RW disks
 Once burned (and finalized) they are like ROM

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 Can only be reordered once
 Not all CD/DVD players and can read CD-R


 ‘RW’ means that these disks are re-writable media can be written over several times
 Unlike CD-R/DVD-R they don’t become ROMs
 The recording layer uses a special phase-changing metal alloy
 The alloy can switch between crystalline and amorphous (non-crystalline) phases, thus changing its
reflectivity to light, depending on the laser beam power
 Spots are produced which can be read by a laser
 System allows data to be written, erased and re-written many times

 CD-RWs and DVD-RWs are used to record radio and television programs
 They are used in closed circuit television (CCTV) systems

 Can be re used many times
 Different file formats can be used each time
 Less wasteful than R format since files or data can be added at a later stage

 Relatively expensive media
 Possible to accidentally overwrite

 Recent addition to optical media group
 Unlike other CD and DVD formats, DVD-RAMs have several discrete concentric tracks rather than a
single spiral track
 Gives them advantage that writing and reading can occur at the same time
 Makes it possible to watch an already recorded television program at the same time as a different
program is being recorded
 Recording layer is made from similar phase-changing material to that used in RW technology
 Shiny and dull marks represent data to a computer where they are interpreted

 DVD-RAMs are used in recording devices such as satellite receivers to allow simultaneous
recording and playback
 They are used in camcorders to store films

 Have a long life (30 years)
 Can be re written on more than the DVD-RWs (100,000 times)
 Very reliable as they have built in verification software to ensure accuracy of
 Access is very fast
 No need to finalize the disk
 Very large capacities
 Ability to read and write data at the same time
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 DVD-RAMS are not as compatible as R or RW, many systems will not recognize this format
 More expensive than DVD-RW

Blu-ray disks:
 Blu-ray disks are used in home video consoles
 Used for storing and playing back films
 PCs can use this technology for data storage or backing up hard drives
 Camcorders can use this media to store film footage

 Very large storage capacity
 Data transfer rate is very fast
 Data access speed is faster than with other optical media

 Disks are relatively expensive
 Blu-ray disks still have encryption problems

3. Solid state:
 Solid state systems control the movement of electrons within a microchip: if the transistor conducts
a current, this is equivalent to a 1, otherwise it is a 0
 Have no moving parts, consume much less power and are extremely robust
 Used primarily as removable storage devices and are collectively known as flash memory

Memory sticks/pen drives:

 Can store several GBs of data and use solid state technology
 Connected to a computer through USB port and power to operate drawn from host
 Some expensive software increasingly use these storage methods as a form of security

 Used to transport files between computers
 Used as a security device - a dongle - to prevent software piracy

 Very compact and portable media
 Very robust

 Not possible to write protect the data and files
 Small physical size and are easy to lose.

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Flash memory cards:
Are a form of electrically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM) and are another
example of solid state memories

 Used to store photos on digital cameras
 Mobile phones use them as memory cards
 Used in MP3 players to store music
 Used as a backup in hand held devices

 Very compact
 Very robust

 Very expensive per Gb of memory when compared to hard drive disks
 Has a finite life in terms of the number of times they can be read from or written to
 Lower storage capacity than hard disk

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Comparing different storage media
Volume of data
Very large Fixed hard disks
storage capacity Portable hard disks
Magnetic tapes
Large storage Memory sticks/pen drives
capacity Flash memory cards
Blue-ray/HD DVD
Limited storage CDs

Speed of data access

Very fast Flash memory cards
Memory sticks and pen drives
Fast Fixed hard disks
Portable hard disks
All CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray
Slow Magnetic tape

Very portable Flash memory cards
Memory sticks/pen drives
All the CDs and DVDs
Less portable Portable hard disks
While some tapes are small others are large
Not portable Fixed hard disks

Very robust Memory sticks/pen drives
Flash memory cards
Robust but might CD-ROM, DVD-ROM
damage in some CD-R, DVD-R
circumstances HD-DVD, Blu-ray
Robust but may CD-RW, DVD-RW
lose data if DVD-RAM
wrongly used BD-RE (Rewritable Blu-ray)
Portable hard drive
Magnetic tape
Very fragile if Fixed hard drive

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Low cost CDs, DVDs
Medium Cost DVD-RAM
Memory sticks/Pen drives
Flash memory cards
Expensive Magnetic tape
Portable hard drives
Fixed hard drives

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Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

Network: Network is a collection of personal computer and peripheral devices which are connected with each
other through cables or wireless connection for sharing data and resources.


1. Local Area Network

2. Wide Area Network

Local area networks (LAN)

 Not over a large geographical area (e.g. in one building)
 Typical LAN will consist of a number of computers and devices
 Devices and computers will be connected to hubs or switches.
 One of the hubs or switches will usually be connected to a router and modem to allow the LAN to
connect to the internet
 In doing so it then becomes part of a wide area network

Advantages of Networking using LAN:

 The sharing of resources
 Communication between users
 Network administrator can control and monitor all aspects of the network

Disadvantages of Networking using LAN

 Easier spread of viruses throughout the whole network
 Development of printer queues
 Slower access to external networks, such as the internet
 Increased security risk
 If main server breaks down, usually the networks will no longer function.

Wireless LANs (WLANs)

 Do not involve any wiring or cabling
 Provide wireless network connection overs a short distance
 They use radio or infrared signal's instead of cables
 Devices known as Access Points (APs) are used for a larger range
 APs usually use spread spectrum technology (larger range)

 All computers can access the same services and resources
 No cabling is involved
 The system is more flexible
 Adding new computers and devices is very easy
 Cost is reduced.

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

 Security is an issue
 Problems and interference can affect the signal
 The data transfer is slow than in the wired LAN

Any system which allows you to connect to a network or computer through wireless communication
Examples :
Laptop computers
Peripheral devices such as printers

Wi-Fi Hotspots
 Wi-Fi systems rely on AP (radio frequency technology) to enable the device to receive and send signals
 Wi-Fi hotspots are places where you can access Wi-Fi (free or paid)
 Hotspots are found in public places like Airports, hotels and cafés
 War driving: The act of driving and searching for unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots
 This gives a risk to the Wi-Fi system

 Bluetooth is an example of wireless personal area networking (WPAN) technology
 Spread spectrum transmission (radio waves) is used to provide wireless links between to devices
such as mobile phones and allow connection to the intern
 A small home network can be created with this system
 Example: Used to transfer photos from camera to a mobile phone

Wide area networks

 WAN is formed by a number of LANs being connected together through a router or a modem
 Some companies set up Private WANs, it is expensive however it comes with a much enhanced security
 It is common to use an Internet service provider (ISP) for connections to the internet and communicate
via this network system
 Additional hardware is needed for a WAN: Routers, modems and proxy servers

Network Devices:
 It stands for modulator demodulator.
 Converts computer’s digital signals (modulates it) into analogue for transmission through
telephone lines.

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

 Reverse this process- analogue signal from a telephone line into digital for a computer to
process the data. (Demodulates it)
 The main use it to connect to computer networks over long distances using existing telephone lines.

Types of Modems
 Dial-up modems: operate at 60 kilobits/sec (slow compared to modern standards)
 (ADSL) asymmetric digital subscriber line modems operate at 11,000 kilobits/sec.
 Asymmetric: faster at downloading than uploading
 They don’t tie up the line while accessing the internet, which allows simultaneous Internet
 Cable modems: allow cable TV users to receive TV signals as well as internet access.

Network Hubs
 They are devices that can have multiple devices connected to them.
 Main task is to receive data from different ports and send it to each device
 The information will be received to the device whether its relevant, or not

 More efficient than hubs in distributing data.
 Each device has an access control media address MAC which identifies it uniquely
 MAC is a number unique to each device connected to the network (like fingerprints)
 Data sent will have a mac address which tells the source and receiving device.

 It connects 2 different types of networks together e.g. a bus and star network
 It can only connect networks that use the same way for handling messages
 They do this by changing the form of message to suite the different type of network

 Acts like a bridge, yet can link between two or more networks
 Makes decisions on messages being passed between the networks
 Formats the messages making it suitable for the new network
 Reads information about the message and decides where the message should go and the best route
for it to get there
 Used to provide a connection between a network and the internet
 You need an ISP account to have access to the internet (internet server provider)

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

HTTP Proxy Server

 Type of server that acts as a buffer between a WAN and a LAN.
 Retrieves web pages and passes them onto the computer that made a request.
 any page retrieved on the server, which means that when a different computer requests the same
page it would be available.
 Speeds up the browsing process

IP and MAC address:

Each device on the internet is given a unique address known as Internet Protocol (IP) address.
This is 32 bit number that is usually written in the form:
A home computer given an IP address when it is connected to the internet. This assigned by the ISP and is unique
for that particular internet session.
MAC address is a unique number that identifies a device connected to the internet. IP address give the location
of a device on the internet whereas the MAC address identifies the device connected to the internet.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) :

 Web browsers use URLs to retrieve files
 They are multiple ways of locating on the internet
 It is a unique address for a file that is accessible in the internet.
 Standard form: 4 numbers e.g.
 Alphanumeric form:
Protocol(http)://web address/path/filename
o Where; Protocol is usually http
o Site address consists of: computer name, domain name, domain type, and country code
o Path is the web page
o Filename is the item on the page

A method for sending text and attachments from one computer to another over a network

 Speed of sending and receiving replies is quick
 Low cost (no stamps, paper etc.)
 Not needing to leave home to send the mail

 Possibility of virus threats and hacking
 Need for the email address to be correct
 Inability to send bulky objects via emails
 Not secure.

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

Internet Service Provider (ISP):

 These are companies that provide users with access to the internet
 Provider in return for these services is charged a monthly or annual fee
 After paying this fee, a username and password are issued which can be used to connect to the internet

 The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks.
 It allows for web browsing, gaming, file sharing, video and email.
 User can access by web browser.

It is an internal website that is setup internally for companies and can be accessed by employees for
the purpose of standard documents or information and many items of information and data.
 Safer and less chance of hacking
 Possible to prevent employees from accessing unwanted sites
 Companies ensure that info. available is specific to their needs
 Easier to send sensitive messages that remain within a company

Comparison between Internet and Intranet

 Internet comes from - international network
 Intranet comes from - internal restricted access network
 Intranet is used to give local information whereas internet covers topics of global interest
 Intranet requires password entry and can be access from agreed points. Internet can be accessed from
anywhere provided the user has an ISP account
 Intranet is behind firewall which gives protection from hackers, not possible with internet due to
international scales
 Intranet information is usually stored on local servers which makes them secure

Using different types of computers to access the internet:

Laptop computer:
 More portable than desktops can access internet in more locations
 Larger screen than tablets & smartphones which allows easier reading
 Keyboards are bigger than those on tablets/smartphones
 Touchpads allows easy navigation even on slanted surfaces
 Less portable than tablets/smartphones
 Screens not as large as desktop PCs may not appear as clearly
 CPUs are not as powerful as those in desktops.

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

Desktop computer:
 Most websites are designed to be viewed on a desktop
 Have larger keyboards making it easier to type on.
 Screens are larger so giving an easier and better viewing experience
 Usually use wired internet connections which is more stable/reliable than Wi-Fi
 Robust
 Good heat dissipation- large body.

 Not portable so are limited to use in one room
 Require keyboard and mouse as extra peripheral devices
 Screen and Monitor consume separate power.
 Cannot usually connect to devices like Bluetooth speakers without external adapter
 Take up large desk space
 Bulky to carry around

Mobile phone:

 Smallest most portable of all devices
 People more likely to carry this wherever they go
 Much easier to connect to internet on-the-go

 Websites are often not fully displayed
 Small screen size makes viewing websites difficult
 Small keyboards make it difficult to type
 Allow children access to internet anywhere; can be dangerous

Network Security:

User IDs
 To log on to a network, a user must type in a user ID
 User ID assigns user privilege once user logs in
 The top level privilege for a network is an administrator:
 Able to set passwords and delete files from server etc.
 User privilege may only allow to access their own work area

 After typing in user ID, the user will be requested to type in their password.
Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

 Generally, it is a combination of letters and numbers

 Passwords are shown as stars (***) so nobody overlooking can see it.
 Many systems ask for password to be typed in twice as a verification check, in case of input errors
 To help protect the system, user is has a finite number of attempts.
 If password is forgotten, administrator has to reset it
 If password is forgotten on a website, it will be sent to your e-mail

Weak & Strong Passwords:

 Strong passwords: A random mix of alphabets (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and keyboard
symbols (@, %, ^ etc.)
 Weak passwords: Easy to guess, e.g. users name or date of birth or 1234556, etc.
 Frequent password changes can help reduce the chances of password interception too
 Passwords must not be shared, their strength is then of little use.

 The conversion of data to code by encoding it
 Done by using encryption software
 Since data is encoded, it appears meaningless to a hacker
 This technique does not prevent illegal access
 Necessary to use decryption software to decode the data
 Used to protect sensitive data e.g. banking details
 Encryption keys are complex algorithms which makes codes almost unbreakable

Authentication techniques:
User IDs:
 To log on to a network, a user must type in a user ID
 User ID assigns user privilege once user logs in
 The top level privilege for a network is an administrator:
---Able to set passwords and delete files from server etc.
 User privilege may only allow to access their own work area

 After typing in user ID, the user will be requested to type in their password.
 Generally, it is a combination of letters and numbers
 Passwords are shown as stars (***) so nobody overlooking can see it.
 Many systems ask for password to be typed in twice as a verification check, in case of input errors
 To help protect the system, user is has a finite number of attempts.
 If password is forgotten, administrator has to reset it
 If password is forgotten on a website, it will be sent to your e-mail

Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

 The conversion of data to code by encoding it
 Done by using encryption software
 Since data is encoded, it appears meaningless to a hacker
 This technique does not prevent illegal access
 Necessary to use decryption software to decode the data
 Used to protect sensitive data e.g. banking details
 Encryption keys are complex algorithms which makes codes almost unbreakable

Authentication techniques:
Magnetic Stripes: Card swiped through a magnetic stripe reader that authenticates the user after reading iron
based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on the card which is also called a magstripe.

ID Cards: Usually a photo ID with a QR or barcode that authenticates the user.

Passports: Have an RFID chip on it that responds to a signal sent by a RFID reader that sends information
about the passport holder to the computer system

Physical Tokens: A security token (sometimes called an authentication token) is a small hardware device that
the owner carries to authorize access to a network service. The device may be in the form of a smart card or may
be embedded in a commonly used object such as a key fob.

Retina Scans: Scans the unique pattern of blood vessels in the eye of a user using an unperceived beam of low
energy infrared light into a person's eye as they look through the scanner's eyepiece.

Iris Scans: A scanner scans and compares the pattern in the iris of a user to a database of stored iris patterns,
if it finds a match, the user is authenticated. Iris scans are generally more accurate than retinal scans.

Face Recognition: Verifies the face of the person attempting to access the data using a face recognition
algorithm and identifies facial features by extracting landmarks, or features, from an image of the subject's

Fingerprint Scanning: Scans the pattern on fingers and verifies it against a stored database of authenticated
fingerprints using pattern-matching software to allow access to a user.

Data Protection Act (DPA):

It is design to protect individuals and to prevent incorrect or inaccurate data being stored.

1. Data must be fairly and lawfully processed
2. Data can only be processed for the stated purpose
3. Data must be Adequate, Relevant and not Excessive
4. Data must be Accurate
Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

5. Data must not be kept longer than necessary (short time)

6. Data must be processed in accordance with the data Subject’s right
7. Data must be kept secure
8. Data must not be transferred to another country unless (Domestic) they have adequate protection


1. Do not leave personal information lying around

2. Lock all filing cabinets when leaving an office
3. Do not leave computer without locking or logging off
4. Protect passwords
5. Change passwords regularly
6. Do not fax or email anything of sensitive nature.

Network Communication:
 A system that scans documents electronically and converts them into a bit map image (a bit is a binary digit
and is a 1 or a 0)
 Then transmitted as a series of electrical signals through the telephone network
 Receiving fax machine converts the electronic image and prints it out on paper
 It is also possible to generate fax signals from a computer to allow documents to be sent to a fax machine
 Saves printing out the document first and then passing it through the fax machine
 Fax/modem software in the computer converts the image into a form fax machines can be recognized

Physical Faxing: dedicated fax machine connected via telephone line that copies and electronically sends files
to the dialled recipient

Electronic Faxing/Online Faxing: uses the internet to send documents through computers.

Differences between Physical Faxing and Electronic Faxing:

Physical Faxing Electronic Faxing

Associated with a phone no. Only Associated with an email address and phone no.
Need actual fax machine, paper, etc. Cheaper- no fax machine, paper and ink
No encryption Better safety- encryption
The signal can get busy No busy signal issues

Video Conferencing:
 This is a method of communication between people at 2 or more separate locations
 It is done in real time and makes use of LAN, if internal, or WAN if through the
 Uses hardware like; webcam, microphones, speakers and monitors
Ch:04 Networks and effects of using them

 It also uses special software like CODEC converts and compresses analogue data into digital data
to send down digital lines.

 It avoids the participants having to spend time travelling to meet each other.
 Saves travel costs.
 The participants in different locations are able to work on the same electronic document.
 Seeing the person that you are communicating with can give important visual clues that are
not available during a telephone conversation
 It can be used to allow an expert to investigate a problem without making a site visit, for
example an engineer could view components that have failed so that the correct
replacement parts can be supplied

 A high bandwidth communication link is required to transmit and receive high quality
 There is a short time lag between speaking and receiving a response that can disrupt the
natural flow of a conversation.
 High quality dedicated video-conferencing systems are expensive to buy

 International time zone, One of the very real disadvantages of using video conferencing
is that if you communicate regularly with people in other countries you will be available
at different times to them. Unfortunately without the skills of a time lord there’s not
really a practical way to overcome this.

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1 |A b d u l l a h A l M a m u n

Chapter 5: The effects of using ICT

The effect of ICT on employment:

The use of computers and microprocessors has revolutionised many aspects of how we work. From the
offices to manufacturing, every task humans do has been affected in some way by electronic devices and
their associated software. This had both positive and negative effects on employment.

Negative effects: Areas of Decreased Employment

Some jobs have been lost as a result of computers being used to do the same work that people used to do.
Some examples of areas have suffered job losses:

Manufacturing: Many factories now have fully automated production lines. Instead of using people to
build things, computer-controlled robots are used.

Robots can run day and night, never needing a break, and don’t need to be paid! (Although the robots cost
a lot to purchase, in the long-term the factory saves money.)

Secretarial Work: Offices used to employee many secretaries to produce the documents required for the
business to run. Now people have personal computers, they tend to type and print their own documents.

Newspaper Printing: It used to take a team of highly skilled printers to typeset (layout) a newspaper page
and to then print thousands of newspapers. The same task can now be performed far more quickly using
computers with DTP software and computer-controlled printing presses.

Positive effects: Areas of Increased Employment

Although many employment areas have suffered job losses, other areas have grown and jobs have been
created. Sometimes people who have lost their old job have been able to re-train and get a new job in one
of these growth areas. Some examples of areas where jobs have been created:

IT Technicians: All of the computers in a business need to be maintained: hardware fixed, software
installed, etc. IT technicians do this work.

Computer Programmers: All of the software that is now used by businesses has to be created by
computer programmers. Hundreds of thousands of people are now employed in the 'software industry'

Web Designers: Much of modern business is conducted on-line, and company websites are very important.
Company websites need to be designed and built which is the role of web designers.

Help-Desk Staff: People often need help using computers, and software applications.
Computer and software company have help-desks staffed by trained operators who can give advice.
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The effects of ICT on working pattern:

The introduction of ICT into the workplace has led to a number of changes in working patterns for staff.
Essentially, the old concept of the 9 to 5 working day has given way to much more flexible working
patterns. The four main additional type of working pattern are shown below:

Working Pattern
Part-time working Working fewer hours per week than people usually do.
Flexible working Any working schedule outside the traditional working pattern. Flexible-time is
the ability to choose the start and finish times, but employee must complete a
full day’s work.
Job Sharing When one job is shared between two or more workers
Compressed hour In compressed hour, an employee works their full hours (e.g 40) for the week
but works for fewer days. For example they may complete their 40 hours in
four days.

Advantages of different kind of working pattern:

 A contented work force is more likely to stay in the job, thus reducing the company recruitment
and training costs for the new staff.
 Flexi-time allows the company to remain open for longer time.
 Job sharing ensures the company has more than one person with a particular ski set.
 Compressed hours often lead staff to be more focused on their work.

Microprocessor-controlled devices in the home:

Many common household devices are now fitted with microprocessor to control a large number of their
function. The devices fall into two main categories:

1. Labour-saving devices:
 Automatic washing machines
 Microwaves ovens
 Cookers
 Automatic dishwashers
 Robotic vacuum cleaners
 Bread-making machine
 Smart fridges and freezers
2. Other type of device
 Alarm clock
 Television sets
 Central heating and air conditioning systems
 Home entertainment system.

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 People no longer have to do manual tasks at home

 There is no longer a need to stay home while food is cooking or cloths are being washed.
 They give people more time to for leisure activities.
 It is possible to control oven and central heating system, for example, using smart phone.
 Automatic burglar alarms give people a sense of security.
 Smart fridge and freezers can lead to healthier lifestyle they can automatically order fresh
food from supermarkets using their internet connection as well as prevent food waste.


 Labour saving devices can lead to unhealthy lifestyle (because of the reliance on ready-
made meals)
 They tend to make people rather lazy since there is a dependence on the device.
 People become less fit if they just lie around at home while the devices carry out many of
the previous manual task.
 As maximum work done by machine so there is a potential lose these household skills.
 The devices lead to a more wasteful society- as it is usually not cost effective to repair circuit
boards once they fail, the device is just thrown away.

Health effects of ICT:

If we use a computer for many hours (as people often do at work), there are some health issues that might
affect us.

Eye-Strain: One health issue that can occur after using computers for a long time is eye-strain (tiredness of
the eyes). This is caused by looking at a monitor which is a constant distance away. The muscles that focus
your eyes do not move, and so get tired and painful. Eye-strain can also cause headaches.

This problem can be solved:

 Look away from the monitor at regular intervals – re-focus on distant or close objects to exercise
the muscles in the eye.

 Take regular breaks.

 Use an anti-glare filter in front of the monitor to cut down on screen reflections that can also tire
the eyes.

Back and Neck Ache: Many people suffer from back and neck pain after working at a computer for a long
time. This is usually due to them having a bad sitting posture.

This problem can be solved:

 Use an adjustable, ergonomic chair, and take the time to set it up properly.
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 The computer keyboard and monitor should be at the correct height for the seated person
(keyboard lower than the elbow, top of monitor at eye level).

 Take regular breaks: get up, walk around, stretch your muscle

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) in Wrists and Hands:

Any repetitive movement (same movement over and over again) can result in a health problem
called repetitive strain injury (RSI).

In particular, typing and using a mouse for long periods are common causes of RSI in the wrist (it is often
called carpal-tunnel syndrome).

This problem can be solved:

 Use a wrist-rest to support the wrists while typing and when using the mouse.

 Take regular breaks from typing or using the mouse.

Safety Issues with ICT:

Trailing Cables: Computer equipment is often connected to lots of cables: power, network, etc. If these
cables are laying on the floor, they can cause people to trip over them

Solution: Place cables inside cable ducts, or under the carpet / flooring

Spilt Drinks or Food: If any liquids are spilt on electrical equipment, such a s a computer, it can result
in damage to the equipment, or an electric shock to the user.

Solution: Keep drinks and food away from computers

Overloaded Power Sockets: Plugging too many power cables into a socket can result in the socket
being overloaded, overheating, and a fire starting.

Solution: Never plug too many cables into a socket. Always make sure there are fire extinguishers nearby

Heavy Objects Falling: Many items of computer equipment are very heavy: CRT monitors, laser printers,
etc. Heavy items can cause serious injury if they fall on people.

Solution: Make sure equipment is placed on strong tables / shelves

1|A b dull a h Al Mam u n

Ch: 07 System Life Cycle/ System Analysis Part: 01

System Analysis and Design

 A systems analysis team is often brought in to review an existing system and suggest a number of
 The existing method used may be either a manual paper-based system or a computer-based
operation that is no longer regarded as adequate for the task



Development and Testing




1. Analysis Stage: The basic steps in the analysis stage can be summarized as follows:
1. Fact finding/collecting data from the current system
2. Description of the current system – establishing the inputs, outputs and processing being done
3. Identification of the problems with the current system
4. Agreeing the objectives with the customer
5. Identifying and agreeing the customer’s requirements
6. Interpreting the customer’s requirements
7. Producing a cost-benefit analysis
8. Producing a data flow diagram
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There are four common methods used in fact finding:

1. Observation
2. Questionnaires
3. Interviews
4. Looking at existing paperwork

1. Observation: Involves watching personnel using the existing system to find out exactly how it works


 The analyst obtains reliable data

 It is possible to see exactly what us being done
 It is a relatively inexpensive method


 People are generally uncomfortable being watched and may work in a different way
 If workers perform tasks that violate standard procedures, they may not do this while being watched

2. Interviews: Involves a one-to-one question-and-answer session between the analyst and the employee/customer


 It gives the opportunity to motivate the interviewee into giving open and honest answers to the analyst’s
 It allows the analyst to probe for more feedback from the interviewee, as it is easier to extend a question
 It is possible to modify questions as the interview proceeds and ask questions specific to the interviewee
 It is a good method if the analyst wants to probe deeply into one specific aspect of the existing system


 It can be rather time consuming

 It is relatively expensive, due to the use of the analyst’s time
 The interviewee cannot remain anonymous

3. Questionnaires: Involves sending out questionnaires to the work force and/or to customers to find out views of
the existing system and find out how some key tasks are carried out


 The questions can be answered quite quickly

 It is a relatively inexpensive method
 Individuals can remain anonymous if they want
 It allows quick analysis of the data


 Often the number of returned questionnaire is low

 The questions are rather inflexible since they have to be generic
 There is no immediate way to clarify a vague or incomplete answer to a question
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4. Looking at Existing Paperwork: Allows the analyst to see how the paper files are kept, look at operating
instructions and training manuals, check the accounts, etc.


 It allows information to be obtained which was not possible by any of the other methods
 The analyst can see for themselves how the paper system operates
 It allows the analyst to get some idea of the scale of the problem, memory size requirements, type of
input/output devices needed


 It can be very time consuming

 Because of the analyst’s time, it is a relatively expensive method

2. Design Stage:
Once the analysis has taken place and the systems analyst has some idea of the scale of the problem and what needs
to be done, the next stage is to design the key parts of the recommended system

A list of tasks is summarized here

 Designing data capture forms/input forms

 Designing screen layouts
 Designing output forms and reports
 Producing systems flowcharts and/or pseudo code
 Selecting and designing validation rules that need to be used
 Selecting the most appropriate data verification methods
 Designing and agreeing the file structures and tables
 Selecting and designing the hardware requirements
 Selecting and designing the software requirements
 Producing algorithms or program flowcharts
 Designing a testing strategy/plan

A way of preventing errors when data is copied from one medium to another
Two common ways verification checks are carried out:

Double entry: in this method, data is entered twice, using two different people. The computer compares the
two entries, either after data entry or during the data entry process, and identifies any differences

Visual check: this is the checking for errors by comparing entered data on the screen with the data in the
original document (not the same as proof reading)
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Process where data is checked to see if it satisfies certain criteria when input into a computer, for example
to see if the data falls within accepted boundaries

Validation Check Description Example/s

Range Check Checks whether data is within A person range should be in the range>0
given/acceptable values but <150
Length Check Checks if the input data contains the If length of data is 3 then maximum
required number of characters input number will be 999 not 1000
Character/type Checks that the input data does not A person’s name should not contain any
Check contain invalid characters number only text.
Format/picture Checks that data is in a specific format Data should be in the form dd/mm/yyyy
Limit Check Similar to range check except that only one Input data must be>10
of the limits (boundaries) is checked
Presence Check Checks if data is actually present and has In an electronic form, a person’s
not been missed out telephone number may be a required
field and if no data is present this should
give rise to an error message
Consistency Check Checks if fields correspond (tie up) with If ‘Mr’ has been typed into a field called
each other title then the gender field must contain
either ‘M’ or ‘Male
Check Digit Look at an extra digit which is calculated Check digit can identify three types of
from the digits of a number and then put error:
on the end of the number  If two digits have been inverted
during input
 An incorrect digit entered twice
 A digit missed out altogether

3. Development and Testing

Once the design stage is completed, it is then necessary to create the system and fully test it. This section considers
some of the development stages and testing strategies which are often adopted by system analysts

Development stages

 If the system contains files (e.g. a database) then the file structure needs to be finalized at this stage (e.g.
what type of data is being stored in each field, length of each field, which field will be the key field, how the
data files will be linked, etc.)
 Once the file structure has been determined, it is then created and fully tested to make sure it is robust
when the system actually goes live
 Since it is important that the correct data is stored in files, there are certain techniques that need to be
adopted to make sure the data populating the file/s and database/s is at least of the right type and that it
conforms to certain rules
 Validation routines and verification methods are used to ensure this happens
 Again, routines have to be fully tested to ensure they trap unwanted data but also to make sure any data
transferred from a paper-based system to an electronic system has been done accurately
 Any system being developed will have some form of user interface.
 The types of hardware were chosen in the design stage
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 How these are used to interface with the final system now needs to be identified, for example how the
screens will be used to collect the data and the way the output will be presented.
 If specialist hardware is needed (e.g. for people with disabilities), then it will be necessary to finalize how
these devices are used with the system when it is implemented.
 This will be followed by thorough testing to ensure the user screens are user friendly and that the correct
output is associated with the inputs to the system.

Testing strategies

Testing of each module needs to be done to ensure each one functions correctly on its own.

Once the development of each module is completed, the whole system needs to be tested (i.e. all modules
functioning together).

Even though each individual module may work satisfactorily, when they are all put together there may be data
clashes, incompatibility and memory issues, etc.

All of this may lead to a need to improve the input and output methods, file and database structures, validation
and verification methods, etc.

Then the system will need to be fully tested again.

It is a very time-consuming process but the system has to be as perfect as possible before it goes live.

Testing will use many different types of data, which will fall into one of three categories: normal, extreme or

Normal: this is data which is acceptable/valid and has an expected (known) outcome, e.g. the month can be any
whole number in the range 1 to 12.

Extreme: this is data at the limits of acceptability/validity, e.g. the month can be either of the two end values i.e.
1 or 12.

Abnormal: this is data outside the limits of acceptability/validity and should be rejected or cause an error
message. For example, all the following values are not allowed as inputs for the month:

 Negative numbers (e.g. -1,-15)

 Any value greater than 12 (e.g. 32, 45)
 Letters or other non-numeric data (e.g. July)
 Non-integer values (e.g. 3.5, 10.75)
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Ch: 07 System Life Cycle/ System Analysis Part: 02

4. Implementation:

 Once the system is fully tested, the next stage is to fully implement it.
 We will now consider changeover to the new system in more depth
 There are four common methods used for changing over from the old system to the new system.
 Each one has advantages and disadvantages which need to be weighed up before the most
appropriate method is chosen for a particular application.

Four method of Implementation:

1. Direct Implementation.
2. Parallel Implementation
3. Pilot Implementation
4. Phased Implementation

Changeover method Description Advantages and Disadvantages

Direct Implementation. The old system is stopped  The benefits are immediate
overnight and the new system  Cost are reduced since only one system is
introduced immediately. used there is no need to pay for two sets
of staff.
 There is less likelihood of a malfunction
since the new system will have been fully
 This method can be disastrous if the new
system fails.
Parallel Implementation The old and new systems are  If the new system fails, the old system is
run side by side for a time still available as a backup.
before the new system takes  It is possible to train staff gradually
over altogether  It is more expensive than direct
changeover, since extra staffs are needed
to run both systems together.
 It is more time consuming than direct
since data needs to be entered into two
Pilot Implementation With this method, the new  If the new system fails, only one part of
system is introduced into one the company is affected.
branch or office of the company  It is possible to train staff in one area
and its performance assessed only, which is much faster and less costly
before being introduced than parallel running.
elsewhere in the company.  The costs are also less than parallel
running, since only one part of the
system is being used in the pilot.
 It is more expensive than direct
changeover, since each pilot scheme
needs to be evaluated before the next
stage is introduced.
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Phased Implementation Initially, only part of the new  If the latest part fails, it is only
system is introduced. Only necessary to go back in the system to
when it proves to work the point of failure, hence failure is not
satisfactorily is the next part disastrous.
introduced, and so on, until the  This is more expensive than direct
old system is fully replaced. changeover, since it is necessary to
evaluate each phase before moving to
the next stage.

5. Documentation:

Once the new system is fully developed, a considerable amount of documentation needs to be

a) For the end user

b) For people who may need to modify or develop the system further at some later stage.

Types of Documentation:

1. User documentation.
2. Technical documentation.

User documentation: User documentation is designed to help users to learn how to use the software or
system. This can consist of any of the following:

 the purpose of the system/program/software package

 how to log in/log out
 how to load/run the software
 how to save files
 how to do a search
 how to sort data
 how to do printouts
 how to add, delete or amend records
 screen layouts (input)
 print layouts (output)
 hardware requirements
 software requirements
 sample runs (with test data and results)
 error handling/meaning of errors
 troubleshooting guide/help lines/FAQs
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Technical documentation: Technical documentation is designed to help programmers and analysts who
need to make improvements to the system or repair/maintain the system. This can consist of any of the

 purpose of the system/program/software

 program listing/coding
 programming language used
 flowchart/algorithm
 input formats
 hardware requirements
 software requirements
 minimum memory requirements
 known bugs in the system
 list of variables used (and their meaning/description)
 file structures
 sample runs (with test data and results)
 output formats
 validation rules
 meaning of error messages

6. Evaluation:

Once a system is up and running it is necessary to do some evaluation and carry out any maintenance, if
necessary. The following is a list of some of the things considered when evaluating how well the new
system has worked. This can ultimately lead back to a re-design of part of the system if there is strong
evidence to suggest that changes need be made. To evaluate the system, the analyst will:

 compare the final solution with the original requirement

 identify any limitations in the system
 identify any necessary improvements that need to be made
 evaluate the user’s responses to using the new system
 compare test results from the new system with results from the old system
 compare the performance of the new system with the performance of the old system
 observe users performing set tasks, comparing old with new
 measure the time taken to complete tasks, comparing old with new
 interview users to gather responses about how well the new system works
 give out questionnaires to gather responses about the ease of use of the new system

Some results from the evaluation may require changes to either hardware or software. Hardware may
need to be updated because:

 of feedback from end users

 new hardware comes on the market, making change necessary
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 there are changes within the company which require new devices to be added or updated

Software may need to be updated because:

 of feedback from end users

 changes to the company structure or how the company works may need modifications to the
 changes in legislation may need modifications to the software
1|Abdullah Al Mamun

Ch:08 Safety and Security

Physical Safety:
Safety Aspects:

Physical Safety in computing is all about is all about ensuring that you do not suffer ay harm whilst working
with computer. There are number of physical safety issues. Some of these safety issues includes:

1. Trailing Cables
2. Split drinks or food.
3. Overloaded Power Sockets
4. Heavy equipment falling

1. Trailing Cables: Computer equipment is often connected to lot of cables: power, network etc. If these
cables are lying on the floor, they can cause people to trip over them.

 Cable ducts- make wires safe
 Cover wires/tuck them away
 Use wireless connections
2. Split drinks or food: If any liquids are split on electrical equipment, such as computer, it can result in
damage to the equipment, or an electric shock to the user.

 Do not allow drinks near computers.
 Use a residual circuit breaker (RCB)
 Check insulation on wires regularly

3. Overloaded Power Sockets: Plugging too many power cables into a socket can result in the socket being
overloaded, overheating and a fire starting.


 Never plug too many power cables into a socket.

 Always make sure there is fire extinguisher nearby.

5. Heavy Object Falling: Many item of computer equipment are very heavy like CRT monitor, Laser printer etc. Heavy
items can cause serious injury if they fall on people.

Solution: Make sure equipment is placed on strong table/ shelves.

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Health Aspects


One health issue that can occur using computers for a long time is eye-strain. This is caused by looking at a
monitor which is a constant distance away. The muscles that focus your eyes do not move, and so get tired
and painful. Eye-strain also causes headaches.

This problem can be solved:

 Look away from the monitor at a regular intervals.

 Take regular breaks
 Use an anti-glare in front of the monitor.

Back and Neck Ache:

Many people suffer from back and neck pain after working at a computer for a long time. This is usually due to
them having a bad sitting posture.

This problem can be solved:

 Use an adjustable, ergonomic chair, and take the time to set it up properly.
 The computer keyboard and monitor should be at the correct height for the seated person.
 Take regular breaks

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI):

Any repetitive movement can result in a health problem called repetitive Strain injury (RSI). In particular typing
and using a mouse for long periods are common cause of RSI in the wrist.

The problem can be solved:

 Use a wrist-rest to support the wrist while typing and when using the mouse.
 Take regular breaks.
3|Abdullah Al Mamun

E-safety refers to the safety of data and personal information while using the internet.

Personal Data:
• Any data regarding a living person who can be identified against the data or the data along with any other

• Examples of personal data:

o Full Name
o Home Address
o Banking details (A/C no, pin, etc.)
o Medical history (suffered from depression, etc.)
o Personal data like ethnic origin, political views, criminal activity, mental health history,
o Sexual orientation and religion can be used to blackmail victims of data breaches

• If personal data is leaked (data breach), the following can occur:

o Identity theft
o Bank fraud
o Damages to personal property
o Kidnapping (if kidnappers get access to the victim’s address.

• To prevent the above, it is essential that personal data is protected.

• Personal data can be leaked intentionally and unintentionally. Electronic data is at risk due to: hacking,
viruses, spyware, phishing, pharming, Smishing, vishing, ransomware1, spam, moderated and un-moderated
forums, cookies, etc.

• If a student shares a photograph of themselves in their school uniform on social media, then pedophiles,
child predators, kidnappers, etc. can physically reach the student. This should not be done

Internet Safety

• To keep personal data safe, one must:

o Not give unknown people (on the internet) personal information or send pictures of oneself to them.
o Maintain privacy settings to control which cookies are on their computer
o Use learner friendly search engines and websites recommended by your educational institution.
o The website being accessed is from a trusted source, or has a padlock symbol/ https protocol.

Email Safety

• Open emails from known sources, and do not click on an emails wit hyperlinks without confirming with the
sender of the email. Think before opening an email from an unknown person; never send any other sensitive
information (picture in school uniform, credit card PIN, etc.)

• Ask their ISP to enable email filtering to classify spam mails as spam.
4|Abdullah Al Mamun

Social Media Safety

• Block and report users who seem suspicious or use inappropriate language
• Never use you real name, only use a nickname
• Use appropriate language
• Do not enter private chat rooms, as users can lure you into giving personal information by seeming too nice.
• Do not meet anyone off the internet for the first time on your own, or at least speak to a trusted adult first.
• Do not misuse
• Respect the confidentiality of other users

Security of Data:

We often use computers to store data that could be used to identity fraud purposes. Data such as bank
details, passwords, private medical report etc. Should all be secured against the possibly of theft. This section
discusses the different methods we can use to protect our private data against hackers.

Hacking is where people access computer system without permission. These people are known as hackers.
Hackers will usually try to break the system by simply guessing the password or using key logger.

Why do people try to hack computer system:

 To cause damage to files or data by deleting and changing them

 To commit fraud by stealing data.
 To access sensitive information.

Preventing Hacking:

There are various methods we can use to stop hackers from accessing our computer files and data.
Common authentication techniques include:

1. User ID and password

2. Biometrics

1. User ID and password:

User ID’s: A user ID is usually a word or number that identifies particular users as they log on to a computer
system or network.

Password: Password is the combination of letters, numbers and symbols. A password is known by the user
who owns it.
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Features of good password:

 Include a mixture of letters, number and symbols
 Include a mixture of upper and lower case letters.
 Don’t use personal information about yourself that would be easy to guess (like your name, date of
 Don’t use obvious combinations (like abcd, 1234)

2. Biometrics Authentication:

This method of security is where users are authenticated using one of their body parts. Common biometrics
authentication includes:
 Face scans
 Iris scans
 Fingerprint scans

Securing online data:

Modern technology allows us to carry out many day-to-day tasks like online shopping, online banking and
messaging etc. This makes our lives much easier; there is security risk that we have to be aware of.

How can we protect our online data?

There are couple of protection methods that are very effective at preventing the theft of our online data.
These are:

1. Digital certificates
2. Secure socket layer (SSL)

1. Digital certificates: A digital certificate can be attached to electronic mail (emails) and websites in order to
prove who has sent the message. When the recipient of the email opens it, they can view the digital certificate
to make sure that it has come from a trusted source.

2. Secure socket layer (SSL): SSL is used on websites where we use bank or credit card details in order to make
purchases. Buying products over the internet is known as e-commerce. SSL encrypts the connection between
our computer and the e-commerce website and ensure that all transactions are secure.

How can you tell if a website is secure?

You can tell if a website is protected by SSL by looking at its URL (Web address).
The web address should start with https and there should be an icon of a padlock.
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Phishing is a fraudulent operation involving the use of emails. The creator sends out a legitimate looking email
hoping to gather personal and financial information from the recipient of the email. The message appears to
be from a legitimate source (e.g. a famous bank). When the user clicks on the link they are sent to a spoof
website. Then they will be asked for personal info e.g. credit card details, PINs. This could lead to identity

How to protect yourself against phishing:

1. Never give your bank details or password out over email.

2. Phishing scams sometimes promise you enormous wealth. Ignore this type of email.
3. Report any phishing attempts to your mail account provider.
4. Don’t respond to emails from people you do not know.


Pharming is a scam in which malicious code is installed on a computer hard disk or a server. This code can
misdirect users to fraudulent websites without their knowledge. Phishing requires an email to be sent to every
person who has been targeted, while pharming does not require emails to be sent out to anyone. Pharming
can target a larger group of people more easily.

How pharming works:

A hacker will infect the computer with a virus, either by sending an email or installing software on their computer when
they first visit their website. Once infected, the virus sends user to a fake website that looks identical to the one they
wanted to visit. Personal info from the user’s computer can be picked up by the pharmer/hacker.

How to protect yourself against pharming:

Anti-spyware, anti-virus software or anti-pharming software can be used to identify this code and correct the

Spam is electronic junk mail and is a type of advertising from a company sent out to a target mailing list. Spam is
harmless but can clog up networks and slow them down. It is more of a nuisance than a security risk.

How to protect yourself against spam:

Many ISPs are good at filtering out spam, and prevent the user from getting these spam emails. It is often necessary to
put a legitimate email address into a contact list to ensure wanted emails are not filtered out by mistake.

Spyware and key-logging software:

This is a software gathers data by monitoring key presses on the user’s keyboard. It gather data then sent back
to the person who sent the software.
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How to protect yourself against spyware software:

 Use anti spyware software to reduce the risk.
 When entering a password, for example, using a pointing device (or touch screen) to select character
from a drop down menu can reduce the risk.

Moderated & Unmoderated Forums:

Online forums are places on the internet where people can join discussions on almost any topic and also add

Differences between Moderated and Unmoderated Forums:

Moderated Forums Unmoderated Forums

Has a moderator who checks comments before they No moderator who checks the comments
are posted
There will be no spams or rude and offensive Spams, rude and offensive comments present
Highly secure due to moderation Not secure due to lack of moderation

A firewall sits between the user’s computer and an external network (internet) and filter information in and
out of the computer

Tasks carried out by firewall:

 Examining ‘traffic’
 Checking weather incoming or outgoing data meets criteria
 If data fails the criteria, the firewall blocks ‘traffic’
 Firewall can keep a list of all undesirable IP addresses
 Helping to prevent viruses or hackers entering the user’s computer

Cloud Storage:

Your data is stored remotely and not on your computer, so you don’t have control over the physical security of
your data. Some of the data stored may be personal data which are open to hackers, and have to be
encrypted in order to prevent hackers from obtaining them. The company providing the storage will have to
put in all its efforts and safety measures in order to keep your data safe.
1|Abdullah Al MAmun

Ch: 11 File Management

Commercial file formats/private file formats
As you become familiar with various software applications you will begin to recognize common file formats.

For instance:

1) .DOC : Word file

2) .XLS : Excel spreadsheet file
3) .PDF: Adobe file
4) .PPT : PowerPoint file
5) .MOV : Quicktime movie file
6) .PSD : Photoshop file
7) .SWF: Flash Player file
8) .WMV : Windows Media Player file
9) .DOCX : Newer Word file type

These formats have been created by commercial companies to support their particular application.

Public file formats /generic/open file format

1) .TXT
2) .CSV
3) .XML
4) .RTF
Generic file type: Generic file formats allow us to save files so that they can be opened on any platform. There are
file formats that do not belong to anyone in particular. For instance a .txt file can store very basic unformatted text
data. It is very handy to transfer simple text from one application to another as all text processing applications can
read a .txt file.

Another very common file format is the 'csv' file format, short for Comma Separated Values' where each chunk of
data is separated by a comma or other 'delimiter'. This is widely used to import / export spreadsheet data

And for holding ordered information the XLS format is very popular

Why are different file types needed?

1. So that you know the correct software to use

If you see the file extension .ppt, then you would probably know that you need to have access to
PowerPoint presentation software, if you see a file has a .mdb extension and you know you don't
have Microsoft Access installed, you would quickly realise that you cannot easily open the file.
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2. So that the user knows what the file may contain from the file extension
If you see a file with a .swf extension, you know that the file is likely to contain a multimedia video
or animation. If the file extension is .mp3 then you would know that it is likely to be a music file.
3. So that searching and sorting files can be done effectively
If you have different file extensions, it makes it much easier for you to search for a specific file
type. For example, if you know you are looking for an essay but you can't remember where you
stored it, you could search for all of the .doc files on your system.
4. So that the operating system can display appropriate icon
When you look at the details of the files on your system, you will often see a small icon next to the
details which indicates the specific file type. For example, you might see a small blue W icon next
to all of the Word document files and a small green X icon next to all the Excel files.
5. So that it is easier to open the appropriate application
Double clicking on the data file will normally load up and run the appropriate application for that
specific file type.
6. So that application programs know how to load up and interpret the data
If you open an Excel file by double clicking on the icon or file name, when the application opens, it
will know how to load and interpret the data held in that file.

Common generic text files include:

 Comma separated values: these files have .csv file extension. These file type takes data in the form of
tables that could be used with a spreadsheet or database.
 Text: These files have a .txt file extension. A text file is not formatted and can be opened in any word
 Rich text document: These files have a .rtf file extension. This is a text file type that saves some of the
formatting within the text.

Common generic image files include:

 Graphics interchange format: These files have .gif file extension. This format stores still or moving images and an
efficient method of storing images using a smaller file size, particularly where there are large areas of solid colour. It is
widely used in web pages.
 Joint photographic expert group: These files have .jpg/ jpeg file extension. This format stores still images only not
moving images. It is an efficient method of storing images using a smaller file size and widely used in web pages.
 Portable document format: These files have .pdf file extension. This is a document that has been converted into an
image format. It allows document to be seen as an image so that they can be read on most computers. These pages
contain clickable links and buttons, form fields, video and audio. We can protect a document in pdf format to stop
others from editing it.
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 Moving pictures experts’ group layer 4: These files have .mp4 file extension. It is not a single file format; It is a
multimedia container it is used for storing video files, still images, audio files and so on. This container is often used to
transfer video files on the internet.

Common generic audio files include:

 Moving pictures experts’ group layer 3: These files have .mp3 file extension. It is a compressed file format used for
storing audio files. This format cannot store still or moving images. The file sizes are relatively small

Common generic compressed files include:

 .rar
 .zip


1) What are generic (public) file types?

2) Why are generic file types needed?
3) What are commercial file types?
4) Why are different file types needed?
5) What is difference between generic and commercial file types?
6) Name 2 generic text files.
7) Name 5 generic image files.
8) Name a generic audio file.
9) Name 2 generic web authoring files.
10) Name 2 common generic compressed file.

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