PM Case

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Performance management

Arunkumar A
Performance management at Network solution

1. Overall, what is the overlap between Network Solutions’ system and an ideal
 The network solution wants to align their employee goal with the organizational.
 Developmental program for the employee to enhance their performance.
 Two-way communication encouraged that manger and employee can share positive
and negative performance.
 The rating system which was the core part which evaluate each employee rating of 1,2
or 3.
 To rectify the policies and practices.

2. What are the features of the system implemented at Network Solutions that
correspond to the features described in the chapter as ideal characteristics?
Which of the ideal characteristics are missing? For which of the ideal
characteristics do we need additional information to evaluate whether they are
part of the system at Network Solutions?

The feature of the system implemented at network solution correspond to described as

ideal characteristics:

The features of the system implemented at Network Solutions that correspond to the
ideal features are as follows:

1 Strategic Congruence: The design team kick starts the performance management
system by making sure that individual and organizational goals are in sync and focusing
on the development of the employees.

2 Thoroughness: All policies at Network Solutions were monitored and rectified.

Employees were then revaluated.

3 Practicality: Time and cost act as constraints when implementing performance system
but the design team convinced the senior leadership that all employees would be
Performance management
Arunkumar A
4. Specificity: Rating system allows employees to have a sense of improving their
performance and what benefits they can derive at rating scales of 1, 2, or 3.

5. Reliability: Network Solutions planned continuous checks on employee performance

with all stakeholders.

6. Acceptability and fairness: The employees were aware that being penalized or
awarded all depended upon their performance which would be evaluated by the rating

7. Inclusiveness: Employees are given the opportunity to develop the performance

management system along with managers.

8. Openness: Network Solutions encouraged two-way communications and all employees

were aware of the criteria the evaluating system used.

9. Standardization: The idea was to standardize evaluating performance across all

divisions. The design team persuaded the senior leadership to stop all 50 development

The ideal characteristics that were missing are:

Correctability: The case did not possess any process which allowed employees to
challenge incorrect decisions.

Ethicality: Prior to the evaluation, there was no indication of guidelines that the
evaluation will be merit based. It is highly likely that the supervisor would favour one
employee over the other berating the element of employee privacy.

The following ideal characteristics needed additional information:

Reliability: Although Network Solutions checks performance consistently, but there is no

assurance that the system will be error free resulting in incorrect decisions

Inclusiveness: No information is given regarding whether the employee is allowed to

gather their performance data before the appraisal meeting.

3 Based on the description of the system at Network Solutions, what do you

anticipate will be some advantages and positive outcomes resulting from the
implementation of the system?
Performance management
Arunkumar A
The real value purpose of employee performance appraisal in an organization is not
only to transform employee performance management from an annual event to a
continuous cycle, but also to coordinate the goals of the organization with the goals of
the members and employees. The performance management system adopted by the
company is just for this purpose. Therefore, these systems will produce huge benefits
and positive results. These will include the following:

Goal setting: This system helps employees understand the connection between their
responsibilities and the overall goals of the organization. The habit of setting goals is
instilled in managers and employees. This can improve efficiency and provide good
analysis tools.

Communication: The system adopted by the company will promote good

communication between managers and employees. Communication about job
performance creates a sense of security for employees and helps the company retain
work. Provides sufficient learning and growth time for all employees throughout the
year. This cultivates an organizational culture.

Motivation: The rating system serves as an incentive tool because employee rewards
are directly related to performance. This improves the productivity and efficiency of
the enterprise. Employees who know that their existence and contributions are valued
may be more involved in work and the entire organization.

4 Based on the description of the system at Network Solutions, what do you

anticipate will be some disadvantages and negative outcomes resulting from the
implementation of the system?
The following are potential drawbacks associated with this manageability system:
Risk of internal competition: This system can inspire employees to compete with
each other in terms of job status, job title, and salary. A team can collapse by
backstepping and misunderstanding employee communications due to strong
competition that can lead to dysfunction and poor performance within the team.
Expenses and Time: This system should be rigorously educated to provide
employees with the skills required by their plans. This requires the use of additional
resources and time in extensive education, re-education and career development
workshops for all departments and employee departments
Performance management
Arunkumar A
Favour: Emergence of individuals who are considered important to the evaluation of
employees and increasingly being entrusted with new roles and duties as team leaders.
This creates dissatisfaction and mistrust among team members, which can adversely
affect morale and satisfaction.

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