Integration of RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Data Mining in An E-Pedigree Food Traceability System

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Integration of RFID, Wireless Sensor Networks, and Data Mining in an e-

Pedigree Food Traceability System

Article  in  Journal of Food Engineering · May 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2017.05.008


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7 authors, including:

Ganjar Alfian Jaeho Lee

Dongguk University Dongguk University


Umar Farooq Muhammad Fazal Ijaz

Dongguk University Sejong University


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Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11

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Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an

e-pedigree food traceability system
Ganjar Alfian a, *, Jongtae Rhee b, Hyejung Ahn b, Jaeho Lee a, Umar Farooq b,
Muhammad Fazal Ijaz b, M. Alex Syaekhoni b
u-SCM Research Center, Nano Information Technology Academy, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul 100-715, South Korea
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul 100-715, South Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Due to the growing customer health awareness, food quality and safety has gained considerable atten-
Received 5 October 2016 tion. Therefore, consumer demand for complete visibility of food quality and history along the supply
Received in revised form chain has significantly increased. This study proposes an e-pedigree food traceability system, utilizing
1 May 2017
radio frequency identification technology to track and trace product location and wireless sensor
Accepted 9 May 2017
Available online xxx
network to collect temperature and humidity during storage and transportation. Missing sensor data
may occur in real cases, as sensor data are lost or corrupted due to many reasons. The proposed system
utilizes data mining techniques to predict missing sensor data. The proposed system was tested for
kimchi supply chain in Korea, and showed significant benefit to managers as well as customers by
Traceability providing real-time location as well as complete temperature and humidity history. The multilayer
RFID perceptron model provided the best prediction accuracy for missing sensor data compared to other
WSN models. The proposed e-pedigree food traceability system will help managers optimize food distribution
Data mining while also increasing customer satisfaction, as it can monitor product freshness.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction perishable food quality in the supply chain (Aung and Chang,
2014b; Thakur and Foras, 2015).
Food quality and safety has gained much attention, due to Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a well-known and
growing consumer health awareness. Therefore, food industry widely adopted auto-identification technology that can be used
quality assurance and standards must be considered (Trieneken within traceability systems to track and monitor objects, particu-
and Zuurbier, 2008). It is essential for food industry to improve larly in various supply chains. RFID has been implemented suc-
quality assurance, food product integrity, food safety guarantees, cessfully for real-time monitoring and decision support system for
and associated transparency along the complete food supply chain. perishable products (Abad et al., 2009; Barge et al., 2014; Feng et al.,
Track and trace systems are required that enable efficient recall on 2013; Mainetti et al., 2013; Thakur et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2010;
the chain level when necessary and on pro-actively monitor quality Voulodimos et al., 2010). In addition, the use of wireless sensor
along the supply chain (Beulens et al., 2005). A traceability system networks (WSNs) for temperature monitoring is crucial to monitor
has been implemented for the food supply chain, providing track perishable food product quality in the supply chain (Aung and
and trace for the complete food information in an efficient and Chang, 2014b). By integrating RFID and WSN, the system can not
trustworthy manner, thereby guaranteeing food quality and safety only track and trace products, but can also provide environmental
(Aung and Chang, 2014a; Dabbene et al., 2013; Regattieri et al., condition information, such as temperature and humidity. How-
2007; Parren ~ o-Marchante et al., 2014). Temperature is the most ever, it can be expected that some sensor data are lost or corrupted
critical factor affecting perishable food safety and quality. There- due to many reasons in any real case, such as hardware or network
fore, temperature monitoring system is required to monitor problems (Gruenwald et al., 2007). Data mining techniques can be
used to estimate missing sensor data.
This study proposes an e-pedigree food traceability system,
based on the integration of the RFID, WSN, and data mining tech-
* Corresponding author.
nique. An electronic pedigree (e-pedigree) is an audit trail that
E-mail address: (G. Alfian).
0260-8774/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
2 G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11

records the path and ownership of a product as it moves along the communication capabilities. The sensor nodes collect environ-
supply chain. In this study, the purpose of e-pedigree imple- mental information, e.g. temperature and humidity, transform it
mentation is to avoid counterfeiting and distribution of low-quality into digital format and transfer it autonomously through the
food products along the supply chain. Data mining technique is gateway to a base station, where it is stored. Due to their mobility,
adopted to predict missing sensor data along the supply chain in low cost and computing power, smartphones can be used as gate-
order to ensure a complete product history. The integration of these ways to gather sensor data and send it to the base station (server).
three technologies (RFID, WSN, and data mining) assures the The mobile health system, for example, utilizes smartphone gate-
quality and safety of agriculture food products throughout the ways, which gather the sensors information via Bluetooth and
complete supply chain, so that the consumer can check and verify retransmit them to a remote server through a Wi-Fi link (Moro n
the food product quality. et al., 2014). Smartphones have also become a useful tool in agri-
culture to assist diverse farming tasks, such as analyzing farmer
2. Literature review working patterns (Sharma et al., 2013) and detecting tractor roll-
over (Liu and Koc, 2013).
2.1. Food quality monitoring RFID is a system that transmits the identity, in the form of a
unique serial number, of an object or person wirelessly, using radio
Traceability aspects have become recognized as essential tools waves. RFID is designed to enable readers to capture data on tags
for guaranteeing food safety and quality (Aung and Chang, 2014a; (emit radio waves and receive signals back from the tag) and
Dabbene et al., 2013). Traceability systems assist the assurance of transmit it to a computer system, without requiring a person to be
food safety and quality as well as consumer confidence. They pro- involved. Wang et al. (2010) developed a real-time monitoring and
vide tracking and tracing functionality along the complete supply online decision support system based on RFID and a sensor
chain, ensuring safer food supplies and connecting the producers network to improve the delivery system for perishable products.
and consumers in a transparent way. By integrating RFID into the The traceability system uses radio frequency (RF) technologies to
traceability system, manufacturers are able to trace the product track food products in the food supply chain. The use of RFID tags in
along the chain with great precision and can apply possible re-call the traceability system provides efficiency compared to barcodes
strategies very rapidly if necessary (Regattieri et al., 2007). and paper labels. RFID based traceability systems have been
Most foods are perishable and temperature is the most critical implemented in many areas, such as the aquaculture supply chain
factor affecting the safety and quality of perishable foods during the (Parren ~ o-Marchante et al., 2014), dairy product (Barge et al., 2014),
journey from producers to consumers. Therefore, keeping foods at food (Thakur et al., 2010), fresh fish logistics (Abad et al., 2009),
their safe temperature throughout the entire supply chain is one of fresh vegetables (Mainetti et al., 2013), and animal or beef (Feng
the core functionalities of food supply chain systems or cold chain et al., 2013; Voulodimos et al., 2010).
systems. In recent years, WSNs have been increasingly applied for Integration of RFID and WSN provides continuous monitoring of
environmental monitoring, particularly in the food industry (Aung data throughout the food supply chain, which assures the retailer
and Chang, 2014b). Research has shown that WSN based temper- that requirements are met throughout product delivery and stor-
ature control and management is crucial in ensuring that perish- age, such as maintaining the required temperature and humidity.
ables delivered to consumers are in good condition and safe to eat. Three types of RFID and WSN integration have been proposed.
An electronic product code information services (EPCIS) based Ruzzelli et al. (2007) proposed integrating RFID tags with sensor
online system for time-temperature monitoring in the cold meat nodes. The proposed approach was to attach RFID tags to each
chain has also been proposed (Thakur and Foras, 2015). The pro- sensor node, which was also provided with RFID reader capability.
posed EPCIS system was tested during transportation of chilled Alternatively, Zhang and Wang, 2006 proposed that the integrated
lamb products, using RFID based temperature sensors to record smart nodes could be considered as sensor nodes and used as RFID
product temperature. The results showed that the monitoring readers, extending their sensing capabilities. Zhang and Wang,
system could optimize the performance of the whole food supply 2006 also proposed a mixed architecture system where the RFID
chain by reducing losses caused by quality deterioration due to tags and sensor nodes were physically distinct and independent
temperature variations. devices, but coexisted in an integrated network and were inte-
The current study proposes an integrated traceability system grated logically. The current study, proposes the mixed architecture
based on RFID, WSN and data mining technique for the kimchi system since this type of integration is cost effective, with no need
supply chain in Korea. Kimchi is a traditional Korean food prepared to design special hardware, for many business applications.
by fermenting vegetables and added spices for a certain period at
ambient temperature. There are many types of kimchi, depending 2.3. Electronic pedigree
of the main ingredient, region, and preparation methods. Among
them, baechu kimchi is currently the most popular and commonly Electronic pedigree is a new data sharing approach, providing an
used in Korea, and is generally made by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) audit trail that records the path and ownership of a product as it
fermentation of baechu cabbage, radish, green onion, red pepper moves along the supply chain. The e-pedigree document contains
powder, garlic, ginger, and fermented seafood (jeotgal) (Park et al., useful product and transaction records with digital signatures to
2014). In the Korean kimchi industry, consumer concerns over food guarantee authenticity. According to the EPCglobal Pedigree
quality and safety is increasing. Lee et al. (2012) showed that the Ratified Standard (2007), the e-pedigree is structured in different
manufacturing process needs to be standardized, because quality layers, initialPedigree, shippedPedigree, and receivedPedigree, which
can be inconsistent. Recent studies have suggested that to solve are appended as the product moves along the supply chain. In the
these safety problems, food safety assurance systems should be first stage, initialPedigree is created with basic product information
applied to the food supply chain, such as the implementation of (e.g. producer’s name, product name, and serial number), and item
RFID based traceability systems. information (e.g. lot number, harvest date, expiration date, quan-
tity). When the product is shipped to the next supply chain partner,
2.2. RFID and wireless sensor network integration shippedPedigree is added, containing information such as the
sender name, receiver name, transaction information (purchase
A WSN consists of sensor nodes with sensing, processing, and order number, sender address, and recipient address) and sender

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11 3

signature. After this step, the shipper’s signature cannot be customers. In the case study, the product is delivered to a school
changed. Once the receiving party confirms receipt of the product, canteen to be prepared as a side dish for student lunches. During
receivedPedigree is generated, including the receiver’s transaction storage, the product is kept at least less than 10  C to reduce haz-
information and signature. After this stage, receivedPedigree and ards; improve taste; and reduce salt, which is added to extend the
receiver’s signature are secured, and cannot be altered. safe storage period (Lee et al., 2012).
Fig. 1(a) shows EPC/RFID event and sensor data flow between
2.4. Data mining for sensor data different supply chain partners. The supply chain partners capture
the EPC/RFID data (product information) using RFID readers and
In WSNs, sensors continuously send their data to servers store it in the EPCIS database (DB). Temperature and humidity data
through a gateway. However, due to hardware and networking are captured by sensor, and sent via a gateway then stored in the
problems, such as battery power loss, random local interferences, sensor DB. For the case of the transporter, the driver or other
and high bit error rate of wireless transmission, some sensor data employee captures EPC/RFID data using a handheld RFID reader. A
are lost or corrupted. Re-querying data is not efficient, as it may web service receives the EPC or sensor data from the reader or
further reduce battery power, and is not guaranteed to provide the gateway and stores it in the DB. Data mining is used to predict any
original reading. Hence, efficiently process queries that need to missing sensor data.
access missing sensor readings, it is crucial that missing stream We used the mixed architecture model, as the RFID reader and
values can be estimated (Gruenwald et al., 2007). Data mining can sensor node are independent. Oracle was used for the EPCIS DB and
extract knowledge from existing data, and can be utilized to esti- MySQL for the Sensor DB. The e-pedigree food traceability system is
mate missing values. In healthcare, most sensor data mining fo- a web based application, developed in the PHP Programming Lan-
cuses on anomaly detection, prediction, and decision making guage, and gathers the complete product information (EPC and
(Banaee et al., 2013). However, prediction techniques to predict Sensor data) from the two DBs. This combination creates a com-
subject stress levels have also been proposed (Silva et al., 2013; Sun plete product pedigree, i.e., product information, location, process
et al., 2012), and the predictive algorithm provides high prediction details, temperature, humidity, etc.
accuracy. To capture EPC/RFID data, RFID and handheld readers were
This study proposes the neural network based multilayer per- utilized in this study; the detail architecture can be seen in Fig. 1(b).
ceptron (MLP) data mining technique to predict missing tempera- To gather the tag information, RFID readers consisted of antenna,
ture and humidity sensor data. MLP consists of input, hidden, and laptop, and was installed at the entry/exit gate of the producer and/
output layers. The backpropagation neural network learning algo- or distributor cold storage. A capturing application was developed,
rithm performs learning on a multilayer perceptron. During the based on Java Programming Language, and installed in the RFID
learning phase, inputs are fed forward from the input layer and reader laptop. The transporter used handheld reader which con-
through the hidden layers, providing an output, which differs from sists of dongle reader and an android Smartphone device. An
the known target output for an untrained network. The training android app was developed for the handheld reader to receive the
process consists of estimating weights to minimize these differ- RFID data, generate EPC data and pedigree, and sent it to the EPCIS
ences between network outputs and actual data. The deviations are repository. The proposed e-pedigree approach for the food trace-
propagated backwards through the network and weights adjusted ability system allows different supply chain partners to create
to reduce error. Network design is a trial-and-error process and different product information (pedigree) based on their capability.
may affect the trained network accuracy. Cross-validation tech- We defined the capability of each supply chain partner when
niques for accuracy estimation can be used to decide when an creating the pedigree document, as shown in Table 1.
acceptable network has been found. The advantages of neural The WSN based sensor monitoring system was installed in each
networks are high tolerance for noisy data as well as their ability to room in the kimchi supply chain, such as the producer’s, truck
classify patterns they were not trained upon. However, on major (transporter), and distributor’s cold storage; the detail architecture
disadvantage is the difficulty to understand network structure by can be seen in Fig. 1(c). The WSN based sensor monitoring system
humans. Detailed explanations of MLP are given elsewhere (see consisted of the sensor and android smartphone (including sensor
Han et al., 2011). monitoring system app). In this part, the smartphone works as a
gateway, gathering the information from the sensors and retrans-
3. Methodology mitting them every 1 min to a remote server through a Wi-Fi link.
Thus, the real-time temperature and humidity inside the cold
3.1. System design storage will be stored in the Sensor DB and can be seen in the
proposed e-pedigree food traceability system.
A simplified kimchi supply chain including producer, trans-
porter, distributor, and customer is considered in this study. 3.2. System implementation
Combining RFID, WSN, and data mining techniques into the e-
pedigree system, we can not only track and trace the product across Inside the kimchi producer, freshly produced kimchi was packed
the complete supply chain, but we can also monitor the complete and put into a kimchi box at the production line, and passive RFID
environmental history, such as temperature and humidity of agri- tags were attached to the kimchi boxes. The card-type passive tags
culture food products. Data mining provides additional function- were made from PVC with dimensions 86  54  1.8 mm. They
ality to predict missing sensor data, which commonly occur due to operated at 902e928 MHz with EPC Gen2 (ISO 18000-6c) protocol.
hardware or network communication problems. We utilized a commercial RFID reader, ALR-9900 þ RFID Reader,
Fig. 1(a) shows the proposed e-pedigree food traceability system and installed it in the entry/exit gate of the factory cold storage. The
architecture. Product (kimchi) is produced by the kimchi factory ALR-9900 þ is an enterprise reader, which allows users to monitor
(producer) and kept in cold storage. The producer has a strict policy or read multiple tags simultaneously at large distances. Thus, it is
on how long the product can be kept in cold storage. When the suitable for traceability systems in supply chains. The reader
product is ready to be delivered, the transporter shifts the product included two antennas, universal power supply, and software de-
to the distribution center, where the product is kept in cold storage velopers kit. It used TCP/IP protocol, allowing simple data
again. The product is then delivered by transporter to the communication between the reader and computer through an

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
4 G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11


(b) (c)

Fig. 1. (a) Proposed e-pedigree food traceability system architecture, (b) RFID and handheld reader to read RFID tag, (c) sensor reads temperature-humidity from cold storage.

Table 1
Pedigree information.

Pedigree Name Input Parameters Explanation Created by

initialPedigree Product info, producer info, harvest Generated by the producer at the first time a product passes through the reader in the entry gate Producer
date, expiry date, and producer of producer storage. Once the complete EPC and initial pedigree data are gathered, it will be
address (current location) stored in the EPCIS database.
shippedPedigree Transaction info, sender info, Generated when the product is shipped to the supply chain partner. The complete EPC and Producer,
receiver info, sender signature and shipped pedigree data are gathered when the products pass through the reader at exit gate of transporter,
sender address (current location). cold storage. It also includes previous pedigree information, and the digital signature is added to distributor
authenticate product information.
receivedPedigree Transaction info, sender info, Generated when the product is received from the upstream supply chain partner. The complete Transporter,
receiver info, receiver signature and EPC and received pedigree data are gathered when the products pass through the reader at the distributor,
receiver address (current location). entry gate of cold storage. It also includes previous pedigree information, and the digital customer
signature is added to authenticate the product information.

Ethernet cable. The weight was 1.5 kg and dimensions were The kimchi boxes were stacked on the pallet, shifted by forklift
20.3  17.8  4.1 cm. Power was supplied from an AC-DC Power to producer cold storage, passing through the RFID antenna. When
Converter 100e240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. The reader supported RFID Tag the kimchi boxes pass through the RFID antenna, the RFID reader
Protocols EPC Gen2; ISO 18000-6c, and frequency 916e920.8 MHz. captured the tags and sent them to the computer. The capturing
Since the reader provided a java application programming interface application installed on the computer/laptop received the tag in-
(API), we developed a capturing application in Java to receive RFID formation, generated the product initialPedigree, and sent it to the
data from the reader. server through the internet connection. We developed a web

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11 5

service using PHP and EPCIS DB using Oracle. The web service
received the EPC data from the reader and stored it to the EPCIS DB.
The RFID reader can be installed in other locations following this
scenario, such as at the producer’s exit gate, distributor’s entry and/
or exit gates. Fig. 2 shows kimchi boxes being moved from truck
storage to distributor cold storage. In this scenario, the RFID reader
reads the tags attached to the kimchi boxes at the distributor entry
During the RFID tag capturing process, the capturing application
received the tag data before sending it to the server database. Fig. 3
shows the Java based capturing application running on the com-
puter/laptop. The list of RFID tags is shown on the left side of the
panel, with EPC document and additional pedigree data displayed
in the center and right panels, respectively. Once the product Fig. 3. RFID capturing application on computer/laptop.
pedigree is correct and complete, the pedigrees were sent to the
server through the internet connection and stored in the Server DB.
The ALR-9900 þ RFID Reader is not suitable for flexible use, such
as for truck drivers. Therefore, we used a dongle reader with a
developed android application. This study used the Arete Pop
Dongle UHF Reader, a small RFID reader for short-range (up to 1 m,
depending on the RFID tags used) that can be used with smart-
phones (compatible with most iOS and Android devices). It weighs
30 g, with dimensions 51  50  15 mm, and has a built-in battery,
360 mAh, that provides up to 2 h continuous use. The battery can be
recharged through a standard 5 pin micro USB. The device utilizes
RFID Chip PHYCHIPS PR9200 with EPC Gen2 (ISO 18000-6c) pro-
tocol and works with frequency 917.1e923.3 MHz in Korea. The
device communicates with the smartphone through the head-
phones (3.5 mm) jack, reading the RFID data and forwarding to the
smartphone. The dongle reader provides the android API, and we
developed an android app, handheld reader, to receive the RFID
data from the dongle reader and send it to web service through the
cellphone Wi-Fi link. Before departing, the driver uses the hand-
held reader to read the tags. Once the product information is cor-
rect, the driver sends the product pedigrees to the server by
pressing the “send” button in the android screen. Fig. 4(a) shows
and example of the handheld reader in operation. (a) (b)
For the WSN based sensor monitoring system, the temperature
Fig. 4. (a) Handheld reader to read RFID tags when loading on the truck, (b) WSN
based sensor monitoring system reading temperature and humidity.

and humidity sensor was used as the sensor node, with an android
smartphone as the gateway. The commercial temperature and
humidity sensor Smart Temp Checker FTC-001 was used in this
study. The Smart TEMP Checker is a small semiconductor sensor
measuring temperature and humidity, designed for individual
smartphone use. Smart Temp Checker plugs into the smartphone
headphone jack, and is compatible with Android & iOS. It has ultra-
low power consumption and mini sensor, weighs 6 g, and is
32.5 mm long. The sensor has a built-in battery which can measure
continuously up to 250 h, and the error for temperature and hu-
midity are ±0.5  C and ±2.5%, respectively. We developed an
android app, sensor monitoring app, using the supplied API to
integrate data communication between the sensor and smart-
phone, and continuously receive temperature and humidity data
from the sensor. The smartphone acts as an information gateway,
gathering information from the sensor via the audio port and
retransmitting to the remote server through a Wi-Fi link. The web
service receives the sensor data and stores it in the Sensor DB.
Fig. 4(b) shows the system assembled with an example screen.
Installing the WSN based sensor monitoring system in different
locations, e.g. producer, transporter, and distributor cold storage,
the complete temperature and humidity data for each location in
Fig. 2. RFID Reader capturing RFID tags from kimchi boxes (RFID antennas are the the supply chain can be captured.
white boards near the left edge of the image).

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
6 G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11

3.3. Data mining for missing sensor data Table 2

Example of original sensor data.

During transportation, the WSN based sensor monitoring sys- Input Output
tem may not be able to send sensor data to the server due to Recorded date time Temperature ( C) Humidity (%)
hardware or network communication problems, causing missing
22/06/2016 16:56:00 3.1 66.6
sensor data, as shown in Fig. 5. To solve this problem, we use MLP to
22/06/2016 16:57:00 3.1 67.1
predict the missing sensor data, ensuring the proposed e-pedigree 22/06/2016 16:58:00 3.1 67.6
food traceability system contains a complete history of temperature … … …
and humidity data. In this experiment, the sample of temperature … … …
22/06/2016 05:04:00 1.7 64.7
and humidity data was collected after 1 week (168 h) operation of
real-time monitoring in the distribution center cold storage. The
sensor data was sent by the gateway, processed in the server in real
time, and presented online by the web based monitoring system.
Once the data gathering was complete, we modelled this data to
predict the missing values.
This study used MLP to predict the missing temperature and
humidity sensor data. The sensor data was split into two parts, with
approximately 60% for training and the remainder for testing. MLP
was used for both temperature and humidity. The original sensor
data consist of recorded date time as input and temperature and
humidity as outputs, as shown in Table 2.
To increase prediction accuracy, the original single input was
converted into new 30 inputs/features and normalized into binary
attributes with categories 0 or 1, where 0 typically means that the
attribute is no and 1 means yes. The new input was whether the
output was equal, greater, and less than the output of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10,
15, 20, 30, 45, 60 min before or not. Fig. 6 shows an example of the
converted binary attributes. The columns represent number of
training dataset, while the rows represent number of inputs/fea-
tures. MLP training and testing was implemented in the Weka 3.6
data mining tool.
The accuracy of the proposed prediction techniques were tested Fig. 6. Multilayer perceptron for sensor data.
and compared with each other. The difference between the pre-
dicted and actual value was assessed by correlation coefficient (R)
and root mean square error (RMSE). The correlation coefficient is containing the e-pedigree history of a food product. Temperature
widely used as a measure of the strength of linear dependence and humidity are presented as a graph and location history as a
between two variables (actual and predicted value in this case), and map.
has value between þ1 and 1, where 1 is perfect positive linear Temperature and humidity history is very important to verify
correlation, 0 is no linear correlation, and 1 is perfect negative perishable agricultural food product quality. The user can easily
linear correlation. RMSE gives an indication of the overall accuracy understand the product temperature and humidity in the upstream
of the approximation, and was the benchmark for model accuracy. supply chain (Fig. 7(b)) and can analyze food quality effects. The
location map helps users track product location and movement in
4. Result and discussion real-time (Fig. 7(c)).

4.1. System implementation 4.2. Performance evaluation of the WSN based sensor monitoring
This study developed the e-pedigree food traceability system
and provided a simple and convenient way for users to trace food The WSN based sensor monitoring system consists of temper-
product history. The proposed system was web based, allowing ature and humidity sensor, smartphone as gateway, and web ser-
user access in real-time by personal computers (PCs) or smart- vice to store the sensor data. For successful implementation, it is
phone. The system tracks the food product history using various essential to analyze the WSN based sensor monitoring system
input data, such as tag ID, product name, producer name, address, performance under various dimensions.
sender name, and receiver name; and presents the product history,
location, temperature, and humidity of the product. Thus, man- 4.2.1. Energy and memory consumption
agers can optimize product distribution as well as monitoring Consider the Smartphone gateway performance. Moro  n et al.
product quality. Fig. 7(a) shows a screenshot of the query interface (2014) investigated smartphone capability as a WSN gateway,
based on CPU and power consumption of the mobile device. Yang
and Gerla (2011) investigated smartphone capability based on
different performance metrics, such as battery consumption, data
processing, in different scenarios. This study assessed cellphone
gateway performance based on CPU and memory usage, and power
Fig. 8(a) shows the power usage of the WSN based sensor
monitoring system under different scenarios: wakeup mode
Fig. 5. Example of missing sensor data. (smartphone screen was always on), and sleep mode (screen was

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11 7


(b) (c)
Fig. 7. (a) Product history, (b) temperature and humidity history, and (c) product location history, presented in a map.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Sensor monitoring app on smartphone (a) power usage and (b) memory and CPU usage.

always off). In both scenarios the sensor monitoring app was run as reading period does not greatly affect CPU or memory usage.
a background service, receiving sensor data and sending it to the Regarding the computational cost of the sensor monitoring app, it
server every minute. For all the tests, communication with the should be noted that the app used less than 8% CPU and 24.5 MB for
server was accomplished through a Wi-Fi connection. A Samsung all reading periods.
Galaxy Note 3 with Android OS V5, 3 GB RAM, Li-Ion 3200 mAh For the real case, WSN based sensor monitoring systems were
battery was used for the experiment. Fig. 8(a) shows sleep mode placed inside the producer, distributor and transport cold storage.
saves significant battery power and provides approximately 16 h For the producer and distributor cold storage, staff (employees) can
operation, whereas wakeup mode provides only approximately charge the smartphone battery regularly, allowing monitoring of
10 h. temperature and humidity 24 h a day, 7 days a week. However, for
Fig. 8(b) shows the CPU and memory usage of the sensor transportation, the driver must ensure the smartphone battery is
monitoring app. Four different reading period scenarios were fully charged before departing. In our case study, delivery from
considered, where the sensor monitoring app was reading and producer to the distributor took less than 4 h, which was well
sending sensor data to the server every 5, 10, 30, and 60 s. The within the cellphone operational capacity, and the WSN based

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
8 G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11

sensor monitoring system worked perfectly. For longer distances, 4.3.1. RFID reader capability
the driver could use an external battery to increase smartphone Lee et al. (2009) evaluated RFID reader performance and defined
battery life. However, different smartphones will affect system read latency as the time period for a reader successfully obtain RFID
performance. Another problem may arise during transportation data from a tag. They also used read rate, defined as the number of
where the WSN based sensor monitoring system is unable to send RFID tags successfully read over the total number of tags. Wu et al.
the sensor data to the server due to insufficient remaining battery (2016) used the read rate and success rate of the reader receiving
power or network communication problems. This generates tag signals at different distances as evaluation metrics. Therefore,
missing sensor data, which is resolved in Section 4.4. we used the reading time and success rate as performance metrics
for the RFID reader.
We used two scenarios, 10 and 20 tags located directly in front of
4.2.2. Communication reliability the reader at different distances. Fig. 10(a) shows that the number
Fig. 9 shows WSN based sensor monitoring system performance of tags impacts on reading time, with 20 tags needing more time to
in terms of communication reliability. Alazzawi and Elkateeb be read. However, while the distance does not have a significant
(2008) proposed network delay and success rate metrics for impact on reading time it does have an impact on success rate.
comparing WSN performance. Network delay explains the average Fig. 10(b) shows that as the distance increases between the reader
time taken between a packet sent by the source and successfully and tags, the success rate decreases, and the higher number of tags
received at the destination. Success rate is the total number of generates lower success rate with increasing distance. In the real
packets received at the destination verses the total number of case, we installed the reader in the entry gate of the producer and
packets sent from the source. We utilized these metrics, with the distributor cold storage. The distance between the reader and
smartphone as the source and the server database as the destina- product when passing through the entry gate is approximately
tion. Communication with the data network (Internet) was 2e3 m, and all of the tags were read by reader. We also took care to
implemented via Wi-Fi. In particular, a Wi-Fi access point located set the antennas in good positions, ensuring the reader received the
within 1e3 m in line of sight of the smartphone was utilized for the tag signals perfectly.
In this experiment, the same smartphone was used as the
gateway, and sent the various sensor data to the web service 4.3.2. Server capability of the proposed e-pedigree food traceability
(server) at the same time. Fig. 9(a) shows that network delay in- system
creases as the amount of sensor data increases. It takes approxi- The proposed system utilized centralized traceability architec-
mately 50 s for the gateway to send 1000 sensor data at the same ture, where all supply chain partners share a common database for
time. However, in a real case implementation, takes less than 0.2 s creating, storing, and querying product records. Kang et al. (2016)
to send the sensor data, as we set 1 sensor data (temperature and evaluated the performance of traceability systems based on query
humidity data) to be sent every minute. response time, and the capture and query response times have
Fig. 9(b) shows the success rate for different scenarios. Scenario been used in previous research to evaluate traceability system
1 and 3 had the gateway located inside the producer and distributor performance (Kim et al., 2010). Our study considered two scenarios
cold storage, respectively. Scenario 2 had the gateway inside the to test the proposed e-pedigree food traceability system, based on
truck cold storage during transportation from producer to distrib- the capture and query response times. Capture response time
utor. Scenario 4 had the gateway located inside the truck cold measures the time (ms) required by the server to receive the data
storage during transportation from the distributor to the customer. from the RFID reader and store it to the database, while query
Success rate >93% for scenarios 1,2, and 3, and approximately 81% response time measures the time required by the server to present
for scenario 4. Network communication problems, such as no the RFID data from the database to various clients (users). An Intel
available internet service provider, may have prevented the Xeon 3.10 GHZ computer (4GB RAM and Window Server 2008 OS)
gateway sending data to the server. was used as the server for the experiment, and an Intel i5 computer
(8GB RAM and Windows 7 OS) was used for the client.
Fig. 11(a) shows that as the number of records (EPC/RFID data)
4.3. Performance of the proposed e-pedigree food traceability stored by the user in the same time increased, the capture response
system time also increased. This is reasonable, since the server requires
more time to store larger amounts of product information read by
The proposed e-pedigree system should be scalable to accom- the RFID reader at the same time. However, this experiment also
modate a growing volume of data, queries, and users, without showed that the proposed e-pedigree food traceability system was
suffering noticeable performance loss. robust enough to store 10000 products information at the same

(a) (b)

Fig. 9. Sensor data (a) network delay and (b) success rate.

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11 9

(a) (b)

Fig. 10. RFID reader (a) reading time and (b) success rate.

(a) (b)

Fig. 11. EPCIS server response: (a) capture response time and (b) query response time.

time in less than 1 s. with RMSE ¼ 0.5272 and 3.0907 for temperature and humidity
Fig. 11(b) shows that as the number of clients simultaneously data, respectively, whereas MLP achieved RMSE ¼ 0.1991 and
accessing the server increased, the query response time by the 0.9138, respectively. The correlations for MLP for temperature and
server to satisfy the entire request also increased. The number of humidity were R ¼ 0.9325 and 0.956, respectively, whereas the
records (products) in the database also affected the query response regression model returned R ¼ 0.00632 and 0.00055.
time, since a large high number of records (products) require more Thus, MLP is best model to provide high prediction accuracy for
time by the server to find the specific records required to satisfy the missing sensor data. Integrating MLP into the proposed e-pedigree
request. food traceability system will ensure complete sensor data. Thus,
The length of a supply chain will affects the proposed e-pedigree managers can monitor the environmental condition of products in
food traceability system performance. If the supply chain includes storage and consumers can monitor the product complete tem-
many suppliers and/or distributors, then the capture and query perature and humidity history.
response time will increase, and hence the system performance
will decrease.
5. Conclusions

4.4. Data mining for missing sensor data Agricultural food industry safety has gained considerable
attention due to frequent food contamination crises. An efficient
As discussed above, during transportation the gateway may not approach is essential to ensure food quality and safety for con-
successfully send the sensor data to the server due to some con- sumers. This study proposes an e-pedigree food traceability system
ditions, e.g. the smartphone based-sensor device ran out of battery to control and maintain food product quality throughout the entire
power, or network communication problems as the delivery truck supply chain. The proposed system integrates RFID, WSN, and data
passed through the areas not covered by an internet service pro- mining technologies to provide an efficient and economical plat-
vider. To solve this problem, data mining techniques are required to form for environment sensitive agricultural food products. The e-
predict the missing sensor data, ensuring the proposed e-pedigree pedigree food traceability system provides a complete history of
food traceability system includes the complete temperature and food product quality from farm to retailer. Using this system, the
humidity history. consumer can view the detailed product history as well as tem-
In this experiment, temperature and humidity data was gath- perature and humidity data from producer to retailer, and be
ered from one of the cold storage kimchi supply chain networks, confident that the product (or food) has not come through illegal
and MLP was applied to predict the sensor data. The data were channels. The proposed system was successfully implemented in
assigned to training (the first N ¼ 6048 data points) and testing (the the Korean kimchi supply chain network, and verified that the
remaining N ¼ 4032 data points) groups for both temperature and system is robust and shows positive results for the industry.
humidity data. Fig. 12(a) shows that the MLP model predictions The performance of the proposed e-pedigree food traceability
were very close to the actual temperature, and Fig. 12(b) shows MLP system was evaluated to investigate the effects of integrating RFID
accurately predicted the humidity data. and WSN on system scalability. The proposed smartphone based
Table 3 compares MLP with linear regression to predict the sensor monitoring system was light and worked perfectly for every
sensor data. The linear regression model achieves low accuracy scenario. We conclude that current commercial smartphones have

Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
10 G. Alfian et al. / Journal of Food Engineering xxx (2017) 1e11


Fig. 12. Multilayer perceptron neural network prediction for missing sensor data: (a) temperature and (b) humidity.

Table 3 experiments were based on an initial system implementation. With

Comparison of prediction models for temperature and humidity sensor data. increasing datasets, comparison with other data mining techniques
Temperature data Humidity data should be considered.
MLP 0.1991 0.9325 0.9138 0.956 Acknowledgements
Regression 0.5272 0.00632 3.0907 0.00055
This work was supported by the Ministry for Food, Agriculture,
Forestry, and Fisheries through the Agriculture Research Center
sufficient capabilities to combine their normal operation while under Grant 710003-07-7-SB210.
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Please cite this article in press as: Alfian, G., et al., Integration of RFID, wireless sensor networks, and data mining in an e-pedigree food
traceability system, Journal of Food Engineering (2017),
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