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Name:__________________________________ Date:___________________

Grade: Score:________/ 53 points

I. Mutiple Choice. Choose the correct altenative a, b ,c ,or d. (16 points)

1. ________he was watching TV, Jonas was eating his dinner.

a) who b) which c) while d) where

2. ________Anna tried to print her letter to Maureen, the printer Jammed.

a) while b) who c) when d) which

3. When I _________ live in California, I ate burritos everyday.

a) used b) use to c) used to d) using

4. Brian was taking a shower _________ the doorbell rang.

a) when b) while c) until d) which

5. Jerome was backing into a parking space_________ he heard a crunch.

a) while b) when c) which d) who

6. She _________ wear glasses when she was eight years old.

a) used to b) used c) use to d) using

7. By the time I arrived to your house you __________.

a) have gone b) has gone c) had gone d) having gone

8. She _________ pizza when she went to Italy.

a) had eaten b) has eaten c) have eaten d) having eaten

9. John _________ ride his bike to school, but now he take the bus.

a) using b) use c) use to d) used to

10. Ricardo _________ arrives on time to the school.

a) fast b) quickly c) always d) quiet

11. I gave ______ the keys yesterday.

a) him b) he c) his d) hers

12. Beatriz ________live in Paris as a young girl.

a) use b) used to c) using use to

13. I had __________ off the ladder when you arrived.

a) fell b) has fallen c) have fallen d) had fallen

14. Fred ran out of the burning building _________.

a) always b) quickly c) quick d) never

15. She told _______ about the party this weekend.

a) me b) I c) we d) myself

16. When you arrived at our party we ________________dancing.

a) have started b) has started c) having starting d) had started

II. Complete the sentences using words from the word bank. (13 points)

used to going to usually where me had bought when

him had slept well used to however will

1. I ______ be at your house at 9 pm tonight.

2. Jim __________ goes to his mother´s house on Sundays.

3. She __________be married but now she is single.

4. They asked______to speak at the meeting.

5. I wanted the same stereo my friend _________.

6. He was walking in the rain_______the lightening hit the tree.

7. We _________all day after the all night dance party.

8. Please sit down________.

9. Jane ________go to the gym but now she runs in the park.

10. She told______ to go to the store.

11. I dont know_______the amusement park is.

12. We are _________ Fantasilandia this weekend.

13. They went to Brazil;_________,they didn´t visit Iuazu Falls.

III. Match the two halves of the sentences by putting the letter in the box. (12 points)
Number 1 is an example.

1. Jane used to...

2. Are you going to go...

3. They told...

4. She quietly...

5. Bubba walked down the street...

6. He works as a teacher now, but...

7. Jason won´t ...

8. We asked ...

9. Jane never...

10. Jill was taking a bath...

11. I will never...

12. Lets go to the place...

13. I used to shave...

A. them to come to our party.

B. go dancing every weekend.

C. walks home alone at night

D. where he lives.

E. to the party this weekend.

F. return to the U.S. this year.

G. us to move our car.

H. when the phone rang.

I. walked past the sleeping lion.

J. where we first met.

K. He used to drive a limosine.

L. speak to you again.

M. But now I have a beard.

IV. Read about these 5 people and then decide which activity is best for each student:
(5 points)
- The young people below are all students who would like to take a break from full-time study
by doing a gap year challenge.
- On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight gap year challenges.
- Decide which challenge (letter A-H) would be most suitable for each of the following people
(number 1-5).

If you are a student between 18 and 25 and you would like to take a break from full-time study,
why not try a gap year challenge? You could be a volunteer on a project to help people in a poor
country; you could work and earn money to travel; you could even take another course of
afterwards whir new skills, new knowledge and greater self-confidence.
Note: It’s called a gap year, but you can find jobs or projects which last for six months or less.

1. _______ Jez is planning to train as a secondary school teacher. Now he wants to do

voluntary work overseas, preferably whit young people. He would like learn another
language, too. He has saved some money and can pay at least some of the cost of his gap
year challenge

2. _______ Diane hopes to train as a nurse next year. She has experience of running a
playgroup for pre-school children. She is keen to learn about other cultures and she would
like to do voluntary work with children.

3. _______ Anita is very good at sport and wants to spend her gap year working
outdoors, perhaps on a farm or as a group leader of adventure activities for young people.
She would prefer to be in a English-speaking country, and she would like to earn a little bit of
money too, if possible.

4. _______ Rohan is studying history of art in London. He wants to get away from
England for six months and work to earn a little money. After that he would like to go
travelling somewhere warm and sunny. He has had work experience helping in his uncle’s

5. _______ Jasmine is a student of biology. She loves her subject, but she is fed up whit
Gap Year Challenges
A Location: Mumbai (Bombay), India
Young people wanted to help in a home for children and babies without parents, volunteers will
play with the children, help them with schoolwork, including English and take them on visits
outside the school. This work would suit someone who is thinking of taking up a caring profession
later on.

B Location: Queensland, Australia

Opportunities for males and females to work on environmental projects in the fascinating
landscape of north east Australia, if you love nature and being outdoors, and you are willing to
work hard as part of an international team, then this could be the gap year challenge for you!
Flights and living expenses paid.

C Location: Canada
Camp Caribou is in a beautiful part of British Columbia near the Rocky Mountains. We need
enthusiastic and energetic young people to work at our summer camp, leading a group of children
aged 11-16 in outdoor activities like camping, rock climbing and canoeing. You need to be fit and
sporty but friendly and patient too. All travel and other expenses paid, plus generous pocket
money (and you won’t spend much at camp!)

D Location: Brazil
Is English your first language? We need language assistants to work in small community schools in
north east Brazil. You would help Brazilian teachers to prepare their English lessons, hold
discussions in English, and answer questions about the English language. We cannot pay your
flights, but in return you would receive free accommodation and meals, plus free lessons in

E Location: East Africa

We need volunteers to teach English and sport to secondary school students. Our village schools
are simple, whit few resources, but the local people are friendly and the pupils are very keen to
learn. All living expenses paid. Plenty of time off to travel and see the wonderful big game parks
of Kenya and Tanzania.

F Locations: Pacific Ocean

If you are interested in sea life and have had at least a little experience of sailing, then you could
be one of the volunteer crew of the starfish enterprise – a research ship in an exiting voyage along
the Great Barrier Reef. You will have to pay your own travel and living expenses, but you will get
free training in scuba diving, some serious science, but lots of fun too!

G Locations: Greece
Do you want earn some money in order to finance the trip of a lifetime around the beautiful island
of Greece? We have vacancies for waiters and kitchen staff in hotels and restaurant on many
different islands between May and October. Good rates of pay, plus free accommodations useful
wok experience in a friendly international holiday selling - whit lovely weather! A knowledge of
Greek helpful but not essential.

H Location: Italy
Interested in art? Why not spend tour gap year in the beautiful historic city of Perugia? Here at the
international university we offer a nine-month course in Italian art and culture. And you can’t join
in the lively social life of students and local people in this busy, fashionable town they are also
V. Listening. ( 7 points)
- There are seven questions
- For each question there are three pictures and short recording
- Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it.

Examples: Which is Isabel’s favourite band?

1. Which is Sally ‘s cat?

2. What did Karen do last night?

3. What time did Tom catch the bus this morning?

4. What is the best present for the man to buy?

5. What does the woman have?

6. Which book is Mandy looking for?

7. Which computer game is the boy talking about?

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