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Nov 11, 2019 | Industry View, Textile Articles

Today, the world has become very different. Vision statements are continually collapsing as the world is
rapidly changing. We are now a part of a world where there is the relentless emergence of newer technology
that upsets the apple card constantly. More attention is paid to the pertinent fact that nothing is constant, all
contexts are continuously changing and innovation has become the name of the game. And so organisation
structures are fluid, reporting lines are not fixed, targets are constantly reassessed.

In other words, the paradigm has shifted, from a fixed paradigm that entails moving from an underdeveloped
society to a developed society, to a paradigm where everything is in a  flux, where even developed societies of
the past are finding markets collapsing and jobs scarce. In the new paradigm of volatility, uncertainty,
complexity and ambiguity, there is no beginning or end

The current global market scenario is more challenging than it has ever been before, and a famous acronym
“VUCA” that stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous accurately describes the present state of
affairs. Not just textiles but all businesses face uncertainties, and predicting the future of the business
environment has become a stupendous task with no assurance of its fruitfulness. Changes in government
policies, natural calamities and other factors are contributing to the volatility all over.

VUCA is an acronym – first used in 1987, drawing on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt
Nanus – to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions
and situations;

Drivers Effects D
Change nature Risks V
Change Dyanamics Instability T

Volatility Change Rate & Speed Flux P

Unprecdicatability U
Potential Susprises Directions Paralysis due to date W
Uncertainty Unknow Outcomes   D

Task Corrolation
Muiltifaced Effects F
Complexity Influencers Dualities C

Induce doubts & distrust Lapses

Ideas VS Actual In Decisions Making A
Ambiguity Misinterpretition Hurt Innovations D
The Textile Value Chain :   
Now, predicting trends is not an easy task. The supply chain of apparel is a complicated one involving many
stakeholders. It starts from yarn manufacturers who take different types of fibres as raw material and create
yarns of different qualities and counts. They weave yarn to make multiple qualities of fabric. For adding
colors, either the yarn is dyed (pre-weaving yarn dyeing) or the fabric is dyed (post-weaving piece dyeing). For
multi-color designs, the yarn-dyed route is very important.

Spinning Mills Weaving Processing A

Yarn From Fibre Fabric Finished fabric G

Fabric manufacturers are suppliers to brands which generally outsource the apparel manufacturing. To create a
particular fashion line, this whole route has to get synchronized as operations at every stage are specific to
particular qualities and designs of garments. In general, it takes 60-90 days for the fabric manufacturer to
deliver the processed fabric. Including designing and garmenting, it takes almost six months to produce the
offering for a season.

Thus, to remain relevant in the ‘current trend’, brands have to always predict the future trend. By future, we
mean at least six months to one year. The colorful Chinos in stores today must have been at the designer’s desk
at least six months before!

The Challenge :
Brands sell through various channels/entities. Designs that the brands come up with are booked by these
entities well in advance. Based on these bookings, brands determine the demands for each of their designs and
go back to their suppliers and apparel manufacturers to book their capacities. Basically, buyers have to forecast
the demand
Understanding your consumers’ needs and wants has become essential to ensure your company is future-proof.
Listening empowers you to learn from and talk to your customers in order to create ever-improving

Businesses with quality data are more likely to collect actionable customer insights, which can help them grow
their bottoms line in the long run.


A consumer insight is an interpretation used by businesses to gain a deeper understanding of how their
audience thinks and feels. Analysing human behaviours allows companies to really understand what their
consumers want and need, and most importantly, why they feel this way.

When consumer insight research is conducted properly, it should improve the effectiveness of how a company
communicates to its customers, which is likely to change consumer behaviour, and therefore increase sales.

But collecting good consumer insights can be challenging, so here is what you need in order to collect and use
consumer insights properly:

Good data quality

Data quality is vital to the collection of consumer insights. Without high-quality data, your conclusions or
results might suffer.

A dedicated analytics team

The role of your data analytics team is essential in order to understand how your customers think and behave.
If you don’t have the right analytics team, it’s hard to understand what the data is telling you.

Consumer research
It’s important to understand and acknowledge consumer behaviour and consumer insights should help you
engage with customers emotionally. In order to do that, it’s essential not to ignore the results of your consumer
research, whether you agree with them or not.

Database and segment marketing

Database marketing is a form of marketing using databases of customers to generate personalised communi
cations. These databases can lead to personas, different sets of audiences or segments. As consumer insights
remain theoretical, database marketing is another essential element to your research when it comes to testing
and learning. Indeed, test actions are necessary if you want to turn insights into facts.


Consumer insights help analyse the competition Whether or not you are the market leader in your industry,
looking at how consumers talk about products and services in your industry can reveal a lot about consumers’
needs, and what you can implement to improve your own product, service, or business.
Being aware of consumers’ conversations when it comes to other products can be extremely valuable,
regardless of whether or not they mention or are aware of your business.



The customer journey’s 5 different stages: awareness, consideration, purchase, retention, and advocacy.
Mapping your customer journey will help you understand your customer’s experience and should highlight any
gaps you may have.

But in a world where competition is so tough, personalisation has become a necessity for many retail brands
out there. Targeted and personalised help communicate a better, clearer message, and therefore attract and
retain customers.

That’s why consumer insights can help businesses understand why people buy certain products over other ones
and what’s driving those preferences.

This can help you refine your personas, and determine the best way to speak to your different audience
segments. Here are a couple of examples of personalised marketing.

In today’s VUCA world where uncertainity is rule of game with ever challenging environment & intense
competition , satisfying customers is becoming even more difficult.

Consumer Insight Studies definitely helps to understand customer’s preferences & buying behavior  for
companies to sustain & grow. Customer is & will always be KING & unless we understand it better we will
fail in all our business endeavours.

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