SampleQuestions V1

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Unit 1:

1. Explain Quality in terms of different Perspective.

2. Define term quality and elaborate different views on quality. (U)
3. What is historical perspective of Quality?
4. List and explain different definitions of quality?
5. Explain life cycle of quality improvements. (U)
6. Which are the core components of quality? (U)
7. Define quality as viewed by different stakeholders of software development and
8. Explain financial aspect of quality.
9. What is cost of quality?
10. Write short note on customers, suppliers and processes.
11. What is TQM?
12. State and explain principles/quality principles of TQM. (U)
13. How qualities manage by statistical process control?
14. Write a note on gap, how to reduce it?
15. Describe cultural changes requirement for quality improvement.
16. Write short note on continual improvement cycle. (U)
17. What is PDCA cycle? (U)
18. State quality perspective in different areas.
19. Write short note on Benchmarking and metric.
20. Explain Problem solving technique in TQM.
21. List and explain problem solving tools.
22. Distinguish between: Tools and Techniques. (U)
23. Distinguish between: continual improvement and continuous improvement.
24. Define Software quality.
25. What are the constraints of product quality assessment?
26. Write short note on “Customer as King”.
27. What are the Different types of requirements?/ requirements of any product. (U)
28. What are different characteristics of software?
29. Explain software development processes.
30. How product are classified depending upon their criticality?
31. Which are the problematic areas of SDLC?
32. Explain software quality management.
33. Why software has defect?
34. Which processes are related to software quality?
35. Explain the structure of quality management system. (U)
36. How are quality and productivity related to each other? (U)
37. Explain generic view of quality management system.
38. Which are pillars of quality management system?
39. Explain important aspect of Quality management
40. Write a note on user’s gap and producrers gap and ways of reducing them. (U)
41. Write a note on cost of quality. (U)
42. Distinguish between innovation and invention. (U)
43. Distinguish between tools and techniques. (U)
44. What is quality management explain corrective actions, corrections and preventive
actions wrt quality management. (U)
Unit 2:
45. Why testing is necessary? (U)
46. Write a note on lifecycle of software testing. (U)
47. Write a note on requirement traceability matrix. (U)
48. List and explain fundamental test processes.
49. Explain evolution of software testing.
50. Explain why independent testing is required.
51. State important features of testing process.
52. Explain big bang approach of software testing.
53. What are the misconceptions about testing?
54. State and explain silent features of good testing. (U)
55. Distinguish between verification and validation. (U)
56. Explain the basic principal on which the testing is based.
57. Explain the concept of test team’s defect finding efficiency.
58. Explain grey box testing with its advantages and disadvantages. (U)
59. List and explain ant two approaches of software testing team with its advantages
and disadvantages. (U)
60. What are the challenges faced by tester?
61. Explain the processes of developing by test strategy. (U)
62. How to establish testing policy?
63. Explain the testing as a process of software certification.
64. Explain the process of developing test methodology.
65. Which skills are required in good tester? (U)
66. list and explain principles of testing. (U)
67. Describe structure of testing team. (U)
68. List and explain challenges in testing. (U)
69. Distinguish between error, mistake and defect. (U)
70. What is Unit Testing? State its Advantages
71. Write a note on principles of testing. (U)
72. Write a note on psychology of testing. (U)
73. Explain confirmation and regression testing. (U)
74. What is maintenance testing? List triggers of maintenance testing. (U)

Unit 3:

75. Write short note on Boundary value testing.

76. Explain bvt and its guidelines. (U) … do guidelines of rest of the chapters as well.
77. Explain Robust Boundary value testing.
78. Write short note on Worst-Case Boundary value testing. (U)
79. Write a note on robust worse case bvt. (U)
80. Explain special value testing and Random value testing.
81. What is Equivalence class testing?
82. How Improved Equivalence classes testing? (U)
83. Compare Weak normal and strong normal equivalence class testing.
84. Compare Weak Robust and Strong Robust Equivalence class testing. (U)
85. Describe decision table based testing.
86. Explain Decision table techniques in detail. (U)
87. Write short note on Cause and Effect graph. (U) concept and significance.
88. Explain Path Testing in detail.
89. Write short note on Program graph.
90. Describe DD-Path testing. (U)
91. Write a note on McCabe basis path. (U)
92. Write short note on Basis Path Testing.
93. Explain Data Flow Testing in details.
94. Explain Slice – based testing in detail. And its Program Slicing Tools. (U)

Unit 4:
95. Explain Verification in detail with its Advantages. (U)
96. Write short on Verification Work Bench (U)
97. Write in brief Methods of Verification. (U)
98. Types of reviews in verification. (U)
99. Explain Types of Review on the Basis of Stage/Phase. (U)
100. Explain Entities involved in verification. (U)
101. Write short on Review in Testing Life Cycle.
102. Explain Coverage in Verification (Test Designing) in detail.
103. Write short note on Concerns of verification.
104. Explain Validation in detail.
105. Write short note on Validation Work Bench.
106. Explain Levels of Validations.
107. Explain Coverage in Validation.
108. Explain Prioritization/Slice based testing.
109. Write Short note on Acceptance Testing.
110. Explain steps involved in Management of Verification and Validation (V & V) in
detail. (U)
111. Explain Software Development Verification and Validation Activities.
112. Explain V- Model for Software in detail.
113. Write short note on Testing during proposal testing.
114. Explain Testing during Requirement Stage in detail.
115. Explain Testing during Test-Planning phase.
116. Write short note on Testing during Design Phase.
117. Write short note on Testing during Coding. OR. Explain Testing during
Coding and Aspects to be checked.
118. Explain V model for software. (U)
119. Explain V V Model of testing in detail. (U)
120. How is formal review conducted. (U)
121. Describe benefits of review technique. (U)
122. Roles and responsibilities of reviewer. (U)
123. Explain Critical Roles and Responsibilities of VV Model.

Unit 5:
124. Explain Proposal review processes./ proposal testing (U)
125. Describe code review and unit testing processes.
126. Describe bottom-up and top down approach.
127. Write short on Requirements testing
128. Explain the characteristics of design testing. (U)
129. Explain validation and verification
130. What is Integration testing? And approaches for integration testing. (U)
131. What is Big Bang Testing? (U)
132. Explain Critical path first
133. Explain Module testing
134. Explain Unit testing
135. Explain top down and bottom up testing. (U)
136. Explain Sandwich Testing.
137. Describe different testing stages.
138. What is GUI testing? State its advantages and disadvantages. (U)
139. Describe Compatibility Testing.
140. Explain Security testing in detail. Process of security testing. (U)
141. Write short note on : Performance Testing. (U)
142. List and explain - Types of performance testing. (U)
143. Write short note on : Volume Testing.
144. Write short note on : Stress Testing
145. Write short note on : Recovery Testing.
146. Write short note on : Installation Testing.
147. Write short note on : Requirement Testing (Specification Testing).
148. Write short note on Error Handling Testing.
149. Explain Manual Support Testing.
150. Write short note on Intersystem Testing. (U)
151. Write short note on Smoke Testing.
152. Write short note on Adhoc Testing (Monkey Testing, Exploratory Testing,
Random Testing).
153. Write short note on Parallel Testing
154. Explain Operations Testing.
155. Write short note on Compliance Testing.
156. Explain Usability Testing. (U)
157. Write short note on Decision Table Testing (Axiom Testing).
158. Explain Documentation Testing.
159. Write short note on Training Testing.
160. Explain Rapid Testing.
161. Write short note on Control Flow Graph.
162. Explain Generating Tests on the Basis of Combinatorial Designs.
163. Explain State Graph in detail.
164. Describe Risk Associated with Technologies
165. What is Process Maturity Level of Technology?
166. Explain Testing Adequacy of Control in Few Technology Usages.
167. Describe Object-Oriented Application Testing.
168. Explain Testing of Internal Controls.
169. Write Short note on COTS Testing. (U)
170. Write Short note on Client-Server Testing.
171. Write Short note on Web Application Testing.
172. Write Short note on Mobile Application Testing (PDA Devices).
173. What is eBusiness/eCommerce Testing? (U)
174. Describe all stages of Agile Development Testing:
175. Explain in brief Data Warehousing Testing:
176. Explain compatibility testing. (U)
177. Explain smoke testing. (U)
178. Write a note on Acceptance testing with its different forms. (U)

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