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4 /H- 16 (iv) (Syllab u s-

20 17 ·
( Ap ril ) ·

( Hon.ours )

ti on al T ho ug ht and Practices )
( Educa

· · Marks ·: 75

Time : 3 ho ur s

Th e figures in the mar

gin indicate full m ar ks
for the questions
Answer an y five ques

in th e ed uc at io na l practices in ·p os t-
1. E xp la
ri od (U pa ni ~h ad s) w ith reference ·to
Vedic pe
rr ic ul u~ , (b) m et ho ds of ~eaching
th e (a) .cu 5+5+5==15
ac he r- -t au gh t re la ti on sh ip .
an d {c) te

ss in de ta il th e ed uc ational sy st em in
2 . .Dis cu 15
an ci en t Rom e.

t is Pa ul o Fr ei re 's ba nk in g /b on ce pt of
3. Wha
at io n? St at e hi s co nt ri bution to t11e field
ed uc ', 7+8== 15
io n. \:
of ed uc at
?\Tu m Over )
' i

· D72 /1 45 4
I j
( 2 ')
4. Summarize · the important . educatio
thought and · practices . ,of. Jean-Jacqine.J
. lle~
Rousseau in modem educat1on. ,·· · .7½+?i½~,
5. Give the views of Swami Vivekananda 0.
·the (a) aims and objectives of educationn
(b) ed~cation of women .and (c) education 0f
the masses . . . ·· · 5+S+s~, 4
6. Explain>>the .following : 7½+7½~1 .
(a) Montessorfs method
· (b) Gandhi's basic educat ion .
7. What js distance educat ion? Discus s the
practice of distanc e educati ori in the present-
day context. · 5+ lO=E
8. Write short notes on any two of the
following : ·7.½x2= 1~
(a) Comenius' ·contribution to education
(b) Inclusive ·education
{c) Froebel's . ki.ndergarten
(d) Radhakrishnan's educatiOnal though t
·and practices
\ .
4/H- 15 (iv) (Syll abus -201 5)

201 8
( April )

( Hono urs )

( Educational Thought and Practices )

Mark s: 75
Time ; 3 hours ·

The figures in the margin ·indicate full marks

for the questions

Answer any ·five quest ions

1. Discu ss, in detail, the educa tional ·though.t

and practi ces in Ancient Gree.ce. 15

2. Analyze the underlying educa tional thoug hts

of Aurobindo Ghosh. Bring out his main
contri bution to the field of educa tion. 8+7= 15

3. Give the views of Bertr and Russe l on the

(a) aims of educa tion and (b) stage s of
educa tion. 7½+7½=15

4. Examine the educa tional thoug ht of

Radh akrish nan. Briefly review its relevance
to the prese nt-day context. 8+7=15

BD/1 769 · ( Tum Over)

( 2 )

5. Ex pla in th e me an ing , nd
Ga nd hi' s ba sic educa.tioa_ foatur
. eri ts an d de me rit ?~·
m 0 n. Wha.t .ctrtes. ',(
"'J ~ 11 ,
1..)+5.._ .., ~',
~, ~

6. ?is cu s~ br ief ly. any_ two of the

inn ov ati ve pr ac tic es m Education . foIIowiti~
' 71. '
~/2.: ·
(a) Di sta nc e Ed uc ati on
(b) In clu siv e Ed uc ati on·
(c) .
No n-f orm al an d Co nti nu ing Edu cation

7. De sc rib e th e fea tur es of Froebel's

Ki nd erg art en . As se ss its contribution to
mo de rn ed uc ati on . 7+g+

8. Write sh or t no tes on an y two of the

following :
(a) Ra bin dr an ath Ta go re' s contribution
ed uc ati on
(b) Je an Ja cq ue s Ro us se au 's methods of
ed uc ati on an d ne ga tiv e education
{c) Jo hn Co me niu s's educational
ph ilo so ph y
(d) Jo hn Dewey's pro jec t me tho d

** *

4/H- 15 (iv) (Syllabus-20 15)

.( April )

( Honours )

( Educational Thought and· Practices )

Marks: 75 : 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions

Answer any five questions

1. Explain in detail the educational thought

and practices in post-Vedic .period with
reference' to the Upanishads. 15

2. Bring out the educational philosophy of

Rabindranath Tagore. What are his main
contributions to the Indian education? 10+5=15

3. Discuss the educational thought of Jean-

Jacques Rousseau on the (a) aims of
education, (b) curriculum, and (c) place of a
teacher. 5+ 5+ 5= 15

D9/1665 ( Tum Over)

( 2 )

4 . Explain the educational though

. t of l>a_,,
Freire. Discu s s his contribution
· to r-n ..., 1c,
edu cation . ~~lC}tiern
5. Explain any' two of the following :
{a} Swami Vivekananda's methods ·
teaching of

{b} Dewey's project method

(c) Froebel's kir:tdergarten

6. _ Examine the educational thoughts of John

Comenius. Bring out his contribution to the
field of education. 7+8== J

7. What is distance education? Discuss its

relevance in modern education. 6+9==1

8. Write short notes on any two of the

following : 7½x2=1

(a} Educational thoughts and practices in

ancient Rome
contribution of
(b} Educational
J. Krishnamurthi
(c} Inclusive education
(d) Montessori's method of teaching

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