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'Pope' comes from the Italian 'papa’.

We often use the phrase — 'Holy Father,'

‘Santo Papa,' — which is where we get 'Pope.'
Bishop of Rome
"Bishop" comes from the Greek "episcopas," meaning
"overseer," and Rome of course being HQ for the
Catholic Church. The term "pope," or "papa," didn’t
emerge until later.
There was a tomb under St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, where it's believed that
St. Peter is buried.
Vicar of Jesus Christ, or Vicar of Christ
That is, his political headship of the universal
church. So a vicar would be something like a vice
regent. It is a medieval or early modern title.
Successor of the Prince of the Apostles
Another direct reference to St. Peter, who was
deemed Prince of the Apostles on the strength of
Jesus declaring in Matthew 16:18, "That thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church."
Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church
The word "pontiff" comes from the Latin "pontifex,"
meaning "bridge-builder." "Pontifex maximus" was the
great bridge-builder of ancient Rome, a title held by the
likes of Julius Caesar. Accordingly, the title was assumed
by the Bishop of Rome post-Reformation, as an
assertion of his "juridical and communicative status."
Primate of Italy
"A 'primate' is the head — or the 'primus,' the first one — of a
region of the world. "As primate of Italy, he is the number one
bishop of Italy... So when the Italian cardinals meet, he would
be in charge of the cardinals.“
Like with any massive bureaucracy, the Catholic Church has
layer upon layer of jurisdictions, and this title affirms the
pope's status among the other bishops in his home country.
Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province
This is another layer. The universal church is divided
into regions, provinces, and then the diocese, for
which there is the "archbishop and metropolitan“.
Sovereign of the State of Vatican City
The Pope is like a king or president of 29 acres, the Vatican City. "In
previous centuries, the pope was the sovereign of the papal states, so
they had political jurisdiction over much of central Italy."
Following the unification of Italy in 1870, Vatican City's status — "The
Roman Question" — was up in the air until the Lateran Treaty of 1929
established it as a sovereign state within Benito Mussolini's Italy.
Servant of the Servants of God
From the Latin "Servus servorum Dei" and rooted in Matthew 20:26-27,
which says, "whosoever will be great among you, let him be your
minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your
At the Last Supper, Jesus gets down on his knees and washes the feet of
the 12. He's saying, 'I'm trying to show you something: you are servants.'

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