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I’m a recent graduate in Civil engineering struggling to move from academic life to work life.

COVID hit the world, the job opportunity got scaled to zero and I couldn’t get any. Thus, it seems that I
couldn’t pay the course fee. I live in a third-world country where the dollar exchange rate is so high that
a few Nepali rupees aren’t worth that much in the US dollar. I’ve following Coursera for a long time,
taking benefit from the resources, building my CV so that I can stand out among my colleague in the
future and land a decent job. I belong to a lower-middle-class Nepali family and cannot afford to pay for
this course. Receiving this financial aid will help me get the course along with the certificate. The
Financial Aid will only push me further towards my goals and my dreams of one day having a successful
career in Hydrology.

To be honest, the title of this course intrigued me. I looked further into the course to see how practical
the content is in the real world. As, I’ve decided to move my career in the field of hydrology which
requires constant meeting with client, managing the teams, this course will not only provide the best
insight of how to live in the world, it further adds confident to my personality. Completing this course
will boost my self-confidence, knowing that I not only completed a very important task but also took the
responsibility of creating a foundation for getting me closer to my career goals. Also, I intend to
participate in Discussion Forums, that I have found to supplement my learning immensely. I also plan to
grade assignments. I look forward to that day when I finally complete the course, get degree from
Coursera which would mean the world to me.

MATLAB is a very important skill needed for civil engineers. I've dreamt of becoming a hydrologist in the
future. One required knowledge of programming, the calculation to excel in the field and this course
specialization will make me qualified for such task. it further adds confidence to my personality.
Completing this course will boost my self-confidence, knowing that I not only completed a very
important task but also took the responsibility of creating a foundation for getting me closer to my
career goals. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my
learning immensely. I also plan to grade assignments. I look forward to that day when I finally complete
the course, get a certificate from Coursera which would mean the world to me. Also, I'm planning to
apply for a master's degree in hydrology in a foreign university and these universities seek that the
student must compulsorily have the knowledge of Python and Matlab.

I have dreamt of becoming a hydrologist in the future. Machine learning in hydrology is a very new field
of study and I'm sure this course will equip me with all the concepts needed. It further adds confidence
to my personality. Completing this course will boost my self-confidence, knowing that I not only
completed a very important task but also took the responsibility of creating a foundation for getting me
closer to my career goals. Also, I intend to participate in Discussion Forums, which I have found to
supplement my learning immensely. I also plan to grade assignments. I look forward to that day when I
finally complete the course, get a certificate from Coursera which would mean the world to me. Also, I'm
planning to apply for a master's degree in hydrology in a foreign university and these universities seek
that the student must compulsorily have the knowledge of machine learning.
I've graduated with Bachelor in Civil Engineering in 2019. Immediately after my graduation, covid hit the
world and I was left with no jobs, no training, or any certificate. I've completed my first part of this
professional certificate and have benefitted a lot, I'm thinking of applying for this course as it would
further shine my CV above other engineers like me. But, currently, I've no source of income to pay for
the course through the course is worth paying. belong to a lower-middle-class Nepali family and cannot
afford to pay for this course. Receiving this financial aid will help me get the course along with the
certificate. The Financial Aid will only push me further towards my goals and my dreams of one day
having a successful career in Hydrology. Further, i live in Nepal,a developing country and dollar
conversion rate is so high that even a small amount of money seems so large for an average middle class
Nepali like me.

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